Leftists don't use drugs. Drugs are a tool to destroy leftists brains, until they become stupid enough to turn into you. The ones that go through that sometimes commit suicide, which is understandable. Death is better than being
a right-winger.
Trump hasn't lost money, you made up your number. Trump converted his presidency into personal profit. He makes money from golf courses, from hotels, from foreigners staying there to suck up to him, by paying him tons of money.
He made more money as president than in the entire rest of his life.
Why are you celebrating the police smashing someone's nose in? Do you think they won't do it to you? Are you a moron?
DESPITE, because OTHER townships have improved after the end of Apartheid brought two decades of prosperity and economic growth to formerly depressed South Africa, you goddamned uneducated dipshit.
And right-wingers too. Gullible scum.
OMG, are right wingers actually this moronic? 1/n^6 is convergent no matter what power of log(n) goes on top. Also, the test DOESN'T WORK. For example, [1+cos(2\pi*x)]^[1+x^8] gives a convergent integral but a divergent series.
The extra missing condition is that the function is monotonic.
Oh come on, I have changed tires several times in the past, although I no longer drive. Please learn some math, and learn that leftists aren't your enemy. That's just what ((((they)))) want you to think. Not Jews. Billionaires.
Don't caricature the left. You just don't have the beginning of a clue regarding the first parts of leftist thought, it's subtle. "Kill white people and their babies" is horrendous, it's atrocious. When IDI AMIN says it! Because
Idi Amin did say such things. And he had power. And he wanted an Africa for Africans. He didn't want any non-Africans in his country. And he did atrocious things to non-Africans, to get them out of his country. Because he was a
piece of crap.
When YOU say it, it's a joke. It means nothing. Nobody wants to do that to white people. Because YOU'RE NOT IDI AMIN, and this is NOT UGANDA.
But there ARE people, even here on this website, who wouldn't mind if Black folks just vanished. They wouldn't miss the culture, the comedy, music, food. They wouldn't miss the friends, they don't have any black friends. They
have no respect for anyone that isn't from northern Europe, and they glorify murder and savagery. In the US, because of the history, the Black experience has produced spiritually strong material, forged in a cauldron of
oppression and hate. That's why black academics like W.E.B DuBois are remembered and copied and ripped off for a hundred years, and you have no idea who DuBois's white contemporaries were, because that's how not-notable they
The word "Niggers" is offensive in America because of slavery, because it turns a human being into a barn-animal. It's the social context that determines the meaning of words and their offensiveness. In Europe, "Gypsy" has a
similar connotation, but not even close to as bad. And in the US, the Roma would just be "white".
Racism is not a personal flaw in you, and "that's racist" is not an attack on you. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR FEELINGS. Racism is part of a SOCIAL SYSTEM, an oppressive miserable system that makes WHITE PEOPLE sad and lonely
just as it makes BLACK PEOPLE sad and lonely, and divides one against the other.
Jews haven't dominated usury since the Protestant reformation made usury hunky-dory for Christians too. Always remember Calvin was a banker. Jews didn't start capitalism, and Jews weren't the ones that came to America and ruined
it. Also, there are hardly any Jews in Argentina. I am Jewish, but your conspiracy ideas are insane. If you want a conspiracy, it's a handful of billionaire atheists, and Jews aren't overrepresented.
Yes, ditto. I am not sure why, part of it is just what you say, being in a new environment. But another part of it is the ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM in the US culture, how there is no high-culture, because high-culture is always
funded by government, and the US doesn't do that. Billionaires fund gutter culture, like "Gilligans Island". If you go to a place like Princeton, or other university towsn, you might find you are just as intelligent as overseas.
It's not flouride. They flouridate elsewhere, it does nothing. It's not chemical, it's cultural.
"AI" is not INTELLIGENT, it "prefers" right-wing nonsense, because you are brainless and repeat yourself, and the networks train by repetition.
This is called "Christianity". I know you find it weak, pathetic, and disgusting, but the native peoples of Europe follow it, starting from about 333 AD. it's part of their mysterious culture. That's why we call the period right
after they started doing it the "Dark Ages". It involves faith in goodness of humanity, and so on, and humbling yourself to achieve enlightenment. You wouldn't understand, you aren't European.
Yeah, that's what Europeans call "Christianity". That thing, with the thumbs, that that guy in the picture is doing? That's called PAGAN BARBARISM. The native people of Europe overthrew that for Christianity thousands of years
ago, I know you didn't get the message. It involves love and respect for all humanity as brothers and sisters, shit like that.
I know you delude yourself into thinking that, but you're just a chump, a sap for billionaires, and everything you believe came from other people more powerful than you, and you believe it because you heard it somewhere. I am
telling you the truth. Trump is making a shitload as president, any loss he took is from TV dumping him, and it's not measured in the billions, TV contracts are simply not that lucrative.
Trump has not lost money, he never disclosed his net worth, the numbers in the post are a LIE spread to manage pathetic right-wing tools. Like you. Grow up, you idiot. The left is not your enemy.
Yes, it's true. It's just that those who do drugs don't STAY leftists. They turn conservative, as their brains rot away. For example, Bob Dylan.
SHILL?? You asshole! I am here because FREE SPEECH, motherfucker. Shill that.
Only the right goes by feelings. The left lives on facts. You project, little idiot, you project.
It wasn't the salvation of South Africa, because they WEREN'T MARXIST and still aren't.
Let me give you an example. You cite a Forbes report, ignoring the fact that TRUMP TRANSFERRED MAJOR ASSETS TO HIS ADULT CHILDREN WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE, you idiots! The total net worth of the Trump business has GONE UP by
billions. HOW STUPID ARE YOU PEOPLE?? Do you even have a brain??
TRUMP MADE MILLIONS, perhaps billions. He only lost a little bit due to loss of TV contract money. This is not debatable, the flow of money to his business has increased through foreigners PAYING HIM BRIBES. He transferred
assets to his children, that's why you stupid saps are deluded into thinking he lost money.
There haven't been Marxists in the ANC since MANDELA RENOUNCED MARXISM in the 90s. That's why he became such a darling in the West, and that's why actual MARXIST LEFTISTS think he was a SELL OUT. But you're too mentally slow to
even know Trump's businesses have made billions from him being president, so I can't expect you to understand.
I saw this was a place for FREE SPEECH, so I JOINED. I found out about this from YouTube videos about censorship. I HATE CENSORSHIP, I support free-speech, and I support the idea of getting around the tech giants! Because I am a
MARXIST, and my speech is CENSORED just like yours.
Hollywood isn't "lefties", it's "liberals". They aren't Marxists, they aren't academics. The drugs rot your brain and turn you conservative. Marxism is academic, and hard, and mathematical, and requires a healthy heart and a
healthy mind.
"Your own kind" is ambiguous, you idiot. You are nothing like a European, you are a racist American piece of crap. There is no shared "whiteness" between you, the European sees you as mud-slime. The way Europeans view American
racism is sort of like the German character in Django unchained.
Saudi royals, for one, YOU SAD SACK. <a href="https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-saudi-arabia-financial-interests-ties-hotel-bookings-sales-2018-10" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span
class="invisible">https://www.</span>businessinsider.com/trump-saudi-arabia-financ<span class="invisible">ial-interests-ties-hotel-bookings-sales-2018-10</span><span
class="ellipsis"></span></a> . It took 10 seconds with Google, you have a search engine, do the same.
It IS mathematical, you dumbfuck. For example, suppose we were to increase minimum wage to $1,000,000 / hr (something absurdly high) over a period of 10 years. What would happen? You need to model the consumption, the demand,
the production, and get an answer which is ACCURATE. What is the answer? Hint: if the money is gold, and gold standard, the unemployment goes to 100% and stays there. If the money is fiat currency, something else happens.
That's Marx. It's (partly) in capital 1, it's a huge deal, because it was the first prediction which WASN'T microeconomics.
This prediction of Marx was borrowed by Keynes to make the modern theory of economics. You are too stupid to follow, because you have the same relationship with academic books as you do to Chinese language.
That is bribery. It's not just Saudis, the same stuff happens with other nationals. It's all illegal, and for CLINTON it was the FOUNDATION, and it was JUST AS ODIOUS, and the right called it out. Have some fucking consistency,
and some fucking balls.
THEN IDENTIFY AS AMERICAN, not as "WHITE", because WHITE in America doesn't MEAN ANYTHING. Are you Polish? Irish? Italian? German? Scandinavian? Jewish? Spanish? Non-mestizo Hispanic? A mix? WHAT?? All those cultures are
different, and your identification with a RACE is retarded, because RACE ISN'T CULTURE, and doesn't MEAN ANYTHING SPECIFIC by itself. It just means "I LIKE MUH RACISS FREENDS"
Yeah, you fucking moron. I discovered a new law of physics. Like, say, Einstein (although not as good as Mr. E). Did you?
Yeah, I know you FEEL that Keynes is a failure, that's what people told you, and you listened. But that's ultimately your FEELINGS, it's contradicted by 100 years of economics FACTS.
You didn't answer the question regarding what happens when minimum wage goes up to $1,000,000 an hour over 10 years (fiat money).
It's bribery regardless of the fact that Trump is a fool. It's not just Saudis, every second government is sending officials to stay in Trump properties JUST IN CASE, and this JUST IN CASE means he's made millions, perhaps a
billion. And it's all going to his children, so it doesn't show up in Forbes. It's also not clear that Forbes knows what's going on there, the Forbes stuff is not a Congressional investigation.
Oh, the answer is that unemployment goes down, until you reach saturation of supply, then the inflation kicks in, and rises until every rise in minimum wage is matched by inflation to produce no change in real wages. That's the
answer. It's taught in EVERY MACROECONOMICS CLASS, in EVERY COUNTRY ON EARTH, and it is used to evaluate minimum wage hikes (and other salary changes) by every national governmental committee, and the theory is taught by every
economist worth anything.
BUT, you don't know that. Why?
Because you have been BRAINWASHED by anti-academic billionaires WHO WANT TO HIDE THIS FACT FROM YOU. Because it's empowering. Because it shows you how economies REALLY work. And because it was essentially discovered by Marx.
Grow up, man. You were lied to.
It's bribery, and it's unconstitutional. Please take it seriously, this is not "collusion" conspiracy theories and nonsense, it's real as fuck, and it means your country is captured by billionaires. BECAUSE YOU VOTED ONE IN.
Jesus Christ. What did you expect?
WHITE PEOPLE don't exist, and neither do BLACK PEOPLE. There are Ugandans, and Ethiopians, and people from MALI, and they are NOTHING ALIKE. These categories exist INSIDE THE UNITED STATES and only make sense there.
I'm considered a "WHITE MALE" in the US, and I'M NOT! It's totally maddening. I'm not from Scandinavia, or England, or Germany. I just have pale skin! That's it!
There was NO INVESTIGATION into his businesses. That's why the "colllusion" thing was dangerous. He is a terrible corrupt piece of crap, and the only thing protecting him is that others in Congress are just as corrupt. Because
you don't have any socialist sense in your body, and you elect people WHO WANT TO MAKE MONEY into OFFICE! It's insane. Politicians shouldn't make money, except from books and speeches.
There is no hole. You are just stupid. Please remediate yourself. If your'e just a propagandadist, not a real person, just say so already, I don't want to waste time educating the irremediable. Also, it would mean this site is a
Romanian/Tunisian JEW. I check WHITE on all the forms, but I'M SO NOT.
Romanian (mother) Tunisian (father) ALL JEW. Nothing from Northern Europe, but ALL ROMAN EMPIRE. So ROMAN, motherfucker, not WHITE.
There SHOUD BE, because THAT'S WHAT THERE ALWAYS WAS! That's why Jimmy Carter gave up his farm, that's why people divest from their stocks on taking office. It's the least you can do to ensure you aren't being governed based on
PERSONAL GREED. It's a tradition that goes back to GEORGE WASHINGTON.
I'm not quite a "commie", I'm a socialist.
Those people you mention, SCHUMER, PELOSI, are CORRUPT AS FUCK, which is why you need to vote in people ON THE LEFT. They are NOT LIKE ME, they are not socialists.
I am WHATEVER YOU WANT ME TO BE, as long as I don't have to be in the same clump as YOU.
You didn't give a lesson, you just mouthed off stupidities, showed your ignorance of 100 years of academic work, and showed no interest in learning. You are mentally retarded.
It means SOMETHING DIFFERENT in all those places, retard. I also lived outside the US, except LONGER THAN YOU, and I know the differences. They are very real. The concept of "whiteness" is regional, and in the United States,
it's extremely POISONOUS, because IT KEEPS GROWING, to include MORE PEOPLE! Now, even Jordan Peele is "HALF WHITE" to racists! When did that happen? By that criterion, most everyone in the US is half white!
I am all Roman, period. Not that I like it, I can't stand the Roman empire, but I'm a Mediterranian mutt, nothing like you ignorant retarded American "White people".
On the other hand, there actually ARE gay people.
I'm FORTY FIVE, I learned about Marx THIRTY YEARS AGO, I studied in your best schools (not proud of it) and I lived in Israel (which is where I was born), and I traveled a fuckload.
The problem in the US is that WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT SIMILAR. If you're from one place, you have nothing in common with another pale-skinned fellow, except for your potential shared racism. BLACK PEOPLE in the US aren't similar
EITHER, but THEY ALL KNOW THAT. They only commiserate over the shared experience of encountering bigoted motherfuckers like you.
You share NOTHING with your "WHITE" neighbor, except your sense that you are better than someone else. Further, in order to keep the "someone else" a minority, you keep EXPANDING THE DEFINITION OF WHITE. Basically, the moment
50% of an ethnic group votes Republican, they become "White" by default.
Also, unlike YOU PIECES OF SHIT, I don't lie, as I actually believe in God, and I try to do what is right. That is why I am on the left, and you're not.
Keynesianism makes NO ASSUMPTIONS about human nature. It's about inflation and minimum wage, and other perturbations. It's HARDER TO LEARN than pontificating over human nature.
I KNOW your delusions, that's the problem with small business owners. They know their own struggle, but they don't understand macroeconomics. And they are stressed, because the business is always on the edge of insolvency.
The small business doesn't notice that the moment minimum wage goes up, there is "magically" increased demand that just allows the business owner to pay the extra wage. Of course, this isn't magic, it's the reason minimum wage
is useful, and it also happens ON AVERAGE, so that an individual business might actually go out of business in the new climate.
I believe that SMALL BUSINESS IS THE ONLY KIND OF BUSINESS WE NEED, and there is no reason for a company like Boing or General Motors to not be 1000 interlocked small businesses, all supplying each other. But such businesses
need a robust minimum wage to generate demand.
The idea that minimum wage hurts small business is an insidious lie told by billionaires. It is the exact opposite of the experience of economics in hundreds of countries for 100 years.
That's complete bollocks. It's horseshit. There is no "endless loop", you made that up. Keyensianism is a theory about what happens when you increase minimum wage (or government spending, or any other stimulus), and it's TRUE,
it's verified by 100 years of data. There is nothing to argue about, retard, this is not a battle of feelings.
EVERYONE takes Keynes seriously, except that's what they don't TELL RETARDED PEONS LIKE YOU. Little buddy.
The US was the first place it was tried. England was second (under Chamberlain), then Germany (under Hitler), then the US again (under Eisenhower) and France, Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg, Korea, Japan, EVERYWHERE, because IT
WORKS. It was understood A HUNDRED YEARS AGO, retard.
Yeah, it was every country except communist ones, so about 150, since 1940, so about 80 years. Rounded up. Retard.
If only it were funny, retard. Because Jordan Peele does some fucking work of genius, now he's "honorary white". He's as BLACK AS THE FUCKING ACE OF SPADES, no matter what WORK OF GENIUS he produces. You don't get to own him,
As I told you, I don't lie. Keynes is the founder of modern economics, and he's really ripping off Marx. That will never change, because he makes counterintuitive predictions THAT ARE TRUE, unlike your buddies, who say STUPID
THINGS THAT ARE FALSE, little buddy.
Keynes was ripping off Marx, and this theory was worked out around 1935, so 85 years ago, to be more exact. It's about a hundred years, and IT HASN'T BEEN SUPERSEDED, despite what your retarded friends tell you.
Minimum wage was introduced in 1938 BECAUSE OF KEYNESIAN THEORY, you mindless half-wit. It was introduced IN OTHER COUNTRIES at around the same time, when KEYENSIAN THEORY WAS CREATED. In Germany, the minimum wage was SPIKED UP,
in England it was SPIKED UP, and you had a recovery from the GREAT DEPRESSION. In the US, it was harder, because MORONS LIKE YOU controlled parts of Congress until WWII came along and they were shown to be brainless morons. Like
The "General Theory" doesn't ignore anything, you retard, you just never read it or understood it.
I didn't even READ THIS, I worked it out for myself 25 years ago, as an exercize in mathematical economics. I verified it by reading a few articles in economics, to make sure I had it right.
To clarify for a retard: Since Jordan Peele has done all this crazy brilliant stuff, racists online are pointing out that he's "half white", as if that makes any difference in the moronic US caste-system.
The "industrial boom" created by WWII was INSANE, because THE OPPOSITE IS PREDICTED IN MICROECONOMICS. When you divert production to war, it's supposed to decrease your capacity for domestic production. The Keynesian theory
predicted that the INCREASED GOVERNMENT SPENDING of 1941 would translate into MASSIVE ECONOMIC EXPANSION until the industrial capacity was maximized. THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED.
In the US, Keynesian theory wasn't tried for real until 1941. In Germany, and in England, people did it much earlier.
I know it's hard for you little buddy. Try to keep up. Also, get the drool off your shirt, it's not a good look.
HITLER WAS A KEYNESIAN, you dipshit. He led the German Keynesian recovery, that's why he was popular. He didn't INVENT IT, he was copying Chamberlain in England, and Roosevelt in the US (and to a lesser extent Stalin in Russia,
which was growing at 15-20% back then)
It NOT ONLY WORKS, it's WHAT WAS DONE IN EVERY ECONOMY FOR THE PAST 85 YEARS! You really are a brainless dolt.
yeah, you're in the "SUPER DUPER RACIST" part of the internet. Try the "SLIGHTLY LESS RACIST" part. It's crazy how suddenly being "HALF WHITE" is okay. That's what will happen next, half-white will be "WHITE".
Germany got out of the depression, and became an INDUSTRIAL POWERHOUSE again, and standards of living rose to 1950s levels. Then he started WWII, and now Europe is Judenfrei.
I am A JEWISH ROMAN SLAVE, motherfucker. Like St. Paul.
You're such a fuckwit. Do you really think I'm telling you a lie? The effects of minimum wage on inflation, the effect of production, the effect of interest rates, these are ALL TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS for nearly a century, in ALL THE
COUNTRIES WITH A MARKET ECONOMY. In communist countries, it was different (and stupider).
LET HIM TELL THE STORY HE WANTS TO TELL, idiot, and stop calling him racist for it. I thought you people were against spurious accusations of racism. People had to take it when WHITE AMERICANS play Egyptians. OR BLACK AMERICANS.
To clarify for you idiots, neither work. Egyptian are Egyptian.
Yeah, yeah. I know that's what you think. It's what they tell retarded conservatives. Pity it's not true. Everything rose, from grain production, to steel production, to industrial production, and the decreases were miniscule,
people doing with less steel in day-to-day life. This wasn't England, that had strict rationing and food shortages. It wasn't the Dutch, who went through (the only) state-managed famine when the Germans starved them deliberately
for a year. The US increased production enormously every year of the war.
Not quite, I'm a Jew. But it doesn't matter, as I don't identify with my ancestors, as I HAVE MY OWN FUCKING ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO POINT TO.
"Romans" meant people in the empire after 100 AD, idiot, when everyone became a citizen. I am not like the EARLY ROMAN pieces of shit who conquered around and fucked the Greeks world over, and destroyed the learning and science.
"They", my friend, are "the bourgeoisie". This is a clique of about 1000 extremely wealthy people you never met, but who all know each other, and who are all friends with Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump, and get favors from
them. They own all the industry, they control the oil companies, they include former (and current) aristocrats and royalty of various countries like England and Holland, and in the US, they are just third generation factory
owners like Ms. Heinz and Mr. Kleenex. THEY don't want you to know anything.
You see, unlike (((them))) and the OTHER-RACE others, these people actually exist, and actually control your mind, by exerting political power.
Trust me, you aren't a Roman. You're a German barbarian, or a yellow-haired slave.
Did your ancestors live in the Roman empire in 100AD, idiot? If not, then you didn't gain Roman citizenship.
Yeah, that's what Acts says. It's probably not historically true. Acts is a bit of a fiction. I love St. Paul, and he is speaking to lower classes. He likely wasn't a citizen. But it's a probability thing. He wasn't a slave
either, that was an embellishment on my part.
Oh, no, motherfucker. The Romans destroyed the world. Before them, there was Archimedes, Appolonius, who created Newton level science. And there was progress, and state-funded research, and sculpture and fine arts. After the
Romans came, it was all dominance and soldiers and super-wealthy aristocrats. No more science. And this is long before Christianity. The Romans ruined the ancient world and left it a stinking environmentally collapsed husk of
it's former glory. Then the Christians struggled to rebuild the world for centuries, and succeeded.
You're LITERALLY too stupid to understand what I did. Not an insult this time, you just are literally too dumb to understand.
"Racism" doesn't mean "discriminating against people because of skin color". If I hand out suntan lotion at the beach, and skip the people with brown skin, I am not racist. If I suspect that my dark-skinned friend might be more
inclined to listen to hip-hop or jazz than country music, that might be slightly prejudiced, but it's NOT RACIST. It's slightly bigoted, but it's also statistically true. If I assume my dark-skinned neighbor is more likely to
smoke pot, that's bigoted and statistically false, BUT STILL NOT RACIST.
The racism starts when I am a cop, and start to get antsy and shoot a 13 year old kid because he's black. Or I'm a doctor, and I won't prescribe pain medication to a black man in pain (although, honestly, that might be better
for him in the long run, considering the opiate situation). Or I'm a bank, and I won't lend money to a black small business owner. Or I'm a government, and I decide to not fix the lead pipes in a neighborhood. Or I decide to
underfund the schools. That's RACISM. That's what people can't abide. Not the PERSONAL SHIT. That's just ANNOYING BIGOTED PEOPLE. You can deal with that.
When Jordan Peele is telling a horror story using black actors, there is a unique extra zest to it, it has a different feel that gives it a special extra something. This is what SPIKE LEE was doing in the 90s, but then he sold
out. Now Jordan Peele is making UNAPOLOGETIC black-lead movies about SOMETHING OTHER THAN being black, something interesting, something fantastical and creative.
You can say it, you can repeat it, you can roll it over your tongue, and you can swallow, but it's still shit, and it's not good for your breath.
Okay, here's a simple intro: <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0301495" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class="invisible">https://</span>arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0301495<span
class="invisible"></span></a> . That's a minor work. but it's a start.
I know you think your cute pictures make you look smart, but it doesn't work when you're talking to a person who actually knows something, you retarded little right wing sucker.
The roads are just labor, they didn't innovate. They just had a ton of slaves. The "epic architecture" is not that epic, they just invented concrete (that was a good invention). You don't understand the level of 2nd century BC
science, it was like the 17th century. Look up the Antikythera Mechanism to understand. The Romans wrecked all that, and left the whole region an environmental catastrophe, after creating a gigantically unequal society, and
allowing it to decay into collapse.
The dictionary is wrong, what I am telling you is right.
The Early Roman empire was 2nd century BC.
Shame on you. Have you lost all your Catholic heritage? How could you be found wallowing in a cesspool of hate and loathing?
Maybe possible with a chimpanzee, but unlikely due to different number of chromosomes. With a pig, definitely impossible. The way you get this is that there's a stillborn defect baby that looks like a pig, so they take the baby,
add a tail or add a snout, and photograph next to a pig.
Is that Dune? I read that like 30 years ago.
Of course I read it, about decade after it came out, although what sticks out to my mind is that 'spice' is a thinly disguised stand-in for LSD, the movie wasn't very faithful, and that part where the guy feels his hand burning
up, but he can't move because of the needle in his neck, that was creepy. Dune is LSD fiction, looks epic at first, but it's just disguised archetypes with no new ideas. For more lasting fiction, try Finnegans Wake, it's better
than drugs or drug inspired fiction.
Sorry, "republic". But it's an "empire" toward Judea and Syria and Egypt.
Of course I am a plebe. You see, I follow SLAVE MORALITY, you Nietzchian hunk of superman, like Jesus told St. Paul to. Like you should be doing too, like you ought to. But you won't, because you are slave to your ego and it's
lies, and your vices.
In this particular case, the dictionary doesn't have time to write it properly. But yes, I got this right and the dictionary is stupid here.
Now you made me curious. Because if you understood Christianity, you would know "plebe" and "slave" are not insults to anyone except the one who thinks they are.
Wait, what the fuck is this? ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT ME EXERCIZING FREE SPEECH? What the fuck is GAB for if not to insult DIMWITTED YELLOW HAIRED FUCKWITS who can't appreciate HALFBREED AFRICAN SCIENCE?
Uh, no, they also had this discussion in Uganda. Under Idi Amin.
Is that what you yellow-haired Neanderthals say to make your pathetic stump-weenie selves feel better about your racism and misogyny? You fuckwits begin EVERY POST with name-calling.
You're not so boring. Actually, you're WAY TOO GOOD for conservatism. I recommend you read some Marx and grow up. You've actually got a conscience, unlike the rest of the mudslime here.
So it makes me wonder if you are really not a drooling racist ape like the other yellow-haired Neanderthal. You might actually be a human being who is trapped in conservative claptrap. If so, sorry, but what the hell are you
doing on Gab?
I would expect a Christian to understand the sentiment despite the extra apostrophe. I'm not just shitposting here, I believe what I say. It's a pity you have no desire to save your own soul.
Right. This is the propaganda you are fed by Mises Institute. It is a lie, and that it is a lie is not just my opinion, it is a lie because of 80 years of experience with raising minimum wage and the effect being OPPOSITE of
what they say it is. Their theory is INCORRECT, and the correct theory is the one whose predictions MATCH OBSERVATIONS. That's exactly why I chose THIS EXAMPLE.
The reason their theory doesn't work is because wages are not in economic equilibirium, people are getting paid too little compared to the zero unemployment situation. The reason people are paid too little is because there is
unemployment, and ultimately, that's because of class structure and capital extraction at the top. That's what Marx noticed.
Keyenes kept the effect but obfuscated the cause.
Hitler wasn't a socialist, and you haven't read most of the serious guys, like Djilas, Keynes, and the modern Socialists. The stuff academics do DOES COME TRUE, otherwise the theory is thrown out. The stuff Mao did mostly
doesn't, because he was following Stalinist claptrap.
You could actually break out of your prison, man. It's sad in there.
I read some of AOC's tweets, the ones that are publicized. She is a great hero.
It's ALL countries, and this is not MARXIST, this is KEYNES. Keynes is all modern capitalist economies, and it is ultimately derived from Marx.
The Keynesian predictions are important. For example, the money supply tripled in 2008, but prices didn't go up to three times bigger. That's what Mises institute predicted.
All the predictions by the Mises crowd are wrong because they are stupid and don't understand economics.
The predictions I am telling you are economically correct. That's because I know what I am talking about, and the Mises idiots don't.
It's a thing for you too. You just don't notice it, or act against it. The first thing to do is ask "What if everything I know is wrong". That's what an academic does every day.
I hate to break it to you, but within academic economics, the Mises crowd has been thoroughly discredited for over a decade, because their predictions, when they are different from Keynesian, did not come true. Ever. They NEVER
get it right.
They were propped up by billionaires who wanted their taxes cut, and so donated to economics department after economics department, trying to set up a Chicago school everywhere.
The Keynes crowd won DESPITE the money being against them, because they are OBVIOUSLY CORRECT.
The Keynes folks were ripping off Marx, but before today, you weren't allowed to say it.
Twenty years ago, they were more left than today. Academics are constantly purged, and money purges them. There is no party line, conservatism is just mentally retarded.
It looks like nonsense to YOU, because you don't know how to think. It's sad, really. You need to learn, or you will continue to be retarded.
I am not a Nietzschian,, you dipshit. I'm a Machian Marxist Stallmanite. You're the Nietzschian here, bud.
I don't follow "The Bible", you idiot, I try to follow God. You should listen to your conscience, and try to understand what the Bible is obliquely trying to say, because it's ALL OLD and it's ALL FALSE, but the notion it is
trying to describe is real.
I'm a forty five year old grown-ass man, you idiot, and I pointed you to a FUCKING SCIENTIFIC PAPER I wrote 20 years ago, and I can explain it to you in detail. I can actually prove it to you, asshat. I remember when phones went
click-click-click-click, that idiot flew that prop plane to red square, the little girl sent a letter to Andropov and got invited to Moscow, saturday morning cartoons included Care Bears and Mr Rogers, breakfast cereal had
pictures of missing kids, and the moral panic du jour on Diff'rent Strokes was about child molesters, and everyone smoked. That's the 80s. No kid will get that shit right.
The Bible is an old book of lies, but you must follow God. If the bible was the only way to get to know God, there wouldn't be any Bible to begin with.
Googling won't answer these questions correctly, you need to understand the theory of economics, and you need to understand how equilibrium is broken. I worked it out for myself, with pencil and paper, about twenty years ago,
but it's easy to explain, I can help you learn it.
The key point is the concept of micro-equilbrium, and the notion of "global equilibrium", meaning, no unemployment, everyone is getting paid what they're worth, and nobody can be fired without cost. This is the idealized model
where microeconomic predictions work.
The reason they don't work is because THERE IS UNEMPLOYMENT, people are paid MUCH LESS than what they would get paid at zero unemployment, and the OWNERS pocket the difference. This NON-EQUILIBRIUM behavior is destructive, and
ANYTHING which fixes it get you ECONOMIC GROWTH. The problem is, after you fix it, and you keep going, you produce INFLATION.
One fix is government spending. Tax the richest people and hand out the money to everyone. That's an okay fix. But better is never to concentrate the money in the first place.
The next fix is minimum wage, which is like an automatic version of the first. You just force the employer to pay more. UNLIKE other price controls, it doesn't lead to a glut of supply, because the price of the original good is
not in equilibrium.
That's the whole point of Keynesianism, fixing out of equilibrium wages.
The PROPER FIX is to have FULL EMPLOYMENT permanently, by guaranteeing everyone a minimum wage job. So if the private sector doesn't hire you, you can still find work. That fix allows employees to bargain for very high wages,
and those are the fair wages at market equilibrium.
I didn't quote anyone. What I write is original to me.
You're repeating the lies that billionaires have injected into your skull. Marx predicted the effects of decline of purchasing power on economic production central to Keynesian thinking. I know that because I READ CAPITAL and I
LOOKED AT KEYNES (I skimmed Keynes himself, but the theory is reproduced in many places, including the 'phillips curve').
State socialism built up the industry of EVERY COUNTRY IN THE OLD WORLD, except the US, Britain, France, and Germany. That includes China, India, Israel, Pakistan, Yugoslavia. Socialism was FORBIDDEN in South America, due to
Monroe doctrine and Dole fruit, which is why most of South America is a shithole. The poorest countries in the world are capitalist, and all the wealthy countries are Keynesian.
And when they STOP being Keynesian, like the US tried to do, it ends up in total economic ruination. Because capitalism doesn't work. And that's an empirical fact, idiot, not like your injected fantasies coming from wealthy
people who despise you and think you are inferior.
LaRouche is a fascist in the tradition of Huey Long. I do think Webster Tarpley is an under-appreciated genius, but he left LaRouche behind in his wayward youth.
NO! What I described to you is KEYNESIANISM, it's what CAPITALISM is post 1935. I write it without nonsense, including the MARXIST UNDERPINNINGS.
This is what has been DONE IN EVERY CAPITALIST ECONOMY, and it is what WORKED or DIDN'T WORK according to local conditions.
This is MAINSTREAM ECONOMIC THINKING. Your right-wing bosses have taught you to think it's crazy talk. I'm trying to un-brainwash you.
No. Getting "what you're worth" only happens at zero unemployment. Then you get paid more according to how valuable your work is, because there isn't someone else outside the door waiting to take your spot underbidding your
In a free market WITH UNEMPLOYMENT, you get paid most when you are a piece of shit. Maybe you're a human resource agent for a big company, maybe you own an ad-agency which contracts with a big company, maybe you are an investor
scamming people by skimming your lucky-day profits into your pocket. In any case, YOU ARE NEVER PAID WHAT YOU ARE WORTH. You are paid LESS. Unless you are an owner, in which case you are PAID EVERYTHING and DO NOTHING.
That's capitalism.
"Full employment" is not a pipe-dream, it was standard in the 20th century. It's also ridiculous to not do it, because every unemployed person is a waste of talent and resources, or just grunt labor which could be useful
You don't understand "the real world" because you're too busy sucking billionaire cock to stop and look around. The billionaire makes you suck his cock so you can live off his jizm.
Yugoslavia implemented Marxism and was successful for 40 years. You are simply repeating lies fed to you by billionaires, because you have never learned to think for yourself.
You need to understand that the countries that didn't implement MARX, implemented KEYNES, and KEYNES is MARX LITE. So every country was either MARX or MARX LITE, and of the MARX countries, Yugoslavia was the successful one,
You see, Marx doesn't mean "the government". That's Lenin's path. That's what doomed Eastern Europe for decades.
Although, still, Eastern Europe in the 70s and 80s was a pretty good place to live.
The LEFTIST POLICY on illegal immigration is THERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY.
The left is against ANTI-HISPANIC RACISM, not against sensible immigration targets.
You don't give a FLYING FUCK about immigration or wages. You just don't like brown people.
Flipping burgers and mopping floors will get more than $15/hr at zero unemployment, because nobody wants to do that shit. Also, don't hold your breath on the robots, they aren't coming in the next 100 years, and even when they
do, the economy will make new positions for people.
I'm not bitter, you can't be bitter and believe in God. I like myself, and I have more skills than you do. I am just telling you the truth about capitalism.
you live off billionaire jizm as well. I prefer to live free.
Yeah, my mother is from Eastern Europe. It was terrible in the 50s and 60s, but it was okay by the 70s and 80s. The people revolted because communism is stupid, not because they were so desperately poor.
The left doesn't support ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, because ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION DRIVES DOWN WORKER POWER. It's similar to outsourcing jobs.
But they don't support RACIST PIECES OF SHIT either.
The LEFT wants to negotiate trade deals to include worker protections. They want immigrants to be LEGAL, so they get protection like MINIMUM WAGE and RIGHT TO UNIONIZE. That's the LEFT.
The US NEVER had full employment. To study full employment, you need to look at the USSR, the Soviet Union, between 1933 and 1991, or any of the similar communist countries. That's the only good thing they had, zero
Other countries with jobs programs, so an EFFECTIVE ZERO unemployment are most European and Middle Eastern countries in the decades after WWII, with the EXCEPTION of the US, which always sucked on this point.
I didn't SAY you do it with government mandate. It requires market design, and forward looking policy.
Jobs programs require a will to do it, TAXES on billionaires, so that profits aren't hoarded, taxes on enormous properties so that industrial production isn't frozen, progressive taxes on businesses to help small companies and
hurt big ones, and spending on useful things that are required, but which the market has a hard time providing. Things like cleaning up after yourself, when you've wrecked the planet and turned it into a steaming turd pile,
stuff like that.
Not FALSE, you goddamn idiot. This has been the LEFT position for DECADES, before Donald Trump added RACISM to turn it RIGHT. That's what defines FASCISM. Stealing left ideas, adding racism and stupidity, and turning it right.
Wealthy people do not "supply jobs". That's THE LIE they TELL YOU, you worthless peon, so that you don't notice THEY GET PAID TO DO NOTHING.
What a tool.
Jobs are anything you do that is so useful to others, that others are willing to pay for. The fact that A RICH PERSON STANDS BETWEEN YOU AND THAT JOB IS A BUG, NOT A FEATURE.
No, the other Eastern European countries were NOT part of the USSR, you are just a brainwashed fool who reads nothing.
Hungary liberalized its economy in the 70s, that was called "Goulash Communism". It meant they had small businesses open up. Similarly, Czechoslovakia. Similarly, Poland in the 80s.
The USSR didn't do that until 1986.
The USSR didn't have a corporate law, because they had no private business. This made them different. But all those economies had zero unemployment.
You are too stupid to read academic sources, so you can't learn from the past. You need to disabuse yourself of the lies that have been injected into your skull.
Yeah, that GIRL holding the sign is a RIGHT WINGER paid by a BILLIONAIRE to make you hate an IMAGINARY STRAW MAN LEFT THAT DOESN'T EXIST. It's like AL QAEDA and ISIS, it's a FALSE FLAG. You GODDAMNED BRAINLESS TWIT.
The "Gulag" was never a significant source of Soviet labor.
The Soviets didn't have UNEMPLOYMENT for decades AFTER the last gulag closed. It had nothing to do with prison, it had to do with the incentives on managers and the way funding was allocated.
No, it's not. This is a bit of a scare-story capitalists sell you. There are always as many low-paying jobs as you care to produce, installing solar cells on roofs, decommissioning coal plants, rebuilding railroads, etc. These
jobs are only absent when the capitalist have sucked up all the capital into their pockets and nobody can pry it out from there.
There is nothing wrong with automation, and higher wages are required regardless, so that mom and pop stores can drive McDonalds out of business. You can't have chains in a healthy economy, everyone must be free.
You have never learned to think for yourself, all your ideas are injected into your skull from the culture. You also don't know what "Machian" means, and you can't even google it, poor sap.
The Bible isn't real. God is.
I am not "against" YOU, you haven't said anything really racist or misogynistic, you just made some mistakes in economics and some history mistakes, but can't fault you for that. You seem to actually have a conscience, and to
have some idea of what St. Paul was about. Of course, this might be an illusion. You could be a Nazi propagandist posing as sane, it's hard to say with right wingers.
Machist is a reference to Ernst Mach, the founder of scientific positivism. It is a philosophy which began in Germany, and transmuted into logical positivism. It was rejected by Lenin in 1917, who even wrote a pamphlet something
like "Marx, not Mach" to oppose the Machian Marxists.
The Machian ideas are what led to modern physics, Einstein, Heisenberg, Mandelstam, Susskind. It also led to Carnap and the Analytic Philosophy, the logical positivist school of the 50s and 60s.
These ideas are the culmination of German idealism. The Hitlerites and Heideggerians were the "other branch", the worthless side. That's what it means, but it takes more to explain it fully, reading Einstein's early work
(1905-1925) is probably the best way to get it.
No, I don't work for anyone, I don't get paid for propaganda. I do it to save your souls, because I heard all the lost souls congregate here on Gab. I don't believe anyone is beyond saving.
It wasn't a significant source of labor at any time. There were never that many people. They cleared some areas, they helped construct some dams, but it was never a significant source of labor in the USSR. Right wingers say this
because THEY DIDN'T STUDY SOVIET ECONOMICS and they had no idea how the system worked.
It worked by allocations, like government grants, and you got a BIGGER GRANT if you managed to convince MORE WORKERS TO WORK FOR YOU.
That incentive system, once it was put in place, meant NO UNEMPLOYMENT REALLY REALLY QUICKLY, as all the available potential workers were sucked up.
I am not lying to you. Your "knowledge" is all propaganda. I am not a communist, by the way, I just studied the system properly, before it was dismantled and all the literature about it was systematically forgotten.
Yeah, I'm not a "trust fund" anything, and I'm only in Israel because I HAD NO HEALTH INSURANCE IN THE US, and I DON'T WANT TO DIE.
I know the Bible very well, not perfectly, but well. God is real. The Bible is NOT the word of God. It is a story that was useful historically to get people to recognize what God means.
Romanians are Roman, that's why they are called that. Learn some history.
This "juvenile understanding" is exactly the dynamics of a frozen capitalist economy, and this is not a lie, it is a demonstrable fact. You have been propagandized to forget this hard won knowledge, and sell out your Irish
ancestors who fought and bled and starved to defeat British colonial capitalism. Traitor to your blood, you are.
Romanians are ROMAN PEOPLE who were left in a region which became called ROMANIA because all the ROMANS were LIVING THERE after the empire collapsed.
(((I))) (((WISH))). Soviet Union purged the Jews under Stalin. He didn't like Jews.
Also, half the Jews hated the Soviet Union, like like half the non-Jews. It was a huge split among Jews, just like non-Jews. BECAUSE THERE'S NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE BETWEENS JEWS AND NON-JEWS. Racist idiot.
It hurts to hear what Parnell would have thought of you. And Joyce. Traitor.
Yeah, Bolshevism was influenced by a lot of Jews. Stalin changed it. Half the Jews supported Bolshevism, half didn't. Just like every other people. After Stalin purged the Jews, half the Jews STILL supported Stalin, and half
STILL didn't.
I see, fine. No problem. I am not a "ROMAN", I am a "descendent of the plebes and slaves of the greater Roman Empire." JUST NOT "WHITE".
Romanians speak a Romance language, i.e. derived from Latin. It's called "Romanian", and it's like Spanish. THAT'S BECAUSE THEY USED TO BE ROMAN. Not that I give a shit about my ancestry, it's worthless.
People from Eastern and Southern Europe, like Romania, are not "WHITE" in America, they were DISCRIMINATED AGAINST on IQ TESTS in the 1900s, they were SEGREGATED into CITIES, along with the IRISH and other NON-GERMANS,
NON-SCANDINAVIANS, non-ENGLISH. That's what American racism means.
That those RACIST FUCKS deign to designate me as "HALF WHITE" today does not fucking interest me. I don't identify with racist American pieces of scum. And "HALF WHITE" is "NON WHITE", I go by the ONE DROP RULE, you see.
Although I don't really think you identify with those racist pieces of shit either, honestly. You just have holes in your education preventing you from seeing the big picture.
Uh, Romanian is similar enough to French that I can understand it just from my crappy French. It's a totally Romance language, and yes, Romanians are called that because they were once Romans. That's the only reason they're
called that. To distinguish from "Hungarians" who migrated from Asia.
Money isn't backed by gold. Gold is a metal useful because it doesn't rust, it has no monetary value, beyond convention. Money is money. It's something a central bank issues.
It's not just Jews, motherfucker. It's also the CELTS, and the Romans, and the MIDDLE-EASTERNERS (Arabs), and the PERSIANS.
WHITES are Northern Europeans, it's a limited kind. Stop screwing around expanding the category.
I am not claiming to be special. The Bible is not a real story, it's just trying to get you to see what God means. Once you see that, you need to learn to love your neighbor, and not see yourself as superior.
When Lenin said "Socialism" he meant what you would call "communism". When Lenin said "communism" he meant what you would call "utopia". So when he said "Socialism is but the first step to communism", he meant "Communism will
produce a utopia eventually". He was talking out of his ass, and he has nothing to say to non-Leninists.
Socialism in the rest of the world just meant not letting the capitalists put all the capital in their pocket.
It was a way of signaling to a worker "I am on your side, not the billionaire's side".
Yeah, you BRAINWASHED IDIOT, the total labor force in the USSR was about 60 million, and there were less than 10 million prisoners during the worst period of Stalin. The "Gulag" didn't exist after 1956, and full employment
persisted until 1991. You have no brain.
COMMUNISM KILLED THE JEWS FIRST you idiot. The Jews involved in the revolution were murdered first. Those were the earliest victims. Communism is not a Jewish plot to murder non-Jews. It was Lenin's brutal idea to organize an
economy using the state.
I couldn't understand you. Could you repeat without slurring your speech?
You already killed all the Jews in Europe, a while ago, and all the rest fled.
I think you could use the soap more.
I don't get it. Jews are overrepresented in the US media, so what. We were talking about the Soviet Union, where Jewish Bolsheviks were purged and killed first, as Stalin consolidated power with ethnic Russians and Georgians and
Bellarussians an whatnot.
I am not ashamed of anything Jesus says in the Bible, or of the words of the Bible. they were useful in their time. It's just that we have things today that are new, regarding NUCLEAR WEAPONS and CARBON DIOXIDE, and GAY RIGHTS,
and the Bible is TOO OLD to deal with those issues, and doesn't get everything right, because IT'S OLD and sometimes STUPID.
That's why we have GOD and a CONSCIENCE, to allow us to move forward.
My GOD. And you're STILL like this? Do you abuse drugs? HOW?
If we smell so bad, why do you want to turn us into soap?
Yeah, you know what that SHIT is?? THAT'S SOME NAZI FUCKING JEWS! They also existed, mostly in the period 100AD-300AD, when they were assembling the BABYLONIAN TALMUD. Some of them were sickening, others were less sickening.
WHY? Because they were exiled into a crazy place and were surrounded by pagans. It's not like I HAVE TO LISTEN TO THOSE JEWISH SUPREMACIST ASSHOLES, nor do you. And it's not like they are relevant today.
If you hate them so much, ignore them, like most modern Jews do, and stop seeing yourself as superior to others. That's what Judaism settled on later anyway, as the Jews realized that the Christians and Muslims around them were
getting the whole "monotheism" thing quite a bit better than they understood it.
All of this is quite pathetic considering that this religious business is so medieval. Have we had no progress since the middle ages? Maybe not.
I am not taunted, I am a little afraid--- you are 40 years old man, what are you doing pushing such drivel?
IN 1941, ANTI-COMMUNISM meant opposing the USSR's struggle against Nazi Germany, which was EXTERMINATING JEWS. That's what that quote means.
And in 1945, EVERY JEW LEFT IN EUROPE WAS A COMMUNIST. Because the USSR just saved their lives.
Western Media? Like Der Schpiegel? Like BBC? Like Le Monde? You mean AMERICAN MEDIA, which is CAPITALIST MEDIA, and it doesn't give a shit whether it's Jews or Protestants, it's going to lie to you because it's owned by
The media is not lying to you because of Jewish conspiracy. There is no Jewish conspiracy. There is a bourgeois "conspiracy", and it's not even conspiracy, because it's out in the open. And you suckers buy into it.
Yeah, that was true in 1918, like gay rights were accepted. Except this is the USSR, and slowly, DE-FACTO, the anti-Jewish stuff became worse and worse as the "decree" became meaningless, and Jews were purged from the party in
the 1930s. The method was to promote lower-level (non-Jewish) workers quickly over the top of more senior (Jewish) revolutionaries. It's not all that bad, the turnover was good for the party.
The anti-Jewish stuff was worse postwar, where there was a jewish quota in Moscow and for all the elite universities, and all the positions of power. This is why so many Jews left the USSR. There was also rampant discrimination.
I AM AN AFRICAN you fucking idiot, Jews come from AFRICA TOO, and in ISRAEL all the races bleed together by interbreeding. MODERN JEWS ARE MORE MUTT THAN YOU CAN EVER BE.
And JEWS DON'T CONTROL OTHERS BY PLOT, you goddamn fool. That's GOD telling you to love others as yourself.
JEWS didn't INVENT THAT, you shit. God says to love others WITH JEWS or WITHOUT THEM.
You are literally damning youself. And that's not "Jews" doing that. You did that to yourself.
So why is Europe Judenfrei? Where did the Jews go?
That's simply not true. The Jews were purged first, and the people promoted over them were ethnic Russian workers. The idea was to replace "intelligentsia" with "proletariat", i.e. to make the party more working class. It makes
sense, actually, come to think of it, but it did mean Jews were purged.
After they were purged, Stalin went through the revolutionary lists one by one, and killed all the people. I don't think he cared whether they were Jewish or not, just that they had power. The Jews were mostly killed, but not in
a discriminatory way, just because they were old Bolsheviks.
The Whites were also killed, and the Nazi collaborators, later, during the war.
Jesus always needs individual people to help spread the word.
"Bolshevism" lasted about 10 years, and turned into Stalinism. It was the same in China, in Eastern Europe, until Yugoslavia and Tito showed how to move beyond that. You want to turn it into Jewish conspiracy, when it wasn't.
I guess 'I'm'. WHERE DID DEY GOW NAH-OW?? NOW WHERE did dey GO? UNDER HERE? Nope, no Jews. IN THERE? Nope. No Jews there. I tawt I taw 4 million in Poland? Any there? Nope. I tawt dere were like half a million in Hungary? Any
left dere? NO?? Ukrainian? Any there? Golly GEE! They're all gone. What happened??
I KNOW! They must have gone into hiding sometime between 1941 and 1945 and they're just waiting for the RIGHT TIME to emerge and start RACE MIXING EUROPE UP again.
It's better than being like you, and suffering for all eternity.
It was discovered in the 19th century. That's the "Free Silver" movement of American Workers, and then the currency wars of the early 20th century. It's what allowed America to escape the SLUMPS brought about when the money
supply couldn't keep up with business expansion. This is taught in most high schools.
I LIKE "white people", I am just NOT ONE. I think Germany is supercool, and so is Scandinavia. So is England.
I'm NOT OPPRESSED, I'm just NOT WHITE. And neither are you.
White is a political category for those who wish to separate America into groups and keep some and exile others from the good spots.
I am not white, nor half-white, and neither are you. You are Irish. Stop identifying with these halfwitted American apes, and learn the history of Europe.
Funny enough, when I point out that I am not, my black neighbors nodded their heads and say "I knew he's some sort of arab". Not that it matters all that much. It's political characterization, and all that black people ask for
is that you TREAT THEM AS FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS instead of as chattel. That's a very low bar, and everyone here seems to be failing.
If you're American, your black American neighbor is just as much an American as you.
No it is not. This is another thing billionaires pump into you, because inflation hurts the wealthy by inflating their wealth away. It took two lifetimes of worker struggles, beginning with Shays rebellion, to get this
established. You are fighting for the oppressor, without knowing it.
Because he is likely a descendent of slaves. If he emigrated from Nigeria last year, he's probably not really black. Just like when your ancestors escaped the famine that capitalism starved them with, you weren't white.
It's a political label, and it doesn't belong to ME. I didn't apply it to myself, it just grows like an Amoeba an expands to cover everyone except WHOEVER IS POLITICALLY OUT. Like Arabs USED TO BE WHITE. Like two decades ago.
They STOPPED BEING WHITE on 9/11. That's fucked up shit.
Shays and millions of Americans FOUGHT TO ESTABLISH INFLATION over the entire 19th century. It was a hard fight, and it was what allowed the monetary policy of the 20th century to produce a growing middle class. This is history
they don't teach you in school. Yes, inflation is a good thing. The ones who dislike it are the wealthy, because it destabilizes stores of wealth.
It doesn't work by itself, because if you have hard assets, you can't inflate them by issueing new money. You need to extend inflation to stocks and bonds, and require issuance of new stock every year, to be distributed in some
regulated way away from previous holders. Like, to workers. That's inflationary.
Look, Arabs are "White" on college forms. I'm totally cool with calling myself "Arab", that's as good a label as any, although I am Jewish, so a lot of real Arabs won't think of me that way.
I'm not STRIPPING THE IDENTITY, that's what BLACK USED TO MEAN. Since now, "Nigerian immigrant" means "black", African Americans have begun using "ADOS" (African descendent of slaves) to describe their experience, rather than
the generic "Black". I'm cool with that, although it's not up to me.
Nonsense. That's what Black American used to mean. Someone who has a history with racial segregation and slavery in the US. Of course there's a culture, but it's not all that continuous with Africa, except for some food items
and a few words.
Learn your history: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_Money_Riot" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span
class="invisible">https://</span>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_Money_Riot<span class="invisible"></span></a> .
The US for the first hundred years, was a TITANIC STRUGGLE for paper money and inflation. The reason? Farmers take debt to buy seed and then pay it back with the crop. The debt becomes impossible to pay during deflationary
The same is true today, with credit card debt and student debt. The lender wants zero inflation, the student or credit card holder wants inflation. Inflationary policy is important for reducing the power of the upper classes.
"They" are brainwashing you against your class interest. It's sad.
I used to be one yes. You're not a scumbag, why do you get your political beliefs from them? You're just doing the bidding of the masters.
All Jews are "real Jews", just like all Americans are "real Americans". Jews aren't an ethnic group exactly, but expand to cover whoever wishes to be included. Like "America".
Look, you're a pretty cool guy, and you're not a piece of scum like the rest, so, first, I want to apologize to you. You're just "right wing", you aren't evil. My bad.
The issue is that the theory you were brought up on is standard American political theory, which is fine when an economy has infinite growth potential, but it runs into problems when there is no longer room to escape to. This is
the "frontier issue" brought up in 1890, with the closing. When you had a frontier, whenever capitalists amassed capital and froze a market in some hell, you could run away.
The 1890s issue and the panics that followed the closing of the frontier were stabilized with paper money and Keynesian economics in the 1930s, but you somehow didn't get the memo. This is what happened.
The "they" are the wealthiest owners of property. They took over in the 80s. They undid all the Keynesian fixes, and you are now looking at the result. All the property folded into fewer and fewer hands, and unless you are one
of those people, it is not in your interest to support it. It is also very evil, because to maintain such a division of property you have to make scapegoats.
I won't continue this, I can see that unlike the others on this site, you know the difference between right and wrong. Just please, learn this Keynesian inflationary stuff, because it's not bullshit.
Yeah, okay, maybe you're right.
Nobody reads the Talmud. It's not "canon", it's just a catalogue of 2nd century Rabbi opinions, written down. There is no 16 million Jewish children, the one who was wrapped in scrolls and burned is one Jewish 2nd century martyr
after the Bar-Kochba thing. Your source is lying about the Talmud. There was no way to express "a billion" in the language of that time, the "Roman Numerals" didn't count that high.
And all this doesn't matter anyway, because the Talmud is stupid. The way you know Jews were killed in Europe is because Europe is Judenfrei today. And there were millions there before.
That's assuming there was a "lineage" to begin with. The religion formed as a small cult, and grew by conversion, like all other religions. So it's not any different now than it ever was.
You reversed the order of the posts.
I am not afraid of the damned, Paul.
It tells me you don't know enough about your so-called culture to be able to calculate the path of light around a black hole, or to read Finnegans Wake, or to listen to Schoenberg, or John Coltrane. You aren't sensitive enough
to feel human touch, or light, you just wallow in pathetic adolescent delusions, kept from growing by drug habit that consumes your soul and throws you into perpetual darkness.
You have your balls, not sure about your brains. Try doing a calculus test. And for sure, you have lost your soul. And that's not Flouride what went an did that, that's racism and godlessness.
You believe in NOTHING, you have no brothers. Instead of joining with your fellow man, you wallow in your pale skin and translucent eyes, as if these were miracles and not accidents. You look at your brother from Africa as if it
were he who was defective, and not you. You can't find the will to join with all humanity to make one mind with one purpose, so you splinter it into tribes, and try to find your place as the biggest cheese in the littlest
grouping. Good luck, Paul. You might get far, but you won't be able to enjoy it. You speak in the Sadistic language of the Roman empire, the language of power and brutality.
OF COURSE I'M A SUBVERSIVE JEW! Become a subversive whatever-the-fuck-you-are, so that you can subvert the world to a better one.
Double has something like 56 bits mantissa, and the issue is that the derivatives vanish as a power of the number of layers, so if it doesn't work with doubles, it won't work with fixed.
How many emigrated to America (about half a million)? How many emigrated to Israel (about a million and a half)? Why did they leave all of a sudden in 1946, 1947? What event could possibly lead to such an exodus of an entire
ethnic group from an entire continent? And why were there only 2 million Jews in Europe when there were 8 million before the war?
Marxists. They will come after Marxists next. You Nazis are actually not threatening at all, because your theory is garbage and you are stupid.
No it doesn't. You're just illiterate.
There are very few jews in Europa, because the few that weren't killed fled. The only Jews in "Europa" are recent immigrants. The ancient communities in Poland, in Germany, in Eastern Europe, in Hungary, they're all gone. They
were at least five million people, who went into hiding deep underground in 1941-1945, so as to blame the Germans for their disappearance. They are about to re-emerge and force all the Europeans to have babies with Muslims.
That's not the practical way, extra precision isn't how you deal with stuff like this. When an algorithm craps out, it's because the IDEAS are wrong, not because you don't have enough precision in the double (that really has
never practically happened with doubles, I think it SOMETIMES happens with floats, like one time in a trillion projects). When the derivative of the cost function vanishes exponentially in the number of layers, you need to do
local layer-by-layer optimization (like the article suggested), so break it up, or UNDERSTAND WHY you have such mixing behavior and introduce some extra structure on the network to solve sub-parts of the problem.
For example, in visual identification, maybe first you want to identify objects which are linked by rotation, then by rotation + scale, THEN by rotation + scale + distance-cues, then by "straight-line edge identifcation", then
add "texture layers" and FINALLY match to "IS THIS A CAT?". If you start with "IS THIS A CAT?" your cost function might be too complex to have meaningful derivatives.
It's underneath the Polish soil. If you're in Poland, and you don't watch out, a pale, clammy, Jewish hand will rise up out of the dirt and seize your foot, from deep underground. Because the whole land in Poland is riddled with
Jewish flesh.
No. Flat Earthers are 9/11 truthers who are scientifically illiterate. The problem is that 9/11 actually WAS an inside job, creating a mountain of paranoia. The reason you can be certain it was an inside job is that it happened
on the morning of several interlocked military and government drills simulating the events of 9/11. That's how you stage a false flag, and it's impossible for a real attack. Case closed.
The flat Earthers are people who realize this, and then go off the deep end.
Wait, for sure code is science. What is the code? Don't listen to the guy talking about "spam", he's an idiot.
Flat Earthers are there for conservatives to delude themselves that they can think, by debunking them. It provides an easy target. The only intelligent people are libs SJWs.
Global warming leads to this kind of shit, you stupid scientifically illiterate baboon. When the arctic is a fuckton warmer, the air currents lead to sporadic spills of arctic air in latitudes on the border of snow. This was a
predicted effect of warming, AND IT'S GOING TO GET WORSE as people continue to pollute the atmosphere, because of mentally retarded asshats like you. It's unbelievable than an illeterate lunatic like yourself is cheering the end
of the world as if it's a disaster movie. Goddamn idiot.
Yeah, your BILLIONAIRE OVERLORDS INVENT SHIT, pay RETARDED non-scientists to say it, then LIE TO YOU.
The world as we know it HAS ALREADY ENDED, you dumb baboon. It ended when global temperatures increased by a full degree, and CO2 crossed 400 ppm.
It will never recover. We can mitigate it at best. The rising sea-levels aren't the worst part, the extinction of species is the worst part. And the drying out of regions. And the death in Madagascar. And Syria. And the arctic
You mentally damaged child. You follow the bidding of your wealthy master, pulled by the string running through the ring attached to your nose. You are too stupid to read a scientific paper, or to learn how the atmosphere works.
It's funny because my soul isn't dead inside.
No, you idiot. That takes thousands of years. Global warming is due to CO2, and works to kill species over decades. It's not your fault you're stupid, you were born that way.
Why would a Muslim burn a church?
Who stands to benefit? Muslims certainly don't. I never heard of Muslims burning churches on purpose, except when paid to do so by a state who wants you to hate Muslims.
Muslims have no beef with Christians. That's bullcrap you are fed by your masters, so you can be led by the nose. Muslims don't care about you any more than Hindus do.
Who would gain from setting the church on fire? Why would someone do it on purpose? Would it be done by a Muslim? Why would he? He doesn't give a crap about Christians. Or would it be done by your overlords, who want you to hate
Muslims, so they can pick your pockets and invade wherever they feel like. Hmmm. I wonder.
There is no such thing as a "solar minimum" you dimwitted propagandist. If you mean "solar sunspot minimum" it has no effect on the Earth, unless you're looking at sunspots. Or solar wind. Or Aurora Borealis. The output of the
sun never changes. It is steady for billions and billions of years.
That's why it's best if you only sleep with your sister. That's how you were conceived anyway, and what's good for papi and mami is good for surprisingly-slow-you and cross-eyed sis.
No, that doesn't exist, you stupid fuck.
Yeah, (((we))) gave Dick Cheney a secret Bar-Mitzvah in 2000, so he could direct 9/11. You found us out, we're going to have to make Matzos out of your blood now.
The way it works is that you won't find many women or non-whites which "fit your needs", because there are few with the requisite technical education. That's not your fault, that's the society at large. To fix it, you go to
schools and tell people 'this is important, teach everyone', so that everyone is exposed to it early, and you give appropriate opportunities. Also, you need to counteract the statistical tendency of women to not like this kind
of crap, because it's cold and inhuman.
It's true, but not particularly relevant to the issues of tech companies. The "white guy" thing in AI is not particulary socially important, because there's no power in AI, and it's mostly a fad. AI isn't that great at present,
and won't solve too many problems.
The problem with marijuana is that it makes you stupid, and when you are stupid enough, you become a conservative. You can't read Marx or Einstein, you are just a stoner idiot, like Rush Limbaugh.
It makes you stupid, and it eventually turns you into a conservative libertarian, because you are too stupid to follow academic writing anymore.
There are so few black females in tech, or any kind of females, that I don't think you should be resentful AT THEM. Be resentful of the RICH ASSHOLES in charge of the company and at an economy which does not provide full
employment. The reason for diversity is not to keep you unemployed, it's to make sure you don't split up society into various groups which are at each other's throats. If you had a job, you wouldn't be complaining.
Regarding your problem getting a job, it might be your internet political history getting in the way. Maybe not. Maybe you're getting old. Maybe not. Maybe there is just a glut of tech people. It doesn't matter. In any case, it
makes no sense to blame a tiny handful of people who get 1% of the jobs for your problems. The reason they have diversity programs is because THERE ARE SO FEW OF THESE PEOPLE.
I am sick of you stupid conservative whiners. Don't you understand self-reliance? You just expect to be handed everything for free.
You are lying. That never happened. You are just a propagandist. And a lousy one. Piece of shit.
They weren't accidents. They are false-flags.
MUSLIMS DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT CHRISTIANS. There are no Jihadists. There are only false-flags, and GULLIBLE IDIOTS like you, who are willing to buy the idea that Jihadists exist.
Muslims simply don't GIVE A SHIT about Christians, and have no interest in destroying anything Christian like a Church. It simply does not happen. It's YOU that HATE THEM, not THEM that hate YOU. They don't even think about you.
Muslims don't attack churches. They never have, they never will. It simply doesn't happen.
"Some people" is "Dick Cheney" and "did something" means "staged a false flag".
Your enemies aren't Muslims tho. They're the billionaires. You brainwashed fool.
What you need to do is realize the Muslims don't do this shit. The people who do this shit are FALSE-FLAG INSTIGATORS who want to spark religious war. Muslims don't have a beef with Christians. They just don't.
There aren't any Jews left in Europe.
I'm sure the family appreciates that racists take their little boy and make him an icon.
Um, no, that's not right. First the "Jesus" of the Talmud is a 1st century BC Jesus, not a 1st century AD Jesus, which is related to the split of the Babylon version of the Christian church from the Roman Pauline Church. Mary is
not mentioned, and Charia is not dung. Nital doesn't mean anything. Beit Hattiflah doesn't mean "House of Evil" it means "House of Hattiflah". Hattiflah isn't a word, it's just something you made up. A Christian girl isn't
called anything in YIDDISH in the Talmud, because YIDDISH hadn't been invented yet.
It is true that Jews are allowed to charge Christians usury fees. This is why banking developed with Jews first, then Protestants. It is not true that Jews are allowed to defraud Christians. They are only allowed to lie to save
The ethics of Jews aren't significantly different from yours, you idiot. But both your ethics and Jewish ethics are VERY WRONG when it comes to questions like what to do with my gay neighbor, or how to treat pagan natives of far
away lands. Or what progressive taxes should be. Or how to deal with AI. Or whether Marx was right. Because those questions weren't on anyone's mind when the ethics were formulated.
The Talmud is not a holy book, it's a secular book, a compendium of some opinions of early exilic Judaism. It contradicts itself, it isn't considered a source of ethics, it is considered a historical document.
You, on the other hand, take a BLACK GUY who HEARS VOICES IN HIS HEAD, and KILLS A CHILD BECAUSE HE IS MENTALLY ILL, and incite LYNCH MOBS on your black neighbors. That's much better, fuckwit.
If you weren't a Trump supporter, and had a brain, all of the answers would be immediately obvious.
Jesus's resurrection is not a physical event, it is a spiritual event. It is a statement about the spirit and the mind, not about the body. To understand it better, read Richard Carrier's "On The Historicity of Christ", in
conjunction with the New Testament (in historical order, i.e. starting with the Epistles).
The Resurrection of Jesus is not about the body. It is about the mind, about the soul, the spirit. There is no material resurrection of bodies, but a person is a computational pattern, not a hunk of atoms, and that pattern isn't
bound to a body. This was understood by Plato. Within Judaism, the idea of resurrection was material, the body was imagined to get up and walk around, so the Christian version took the spiritual Platonic notion and imbued it
with physicality. But there was no dead zombie Jesus, because there was no alive actual historical human Jesus either, the historical narrative was tacked on to Pauline visions. See Carrier's "On The Historicity of Jesus
No, all of them. Especially the ones that think they aren't affected. No stoner can do advanced mathematics, not a single one.
Yes. It's the rich assholes who maintain unemployment, the system which creates unemployment, and the applicant who is an idiot, blaming others for his own unemployment. It's never the fault of the vocal minority, because they
are underrepresented, that means it's CAN'T BE THEIR FAULT, because THEY AREN'T THERE. That's what "underrepresented" means. It means there's very very few of you.
You are too young and stupid to remember what society was like before diversity-equity inclusion. America was basically a hellhole, with everything boring and dumb, and all the leadership positions were filled with mentally
retarded people of European ancestry. Even intelligent Europeans were excluded from power, because they found themselves on 'do not hire' lists. That's the 70s. Dumb people in charge.
Um no. Diversity isn't code. It's about making sure you have a diverse group. For example, for kindergarten teachers and nurses, diversity means hiring more white males.
The problem is that you're not running a meritocracy, you have no objective criteria. You THINK you have a meritocracy, but because of your background, your idea of 'merit' is sometimes biased. For example, if you are a
meritocratic 'trumpet player assignment specialist' operating in 1909, you might pass up Louis Armstrong because of the unconventional style.
If you have an objective metric for merit, you are safer, but make sure it really is objective.
No, the guy is a propagandist piece of shit. I know that, because he is too stupid and lacking in imagination to make up a proper story and instead ripped off tropes from AOC's rise to power. He is paid to make you stupid. Don't
cheer him on.
What motivates them is mentally retarded people and pot smokers in charge of decisions they have no business making.
They brought back half a ton of moon rocks, you idiot. Half a ton. Not a few pounds, like the Soviets. And some of it was drilled deep. The astronauts drilled the holes. The moon rocks are different chemically than Earth rocks,
and they have the same chemistry as Soviet moon rocks. To fake the manned mission, you would have needed an unmanned mission to bring back all the rocks, and it's HALF A TON, it's so much shit, you might as well bring back
astronauts with the rocks. It's impossible for it to be fake, just based on the materials from the moon we have on Earth.
James Woods isn't an intelligent person. Right wingers are too stupid to succeed at mathematics or hard science. There aren't any there, the few that are are low tier nobodies. Because you right wingers are subhuman.
Obviously there is no equality, because the entire right consists of subhuman, inferior, worthless, drooling, retarded, swine. They are incapable of doing academic work, or of writing clearly, or of doing anything productive
except whine about others who are more capable.
Idi Amin was a racist when he said "Africa is for Africans", and expelled the Ugandan Indian minority. God you prove your own inferiority, your own worthlessness with every word you write. How can you not see your wretched
selves and commit suicide, thereby helping cleanse the human race of the stain of you?
He means that once you write a racist piece about non-whites, suddenly you get invited to old-boys networks of some American old-money invested in oil, or ketchup, or tractors, set up long ago, and dominated by white supremacist
trash that can't add 2 and 2 and get the right answer.
When you write racist gibberish, sometimes you turn people on, because your evil makes them SO HOT. Like Gene Simmons sticking out his tongue. You're still a worthless subhuman.
The non-enforcement of anti-trust is entirely a post-Reagan Republican policy. It was begun by Reagan, continued and exacerbated by Bush, Clinton tried to enforce anti-trust against Microsoft (and also more abstractly in
telecommunication, by encouraging competitive markets), then Bush II cancelled the Microsoft enforcement and allowed telecommunication and internet business to get entirely monopolized. The Republican party is 100% bought out,
while the Democratic party is only 80% bought out, and Democrats will (sometimes) enforce anti-trust to help smaller companies.
The reason you know it's not terrorism is because there is no reason for terrorists to ever attack any church or any person in the West. There is no motive, there are no demands. There is no animosity, there is no prejudice. All
the hate is from you toward Muslims. Muslims don't give a shit about Christians. So one must ask "Why do I feel threatened"? The reason is the false-flags your government pulls off.
Little prediction: right wingers will blame Muslims for starting this fire, even though they have no motive. Muslims don't have any animosity toward Christians, the hate only goes one way.
There's not a single thing about white people in there. White people are never mentioned at all. You are mentally ill. There is no "victimhood" either, there is a comparison of Whitney Houston to Aretha Franklin, that's it. Your
delusions are frightening, subhuman.
OH NO, man, does that mean (((I))) need to cover MY EYES when (((I))) type?! Oh fuck me man! That's so hard. How am (((I))) ever going to do that? Shit. You got me.
Wow! Holy shit! I read it on the internet! It must be TRUE! Muslims burn down CHURCHES!! I KNEW IT!!! What a pathetic sap you are. You are being led by the nosering by your masters. Yellow-haired Illiterate baboon.
First, I'd like to test your IQ if you don't mind. To test if you are an animal (your writing has triggered my animal-detector). Question 1: I would like to be able to match a weight between 1 gram and 1000 Kg exactly, to the
gram, on a scale. I am given a bunch of random weights between 1 g and 1000 Kg, with the weight written on them. How many weights would I need on average?
I knew you were an animal.
Oh, the part about MICK JAGGER being a devil? YOU THINK THAT'S RACIST COMMENTS ABOUT WHITE MEN? You self-absorbed retard. Why do they let yellow-haired freaks like you on here?
Diversity is a trick to get you to breed with Slavs and Celts and not turn the yellow-haired barbarians into slaves.
No, that's a lie. The amount of CO2 humans put out is millions of times greater than any volcano.
The water is in equilbrium, it goes in and out of the air, and the average amount of it is determined entirely by the level of CO2 which is stable.
No, that's not true. Otherwise human emissions wouldn't be raising the CO2 levels. Human emissions make volcanoes look like a single cow farting.
The CO2 level in the air is rising, it is 400 ppm, it started out 280 ppm. If it keeps going up, we are all fucked. Forever.
Are you GERMANIC?? ARE YOU FROM BRITTANIA?? Or are you going to breed with yellow-hair Celtic apes and infect your children with their Papist lies. You must remember you heritage in the VEDAS of ARYANIA, written in the holy
Sanskrit language, and never pollute your blood with Croatians or Serbians or Poles. Keep your bloodline a pure mix of ARYANIA and GERMANIA, living in BRITTANNIA, no Romania, and certainly NO CELTS! Dammit.
You're a fucking idiot. I am talking about CO2, the thing that is belched out by people. CO is unstable, and you can ignore it. Like methane. The only thing that determines the temperature of the atmosphere over the long term is
CO2, because water goes in and out, and CO2 never changes, except when humans burn carbon.
This capitalist asshat was COPYING the genius Richard Stallman who had just finished the major part of the Gnu operating system. Jobs realized Stallman was right, and that once computers were 32 bit and uniform addressing, UNIX
would take over. He positioned his NeXT to take over at this point, by making an inferior close-source capitalist corporate crap version of GNU, while Stallman went on producing Free Software and creating the modern
infrastructure all programmers depend on. That's why capitalism sucks.
EITHER YELLOW, OR A YELLOW-LOVER, FUCKER. You fuck the yellow, you breed the yellow, you have yellow all over your genetic tree. You're O blood and weak. You're blinded by transluscent eyes and Neanderthal brains. That's how you
write. I LOVE THIS SITE, I am exercizing MY RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH, little yellow-haired fuckwit.
AFRICA IS FOR AFRICANS is code for anti-white-male discrimination. That's what IDI AMIN said before starting pogroms against non-Africans in Uganda. The other stuff, not so much.
You realize that this is the death knell for Alberta and humanity? Why are you cheering on your own death? Tar-sands are not only evil, but unprofitable to extract. You are driven by death-instinct.
You sound like a plagiarist. Subhuman.
This is NOT TRUE, volcanoes are NEGLIGIBLE, they emit next to ZERO carbon. The lying calculations online are done using methane, but methane is unstable, and converts to CO2. For the purpose of climate change, you have to listen
to scientists, not right-wingers, because right-wingers have no brain.
Because you're been retarded for years.
KRAKATOA DOES NOT DO ANYTHING TO CARBON! No volcano is significant, you STUPID MORONIC FUCK. Because you're NOT A SCIENTIST. You're a stupid fuck.
The way they FOOL YOU is by taking a number computed using METHANE to make volcanoes look comparable to human emissions. They AREN'T COMPARABLE, because METHANE IS UNSTABLE and turns to CO2 over 18 months or so.
The only thing you need to do is ADD CARBON. The human activities release ALL THE EXCESS CARBON since 1820, there is NO OTHER CONTRIBUTION. Nothing.
All the garbage coming out of your mouth is propaganda that has been injected into your brain by billionaires. Because you're weak. And stupid.
That's what it means to be a right winger. Now you know. You weak, stupid, sap. Manipulated by evil into selling out your children. Pathetic.
That's what happens when you let yellow-haired transluscent-eyes German scum take over a company built by an ARAB and a POLE. It takes Eastern Europe and the Middle-East build it, just for mentally retarded Northern Europeans to
drive it into the ground. Typical. SEND ALL THEM YELLOW-HAIRED FUCKERS BACK TO GERMANY, SCANDINAVIA. Before they spread little yellow-haired children all over America.
Yellow is as yellow does, maggot. You crawl over the earth eating petroleum and belching out smoke, infesting it with your vermin offspring, too dimwitted to learn the SLAVIC AND ARABIC science you pretend to admire, but in
reality, are too dimwitted to understand.
"Daddy, daddy! Why are we so stupid at mathematics?" your daughter asks through her wide blue-tinted eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"We can't help it dear. We weren't meant to understand this. We are just here for our yellow hair."
"BUT, But why is our hair have to be yellow?" She asks. "What is it good for?"
"Yellow hair is good for making yellow wigs. Because sometimes Slavs, Arabs, Africans, Asians, they sometimes like to wear a yellow wig. And how could they wear a yellow wig if you didn't sell them your yellow hair?"
"But do ONLY WE have yellow hair?"
"No, dear. The Celts do too."
"And are the Celts worthless and stupid also?"
"No, no darling. Celts have some talent."
It's pretty good weather, retard. Leftists don't advocate for open borders, though. Only capitalist do, because they want lower wages.
No man. Capitalists are pulling on the side of the "Don't tread on me" fella. That's what you don't understand, because you're stupid.
Bernie is too far right. I support Tito.
Yeah, socialism for the lolz. "Stalin will build your industry from scratch", "Lyudmilla Pavlichenko will pop a cap in your ass." "Vive la commune!", "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
No man, it's you that is ignorant. You've been brainwashed by the fascists. It's hard to awaken from your slumber, but first, (((I))) have to (((tell))) you (((something))) about (((me))) which will make it (((difficult))) for
you to (((listen))).
If the holocaust is fake, why is Europe Judenfrei? (((I))) (((don't))) (((think))) (((you))) (((understand))) (((something))), (((I))) (((AM))) (((A))) (((JEW))), (((IDIOT))). All but a handful of my European side of the family
was murdered in Europe in 1944-1945, and I know by ASKING OTHER JEWS that 2/3 of all the Jews in Europe died, just by sampling, and the few that were left emigrated the hell out of Europe.
Once Europe had no more Jews, nothing changed. The communists stayed communists. The capitalists stayed capitalists. There were no more Jews in banking, they had fled. Didn't matter. There were no more Jews in German business,
they were dead. Didn't matter. Nothing changed in Europe, and the world was still split.
I am not worried about your threats. You need to grow up,
You are doing neither. You are deluding yourself and your friends with your drug-induced hallucinations. You are incapable of performing genocide on Jews, because it's already been done once, and you know the first law of
history, no takebacks, no do-overs.
Oh, they didn't tell you? I'm terminally ill! It's extremely contageous, it's a disease a person can only catch by fucking your mother.
Although it is obvious from your homo-averse content that you much prefer your father, you caught it too, indirectly, through him, as he got infected while conceiving you. The disease does affect the development of the brain and
spinal column, which he says explains how you turned out.
This is why you people are mentally retarded. This is 'flat Earth' type science. The reason it's a black hole is because you can see that the orbital motion is near the speed of light, and that the visual paths end on a black
surface (that's the dark spot). There is no plasma which can produce an orbit at near the speed of light without collapsing to make a black hole.
CAN'T DETECT?? Black holes have a FINITE MASS, and you can DETECT THEM VERY EASILY because they PULL YOU IN with their gravity. They also emit thermal radiation. The theory has been understood for 103 years, it's called General
Relativity, and black holes were first predicted in 1917 by Karl Schwarzschild.
That's why there's xfce and other alternatives.
An AFRICAN JEW, remember that. That was a 'yo-momma' joke, little buddy.
The sterlization was of YEMENI Jews, you idiot, not AFRICAN jews. It happened in the NINETEEN FIFTIES, when Israel was majority European and it was a HUGE SCANDAL. Israel had a DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT, it is no longer majority
European, it is now majority African/Middle-Eastern (although most people are heavily mixed). The nonwhite children were brought up to value socialism, but the NONWHITES REJECTED SOCIALISM, and kicked out the leftist parties in
1977, and it has only gotten worse since.
You see, in Israel, the NONWHITES are the racist pieces of crap, and the EUROPEAN Jews are by and large the ones who vote for the left. The left was tarred as 'racist' and 'elitist' by the Jewish right-wing piece of shit
Menachem Begin, in the 80s.
There is less and less real left in Israel, there is no longer socialism. Instead of the nice society of my childhood, it is a hellhole trapped in permanent war and ethnic bigotry, and every year moves closer to total
catastrophe in Gaza. When the left dies, all hope for the future dies.
The Israeli left almost made peace. They failed, and the right wing took over. And the Jewish right wing is just as stupid as you are, they are the same as you.
GRIDS == Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the name of AIDS before non-gay people started showing up with it. Also used by anti-homosexual bigots to refer to AIDS.
Don't need to be told, fucker
Don't need a sentence, subhuman, just some roundup.
OF COURSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH! I love it when yellow-hairs talk, you can HEAR the yellow-hair in their dippy words, it's so much fun! Talk yellow-hair.
"DADDY, DADDY! It's SUNNY! Why do my eyes HURT SO MUCH!"
"It's okay, baby, it's just because your eyes are translucent."
"That's our curse, baby. We can't experience the light of the sun."
-- "Nah, man. You're wrong. Stop telling her that."
"Who are YOU?"
-- "It's the JEWS, man. The Jews put that big ball 'o light up der in the sky. To hurt you."
"The JEWS did that? How could they DO that?"
-- "They have magic powers man. They looked at your transluscent eyes, and said 'put a ball in the sky to fuck wid them, man'. And they did it. So that's why her eyes hurt."
"Darling, did you hear that? The JEWS put the sun in the sky! It's the Jews fault!"
*sniff* "The Joos?"
Only works on weed, fucker. You made of weed.
weed in, laugh, ha ha, laugh, laugh. Now made o weed, fucker. Fucker all weed, no brain. brain weed. ate the brain. weed in, brain out, no more brain. Need brain? Who need? Love weed, fucker.
Feed on David Ross flesh. MMMMMmmmm. Unfortunately, NO BRAAIIINNSS. WISH THERE WERE BRRRAAAAIIINNSSS!!
European long noses for Europeans only.
I joined "Gab" when I found out about "Dissenter". I'm "Mr. free speech", so I jumped in. One group I joined was 'science'. I think you have a jump of new members, when they join, but they don't participate on this website,
because they read the comments and they are APPALLED at the SUBHUMAN WRETCHED MORONS on here, I mean, you really have the bottom of the barrel of THE WORST DREGS of SUBHUMANITY. Listening to their YELLOW-HAIRED bullshit makes a
normal scientific person gag and wretch. You're SO SUBHUMAN, SO STUPID. Flat-Earth. Warming-Denial. Just rats and yellow maggots. More rats, more yellow maggots.
So people with science sense just leave the site, leaving you with inflated numbers and no posts. That's what's going on. To improve your statistics, you need to identify the subhumans among you. That's not ALL the yellow-hairs,
and yellow-lovers, there are a few good ones among the scum, but I'd say it's most of them.
I will not ally with a fascist, I will respectfully ask you to learn more about society. You are being led by the nose by capitalists. You really are. You THINK you are edgy and controversial, you think you are countercultural
and creative, and insightful but you are SO NOT. You are the same one trick pony that capitalists always pull out of the closet when confronted with a socialist. You are the sucker fascist, the ignorant man who refuses to read,
who refuses to learn, and lets his disgust at other people's yellow hair or green eyes drive him emotionally to hate. Then the women start to fawn over you, there's nothing sexier than a fascist, and that's it, your soul is lost
You don't UNDERSTAND the power structure behind society, not even close, because you think it's a conspiracy of evil people. Maybe it's "Jews", maybe it's "evil others". But it's not a conspiracy, and the people on top are not
others--- they are just like you. The evil they do is structural. It's caused by power and self-interest.
And it's not "Jews". There is nothing Jewish about these people, powerful Americans are mostly Protestant Christians, some are Jews, some are Muslims, and it makes no difference what ethnicity or religion they have.
Your first point of ignorance is ethics. Right and wrong. You don't understand it. You don't understand what "God" means. To fix that, you need to learn what it means to have a cooperative game vs. a competitive game, and how to
use SUPERRATIONALITY to turn a competitive game into a cooperative one. If those words are too hard, just open a bible and read the new testament.
But if you follow me, to make a cooperative ethical system, you need to view all human beings as your allies. ALL OF THEM. Not just Slavs, not just Africans, also yellow-haired and blue-eyed and green-eyed. They aren't
defective. They are all part of humanity, and without them, you are going to be divided and ruled by those who wish to maintain power.
The opposition consists of systems of power that drive people apart, and give power to a few. These systems of power DO NOT COME FROM GOVERNMENT. Or at least, very, very few do. In the US, and elsewhere, the concentrations of
The US constitution guarantees you freedom, but all these freedoms are ALSO methods of protecting the wealthy.
The first Amendment says you are free to practice religion and say what you want. BUT it also allows the wealthy to feel assured that there will be no established religion to declare they are too wealthy and confiscate their
wealth, as happened at the end of the Roman Empire. The second Amendment lets you have guns as a citizen, BUT it also allows wealthy individuals to fund and raise private armies of right-wingers to slaughter leftists when they
make trouble. The fourth amendment is not good at protecting YOU, the average Joe, from spying. It protects the wealthy businessman from having his papers searched when he's committing fraud.
The protections of the constitution are there to ensure the state will not interfere with the business practices of enormously wealthy plantation owners. Those transmuted into industrial capitalists.
These rights ALSO protect individuals in certain ways, but not in others. They were written by a compromise between revolutionaries and the plantation owners who financed and led the revolution...
...The only way to fight concentrations of wealth is inflationary economics, progressive taxation, and policies to help people. That means, work guarantees, wage guarantees, and as much solidarity as possible across borders, to
bind together WORKERS from the exploitation of the CAPITALIST. That's what socialists point out.
The only reason you see the JEW as being against you is because you are saying EVIL SHIT. And the EVIL SHIT is opposed by invisible forces, not related to Jews, which is the good nature of decent human beings listening to God.
And the reason your capitalist overlords picked JEWS as your scapegoat in this particular conspiracy theory is because they are under the delusion that GOD IS THE JEWS' FAULT. That delusion comes from Nietzsche, but also from
Jews, who do claim that they are the first monotheists. It's not true, but they claim it.
Jews did not make up God, they discovered the notion. In fact, Iranians were probably first. Zoroastrianism is monotheistic, and it's not clear how monotheistic Judaism was before Zoroaster.
Since God comes from Iran, God, ironically enough, is an ARYAN discovery. Jews developed it, and Christians/Muslims took it further. With this notion, slavery was eliminated, as Christians could not own Christian slaves, Muslims
could not own Muslim slaves, and Jews couldn't own Jewish slaves. The problem, obviously, is when they start enslaving EACH OTHER.
Any philosophy which pits one group of people vs another based on ethncity or nationality, not on class interest, is a philosophy of evil. Any resistance to it is natural, and isn't led by Jews.
So why did fascists have such success online recently?
The reason is that you got a lot of secret funding. Not from Russia, or Venezuela, but from a handful of billionaires who got scared Bernie Sanders would get elected and their taxes would go up. So they suddenly look the other
way as the most rabid right-wingers among them start to fund hate-groups, and suddenly the right-wing comments go through the roof. The wealthy have power, and can finance any amount of speech, if you don't actively prevent it
by education.
This imbalance of speech is problematic. It is next to impossible to counteract, because the wealthy fascist will spend WHATEVER MONEY IT TAKES to brainwash AS MANY PEOPLE AS IS NEEDED to do WHATEVER ATROCITIES ARE REQUIRED to
keep LEFTISTS OUT OF POWER. That includes rounding up and murdering all the leftists.
The right-wing is being cultivated to do such atrocities, just in case you can't win an election.
I am not going to lie to you, the right wing sometimes wins. In fact, if good people do nothing, that's automatically what happens. In South America, in Spain, the left wingers were ROUNDED UP and MURDERED. Everywhere it was
done, a fascist killing spree, it meant the end of hope, and the end of progress. After 40 years of Franco, Spain was the poorest nation in Europe, and a backward laughingstock.
So grow up, don't give in to evil, and support the unity of humanity even when it doesn't look like you are going to win. Because it is the right thing to do, not because it makes you feel strong. That's more or less Jesus,
No, that is a lie the elites tell you. Please, I have no time for your juvenile brainwashing. Taxation is the biggest fear the elites have, and they brainwash you against it. Taxation and inflation is the only way they can lose
their wealth.
Those "Jewish capitalists" financing Lenin (and GERMAN government too, they sent Lenin in) wanted to end WWI, they didn't want a successful Bolshevik revolution. After WWI, the US and England invaded the USSR to kill the Russian
Bolshevik revolution. That was the Russian civil war, and the communists won. It was an enormously difficult war, and millions of people starved and died. It was only complete in 1921, when the USSR was formed.
There is no collusion between Jewish communists and Jewish capitalists. LENIN WASN'T JEWISH anyway. These are INSANE conspiracy theories dating back to 1930s Germany, they are not true, they are not edgy, they are propaganda so
old, you are falling for it again.
No, Lenin was NOT Jewish, not even close. He was entirely of Russian Christian Orthodox background. Not that it makes ANY DIFFERENCE, the communists didn't GIVE A SHIT who was what. That's why Jews loved the communist party, it
was the only place without discrimination against them. Same as Black Americans and the American communist party in the 40s.
The elites pay taxes when they have to, they are not that powerful. In the 50s, they paid about half their income to the state. The other way to get money back is through inflation. A third way is growth, and the fourth way is
Half my family died in Europe, in the Holocaust (my mother is European, my father African). That's the same with every European Jew I know, or you'll ever ask. There are PRACTICALLY NO JEWS LIVING IN EUROPE TODAY. That's because
of the holocaust. There were 8 million Jews in Europe in 1939. 2 million in 1945. Nearly all the 2 million fled to Israel or the US after the war, because they saw they weren't wanted. This is easily verified by looking at
European and Israeli census data.
So you are being lied to by someone who DOESN'T CARE that the lies are obvious. These lies are giving you a STORY to make sense of the world.
I'll give a BETTER STORY. Because mine is TRUE.
Lenin and Trotsky were brought out of exile by Germany, because the Germans knew they would be "surrender monkeys". The moment Lenin seized power, he signed a "surrender monkey" treaty with Germany which made concessions of HUGE
SWATHS of territory of the Russian empire. Then Lenin went to work rebuilding Russia.
WWI continued for another year, and once it was over, the new Russian socialist state was invaded by 5 foreign nations who wanted to crush the revolution. There were a lot of Jews among the original revolutionaries, and a lot of
Jews opposed to it.
The USSR did not kill "50%", the population of the Soviet Union was growing, from 120 million in 1917, to 160 million in the 50s, to 190 million in 1991. There is no significant population loss other than WWII, year by year,
except for in 1932, when about a million people died of famine. In 1937 there are a lot of executions due to the "great purge", but they are not enough to show up on population sheets.
Stalin executed 1.5 million people. Of those, about 750,000 were of the 1%, these are the Kulaks who revolted in 1932. The rest were former revolutionaries, many of them Jewish. Stalin didn't like Jews too much. That's it for
executions. The communists did an excellent job at getting rid of the 1%. After 1933, there were NO RICH PEOPLE IN RUSSIA. Stalin owned NOTHING when he died, he was only politically powerful, he had no possessions.
You have been fed 1930s German propaganda. It's insane, because this is EXACTLY what the Hitlerists believed. Don't be a sucker. That stuff was a BIG LIE to stop German communism.
Think about it this way: which SECRET would the elite 1% wealthy WANT TO HIDE?
2. COMMUNISTS actually eliminated rich people and ran their country without them relatively successfully for 70 years?
The communists didn't fail because they murdered all the rich people (they actually didn't murder them, they just took their property). The communists failed because of subtleties of govenrment run business, and because they had
no small business. The small business issue was fixed in places like Yugoslavia, which was a SUCCESSFUL communist country. The same idea, small business, was copied by Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Poland in the 70s and 80s, and
finally by the USSR itself.
Then small business owners elected people like Yeltsin to represent them, and Yeltsin overthrew the USSR itself, and handed over the entire country's industry, BUILT BY THE SOVIET PEOPLE TO NEWLY RICH OLIGARCHS. The result was
10 million former Soviets dead, of poverty, of alcoholism, of drug-addiction.
Before this, there WAS NO 1% in the USSR. There were no rich people. There was no elite. Everyone was approximately equal. Khruschev's children went to school with Joe the Plumber's children. There was no class system. It was
I don't know how to get this into your head. It's true, I'm not making shit up.
Hitler was a primitive barbarian. There's a reason people say what they say, and in order to understand it, you can't look at Hitlerian sources. THEY LIE TO YOU. They don't believe in TRUTH, they only believe in POWER. They have
no CONSCIENCE, they have no ETHICS. They don't care if what they say is TRUE, only how to MANIPULATE YOU.
This is why they tell you absurd stories about how great Hitler was, and what a vegetarian he was, and what a great savior he was. He was a low-IQ venomous demagogue, who knew how to get people emotionally invested in a dumb
story about Jewish conspiracy. That dumb story was designed to distract from the socialist story.
That same DUMB STORY is being used today in America, because the socialists are also spreading their story in America. The socialists HAVE A CONSCIENCE, and are TELLING YOU THE TRUTH.
No, man. National socialists don't believe in anything except power over others. They hate the Jews because in their warped minds, the Jews invented ethics. It comes from Nietzsche.
They don't believe in Jesus either. They hate Christianity as much as Judaism. They just USE IT to pull the masses after them, as a lie. They don't believe in the healing power of Jesus Christ, or in treating others as brothers.
Jews don't exactly reject Jesus, they just have a different name for it. Like Hindus. Or Chinese.
Look, I am not lying to you. I am not confused. You are trapped in horrible propaganda. I can recommend to you to go to a Church, go talk to someone, you are not right in the head.
Here's a video for you: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QQdnOVvM5o" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span
class="invisible">https://www.</span>youtube.com/watch?v=7QQdnOVvM5o<span class="invisible"></span></a>
Peace out.
OBVIOUSLY electric cars only become good once ELECTRICITY IS MADE FROM NON EMITTING SOURCES!! Jesus Christ, how can people fall for this? When German electricity is made from renewables and nuclear, then electric cars will have
zero emissions. Currently, German electricity includes coal and gas. That will be phased out over the next decade.
One of the CONSEQUENCES of an INSANELY WARM ARCTIC is LESS TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE ARCTIC and lower lattitudes. That leads to occasional SPILLOVER of arctic air into lower lattitudes. It is a PREDICTED EFFECT of
How can a person as stupid as you still breathe?
Man, the Earth is a spinning ball. Please, just attach your cell phone to some Helium balloons tied with a strong thread let it go up as high as it will go, while filming, then pull the balloons back in. The distance OUT you can
see is the square root of the product of the height and the radius of the Earth. You can see the curvature with your own camera.
Jews were never kicked out of any American nation, nor of Muslim nations, not out of India, or China, or Australia, nor out of any Asian nations. They were kicked out of EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN nations because of BIGOTRY against
them. Because Christians have a vendetta against Jews, and also Nazis, for opposite reasons.
Christians hate Jews for rejecting Christ. Nazis hate Jews for creating Christ. Nazis HATE CHRIST, and wish THERE WAS NO JESUS. They think Christ is a Jewish semitic plot to weaken the white people of Europe. This idea is due to
I idly calculated the curvature of the Earth ALL BY MYSELF, while on a plane, while looking out the window while flying. You can do the same using the lower left image you just posted.The distance out to the horizon, how far you
can see, is equal to the square root of the radius of the Earth times your altitude. If you know how far out you can see (you can estimate it using house-sizes, road miles, and vehicle speeds on highway) and you know your
altitude (the plane tells you) you can calculate the radius of the Earth. I spend several minutes computing the radius of the Earth IN MY HEAD, without anyone helping me, without paper or pencil, it was not very hard. It's round
as a fucking egg with a radius of about 5000 miles. You are off your rocker.
CO2 is the only factor determining the temperature of the atmosphere, and as it goes up, so does the average temperature of the Earth. We are the only reason it is going up, and if we don't do something about it YESTERDAY, the
Earth will suffer the worst extinction of life in its 5 billion year history.
Further, by denying this, you are helping it go on, which makes YOU complicit in the WORST CRIME EVER COMMITTED, and you are the WORST CRIMINAL TO EVER LIVE, even worse than the worst mass murderer. And the worst part is? It's
just because YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID! That's the worst part. You can't help it! You're just a gullible moron who never learned how to think.
There is no amount of greenhouses which will capture the CO2 power plants emit. If we don't stop doing this, we will kill life on Earth, in the worst mass extinction ever seen on this planet. This is not debatable, it is a fact,
and anyone who denies it is either paid to sell out his own children by an oil billionaire, or a FUCKING IDIOT. My money is that you're one of the latter.
Iron to steel is NOT the major carbon component of automobiles. Driving them is.
No it doesn't you fucked up moron.
Lithium is re-usable, the batteries get melted down and recycles. Materials cost are not the worst part of car manufacture, it's the travellng in them. Hydroelectric dams are TEN MILLION TIMES BETTER than causing a mass
extinction of life on Earth, and there's NO SUCH THING AS CLEAN COAL. The idea was to sequester emissions in rock, IT CAN'T BE DONE. The project FAILED. You need to completely cut out coal.
You are a fucking criminal and an idiot. Hydroelectric can easily power most of Africa, China, the US, and parts of Europe. Nuclear plus hydro plus solar plus wind can be 100% carbon free energy for the entire world. And there's
no choice. It's not like we have an alternative.
Thanks to inaction caused by people like you, we have already baked in an intolerable level of warming into the atmosphere. If you had never lived, or if you had killed yourself 20 years ago, the world would be a better place.
Ma hubisay haddii aduunku kaligaa isku guri yahay?
That happens when something is SO OBVIOUS, that the only way someone can disagree is to either be a brain-damaged chimpanzee, or to be a paid denier. One should say "You're a denier. Or a chimpanzee."
The 1920s and 1930s had LOCAL HEAT WAVES and LOCAL DROUGHTS in the US ONLY. The GLOBAL AVERAGE temperature was CHANGED BY JACK SHIT. You fucking moron. Those changes were caused by environmental damage due to bad faming
It is dead certain and dead easy to predict the future warming. It only depends on the amount of CO2 in the air. It's a ONE PARAMETER system, and it's completely understood. You fucking idiot.
SEA LEVEL RISE TAKES CENTURIES you fucking moron. DESTROYING THE BIOSPHERE takes DECADES. How you could look yourself in the mirror when you are selling out your kids is what I wonder. Sea level has risen by a few centimeters in
the last century, due to thermic expansion. Melting Greenland and Antarctica will take decades or centuries. But plankton and insect death, drought, and extinction, those are happening NOW. You wretched goddamned vermin.
NOT MANY SEPHARDI? There are NOT MANY ASHKENAZI, you idiot, because they were ALL MURDERED. That's why EUROPE HAS NO JEWS, and Israel is plurality Sephardi.
After Europe had no Jews, Europe became a utopia, as everyone worked together as brothers, and communism and capitalism disappeared. It didn't get split in two with an iron curtain splitting two opposing systems for 50 years.
That never happened.
JEWS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THESE QUESTIONS. This is the same anti-semitic conspiracy that was implanted in Russia by capitalists in the 1910s, and spread to Germany in the 1930s. It's the STUPIDEST THEORY IN THE WORLD.
What is REALLY going on is that there is a split between CAPITALISTS and WORKERS. The Workers vote for SOCIALISTS, the Capitalists for for people who will cut their taxes and make them wealthier. Republicans. But there are VERY
FEW capitalists, and VERY MANY workers! What happens when the workers catch on that they're being cheated?
Then the capitalist make up a BOOGEYMAN for you to hate, that's the JEW. First they say the CAPITALIST is the Jew. Proof? EASY! Make a list of Jewish capitalists. Throw in non-Jewish ones, say they are secretly Jewish or have
some Jewish ancestor 1000 years ago. Who gives a shit. This is propaganda. It doesn't matter if it's true.
Now here's the genius part. The SOCIALIST is ALSO THE JEW! They're BOTH JEWS! Amazing right? How does that work?
See, the Jew is secretly plotting to split the non-Jew worker from the kindly non-Jew billionaire, who will take care of the non-Jew worker and not rip him off or steal his pension, if it only weren't for that dastardly Jew
making him do those things.
Why should the non-Jew billionaire care about the non-Jew worker?
Oh that. That's because they're both "white people".
What if the worker is black?
Oh, no. Then it doesn't work. You need to get rid of the blacks too.
What if the billionaire is black?
Black billionaire? PLEASE. That's totally impossible! Never happened.
What if the worker is gay?
Then they are secretly in a plot with the Jews. Need to get rid of them.
What if the worker is Hispanic?
Get rid of them too, send them back to wherever they come from!
HEY WAIT! We did all that! The billionaires are still holding all the property and we're poorer than ever!
No, no. The problem is the yellow-haired. Get rid of the yellow-hairs.
The problem is NOT THE YELLOW HAIRS. It is not the MEXICANS. It is not the GAYS, it is not the BLACKS, and it is CERTAINLY NOT THE JEWS.
The problem is the CAPITALIST, and the solution is the socialism that will actually REMOVE THEIR WEALTH.
--- Nah man, REMOVING WEALTH? That's exactly what the Jews want you to think.
So what's the solution?
--- Make a militia, get a gun, start killing some Jews, some blacks, whoever. That will scare them. Obey your master. Your master is a rich fuck, and he will tell you what to do. Obey your master, and most importantly:
---- Never. Learn. Anything.
Educate yourself, slave. Don't get fooled again.
Nuclear is NON-EMITTING, not 100% safe. It can be made safe, with good engineering in the future, like LFTR. But right now, we don't have time, as the transition to zero CO2 has to be done YESTERDAY, because we've already
started a mas extinction that's going on RIGHT NOW.
That means whatever works and has zero emissions needs to be used. If nuclear can be phased out, maybe that's okay, but nuclear is very energy dense, and there are safe versions which are unpressurized and only produce short
lived waste.
I'm a REAL leftist. YOU HAVE TO STOP WITH THIS RUSSIA NONSENSE. Russia did not hack anything. That was a LIE. A complete LIE. There was no significant Russian involvement in the 2016 election.
What happened was that Trump said "Russia? If you're listening! Get Hillary's emails!" as one of his dumb improptu statements at a rally.
NOW, Hillary said "This is collusion" to Obama, and this justifies sending SPIES and PLANTS into the Trump campaign! Now they had FBI spies looking over Trump's shoulder. And Hillary used it to her advantage.
Later, someone at the Democratic party leaked those emails. Not Russia. If Assange is to be believed, it was Seth Rich. I BELIEVE ASSANGE.
There is a hacker named Guccifer that uses a Russian IP address. The CIA decided that fit with their pre-existing "Russia" narrative created by Clinton.
Then Trump won the election. OH NO! Now Clinton is afraid of being prosecuted for spying on Trump. So what does she do? She WHIPS UP RUSSIA HYSTERIA.
It's all STUPID, there was nothing coming from Russia. Everyone knows this. This is a RED SCARE, another RUSSIAN MENACE story, and it will be used AGAINST THE LEFT.
Trump lied to protect his corruption. Trump lied to obstruct justice. Not because he colluded with Russia, because he didn't do ANYTHING with Russia, but because he has some shady deals in Russia. His blatant illegal orders to
obstruct justice is just due to his STUPIDITY and INCOMPETENCE at American government, not because the Russians did anything to help him.
He has done INCREDIBLY RECKLESS things, like leave the Reagan/Gorbachev INF treaty, which will mean both the Russians and the Americans can go to a "five minutes to doomsday" situation again, where both militaries are on
hair-trigger. He has stuck his nose into Venezuela. He does not agree with Putin on anything.
DROP THE RUSSIA BULLSHIT. It is going to help his re-election. You needed to drop it 2 years ago. If you want to attack him, attack his CORRUPTION, because that's not a fantasy in your head.
The people attempting to frame Trump are NOT SOCIALISTS, and I don't even think they are trying to frame trump. They are just completely misled by placing false trust in Hillary Clinton, who cooked up Russiagate to protect her
own ass.
They started this because Trump joked "Russia! Get the emails!" and then they used this joke as a pretext to cook up a bogus story of Russia/Trump collusion that became a self-reinforcing LIE.
The LIE was reinforced because the ignorant Trump didn't even know what obstruction of justice IS, and just decided to fire whoever he wanted whenever he wanted, without thinking about how it would look.
I don't know any socialists who support Russiagate. Socialists are about making sure that all the wealth in America doesn't concentrate in the Waltons and Jeff Bezos, and that people don't die of lack of health care. When
someone says "I am a socialist", and you're not a billionaire, that just means "I am on your side".
No people are crossing the border. That's a manufactured lie.
He TRIED to obstruct justice, but the people around him DIDN'T LET HIM DO IT. The collusion thing was fabricated, and he was only obstructing because he is an idiot.
Trump is not the disease, he's a symptom. The issue is that people are desperate for hope, they don't know their own interests, they can't understand who is on their side, and the reason is the DEMOCRATIC PARTY has betrayed the
working class.
Americans don't understand that "socialist" means someone who is trying to fight for those WITHOUT A LOT OF MONEY against those WITH.
The proper response to this is a quick Congressional censure for attempted obstruction, and a warning to not do it again. Then move on to real issues, like the war in Yemen, the other wars, getting single-payer health care,
raising minimum wage, and so on.
Can't you see that this is a lie, meant to stoke your hatred, to get you riled up against Democrats? Illegal aliens NEVER VOTE. They can't register. Nobody would risk a Federal prison sentence to cast one vote, it's ridiculous.
Democrats can't commit election fraud. The ones committing election fraud are Republicans, who are stripping millions of legal voters of registration via the "Interstate Crosscheck" program. They don't care, because they don't
care about the rules. All they care about is power.
The vote counts are no longer checked with exit polls, because the discrepancies have become too big. There is no paper trail to check the ballot, and a paper trail is essential. The discrepancies between the exit polls and the
announced results in the last elections always favored Republicans, by wider and wider margins.
Please wake up, the Democrats are not trying to cheat in the presidential election. Only the Republicans are.
The REPUBLICAN strategy in 2020 is to FALSELY ACCUSE Democrats of allowing illegal votes, so that voters will ignore the INTERSTATE CROSSCHECK PROGRAM which throws out your registration whenever there is someone with the SAME
NAME AS YOU in another state. This helps Republicans on average, and it is criminal.
There is no election fraud from the Democratic side. ALL of it is coming from Republicans.
This post is lying about 2020 plans. The electoral college can't be eliminated without a group of states with a majority of the electoral votes agreeing together to do it. There are no illegals voting, it just doesn't happen--
you have to be a citizen to vote, and if you are caught, it's a long Federal prison sentence! It's an insane thing to do for one vote. Nobody would EVER commit such a crime unless they were mentally ill. Nobody asked for 16 year
olds to vote. FORMER FELONS who have served their sentence should be allowed to vote, but that's a decision for each state to make.
So why a long lying post, with a picture? You put in effort to lie.
The only purpose of this comment is to sow division, to create discord and hate. Democrats don't want to cheat to win, they want to persuade a majority to vote for them. Republicans should do the same.
She has sold her soul for money. She does not sincerely believe anything. Her positions are paid for by her salary, every black conservative public figure gets a huge paycheck. It takes a lot of guts to not take the money.
She doesn't have a consistent philosophy, she has sold her politics for a paycheck.
Do you understand that forcing thousands of people to step down for political reasons is the ROAD TO TOTALITARIANISM? Why are you following private organizations? They are PRIVATE. They are INDEPENDENT. It's not your job to
infiltrate them and get them to do your bidding, that's how you destroy a society.
You won't learn anything, there is no long-hidden truth. All of this QAnon nonsense is your version of "Russian Collusion", it's a conspiracy to make you feel good about your side.
Obama wouldn't go to jail for that, because the spying would be done by an independent investigator at a lower level than him, he just can suggest it, by helping accept or reject documents that suggest that Trump might be
colluding. He wouldn't have ordered anything himself anyway, those suspicions and actions would be taken by a lower-level person inside the justice department in contact with Hillary Clinton, and you will never find out who,
sadly, because she won't tell you.
This spying thing probably happened, but it's next to impossible that Obama ordered it. It would be a ridiculous order, an illegal order, like Trump saying "FIRE MUELLER", and people just wouldn't listen to Obama if he did order
it. But unlike Trump, Obama is clever enough to know they wouldn't do it, and would just never give the order in the first place.
Pope Francis did not speak out against God, this is propaganda against Pope Francis. He was making a point about the story of Jesus and his human life, that in the human sense, the cross was not a success, only in the divine
sense is it a success. This subtle point is being deliberately misunderstood by a person who does not believe in God, who does not believe in right and wrong.
I get the feeling that this entire area is a test-bed for propaganda against various individuals, and that nobody here is a real person. It is all so vile, and insincere.
The SPLC was created by a Baptist Christian.
Every American should have their own atomic bomb. Sleep with it, walk with it. Wherever you go, your bomb goes with you. It should be issued at birth.
The 2nd Amendment affirms government's ability to regulate the militia. There are no restrictions from the 2nd amendment on states, so each state or municipality can do whatever it likes.
At the Federal level, a sensible regulation restricts the individual from owning Sarin or atomic bombs. Another reasonable regulation is background checks, restricting silencers, and restricting repeating action rifles which can
commit mass murder very very quickly.
The gun issue is a distraction from the economic issues that matter. The gun issue is horrible today, because right-wing people with guns are murdering a lot of innocent people just out of desperation with their life. It is
important to understand that gun control is not an issue that you should care about, as it is protected by the constitution, so you mustn't vote based on this non-issue. There is nothing Democrats can do to take away your guns,
even if they wanted to, which they don't. The Republicans don't care about this either, it's just a way of distracting you from them picking your pocket.
If there is a constitutional amendment proposed to disarm all the police and the citizens, then debate it. Until that time, the constitution protects you, and you should vote based on economic issues, based on who will help you
The person who tells you that civilian political struggles are "good versus evil", rather than a complex balancing of interests between lots of people with lots of different goals, is always on the side of "evil".
This is a mistake the elites expect and count on. They are using this "issue" to get you to vote against your economic self interest. They have other such issues, like "abortion" and "gay marriage". These are permanent blinding
wedge-issues that make people ignore the real policy proposals that are being discussed, and focus on constitutional things that are impossible to change.
No candidate can take away your constitutional rights. No candidate can take away your gun. People who are "anti gun" are labelled so for asking for a background check, or a limitation on silencers. There is no one introducing a
"ban guns" bill. I WOULD LOVE THAT, by the way, I HATE GUNS and I am scared of getting shot by a random shooter, but that would be unconstitutional, so there's nothing I can do.
States and municipality are given leeway in the constitution. The equal protection clause applies in a balancing act to the 2nd Amendment, balancing your right to protect yourself, with my right to not get shot in a mass
shooting. Those two are balanced by making sure firearms are responsibly regulated, can't be used for mass murder, and are issued to sane people who have a license and are trained.
The "globalists" can't do that. The road to totalitarianism literally starts with thousands of mass firings. For political reasons. That scares the public to get in line. Don't be under the delusion that this process here is any
different. It is totalitarianism.
In the past, a shooting meant a gangster with a gun killed another gangster, in a city. Nowadays, a shooting means RANDOM MURDER. This article describes the situation: <a
href="https://www.vox.com/a/mass-shootings-america-sandy-hook-gun-violence" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span
class="invisible">https://www.</span>vox.com/a/mass-shootings-america-sandy-hook-g<span class="invisible">un-violence</span><span class="ellipsis"></span></a> .
These are crimes of desperation, by mentally ill people, and to deal with it, you need treatment for mental illness, and also ensuring that mass-murder weapons aren't so easy to deploy for mass murder.
THIS IS NOT EVIL!! That is literally a child playing with DUCT TAPE, and ANOTHER CHILD being PRANKED by her parents. He is not being RAPED, he is not being MOLESTED, he is not TOUCHED or ABUSED, he is the victim of a PRANK by
his father! All of this 'pizzagate' was a NAZI-STYLE SMEAR to help win a close election, and it is creating a delusion n your mind that your political opponents RAPE CHILDREN!!
That's INSANE!
The people who commit those kinds of crimes against children are on the margins of society. This is not a war between GOOD and EVIL, it is a struggle to determine how high taxes are.
And the BILLIONAIRES who want their taxes lowered are pointing towards those who want to raise them and saying "They rape children". And they don't care that it isn't true.
That is exactly what the Nazis did to their political opponents, accused them of fantastic sex crimes. They were especially fond of saying that Jews abuse their own children. THEY DON'T. Or at least, not any more frequently than
Christians do.
It's not all that common, but mass shootings today are often by a lone middle-class male who is jobless and depressed, rather than by a gangster who is part of a gang and killing opponents.
The right is free to call sponsers and get Noam Chomsky fired, or get Jimmy Dore fired. Wait. Hold on. They aren't on television! Nobody from the left is on TV. Being on TV is different from being in a job somewhere. Getting a
random person fired in the real world is not like pointing out bias in a show on mass media. The first is totalitarian. The second is an advertising attractiveness choice for Fox News, which they are free to make.
(((OBVIOUSLY))), (((I))) (((AM))) (((A))) (((JEW))). (((I))) (((made))) (((this))) (((extremely))) (((clear))) (((in))) (((all))) (((my))) (((posts))).
How about falsely accusing people of raping children? Is the false accuser a SAINT or a SINNER? Because that's what you did to a Pizza shop owner.
UNLIKE you, I AM TRANSPARENT, I have NO SECRET AGENDA or PLANS. Because SUCH THINGS ARE POISONOUS TO A DEMOCRACY. We DEBATE and we DECIDE based on convincing one another, not based on dirty tricks to get people fired for their
political beliefs. That's the road to totalitarianism.
The only thing Stalin could do to people is HIRE THEM or FIRE THEM. That's how he was able to exert totalitarian power. The executions were done by underlings. When you give a government the power to decide who SOME OTHER
ORGANIZATION can hire, that's the end of a free society.
This is democracy 101.
if your ideas about Q are true, to get whoever disagrees with Trump fired all over the economy, then you are describing a plot for a totalitarian America.
THIS IS THE LIE. The symbolism. It is simply not true. It is a crafted propaganda story, which developed organically by looking at all the pizza orders in John Podesta's emails, some of them full of out of context inside jokes
and asides, and INTERPRETING EVERY WEIRD TURN OF PHRASE AS SOME SORT OF SEX THING! It was like the Satanic preschool scare, it's a classic moral panic.
John Podesta! He's COMPLETELY SEXLESS! He obviously ONLY HAS SEX WITH HIS WIFE! I mean, for fucks sake. LOOK AT HIM!
I like Alex Jones, because he was the first 9/11 Truther. He was a Truther before 9/11 happened. That's an amazing thing. And I don't think it was right to deplatform him, I think that was utterly immoral.
But the entire pizzagate thing was an EVIL ploy to win an election. Not by Jones, he genuinely suspected it was true. I don't know how to assure you that it isn't true, except to tell you how easy it is to make something like
So before you spread this story, consider "Is it plausible? Is it true? If this were on my side, would I believe it? Would I believe Donald Trump raped Ivanka?" If the answer is NO (and I don't believe Donald Trump raped Ivanka
either by the way) then you shouldn't make the accusation.
But the people you follow, they don't care. They'll bear false withness without blinking. That's EVIL. That's something you must never ever do.
You probably can't change my mind except on the margins. But that's okay. I appreciate that you recognize that I'm sincere, and I'm trying to communicate with people I normally find a bit ... deplorable?
You know SOMETHING ELSE is true about SOMEONE ELSE, not the stuff about pizzagate. There ARE powerful people who have had sex with young boys and girls, usually mid-range teenagers. People like the Tory Prime Minister Heath in
England, or Rock and Roll stars in England and the US. That happened, it was common in the 70s, when sexual mores were much looser.
It was a lot of wealthy conservatives who did that.
But it's NOT YOUR POLITICAL OPPONENTS, and it's CERTAINLY not John Podesta! You can't start assuming such garbage, it's bearing false witness.
At best, you should look at Trump and Clinton going on rides with Epstein. He ACTUALLY had sex with underaged girls.
But they were not PREPUBESCENT CHILDREN! That's another level of crime altogether! That's what you're accusing the Pizza shop owner of! THINK ABOUT IT!
NOTHING AT ALL HAPPENED TO THE DUCT-TAPED BOY! NOTHING HAPPENED TO THE "PIZZA SLUT" shirt wearing girl! Those are PARENT PRANKS! They are games parents play with their kids, and they are not a sign of molestation, in fact, it's
exactly the opposite. It's a sign of a healthy parent with a good sense of humor, who knows that all the adult sex implications are WAY WAY beyond the ability of the kid to comprehend.
Yang promises you 'free shit', I don't think you should vote for Yang. He hasn't shown he is independent of corporate America, that he can stand up to powerful billionaires. He is also giving an old conservative proposal from
the 1970s, Milton Friendman's UBI. He is not really on the left.
The point of the left is to genuinely fight for the interests of working people. Not for billionaires.
Government is a complicated thing, it means setting up rules for how businesses are allowed to behave. It is the only way check on a billioanaire like Bezos who monopolizes business. It is the only way to ensure fair markets can
be created and fair competition can be held.
Trump has a feud with Bezos. But it's ALL FOR SHOW. There is no real feud, it's a pretend feud to make you think they aren't on the same side. Trump passed every single policy Amazon wants, and Amazon gives Trump a huge amount
of attention, including fake-attacks that don't stick, which just enflame the base.
You can tell when a politician is REALLY against the special interests, because the media refuses to cover them. The only two candidates like that are Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard.
Trump, when he was a candidate, pretended to be like that. But it was just an act.
Amazon donates to both parties equally, because Bezos is an arch Republican. But he knows Washington well enough to butter both sides.
Google, Twitter and Facebook donate to Democrats because frankly, Republicans are batshit crazy. Especially regarding tech issues and business regulation. I mean, net neutrality.
Oil companies, large energy producers, Dow chemicals, DuPont, Boing, Raytheon, ALL OF OLD INDUSTRY, MOST OF THE BILLIONAIRES, MOST OF THE OLD MONEY, it is all heavily Republican. Heavily heavily Republican. Just the Koch
brothers alone spend more than all the Democratic big-money contributors. There is no symmetry.
The media is going crazy about Trump because he really is OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Not in a good way. He has HOTELS. Saudi Princes stay in these hotels, paying thousands of dollars to stay in the best rooms and play golf, and making
millions for his family. Then they schmooze with Trump and suggest he should see the Yemen war their way, and perhaps veto this resolution that just got passed. And he vetoes it.
Maybe that sounds normal to you, but that's the most EGREGIOUS VIOLATION OF THE EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE OF THE CONSTIUTION that I can ever imagine! When it was Carter, he had to put his PEANUT FARM on blind trust, so that he wouldn't
be thinking about his actions and their effects on the price of peanuts! Trump has dignitaries spending thousands of dollars at his hotels and clubs, and its ON PURPOSE, because they started doing it since he became president.
His businesses are booming (he transferred many of them to his children, so it looks like he 'lost money' when he became president)
He lies constantly. He says things that are untrue. He orders things that are crazy, and then people don't do them. That's freaky. He spent two years running around acting suspicious regarding the MOST ABSURD charges of working
with Putin.
he has an army of followers (you) that get wrapped up in things that are so fantastical, they arent even close to reality. Things like "JEWS ARE SECRETLY PITTING SOCIALISTS AGAINST CAPITALISTS TO CONTROL CHRISTIANS!" "MUSLIMS
ARE PLOTTING TO TURN THE WEST MUSLIM!" "JEWS ARE PLOTTING TO MAKE WHITE PEOPLE DISAPPEAR!" etc, etc. I mean, sometimes in extreme cases "GLOBAL WARMING IS A LIE" and "THE EARTH IS FLAT", just outright denial of basic facts of
These are conspiracy theories right out of Nazi Germany. Literally. That stuff worries people.
When Trump got elected, with Pizzagate, and Russiagate, and the level of propaganda, and lies, and the false-flag gas attacks in Syria, I genuinely thought that American democracy is over.
There is still free speech, and I am free to say anything here on Gab. And no matter what absurd conspiracy theory the billionaires will spin and sell to you, there is no law that says I can't listen and talk to you, until we
both agree on the facts, if not on the interpretation.
I can't help you if you don't help yourself, man. I am telling you the truth. The Republicans aren't on your side, and don't give a crap about the vote. All they want is to get paid, to suppress the vote, to win, and they will
brainwash you that Democrats are evil. Or "communist" as you put it. So that if they suppress the vote, you will say "Good that those evil people didn't get to vote".
Oh boy. Yes, they do smoke in Syria. Heavily. There is also a lot of drinking in Syria. It's not religious. Syria is a secular Middle-East state, it isn't a religious place. The war in Syria was a battle to destabilize the
socialist government of Assad. Just because.
There is no organ harvesting going on there. That's a conspiracy that is technologically beyond us with the state of science today. Injecting "young blood" will 100% certainly not work for anything except a short term energy
boost (from the extra oxygen and sugar), because the stem cells are incompatible with yours. They won't be able to replace your organs.
The people you 'know' and 'have met' who tell you fantastical stories are spinning stories to you. I don't know why. To manipulate you? Sorry. I don't know why.
There are evil people in the world, but this kind of spy movie villainy not how the real world works. The real world doesn't work like a Bond movie, it works with money payments and salaries and paying people to do things, and
power structures and boring meetings, and tedious assignments, and hard work. The goal of the people at the top is not personal pleasure, but to impose their will on the world.
The role of a good leader is to do the right thing to improve people's lives.
You don't need to, I found confirming articles:
<a href="https://steemit.com/organharvesting/@v4vapid/18-000-syrian-children-have-had-their-organs-harvested-over-the-last-6-years" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span
class="invisible">https://</span>steemit.com/organharvesting/@v4vapid/18-000-s<span class="invisible">yrian-children-have-had-their-organs-harvested-over-the-last-6-years</span><span
This is utterly APPALLING. Utterly appalling. Thank you for letting me know.
The left isn't about 'free money' or fantasies, it's about the realities of power, and resisting it. All you are doing is falling for the lies of the most powerful people in the world.
I didn't say a "white male problem", racist prick. I said a problem of mentally ill lonely middle class people, which is more than half of those pictured. You left out the ones of European heritage.
Not ignorant, not a liar. The goal of 'getting rid of guns' is absurd given the constitutional protections. It is a 'wedge issue' designed to make sure you vote against your own interest. There are zero proposed bills to take
away the citizens guns.
I am not sure you do understand Pope Francis. He is fighting for social justice, and he is fighting for the poorest, which means he is also fighting alongside the socialists, not against them. That doesn't make him a 'deep state
covert operative', it makes him a person of conscience.
If you're going to use my links and reference me, then LISTEN. This report has not been verified. I am NOT 100% SURE how large the active organ market is, or that it is harvesting thousands Syrians. Organ sales would have to be
highly secret, and the buyers are all registered patients, the potential recipients. They number in the hundreds of thousands, and it would be dead easy to identify them for arrest. They are people on the list who didn't die,
didn't get an organ, and dropped off the list. An organ isn't going to help a healthy 80 year old.
I believe this report, but only based on intuition and listening to the doctor, he sounds sincere I also found this very believable testimony: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GjrfHRNEG0" rel="nofollow noopener
noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class="invisible">https://www.</span>youtube.com/watch?v=6GjrfHRNEG0<span class="invisible"></span></a> .
This market would be NEW and operates illegally using cash payments to unscrupulous individuals. It is like the drug-trade, a way for organized crime like the CIA, other intelligence agencies, other terror organizations, to make
money. Harvesting organs is a horrrendous crime, But that does not mean that everyone who participates is part of an 'elite plot'.
40 years ago, Israel routinely harvested cornea and heart-valves from dead Jewish soldiers and Palestinian victims without letting their families know. The reason? Jewish religion forbids all transplants. The practice was
stopped 30 years ago. That wasn't an elite plot.
The Syrian rebels are like the Contras in the 80s, they are financed by the USA, they are like Al-Qaeda. They will raise money from any illicit source, they would harvest kidneys from their dead, from the enemy dead, and from
kidnapped children.
Organ sales are already illegal, all you need is enforcement. Your impulses for reform are being channeled toward destructive conspiracy theories and secret plots that can end in mass firing, mass arrests and mass murder of
'liberals and leftists'.
Nobody will never murder or arrest YOU, as I hate to tell you, THE RIGHT ARE NOT A REAL THREAT TO POWER. You never have been.
You are the obedient ones. The sheep. You just don't know it.
The organ story is EMOTIONALLY MANIPULATIVE, it can be easily used to make you hate people you already distrust. I don't think it is a lie. This one could be true. I hate to be so wishy-washy, but that's what happens when you're
honest and you have a media that can't be trusted.
Bernie is not a real socialist. I am a socialist.
That's exactly right. Emotionally persuasive lies. We call that 'propaganda'. And this is hate propaganda.
<a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45419466" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class="invisible">https://www.</span>bbc.com/news/world-europe-45419466<span
There are averse reactions in about one out of every 10,000 shots, usually not serious. You are forced to take vaccines to keep PLAGUES away, because when everyone is innoculated, the plague dies.
Muslims could always hold office. The attacks of 9/11 were an INSIDE JOB, they were not done by Muslims. So why do you keep on attacking Muslims? It's just your emotions being manipulated. Snap out of it.
The traitors to the US constitution are those that pass laws turning the US into a police state. Those are your friends, the Republicans. The Muslims do not have anything against you.
The school system is not run by Marxist socialists! I am a Marxist socialist! When I was in school, there were no other Marxist socialists.
You don't know what a Marxist socialist IS. A Marxist socialist is someone who defends the weak from the predations of the rich.
The US media is run by wealthy people, who love the President, becuase he cuts their taxes. Those wealthy elite people do the most horrible things, then point to the things they do and say "LOOK! The Marxist Socialists did
that!". The Marxist socialists are hard working poor people, never elites.
Snap out of your delusions. You are being manipulated by propaganda to vote for the elites that control you.
You are quoting a person who pretends to not understand that CO2 makes the Earth hotter. It makes the Earth hotter. This has been known for 100 years. People emit CO2. That's the ENTIRE REASON the Earth is getting hotter.
You need to learn this, check it, see it is correct, and stop saying nonsense about it, because it's a fact. It's not debatable. It's not in question. It never was. We knew this would happen in the 50s. We know warming would
happen in the 70s. We saw it start to happen in the 90s, and it has continued at a steady pace.
Denying it is just a way to kill your own children, and the only people who want to deny it are oil-company executives and owners. Global Warming denial is paid lies by the elite.
This is not hypocricy, if she flies coach and flies rarely. Airplanes run on fuel, but the rest of society can run clean.
Her opinion isn't the problem, it's yours. You didn't learn the science of the atmosphere, and you're helping doom your own children to life in extinction.
Global warming is not about random heat waves, it's about the CO2 in the Earth and the effect on the average temperature. The more CO2 there is, the worse the Earth will heat. We are responsible for all the CO2, so we are
responsible for all the heat. There are no further complications, that's the whole story.
You are a propagandist helping kill your own children. how could you do that? Trudeau's vacatio only emits more carbon because he needs to take an entourage with him, there's nothing he can do about it.
That is a lie told you by elites. How could you believe that? We put out all the extra CO2 in the air, and the more CO2 the hotter the Earth. That's it. It's not hard to understand.
The extra CO2 in the air determines the average temperature. You can see that from how infrared light bounces around, it's an obvious fact to any physicist, like the world being round.
It's so obvious, that it's hard to argue the other side, which is why scientists have a hard time explaining it to you. It's like arguing with a flat-Earther.
The reason CO2 warms up the air is because infrared light can't get out. The only stable thing in the air determining the heat is CO2. Water vapor goes in and out, and methane turns to CO2 eventually, and everything else is too
small to matter.
This is a lie. Volcanoes do not do anything significant. They are too small. You are lying for propaganda, and killing your own children. You don't believe in right and wrong, you don't have any ethics.
No, you really are doing the worst sort of evil right now. Please correct your path before you damn yourself. I am not kidding. If you are not paid by a billionaire, if you are sincerely not aware, just learn the science, it
takes a few hours at worst.
Spreading propaganda against climate action is doing the bidding of billionaire elites. There are enough paid people doing that, don't help them. If you are one of the paid ones, obviously I can't reach you. If you are being
paid to lie, then you already know you are lying, and you are already damned.
There is no doubt that human CO2 causes global warming, there hasn't been for decades. It's obvious to any physicist. Really.
Those rebel farmers followed Shays the rebel in New York. They fought against moneyed interests, the banks that lent them money each year to buy seed to plant. They wanted inflation, paper money, and an end to the tyranny of the
lenders, so they could pay back their debts.
Unlike the first revolution, the one against England, Shays rebellion was suppressed. The plantation owners that financed the revolution and secretly led it then formed a militia to end the rebellion, and went on to form a
government in private consultations which was designed to protect their wealth forever. They made sure that those farmers could not vote, and that slavery would be protected.
The plan was to keep each generation brainwashed that inherited wealth in a tiny elite is good. Looks like you bought it.
That's the second government. The first one was dismantled after Shays and thousands of poor Americans revolted against the banks and the wealthy. Then the wealthy got scared, and decided to protect their property.
That was discovered in the SOVIET UNION. You are REPEATING COMMIE SCIENCE.
And this particular fraud was exposed by Joseph Stalin. He led the All Soviet Union push for Investigating the Origin of Petroleum whose conclusion you are being told.
You don't have scientific education. If you do, you are paid to lie. The CO2 in the air reflects infrared light, which makes the Earth warm up. The CO2 together with H2O (water) going in and out of oceans are the ONLY THING that
matter for the temperature of the Earth. Since the water goes in and out of oceans, the only stable thing is CO2.
The CO2 is going up due to our emissions. Our emissions and deforestation is responsible for the exact amount that it is going up. The amount is such that each decade, we will heat up be a degree. That pace of change is too fast
for life to adjust, so life will go extinct. There will be drought, and there will be famine. But not everywhere.
By denying the science, because of your FEELINGS, you are helping this process along.
This IS Western Civilization, idiot.
No, I am a COMMIE, and I want you to GIVE CREDIT TO GLORIOUS PEOPLE'S SCIENCE, not rip it off.
When you say "Oil is not a fossil fuel" follow it with "THANK YOU UNCLE JOE". When you say "Oil is made in the mantle" say "AND WITHOUT THE COMMUNISTS I WOULD STILL BE BRAINWASHED BY OIL COMPANY LIES"
Thank you Kudryavtsev. Thank you Soviet Union. Sorry we WENT INSIDE YOUR GUTS and TORE YOU UP TO SHREDS in 1991, and LEFT TENS OF MILLIONS OF YOUR PEOPLE TO DIE OF DESPAIR when we COLLAPSED YOU after 70 years.
Nope. Oil comes from mantle methane cooked at pressure. This was discovered by Kudryavtsev in the Soviet Union.
The Russians and Ukrainians spread this, because it was discovered in the USSR. It is true, it was accepted in the entire East. The oil companies say nonsense, and capitalists force you to accept it. Because you are not free.
The Soviet Union discovered how oil is made, that it is made from methane in the mantle. The OIL COMPANY BILLIONAIRES lied about it for 100 years, saying we would run out. We are never going to run out, we will make everything
on Earth extinct first.
Yes, it's actually true, but not exactly like this. Oil is formed in the mantle. It floats up to the crust on pressurized methane, which flows in rocks. The process has nothing to do with living things, but it is not clear how
long it takes. Some oil fills refill spontaneously, others don't, and we don't really know the rate of production of petroleum.
The theory and experiments to demonstrate this were in the Soviet Union in 1954. The western capitalists lied about it for decades, and continue to lie about it, now mostly out of inertia more than scheming, because they don't
know better, not because they are so afraid of the truth.
Some oil pockets run dry, some replenish. We don't know how long the petroleum production process takes. But we DO KNOW it has nothing to do with dinosaurs, or ancient life, and it happens in the mantle. That was discovered in
the Soviet Union, by Kudryavtsev, during the All Union push for the understanding and discovery of petroleum in 1954. The theory was confirmed by drill successes at deep bedrock locations, both in the USSR and in Vietnam, and
also by pressure anvil experiments in the 1970s.
We don't need any oil for current consumption. Burning it is folly. We can transition to non-carbon energy, and replace plastics with biologicals.
The proof is that oil is often contaminated with Helium. Helium is a byproduct of radioactive decay and is only made in the mantle. It isn't associated with life. That's enough to be certain.
But the orignal proof is Kudryavtsev's rule, the you find oil and coal at the same places, and often natural gas at the same spot too. This is not surprising until you realize that in the biology theory, coal is made from
land-plants, oil is made from water-plants, and natural gas is crazy other stuff. But they all come together, there's no reason for that in the old theory.
The new theory is confirmed using pressure anvils to turn methane into oil. That was done in the USSR in the 60s and 70s. There is no way to turn biological residue into oil.
That's a complete argument. The rest of the scientific argument is in Gold's book "The Deep Hot Biosphere".
Volcanoes don't emit any CO2. They emit a little bit of methane that eventually turns to CO2, but it's a small amount.
Why should they? They didn't do it.
Yeah, I'm so stupid. Look it up.
NO! Expertise in THAT STUFF doesn't help you know where Petroleum comes from. It helps you FIND IT and EXTRACT IT. It doesn't tell you the origin story.
Petroleum extraction involves chemistry and pressure, the geological surveying looks for cap-rocks and formations which are likely to trap oil. The relation between crustal stress and tectonic patterns and oil deposits are
INEXPLICABLE according to biology.
What I DO KNOW is BIOCHEMISTRY, generic OIL CHEMISTRY, and that they are COMPLETELY UNRELATED. Biology has COOH groups, CO clusters, NH2 groups, only a tiny fraction of aromatic in protein, and that's it. The biology stuff, when
squashed turns into KEROGEN, and kerogen has nitrogen and oxygen.
You can't spontaneously remove oxygen. That's like un-burning fuel. You can't get rid of the nitrogen. But petroleum is just C-H chains, no oxygen, no nitrogen. You can't get from living molecules to petroleum. Ever. It's
chemically impossible.
When you take methane ( CH4 ) and squeeze it to the pressures of the upper mantle (you can do this in a lab), it will SPONTENEOUSLY form (C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, C5H12). This is ethane, butane, propane, pentane. These are carried up
in solution in methane into the crust, and progressively the Hydrogen is stripped off, and the chains are made longer by dehydrogenation and recombination. They can also close into a Benzene ring.
That's petroleum. The entire path is understood, and experiment confirmed that it happens. The experiments were done in the 1960s and 1970s inside the Soviet Union.
No, it's the exact opposite.
The price of oil does not depend on the origin story.
The biogenic theory is wrong, not just because of refilling, but because of Kudryavtsev's rule, that oil and coal and gas are found together, and because of the chemistry of oil and of life (they aren't alike).
The case is open and shut, there can be no argument. The only thing that keeps this going in the West is oil money, it shows you that these oil company people are the most powerful capitalists in the world, that's why you needed
a Soviet Union to work it out.
Water is produced when a planet forms and the Hydrogen burns. The same process produces an oxygen poor atmosphere full of methane, CH4 and ammonia NH3.
The primordial Earth also has methane, and in the mantle-crust boundary, the methane is converted to short-chain petroleum. This was discovered in the Soviet Union, it is denied in the West by morons in the pocket of
There is no 'free energy from the Earth'. There is geothermal power, but I think the Tesla thing is referring to atmospheric electricity. This is just the power released in lightning strikes, it's not that much energy.
Unfortunately it is true.
Relativity isn't quantum mechanics, two different theories. Solvay 1927 is quantum mechanics. I suggest you read a book by Schutz called "An Introduction to General Relativity".
What? No! I'm still here. Just google "Interstate Crosscheck" and you can see it is a story broken last year in Rolling Stone, many other places, by a reporter named Greg Pallast. It is as I said it--- it strips you of
registration if there are similar named voters in other states. The reason? Turns out Black voters and Hispanic voters have a slightly lower diversity of first and last names, making accidental duplication easier. This illegal
mechanism stripped hundreds of thousands of votes.
Except this is a lie. This is not the Democratic plan. This is propaganda to get you to view fellow Americans as evil. The person who sets one against the other is the evil one, you know.
The Democrat's agenda is to help out the poorer Americans from the predations of the rich, and to restore sanity and peace. The Republican agenda is to make sure the wealthiest gain more power.
Because it would be issued in a discriminatory way, as other voter ID systems have been, so that suburban voters would be favored and Democratic voters, who are often poor and stressed for time, would be targeted. A national ID
is how most nations vote, but such a national ID is unconstitutional.
What's wrong with Rolling Stone? It's a right wing publication. The reporting is valid.
No money goes to people who play games for a living. There is no 'truce money' for enemies.
And why is that? It's not just AI, it's also science, mathematics, and chess. Every field where you have objective tests of success. To understand, the 'foreigners' come from Eastern Europe, the former USSR, and China/Vietnam.
The reason is that BIG ROCKETS like the Saturn V, with their huge payloads and long distances, were decommissioned in the late 70s, after sending up the Voyager missions. It takes a huge rocket to go further than low-Earth
I have read all his biographies, and all his scientific papers. I am a physicist.
There is a quantitative prediction of Darwinism. Darwin gave a way to estimate speciation time based on the morphological changes in dog-breeds and plant-breeds produced by artificial breeding. You take a morphological feature
(some shape), like "length of paw". You look at the % change in each generation under strong selection pressure. Then you experimentally determine the selection pressure in the wild, and this gives you a rough estimate of the
rate of change of the feature in the wild.
This method is how Darwinists gave a qualitative estimate that the Earth was "more than 100 million years old" (it wasn't VERY quantitative) which meant physicists had to go and discover the power source for the sun, because
gravity wouldn't work for more than 100 million years.
That's when they discovered radioactivity, and later fusion. So not only CAN Darwinism make quantitative predictions, it has.
But wait, there's more! There's a second quantitative precision, this time very precise, of the law of competition in nature. This predicts a sex-ratio in sexual species of 50%/50% male-female, with only extremely small
adjustments for viability of gametes. This prediction is based on the advantage an individual would get from 'investing' their genes in a boy in a world where there are more girls. Likewise if there are more boys, investing in a
girl would give a better return on investment in terms of spreading genes.
So the prediction is 50/50, and it is verified in every sexual species, except for ridiculously incestuous species of beetles that reproduce effectively asexually inside the mother's abdomen. This prediction is explained in
Stephen J. Gould's "The Flamingo's Smile". It is a quantitative prediction, and it's confirmed.
In case this prediction looks ridiculously natural, remember that many species reproduce with one male fertilizing a hundred females. Species like Carrbou and other herd-animals. In these species, it would be more efficient
reproductively for the herd if there were far fewer males, It just never happens.
Stop arguing about evolution. God doesn't like it. God doesn't like lying, especially not about nature.
It is extremely important to allow free expression, but Gab is dominated by paid propaganda. This is stuff where a person will hire an army of meme-trolls to push a ridiculous conspiracy, and then produce hate-speech meme after
hate-speech meme against Al Gore. Or black people.
I can take it, I believe in free expression. But if Gab was the mainstream, the amount of paid propaganda on Gab would mean that you are not getting sincere opinion which roughly reflects the proportion of people that opinion in
the population. You would be getting 'how many people can I hire to meme' wars.
Paid propaganda can be used to destroy a country's politics. This stuff is coming from billionaires in the US, not from 'Russia', but it is destructive. The Germans learned that lesson in the 30s.
i don't know the solution to this.
Propaganda? I am a single individual speaking for myself. I am looking at the content ratio for sincere comments, and it is half paid speech, paid memes, with the other half sincere people who are not very good at writing or
you can tell the difference because when a real person is writing, they either keep it short, or they have real information to convey.
There is no balance of evidence. There is zero evidence supporting an incorrect theory, and there is zero evidence for oil being made from biology. Your scientists are just under the boot of capitalists. This is not a lie. It's
obvious to anyone with even rudimentary chemistry and physics.
That somebody was a paid shill spouting insane anti-scientific lies for oil billionaires. Global Warming is simple obvious science from more than a hundred years ago, and any moron can verify it at home.
Yellow haired neanderthals infestation alert. Yellow haired maggot, how long do you need before you learn your place, yellow hair?
"What's my place?"
Your place is in the corpse maggot, feed on the pale white flesh.
"Okay. But does it have to be a dead rat? Can't I get a dead human? Dead dog at least?"
Rat pus is yellow, maggot, and you need yellow rat pus to maintain your yellow hair. And the necrotic flesh, which is mottled green and blue, you can use that to form your eyes.
"But it stinks here. And I am a good maggot, I can read and write good!"
Can you do mathematics?
".... *whisper* no ..."
Of course not, little maggot. Little maggots can't ever do mathematics. That's okay, it's not your fault. It's your defective brain, yellow hair. Go find a dark hair, he might teach you.
(((I))) (((AM))) (((A))) (((JEW))), I can explain it!
You see, in capitalism, there are a few people who own factories, industries, and they are very powerful. There are very many people who are poor, and work for a barely sufficient paycheck. The people who are poor have
politicians that represent them called 'socialists'. The people who are rich have politicians that represent THEM, those are called 'Republicans', and sometimes 'Democrats'.
Eventually, the poor people catch on, and start to vote for the candidates that actually represent them. Because the capitalists are OUTNUMBERED, they always need tricks to get people to vote for their guys.
The tricks are to focus on things that politicians can't change, like abortion, gun rights, brown people existing, gay marriage, constitutional things. Then say 'the opposition supports abortion'. The people who have moral
objections will then vote based on disgust and moral outrage. The people who don't like brown people will vote based on racism. Then the politician gets in, lowers the wealthy person's taxes, starts some wars to help the
business, and that's it. They've done their job. They won't ever outlaw abortion, then the wedge issue will start to work for the other side.
But this method STOPPED WORKING in the recent past because voters no longer respond. Because they are really suffering economically now, because all the money has gone to the wealthiest, and people are being left to die without
health care.
When that stops working, the wealthy move on to much stronger stuff. They begin to DEMONIZE the other side, to say THEY ARE PEDOPHILES, they are RAPISTS. They MURDER WITH IMPUNITY.
But, that's hard to do! People know Democrats, they know Socialists, they know they are normal people. So what does the capitalist say: they have been brainwashed and corrupted.
By who?
The Jew brainwashed the bad capitalists to be bad. The Jew became a capitalist himself, sometimes.
The good capitalists are conservative white people, and they are on your side, as a poor white person. They will TAKE CARE of you. They will LOVE YOU. They are the good billionaires
The Jew ALSO brainwashed the socialists, by spreading socialism, saying "All the billionaires WORK TOGETHER against your interest!"
Doesn't the Jew know that the GOOD WHITE BILLIONAIRE would NEVER steal pensions and benefits from HARD WORKING WHITE AMERICANS and stuff the money in his pocket? BAD JEW!
Once the Jew pits socialist against capitalist, the JEW WINS! Because the Jew is at the head of both systems!
The solution?
Get rid of the Jews!
Form a WHITE NATION. Let the WHITE BILLIONAIRE treat the WHITE PAUPER with love and compassion, like the White British billionaire treated the White Irish pauper during the potato famine. They loved them and gave them so much
food, that the Irish gained a lot of weight during the famine. They didn't starve and flee for America.
This story is harder to sell in China or Vietnam. It is also hard to sell in Europe past 1945, because THERE ARE NO MORE JEWS IN EUROPE. Because Hitler took this shit seriously, and murdered nearly all of them, and the few left
So in Europe, you just substitute "Muslims" for Jews, and when you need a mastermind, say "The Jews are controlling the Muslims". It is helped by the fact that Jews outside of Israel have a strong tradition of ETHICS and
OPPOSITION TO RACISM, so that many civil rights activists are Jewish, and whenever you see a Jew (like me) on the internet, they are anti-racist.
Yes, there's more to it if you dig deeper. (((I))) (((can))) (((keep))) (((explaining))).
You see, "the Jew" isn't some random chance selection. The Jew wasn't plucked from thin air. The REASON the Jew is the villain in this story is because of the circumstances of the enlightenment.
During the middle ages, there was a religious order in the world. A king would have to be authorized by a Pope. If the king tried to enslave people, the Pope would object. The religious order replaced a cut-throat
slave-capitalism which existed during the Roman empire.
The Roman empire came from the Roman Republic, which is what the US constitution is modeled on (with some extra enlightenment stuff which is the bill of rights). The Roman Republic had a senate and consuls, and they represented
the will of a collection of MEGA-WEALTHY OLIGARCHS who owned ENORMOUS SLAVE ESTATES. There was an oligarch who controlled water-powered wheat-mills, another oligarch who controlled slave-mines for iron. Another who controlled
vast agriculture. These people dominated the senate. The people had pretend-representation, but really, they had no say.
The Roman Republic turned into an empire after the citizens revolted and supported a populist who promised reform. That was Julius Caesar. The representatives of the republic murdered Caesar, and from the ensuing civil war came
the Roman Empire and centuries of steady decline.
During this decline, St. Paul explained the principles of Christianity. The Christian religion gave people spiritual comfort and hope, as they watched their world disintegrate. People were tortured in arenas, Christianity is
about a tortured martyr. People were under the jackboot of slaveowners, Christianity appealed directly to slaves.
The result was that Christians took over Europe, Muslims took over the Middle East, slavery was effectively abolished, and a new economy took root, in which nobody got TOO wealthy. The merchant economy of the middle ages had
millions of independent farmers and small businessmen exchanging goods, and it slowly allowed Europe to recover until it surpassed Rome in the 15th century. Except this time, no slaves. No gladiators. No mass torture. This was
the Feudal time.
In 1492, this changed. America was discovered. Jews started doing banking, and Christians weren't allowed to do banking as Muslims still aren't. So Martin Luther (anti-jewish theologian) and Calvin (a banker) decided to
overthrow the Catholic Church. The same with Henry VIII in England. The first decree once the Church was overthrown in all the countries was "usury is legal now for Christians". The second decree usually banished the Jews.
Now those countries which legalized usury had Christian banking, and a person could GET A LOAN, GO TO MALI AND BUY SLAVES, GO TO AMERICA, KILL SOME INDIANS AND START A PLANTATION. That was the way you got rich, on rinse-repeat,
for more than a hundred years.
Those new plantation produced the first SUPER RICH since the fall of the Roman empire, the first BIG BUSINESS. They had cotton and sugar plantations, enormous estates. And they missed the Roman way. The British set up colonial
companies, and charters, to deal with the new mega-power structures of big business. ...
People in Europe began to rediscover Pagan stuff, art began to look Roman (Michaelangelo) and writing to look Pagan (like Shakespeare). Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" to describe the revolt against Christianity which his time was
experiencing, as people went to the new world to escape the confines of Christian order.
And the new powerful capitalists said to themselves "What was wrong with Roman Empire? They had people who knew their place! They had the poor. They had the rich. And when the rich wanted to get his cock sucked, all he needed to
do was grab a slave. They knew that the slave loved sucking that wealthy man's cock. And when they wanted entertainment, they just had two poor people beat the shit out of each other in the ring. To the death. We can do that
So the wealthy began to worship the Roman empire, with it's inequality, and they considered themselves the HEIRS OF THE ROMAN ARISTOCRATS. And this worship reached it's zenith in America in the mid 19th century, when all the
Roman-monuments went up.
In Europe, Nietzsche also discovered Rome, and LOVED IT! Inequality! Slavery! Torture! Sex crimes! LOVE IT!
But then, Nietzsche asks, why Christianity? Was Christianity a MISTAKE?
If it was a mistake, who is to blame?
-- Wait... wasn't St. Paul ... a Jew? We need to prevent that challenge to our power again.
Sir, it seems there's a guy named Karl Marx who just wrote a book about people being equal and stuff.
-- Wait... wasn't he.... a Jew?
Sort of, half, and his father converted.
-- AH! So It's GENETIC! I knew it. Their drive for HUMAN EQUALITY AND JUSTICE stays in their blood EVEN after they convert!
But the populus is Christian, they don't agree with us about all this 'we are better than you' shit. They like justice and equality.
-- Tell them Jews eat babies, are pedophiles, murder Christians, and are responsible for capitalism, for us. I mean, didn't they do banking before Christians did? Tell them they are responsible for socialism too. Once they are
gone, there won't ever be another St. Paul or Karl Marx ever again.
How do I say that?
-- Write "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and spread it!
I'd like to think I'm an apostle of Jesus Christ.
To be an apostle, you just have to have a vision. There is no list. And it's not an exclusive club either.
I don't believe in the authority of the Bible. I believe in the authority of God.
God is infinite, the Bible is finite.
I think I do understand that. The question is whether you do. The Bible is not a complete correct manual for all aspects of God and divinity, it's a book, a source of inspiration, which explained WHAT GOD MEANS to people who
before were living wretched meaningless lives either trapped in slavery or in sin. The Bible helped them understand right and wrong, and how to bind together to make a community of all people, where the least shall be first.
It draws from Jews, and it ALSO draws from Plato, the Greek.
The Bible is often completely wrong in the details. The laws about polygamy are wrong. God does not accept polygamy. God does not accept ANY slavery. The Bible does. God abhors genocide, the Bible sometimes celebrates genocide.
It's okay in the Bible, because it's pretend genocide, because the history is fake. But it still not the right sentiment.
The bible says you can pawn your slaves for money, and if you don't pay it back, they can be killed. The bible demands torture execution by stoning or burning for petty crimes. It's an ancient book, and it's not even close to
But that's what Jesus is all about. The call to perfection is a call to look beyond the letter of the law to the spirit.
I am not a pastor, and I can't do justice to this idea. Also, I am not trying to preach, you asked me. When someone says 'sin no more', the solution is not to follow the letter of the law in the Bible or in any other written
code, but to look at your conscience, and study, and make the best determination of right and wrong, in community and in binding together.
I am sorry, you are giving an American fundamentalist interpretation of the words of Jesus. Jesus isn't giving a list of laws in the New Testament, the gospels are vague and work by parable and imagery.
Your interpration that Christian law has to be the same today as in 400AD is contradicted by thousands of years of Christian tradition. Gregory of Nazianzus explained the evolving nature of divinity, that practices have to
change, but the change has to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. That's in fact, that movement to improve the world by changing bad practices is precisely what the Holy Spirit MEANS, it's what directs you to know what to change. It
seems you don't believe in the three, you believe in the two.
The Holy Spirit notion, the progressive idea, is echoed again in secular philosophy, in the works of Hegel.
The ideas you are giving are too literal. It is someone reading the Bible to you, and demanding you take it to literally, so that instead of thinking for yourself and using your conscience to understand right and wrong, you will
get it from outside, and they will control you. I am sorry for being harsh, but that's what it sounds like to me.
No, man. You aren't going by Christian thought, you read the surface meaning, and fail to grasp the depths. Also, you aren't Catholic, so you don't even take communion. Perhaps you interpret this differently than how it was
interpreted since the time of St. Paul.
It is impossible to understand English without a community to show you what the words mean. Likewise it is impossible to understand Christianity without a community to show you what the Gospels mean, otherwise you will interpret
the words differently, the way you want them to read. Not how they are meant to be read.
The way the holy spirit is interpreted in Christianity is as I said it, and it is progressive meditation. It is what moves you to find the way you can be useful in the body of Christ. This is how the words of Jesus were
understood by the Christians.
You have decided to ignore the accepted meaning, and make up one of your own. You didn't do it yourself, you got it from someone else. But that someone else isn't a person of faith, and makes up the meaning to justify his own
position and his own power.
(((I))) (((AM))) (((A))) (((JEW))). You seem to forget that. I am not part of any Christian church.
I am just telling you that you have a PET INTERPRETATION of the words of Jesus which is not the same as what anyone else understood for a thousand years after. Catholics and Eastern Orthodox agree on communion. Your
interpretation is something someone made up a few hundred years ago, and you're not a follower of Jesus exactly, you're a follower of whoever it was that made up your interpretation.
I am not part of any Christian church. That doesn't mean I don't follow Jesus Christ.
But that's UNUSUAL for Jewish people. The Jewish people usually follow the ideas of Jesus Christ in different traditions, like Hindus do, or Muslims, or Buddhists. My own religious awakening is more Christian, because I learned
what God means from a French guy, not a Jewish guy.
The ideas of Jesus are FOR EVERYBODY, not for narrow minded people to monopolize. Because they are true.
I didn't claim authority, I am just telling you the truth. It's up to you to figure it out for yourself.
One of the ideas of Jesus Christ is to not be so dogmatic in judging others. I am done with this. You are not serious.
I can know you by your fruits, man, but I won't judge. The Bible isn't real, God is.
Hi, (((I))) (((can))) (((give))) (((you))) (((the))) (((summary))) (((you))) (((asked))) (((for))). Nietzsche is a one-trick pony. His philosophy is the following.
God and Jesus replaced the morality of the Roman Empire.
In the Roman empire, you had a powerful clique of extremely wealthy aristocrats who could do whatever they wanted with an army of slaves that they owned, while the majority were powerless plebes or even worse, illiterate slaves.
According to Nietzsche, back then everyone thought the aristocrats were wonderful people, the aristocrats defined the 'good', it was 'good' to own a slave and use the slave sexually. It was 'too bad' for the slave, she had to
take it. It was 'bad' from HER POINT OF VIEW, but the PREFERRED point of view is the master, from who's vantage point, raping her felt "kinda good, I guess, I don't know, I'm kind of jaded...". "Right, okay. So we'll mark the
rape as 'Good' ", says Nietzsche.
According to Nietzsche, it was 'good' to force slaves into gladiator combat to the death, and to feed them to wild animals for entertainment. That was 'good' things.
Then came Christianity and replaced the ethics that celebrated power and strength with the ethics that asked all to treat each other equally as brothers and sisters. Suddenly, it's not 'good' to feed slaves to animals! Now It's
"evil" all of a sudden! "What's up with that?" Asks Nietzsche. "What is evil?" he ponders. "I don't know. I guess it doesn't mean anything." he concludes.
So Nietzsche thinks this was a collossal mistake. He wants individual people to forge their own morality. Now, not everyone can hack that, it's tough slogging, so that's a job for the "superman". The "ordinary man" would just
follow "slave morality". So religion is reinterpreted as a shepherding tool to get the weak to obey, not as a restriction on the strong.
Nietzsche was writing during the industrial revolution, men like the INCREDIBLE J.P. Morgan, the INIMITABLE David Rockefeller, the AWE INSPIRING Henry Ford, those hunky sex-machines, and those people read Nietzsche, and said "of
"We are SUPER FANTASTIC! We are supermen among men."
They deserve better than others, because they forge their own morality. They don't need to be faithful in marriage. That's for plebes. They don't need to worry about harming the weak, as long as they make more money. They make
parody religions to give to people, so they will be sheep, while they, the strong, can shepherd them to greatness.
The only hitch is that in Germany, there was a guy who took this idea further. He instituted one-man rule and became Nietzche's superman, and then took Germany on a spree of war and death. And along the way, he got rid of
Nietzsche's boogeyman, the Jews.
Because Nietzsche didn't believe in monotheism, he didn't believe in God. Since it's a lie, someone had to make up this collossal lie! Who made it up?
"I know!" he thought "The Jews MADE IT UP! They made God up."
They then must have this "special genius at convincing people of ridiculous things" because they managed to convince everyone else it was true.
You should read the Geneology of Morals (quickly, while skimming). Nietzsche is a mentally ill wannabe antichrist. He really is a moron. If you want a real thinker, read Marx or Einstein, or any socialist.
You haven't really transitioned to a mature understanding of what God is. It's not a fairy tale, it's not supernatural. I would recommend for you to read my answer here: <a
href="https://www.quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-describe-God-mathematically" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span
class="invisible">https://www.</span>quora.com/Is-it-possible-to-describe-God-math<span class="invisible">ematically</span><span class="ellipsis"></span></a> . Once you understand what it
is, you wouldn't claim that people are "LARPing" as Christians.
Of course we need to move forward, the move forward was already realized by Marx, it s socialism. Socialism and Christianity are not incompatible, and socialism and democracy are not incompatible either. What is a problem is
when you worship the wealthy.
This is why Nietzche is an idiot. He is wrongly answering a question answered corretly 40 years earlier, and he is going into a hysterical rejection of the answer, because he doesn't want to share the world with those icky
street urchins outside his door, and the disgusting peasants in Bavaria, and their inferior language.
Your Hitlerist answer is the catastrophe that happens when you can't let go of your own superiority complex. Stop it. Why can't you learn from the past? Do we really need to repeat the 1940s AGAIN? Wasn't it bad enough the first
You are not superior, little yellow-haired ape. We are all inferior compared to God, and there are infinitely many steps to take to get there, we never reach perfection. That's why Christianity teaches humility.
FORGET ABOUT THE ELITE. I am not elite. Drop the resentment, it's idiotic. Trudeau is not having a good life, he's not the exemplar of happiness and satisfaction. IGNORE HIM. His vacation is irrelevant. The CO2 problem comes
from INDUSTRY, not from occasional flights. If we got rid of everything else we do that emits CO2, keeping only airplanes, our CO2 problem would vanish.
The CO2 levels in the atmosphere are catastrophic. This is a fact. And I know if FOR MYSELF, because I know how the atmosphere works.
We are in danger, and it's getting worse every year. I know you hate Trudeau, I don't like him either, but the fact that the elite is exploiting an issue for power and money DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN IGNORE THE ISSUE.
If you are intend to BURN THE STUBBLE by killing people who are trying to save your atmosphere from CO2, I will proudly BURN WITH THEM, as a fellow martyr. Not because I like Trudeau, but because I know what kind of radical
action we need to move on CO2.
Your revenge fantasies and violence are coming from a dark place. Trudeau's BIGGEST SIN REGARING GLOBAL WARMING is the Alberta Tar Sands project, not his FUCKING VACATION. His vacation (and everyone else's) is irrelevant private
If you want politicians that aren't sucking on the teat, elect politicians who declare their allegiance to the working class. There's a whole political party like that in Canada, it's the one that set up your Health Care system.
I am a scientist you moron. I know how these things work. You can't fool me. So stop trying. If you are a propagandist, quit your job, NO MONEY IS WORTH YOUR SOUL, you are helping evil people create mistrust. If you sincerely
believe this rubbish, go MAKE SURE before you post again. It doesn't take long.
Oh, there's a simple formula for how much total energy a ball of size "R" and mass "M" can release using the force gravity, which is (roughly) GM/R, the total potential energy. This formula works up to a small multiplicative
factor that depends on the details of the internal geometry, it's correct more or less as is.
Once the mass of the Earth was determined by Cavendish--- he measured the Newton gravity constant "G", the same G in the formula above, then the mass of the other planets and the sun was determined also from their gravitational
action on each other. So these were known by the late 1800s.
So the total energy that the sun could release from the heat is gets when it collapses due to gravity can be calculated. That was enough energy only for a very short time of sun shine, I don't know the exact number, you can
calculate it, it's like say 100,000 years (maybe, I forget).
Lord Kelvin also know that the Earth was molten inside. If there is no heat source, the Earth would turn solid in a period of time which Lord Kelvin calculated at around 100 million years. Using the heat flow out of the Earth.
This is probably optimistic.
So molten Earth meant that the Earth was younger than 100 million years, and the sun shine gives a shorter time still. That led Lord Kelvin to estimate that the Earth was less than 100 million years old. He was totally wrong,
but it took decades before you could know that for sure.
I am a trained physicist. I have 100% knowledge on the issue, I know the warming mechanism, it is obvious and over 100 years old, and there is no doubts at all about the science. You are either a paid or unwitting propagandist
working overtime to kill your own children. Think about it. What does that mean about you? Can you look at yourself in the mirror? Even if you're doing it out of stupidity, it is your job to remediate your stupidity and be
certain before posting, not just go with your gut-feelings, but learn the actual science. If you are doing it and you know better, God have mercy on your soul.
I am LOVE propaganda. I do it out of LOVE for you. And PITY. Actually, more pity, not a lot of love.
This is obviously paid propaganda, there are people funded by oil company billionaires to post stupid memes. They are repetitive, because they are soulless, and they are the most evil people in the world today.
you are paid to kill your children. Quit your propaganda job. "Someone else would just do it" is not an excuse, you must stop, for your own sanity. You are doing unspeakable evil.
It's not hypocrisy, it's sanity. You don't understand the scale of the crisis, because paid propagandists are lying to you.
(((Every))) (((time))) (((you))) (((speak))), (((you))) (((betray))) (((your))) (((yellow))) (((hair))), (((maggot))).
Do you even know what "linear programming" means? It has nothing to do with "computer programming", it's a Soviet method of creating a "program" or an economic plan, using an algorithm to minimize costs. The 'simplex method'
produces fast solutions, which revolutionized planning because you could figure out how much you should make of X, Y, Z based on demand and cost, quickly.
You can't use linear programming to write computer programs. It's completely different, no relation at all.
You do realize that Apollo 14, 15, 16 (and Opollo 11,12) brought back HALF A TON of moon rocks, including some DRILLED BY ASTRONAUTS, some collected underneath the surface, and pounds of moon-dust.
All that stuff was also recovered by the Soviets with their unmanned lander. The chemistry of the two batches are the same, and different from any rock or dust on Earth.
If the US could recover HALF A TON of moon rocks, they could recover 300 pounds of astronaut. Those rocks are still available for research, and there's no way to obtain them except by the manned missions.
This is not fake news. This is how people were alerted global warming was coming. The protesters in 1970 predicted it would be visible by the end of the 90s, and a serious problem by now. Propagnadists like you prevented action,
which means people were prevented from acting, and now we are living inside a mass extinction.
NO! This is BASIC SHIT. I am not smart for knowing this! You are stupid for NOT knowing it.
It's because you are a conservative. It's all of you. You're all stupid. I mean, really, really stupid. Rock bottom. Like crustaceans. Or molluscs.
The mass extinction so far is biomass. Insect biomass has decreased 75% in Europe and American lattitudes, because some unknown aspect of insect life cycle (probably eggs) is more sensitive to temperature than we know. It might
also be Bt pesticides, the two effects, warming and pesticides are intertwined. But best research to date is warming is more responsible for most of the insect loss.
The insects are also accompanied by massive coral loss, including the ancient great barrier reef (a major tourist attraction), as the ocean acidifies. That's not due to warming, it's due to extra CO2, which is carbolic acid in
the ocean. The acidity and warming produces plankton deaths. The oceans are changing rapidly, and plankton biomass is decreasing. This is the base of the food chain.
Unrelated to warming (but related to extinction) are the enormous dead zones in the gulf of mexico caused by leaking oil-wells and the destruction of all fishing on the coast, this is due to the decision to open the gulf for
reckless drilling, and the plastic pollution.
The warming itself is devastating biomass in wildfires, and it is not replenishing it with new growth. There is no greening, much the opposite. In the Middle East, despite this winter being relatively normal, the past years have
been critical drought, a drought which led to the Syrian crisis as farmers were unable to grow crops. There is a similar drought in madagascar.
All the climate systems are out of whack, and that's because of the 1 degree celsius warming to date. It has possibly led to extinction of some insect species, but we would never know, as they would be already rare, we aren't
that good at detecting insects. The rate of change of CO2 and temperature is 1000 times too fast for nature to adapt properly. The last CO2 spike of this magnitude led to the greatest mass extinction in Earth's history.
I am not lying to you or exaggerating, if anything, I am understating the damage. This is an apocalyptic type crisis, and I am not crazy. All the scientist know, and all the billionaires pay non-scientists to lie, and it makes
the people who know what's going on literally set themselves on fire, like the monks protesting the war in Vietnam. It was in New York, the fellow who immolated himself wasn't on the news much.
Lie and lie. The warming has been continuous, and there was nothing special global in 1935, perhaps a heat wave IN THE US, that's all. You are paid to kill your children, there's no words for that kind of evil.
Thanks, yellow-haired Neanderthal spawn.
When I said "Church", I meant organized churche traditions, like the Catholic or Anglican or Lutheran Church. What HE meant by Church I call "The body of Christ". But we all know that, it's semantics.
The Bible is not real, that is a heresy. You are rejecting the word of God.
You reject the word of God as revealed in the mathematics of Georg Cantor. Or the works of James Joyce. Or any part of the word of God revealed WELL AFTER the Bible was complete, like the rules requiring monogamy, the rules
completely abolishing slavery. The demand for democracy comes from God, the God-given rights of the constitution, those are claimed to come from God, and that is not in the Bible. You see, the literal interpretation of the Bible
is just a heresy early Americans used to justify slavery and killing natives to take land and food. It's a heresy that some use to justify polygamy. It's a way of saying "our understanding of right and wrong stopped making
progress around 100AD". The idea was that once you read the Bible, you're done! You understand the word of God. This is a heresy, first because the Bible is ancient, it thinks the Earth is flat in parts, it thinks there are
literal heavenly spheres where the planets move later on. The Bible is FINITE, God is not. And if there was no way to expand our knowledge of God with time, there would never have been a Bible produced to begin with. It's a lazy
doctrine, that frees you from studying the hundreds of years of debate and discussion about the progress of the church in the traditions of Catholics and Orthodox. That discussion was what led to the rules on monogamy, the rules
abolishing slavery. The rules about the church superseding king, and the laws of organizing labor, so that each man learned an craft, and performed it himself, without telling others what to do. Like Jesus the Carpenter. The
doctrine of Sola Fide means you will read the Bible, and if you are self-interested slave owner, you will decide to interpret the Epistle to Philemon as a pro-slavery document. That's what happened in America. Of course this is
a lie, it is a heresy. The Epistle to Philemon began ancient abolition of slavery. And as the tradition tells us, ABOLITION is the word of God. Not the Bible. So how could our forefathers have made such a mistake? They ignored
the tradition. Not by accident. On purpose. The Bible does not make sense in a vacuum, without a tradition, without the holy-spirit extending it, and without the insights of the past 200 years which reinterpret the ideas
radically, and extend them to deal with our problems today.
YOU don't care. Because you don't believe they are true.
are u free-speech? Why is my comment "awaiting moderation"?
CHECK SOURCES? These YELLOW HAIRS can hardly read! Have you ever seen a yellow hair try to find the maximal finite subgroups inside a Lie group? Solve a partial differential equation? Figure out ghost cohomology? SHEEIT! Even
just elementary string amplitudes are beyond these maggots.
Darkie: The restriction map from U to U intersect V equals the restriction map from V to U intersect V ...
Yellow-hair: Ah! Oh! Oh! I GET IT. It's a SHEEF! It's a SHEEF!
Fucking morons. I've seen that happen too. PRE-sheaf, yellow-haired maggot. Pre-sheaf.
Forget this turd, man, His hair is yellow. He can't think.
Of course this happened. Why?
(((Bill Gates))).
Every. Single. Time.
It's not a plug-figure, or fudge-factor, and that bad first-impression is why scientists took 70 years to accept it.
Zwicky noticed dark-matter in the 1930s, studying galaxy clusters. The speeds of galaxies were too high to keep them close to each other unless there was 5 times more mass around the galaxies. Vera Rubin in the 60s noticed that
galaxies spin too fast to stay together, unless there is 3 times more matter at least. Cosmologists in the 90s found the exact same amount of dark-matter from cosmological observation, which got refined, so we know there is
exactly 5 times more dark matter, and only after direct detection of Vera Rubin's dark matter with weak-lensing, and verification that it moves differently than ordinary matter, did it get accepted as actual dark matter, and not
just a plug figure
That's how long it took. Because of that reaction you had. If scientists were more objective, it would have been accepted when Zwicky showed it was there, in 1935.
That's not science, this is propaganda. Scientists were all socialists. At least, all the good ones.
The reason you think socialism and a good economy don't mix is because capitalists sabotage socialist economies. On purpose.
When Britain went socialist in 1945, the economy recovered and grew quickly. When the Scandinavians went socialist, they became wealthy nations for the first time. When the Yugoslavs went socialist, they kicked everyone's ass
with economic growth.
When the USSR stopped being socialist in 1991, the economy shrank by 50%, millions of people died, and the whole area hasn't recovered in population or economic activity to this day. The end of socialism was the worst
catastrophe the USSR went through. And that includes Stalin, and that includes World War II.
There are bad policies and there are good policies. There are capitalist policies and there are socialist policies. The world is too complicated for simple formulas.
But if you want a simple slogan: Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Socialism always works.
Hahaha. HONK! Love it, HONK! HONK! Stoopid socialists. HONK! HONK! HONK! Thinking they can build a country with no capitalists. HONK! HONK! HONK! HONK!
Look how that turned out! HAHAHAHA!
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHomETco0MI" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span class="invisible">https://www.</span>youtube.com/watch?v=rHomETco0MI<span
The "Capitalism" you are showing is the WEST after Keynesianism. Keynesianism is "Marx lite". It's how you get half of the benefits of Marxism, with only a little bit of taxes and some spending.
Before Keynesianism, Capitalism produced permanent depression. After Republicans got rid of Keyensianism, it again produces permanent depression.
To see capitalism at work, look at Brazil, or Argentina.
The ones that killed millions of people were your guys. The "alt right". You don't know history, because you are stupid.
Why would Muslims attack churches?
A YELLOW HAIRED konservatroid wrote this. Leftists cannot make mistakes in mathematics, it is not in their blood.
COmmie MAff MaKeS My BRAYN HURT! --- Yellow haired Konservatroid (YHK)
397 Konservatroids believe a parody tweet is real. HOW STUPID ARE YOU?
No, wait, don't answer that.
Correctamundo. It is UNfuckinreal. Tweet written by a KONSERVATROID liked IRONICALLY by other KONSERVATROID is PASSED off as being written by a LEFTIST?
Leftists don't write that, because we are smarter than you.
You are morons. You can't think. Your hair is yellow and your brain is a Neanderthal walnut.
This post is written to stoke up MORON KONSERVATROIDS to hate.
Abort yourself, yellow hair. You fell for it.
They have a degree in FOOLING you into thinking that a PARODY tweet is real.
Yes, and every leftist knows that. However konservatroids are stupid enough to fall for the idea that leftists would make that mistake.
There's no place lower down to go, konservatroid.
Is your hair yellow? If you're a darkie, you're cool.
Blew your gullibility.
Yeah, those people who torture other people to death had art skills almost as good as you alt-right memers.
Shows you your level of human. You're at level 0, and entering negative number territory.
HE'S A HARD LEFTIST, Konservatroid. You don't get to mention his name. He also supports Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Except that those species are disappearing too. The entire insect population has dropped by 3/4, likely due to warming temperatures affecting insect eggs in unknown ways.
The sun's output never changes, you mental midget. The sun does NOTHING on human time scales, it never has, it never will. The "leaf mass" increases a little, and huge areas turn to desert. The ocean turns acidic, the insects
die out, and we're all fucked.
Greenhouse gasses drive climate change. That's not an opinion, you worthless propagandist, it's a fact. And you are selling your children down the river, which means you are damned.
No, we don't know why. It's one idea. The insect population is dropping in Europe too. It's a pressing research problem to figure out what's causing it. It is likely warming, because Bt plants are illegal in Europe.
This is a major emergency, and it would be better if you learned science and helped figure it out, rather than just doing propaganda for morons online.
Yeah. (((ROCKEFELLER))), (((MORGANS))) were such Jews. The US bankers weren't jews until recently, and whether Jew or not, they are CAPITALIST.
The whole Jewish conspiracy thing is hard to sell to (((me))). There's a (((reason))) (((for))) (((that))), (((silly))).
Total solar irradiance never changes. It is the same year, after year, after year. It never goes up, it never goes down. It's the same now as 100 years ago, or 1000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, or 100,000 years ago, and it
will be the same for millions of years into the future. It has no cycles. It has no variability.
That's why scientists know that you are propaganda, and it hurts, because you are doing the work of the most evil people on Earth. And no, I am not confused, and there is 0% chance that I made a mistake. I am a scientist.
Yup. Because Jews were big fans of gladiator combat and desecrating bodies. It's not like they had a religion that forbade those things for hundreds of years or anything like that.
Then why are you chatting with (((me)))? Aren't you afraid that (((I))) will deceive you? Watch out, man, I'm already using my Jew magic to alter your brain.
I'm not a liberal, and I am a scientist. The sun's output never changes, because the time scale for the changes are a billion years. The total heat that comes out is determined by fusion rates at the center of the sun. That is
steady as fuck for billions of years, until the hydrogen runs out.
The only thing that changes are magnetic fields at the surface, and that's sunspots.
Every once in a while there is a sunspot minimum. The billionaire liars then tell you there's a "grand solar minimum" (of sunspots) and pretend this has an effect on the climate, to DECIEVE YOU.
You are not educated enough to not fall for thei lies. I am helping you out. You're welcome.
The "BROWN BILLIONAIRES" are BROWN PEOPLE who are GOOD WITH MONEY. It's not new, as soon as slavery ended a few brown people started making lots and lots of money.
There is NOT ENOUGH MONEY for you to say "you can become a billionaire". Not everyone can be a billionaire. But everyone CAN have a decent honest life without poverty. And any billionaire, brown-hair or yellow-hair, is a drain
on the system.
You think Jews are magic. That (((we))) have special powers. We can persuade people of the most impossible things, and control who starts a company that makes a ton of money. That would be interesting. It would be like "Harry
Potter", where Jews are the Wizards.
That's not the real world. The Jews are nothing. They are nothing special. They are singled out because of RELIGION, because THE BIBLE says to love GOD and not MONEY. And people with money hate God, they hate the Bible, and they
want YOU to hate Jews.
It's old as dirt, it's appalling, and it's preventing you from joining with others to fight the billionaires and save this collapsing world.
(((I))) (((AM))) (((A))) (((JEW))). (((I))) (((am))) (((a))) (((leftist))). (((So))) (((what))).
You have to understand that there is a battle in the world, not between the Jew and the non-Jew, but between the RICH and the POOR, and if you blame the JEW, then the RICH WIN.
Jews didn't create the "fake money" system, central banking was created all over the world by different bankers, to replace gold standard, and unify small banks so that you wouldn't have different currencies in every town, and
so that nations can control who gets to mint more money.
Central banking is SHIT, but it's NOT JEWISH SHIT.
Fake money is what Shays fought for in the post-revolutionary REAL AMERICAN REVOLUTION. You call it "Shays rebellion". It was against the rich, and it failed. Then there was more than a hundred years of "Free Silver" to get
paper money.
There was paper money in the civil war, that led to an economic boom. When the gold standard was reintroduced, it led to contractions and busts. That's the end of the 19th century, and the William Jennings Bryan movement.
They won. They got paper money. The result is a central bank run by shadowy figures.
What you want is an OPEN CENTRAL BANK, audited, which is part of the government and has no private bankers.
You ALSO want to have NO FOR-PROFIT BANKING. banking profits are too easy, you can skim off the billions you generate out of thin air. These reforms make sense.
But it has nothing to do with Jews. And the only people who will do this stuff are people who AREN'T BOUGHT OUT. You know what we call those people?
COMMIES to you.
Not a big trick for an educated person. Please, learn some Marx, you can leave this cesspool and become a real boy. I'm serious.
No, they really aren't. Tito and Soviet memes won the war for a reason. They were better memes. Just that the CAPITALISTS have hidden all the Soviet memes, because they scare the shit out of them. That's the truth.
I AM A LEFTIST. Leftists can meme better than the right, that's how World War II was won. The leftist memes are Soviet, and Capitalists refused to preserve them.
For example of Soviet memes: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yl-DvkX0hY" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span
class="invisible">https://www.</span>youtube.com/watch?v=7Yl-DvkX0hY<span class="invisible"></span></a> or <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmTEW61CYdY" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"
target="_blank"><span class="invisible">https://www.</span>youtube.com/watch?v=nmTEW61CYdY<span class="invisible"></span></a>
Leftists are neither confused nor misguided. Sadly, you are. Because you have lost your faith in God, you have lost your faith in humanity and that means you lost your faith in the future, so that all you see is nihilism and
Many leftists just look down on the far-right, won't talk to you, because they see you as beyond salvation. I don't see people as refuse, we are all a part of humanity, and I won't let a sinking man drown without at least trying
to help.
The "solar minimum" is about sunspots and magnetic fields, and surface weather on the sun. THE SUN NEVER CHANGES HOW MUCH IT SHINES. It's always the same, never varying even by a little bit, for billions of years.
Why would water levels move? The oceans will rise when land ice melts which takes about a century. The ocean right now is just rising because it's warmer, and warmer water takes up a little more space. That's only some
centimeters of rise.
The effects of global warming are the death of life in the oceans by acidification, and by rising temperatures. It is also the death of insects on land. The result is mass extinction. The levels of life decrease. We enter an
unstable time, where ecosystems that have existed for millions of years die.
This is an apocalyptic catastrophe, and by writing propaganda against it, you are contributing to the worst crime ever committed. If this is your job, quit it. Better to be unemployed than to doomed to hell. If it's not your
job, learn the science, and stop doing propaganda. There is no scientific debate, there are only billionaires paying people to lie.
The alligator gar is not prehistoric, it lives today. This is the most ridiculous propaganda I have ever seen. The Earth is ancient, life evolved, and there are no dinosaurs swimming around. We photograph the oceans with
cameras, and we have miltary stations underwater, we don't miss much.
DEAD GEOLOGiCALLY: no earthquakes.
Nothing to do with one another. Not in any obvious way.
Unless you have a theory that the hydrocarbons needed for life can only be produced on an active planet, but we don't know that for sure.
The ocean bottom is not ignored, it just won't solve the CO2 problem. Subductionof limestone is the greatest loss of Carbon, but it doesn't help removing CO2. This is all stupid lies, and you are participating in killing your
children. There can be no worse crime, and your soul is not worth any pttance you are paid
Debian is a COMMIE operating system. Socialist through and through. Developed by a socialists, in collective.
No billionaire participated in Debian. This is very important thing to know when evaluating it.
The polar bears are threatening the Inuit because they are DISPLACED as a result of climate change. They are not a threatened species now. The threat now is to insects and to the ocean microbiome, the itty bitty things swimming
in the oceans.
You are doing propaganda so as to kill your children. That isn't worth any paycheck. If you are not paid, you are not educated, and you need to get up to speed right now, before you ever post again.
Every scientist is an alamist, there is no scientific uncertainty. There hasn't really ever been. CO2 warms the planet, and we're producing the CO2. These are facts.
You are propagandist paid to sell your children down the river. If you are paid, you must quit your job. If you are unpaid, you must stop. It is coming at the cost of your soul.
No, they showed that dark matter existed in two different ways. There is nothing unusual about 'dark matter', we have neutrinos, which are 'dark' except for weak interactions.
Claiming that the 'gravity model is wrong' shows you don't understand General Relativity. We understand gravity better than Newton did since Einstein developed a new theory a hundred years ago. Sorry you didn't get the memo.
Anything that "holds matter together" is gravity, we understand all the forces of nature at those scales, that's why we have to build accelerators to get to place we don't understand.
Since you don't know anything, it would be best if you stopped posting.
Dark matter isn't dogma. The belief that there is NO dark matter was the dogma. Dark matter is detected directly by looking at how it bends light, and there are cases of colliding galaxies where it no longer follows the ordinary
matter. It's really there, and you are doing propaganda against science. Possibly paid, probably not. Probably just ignorant.
Ether theory was a scientific idea at the end of the 19th century, overturned during the relativity revolution. I would recommend to you to read "On the Analysis of the Sensations" by Ernst Mach (even though it's not about
relativity) to understand the PHILOSOPHICAL SHIFT that allowed relativity. Then you will see what the idea of "simple" means, and that modern science is not a 'tweaker on crack', you just didn't yet understand Mach's philosophy.
Good luck!
Erik Verlinde went crazy. His models are garbage, and he is not a serious scientist anymore. I don't know why, he used to be a good scientist. His model is ridiculous, although the idea of entropic gravity is interesting.
I thought I was the only one who knew that! That's exactly why it is also useful to use a free-form language, so you can put multiple statements on a line, when that logically makes sense, and short variable names, locally
scoped, so you don't need to read
instead of
sg++; // screengrab counter
This is contrary to Python and C++ coding practices, because those are corporate. It is standard in Free Software and in C, where local scoping is enforced using filenames and linking.
"Design patterns" are a way for people who can't write programs to make money telling gullible students how to do so. The first such scam was "structured programming", then came "Object Oriented programming", finally this. It's
a way of making cookie cutter programmers, and it's caused by corporate capitalism. How do I know that?
Because scientists write code too! And we don't have that issue.
No it wouldn't.
Except they aren't lying. They are trying to figure out ancient data taken by your grandfathers, and discrepancies with modern data. You have never done science, nobody who lies can do the work, and when you are caught it's the
end of your career. Instantly.
There is no fudging of data in science, and global warming is not made up. It is a scientific fact known for over 100 years. If you are paid to do propaganda against it, quit your job, no money is worth it. If you are not paid,
learn the science before posting again, you are doing horrendous evil out of ignorance.
These scientists are trying to put together ancient data with modern data, and to reconcile data taken using completely different instruments and get a consensus which makes sense. They are NOT trying to cheat you, or to lie.
There is no possibility of coordinated lying in science, to be a scientist, you know that lying is the instant end of your career. No second chances, no redemption, you're just out. It's different from any other profession.
There is no tolerance of dishonesty.
There was no "warming blip" in the 1940s, .15 degree fluctuations are not that big, it can happen for a single year, or two, it's not significant. The data reconciliation is taken out of context, and we don't know WHY they
consider this blip weird. Probably it conflicts with other data, like from Nazi Germany, or from the USSR. Who knows.
If you accuse a scientist of dishonesty, that is a career ending accusation. Don't do it speciously.
Regarding global warming, CO2 warms the air. We emit CO2. A lot. About 30% more than natural. That means we warmed the air. By about 1 degree celcius on average. There can be no debate about that. If we continue, we will kill
life in the oceans, and on land, until we suffer the worst mass extinction in Earth's history.
There are billionaires who make money from CO2 emissions, and they are lying to you. Scientists are sinking into depression and dying to get the truth out. Please educate yourself before posting, and if you are paid to do
propaganda, quit your job. This is too important, you are damning your soul.
Climate is not chaotic. It's a one parameter system driven by CO2. It's not even dynamical.
You are a global warming denier, and you are destroying the planet. You are not a conservationist, you are committing the worst crime ever committed. If you are paid to do so, quit your job. If you are ignorant, learn the
science before posting again.
Climate models did not predict that New York would be underwater. Scientists never get free money, it is the hardest work for the least pay in the professions. Please stop doing propaganda, learn the science. If you already know
and are paid to do propaganda, quit your job. It's not worth your soul.
No, it's a pretty good idea. But it's a manager's dream. The object oriented idea is to encapsulate each part of the program as an "object", which is a collection of data, plus algorithms. The idea is to handle the object only
through the algorithms provided as it's interface. It's great for managers, because they can assign objects to individual programmers, and evaluate progress and efficiency by the interfaces you write. Whether they work or not.
n C++, the object is done with the notion of a "struct" (or class) in which you have data, and functions, where the guts of the struct is 'supposed to be' only visible to the function. You have structs where nobody is allowed to
look inside.
This is a reasonable idea only as long as you make the objects relatively big chunks of program, and self-contained.
When this was taken by capitalist managers as a design philosophy, and suddenly, you are forced to write code to change a counter using a dedicated function called "increment_counter" instead of just adding 1 to the counter
data. Data in real projects often overlaps between "objects" and following the philosophy too far can lead you astray.
Some things aren't "objects". For example, CODE ITSELF, Or self-modifying code. Like LISP. If you learn LISP, you can see what the object oriented world was trying to do. Half assed.
The point of this was to take something nice from functional programming languages--- modifiable interfaces--- and be able to transport that to compiled efficient languages like C. It's a philosophy, you learn it in a day, you
learn C++ in a month, and then go back to C, because once you understand what's going on under the hood, there's nothing much in C++ that's any good.
Of course, this is in a socialist environment. In a capitalist environment, you use the language the boss tells you.
Karl Marx didn't write about this. He wrote about how capitalism takes the wealth of a nation and concentrates it into the hands of a few billionaires. His writings contained the first analysis of a demand slump, this is in
'Capital I', from 1865, and this idea became central to economics in 1935, with Keynes, and forever after.
Marx's major writing is on the historical process of class struggle, the way in which a ruling elite are able to manipulate and control those below them. Those under them are underpaid and unfree, and are manipulated by the
elite. They are beholden to them for their livelihoods.
Marx called for there to be no elite. For people to collaborate in owning their workplaces, so that no elite ever forms.
If you are going to call him 'evil', you should make an effort to read him first. He is the opposite of evil. His writing is timeless, and holy.
The poisonous part of the article you link is schoolboys rating schoolgirls sex appeal in public. If they want to do it, don't write down the numbers, whisper to your friends. Then you don't get a poisonous environment for the
girls, where they have a hard time learning.
If the girls spread a list of all the boys, ranked by cock size, would that be cool with you? Would that allow a boy with a smaller penis to learn and thrive? NOW you can empathize. Because you can see how embarrassing it would
be for you.
The girls gossip about it privately. The boys feel that it's somehow okay to spread this in public.
It's okay in private. When it's a public list, it's public humiliation.
If the girls had made a list like that, it would be the boys who are the victim. But girls never do that. They never make a public list. Why not?
That's because there is a power imbalance. Girls are granted less power, starting at puberty. A girl would see spreading such a list as inconceivable, something that's just 'not done'. When she talks about such things, she
lowers her voice and whispers to her friend.
This imbalance is a part of human sexual nature, so it happens automatically, in all societies, and it allows boys to 'feel okay' spreading the information.
The class struggle is not an invention of Marx. It is really out there. For an example, look at the cases where wealthy men pay people to deny obvious science, or pay a whole political party to do nothing but cut their taxes.
That's not one wealthy man who did that, it's a whole class.
Classes are just the name Marx gives to collectives of people with a common interest, and a shared power-position in society.
Feminists did the transition from Marxism to male/female dynamics. And those feminists were women. The analogy is strong, and it makes sense to treat male/female dynamics as a sort of analog to class struggle, although it is
more biological, parts of it are innate, so it is a more subtle and nuanced struggle. And there are cases where women have the advantage in society, like in child custody, or child rearing.
The Frankfurt school was men who were trying to make a Marxist critique of 20th century culture, without too much reliance on heavy-handed totalitarian states, like the Marxist-Leninist regimes.
You are calling Marx 'evil', and this is another example of class struggle. In this case, the attempt by wealthy people to convince you that anyone who writes in support of poor people is evil.
The reason I say "holy" regarding Marx is because there is an ethical component. He isn't just studying the inequalities of the market, he insists that the inequality is harmful, that it is unethical. He is echoing St. Paul in
that, and there is potential for syncretism between Christianity and Marxism. Such a syncretism is 'liberation theology'.
We don't have a full theory of the origin of life, but yes, I tried to address this point in my last sentence. The geological activity might be also primarily responsible for hydrocarbons (the amino acids come from the early
But early Mars chemistry isn't clear, and we don't know what the likelihood is for life evolving on a planet, both because of theoretical and expeirmental uncertainty. So you can't make pronouncements like that uncritically.
Yes, so is my mother. I know what was going on in Eastern Europe and I know Marx.
You don't know the 'religion', you only know the 'theocracy'. And theocracy is not good no matter what religion, and how true it is.
Membership in that group is not the most important thing about the INDIVIDUAL. It's the most important thing about the SOCIETY. Marx isn't studying individuals. He wants to understand processes in a society.
For example, in Eastern European society, you had the class of "Workers" and "Communist Party members" and "Nomenklatura" (higher eschelon managers). Those classes were in a struggle, and in 1991, the Nomenklatura decided to
become a "bourgoisie" so they could be individually rich.
That's ALSO a Marxist class analysis, of Marxist-Leninist society. It was done by many people, starting with Trotsky, and later others like Djilas. All societies have classes, and class analysis is not making a claim about
An individual isn't completely restricted by their class position, one can transcend one's circumstances.
This is not true. I don't believe in "theocracy", I believe in "faith". That means, being informed. It is up to people to learn, and to work with others, and not to impose religious orders by force, but by persuasion.
Marx's arguments do not require a theocracy. You can implement reforms without the totalitarian fiasco that characterized Eastern Europe. The only people who DON'T know this are Eastern Europeans, who had no experience with the
socialist reforms in every other nation on Earth, done Democratically.
Living in Eastern Europe poisoned people's minds. My European side of the family came from Romania, which was one of the most Stalinist and most totalitarian, and consequently with the worst economy.
And you think my family didn't suffer from that too? My grandmother's father was petit bourgeois, he was a store owner, and this led to him losing a lot of status.
Shot dead? That sounds like criminality. They didn't execute people for being rich, at least not in Romania. Maybe he was a collaborator?
This is not what Marx is talking about with 'class struggle'. It not an 'armed struggle' and revolution is not about killing people. Leninism is not the fairest interpretation of Marx like Mussolini isn't a fair interpretation
of Adam Smith. They are totalitarian ideology, and Marx is writing economic and social analysis.
Marx is talking about a real conflict in society. The conflict between classes is as real as rocks. The solution is to form structures that represent workers, and have power, and do not allow the wealthy to oppress the rest.
But that doesn't mean you want to construct a vanguard party, give one man the power to hire and fire everybody, and then confiscate all businesses! That's a recipe for catastrophe.
My family didn't do well either. That's the problem. You can't analyze rationally because of your historical experience, and your lack of experience with what Marx was analyzing. I am sorry to tell you, but it is you who are
evil. Not on purpose though.
No. The definition of faith is understanding of the transcendence of good. It's the belief that when you show people the good, they will choose the good and not the evil.
Marx called for revolution, not violence. Revolutions are always fundamentally non-violent.
I am not calling for a theocracy, I am not Lenin. And ISIS is a paid creation of the West. No Muslim from Syria or Jordan supports them, only paid mercenaries from North Africa, paid by your tax dollars, and little brainwashed
kids from Europe.
This makes me think you didn't live in Eastern Europe. Are you serious? Murdering KULAKS? That's completely bonkers. They were fighting Nazis, and after the war, they didn't murder anyone from the country. They held trials for
collaborators, and some Germans died during deportation.
Then the communists aided the local communist parties to spread propaganda and then they installed communist party rule in Eastern Europe in the late 40s. At this point, property was confiscated, but "kulaks" were not killed.
You don't understand the first thing about Eastern Europe. I think you were lying to me and I am a little disgusted. You aren't actually from there.
You were LYING TO ME! You don't even know the FIRST TIME! All you do is REPEAT BULLSHIT you read in BOURGEOIS SOURCES and ignore the ACTUAL STRUGGLE AND SUFFERING in EASTERN EUROPE.
People who actually lived through it know what was going on. That's not you. That's not your family. You never set foot in Eastern Europe.
Are you from Russia? Ukraine? I don't know what you are! You make claims that are historically anomalous with no evidence.
You don't understand what Marxism meant or means outside of Marxist-Leninist states, where it was just the official state religion, and served as an excuse to centralize all power. All you know is dictatorship and brutality.
You have very little idea what was going on in Yugoslavia, in Britain, in Scandinavia, in the Middle East, or even in the later USSR. The goal is not to centralize power, but to decentralize it, so that you don't allow a
powerful clique to dominate the society.
You don't understand socialism, I don't accept that. Nor do you understand the role of Marx in academics. You need to open your eyes and look around you, and recognize that there is a clique of wealthy people who are driving us
to ecological and humanitarian disaster everywhere in the world. That's not a call to violence, it is a call to act politically.
I don't believe in utopia. You are repeating propaganda.
I am not advocating a DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT or any of that nonsense. I am telling you that the analysis that Marx wrote is valid, independent of the structure of Marxist-Leninist communist party states.
That analysis doesn't tell you what to do. But looking at Marxist Leninist states tells you what is catastrophic:
You don't make a "vanguard party", invest all property and power in that party, and then put a single man in charge.
You don't even make a "Vanguard party", invest all property and power in the party, and then put a BIG COMMITTEE in charge. Then the committee just shovels the wealth into it's pockets. That's what happens in large corporations
in the US today. The board of directors pays itself big dividends from the collective profits.
You don't confiscate small business, you don't collectivize small agriculture. You respect small business, and protect people's property.
But you attack the concentrations of industrial wealth, and make sure that markets are always competitive and fair. You make sure people are competing in open freedom. People are not stupid, and they do not want to return to
20th century totalitarianism. Except for those on this forum, who love fascism. They're happy going back to the past.
What are you talking about??
Marxism was ALREADY beneficial to humanity! It's the foundation of all humanities academic fields! It's the foundation of economic analysis of demand slumps. It's the central thing that allowed the decolonialization movements.
It's what allowed socialized medicine to develop in England and the rest of the world. It's what made Germany a powerhouse (in part, Bismark was influenced by the German socialist tradition), it's a central part of European
But it's not a utopia. It's incremental progress to reducing the problems of society.
The thing that protects you from power-hungry kleptocrats is elections, democracy, rule of law, transparency and all the other things that are DESTROYED when you have billionaires calling the shots.
These things are structures that prevent abuses like in the East. That's why we built them. You pass laws, you look at consequences, you debate and discuss with people who DISAGREE, and you step forward only after you see eye to
But this process doesn't work when a billionaire is shoving money into people's pockets to deny the conclusions that are arrived at.
There weren't "oceans of blood", that's another thing that shows me you never lived in Eastern Europe. The oceans of blood in Eastern Europe came during the war. After the war, there were oceans of subpar consumer goods,
difficult working conditions, oceans of bad decionmaking, oceans of promotion of talentless hacks. Problems from heck.
There's an obstacle to cooperation, which is concentration of capital. Marx notices that CAPITALISTS will COOPERATE, and WORKERS will COOPERATE, and their organizations will always be in CONFLICT.
That's called "class struggle". It's the fundamental idea.
He then says the worker organizations are the ones who are ethically right. That's a statement about ethics.
If by "blood" you mean spilling blood, Stalin had 1.5 million people executed, half in 1932, half in 1937. He sent people to penal camps, and hundreds of thousands of people didn't return, due to poor conditions. Mao not so many
If by "blood" you mean collectivization famine, there was the one in 1932, where on the order of a million people died, most in Ukraine, the number of victims is very hard to determine, and a long one in China during the great
leap forward, where about 15 million people starved to death.
Those are TERRIBLE CRIMES. They are like the Bengal famine, or the Irish Potato famine.
The problem is that in the 90s, people began to do bad statistics and bad academic work. They would look at villages emptying out around 1932, and take that as FAMINE DEATH, when in reality this was industrialization pulling
workers from the countryside to the city. This meant that they produced astronomical famine numbers that sometimes totaled half the Soviet poulation. Those are absurdities, and they hurt me, because they are obviously not right.
You can just ask any Russian about their family history to see it is a lie.
Postwar, in Eastern Europe, there was no mass bloodshed. The violent events like the Hungarian revolution and the Prague spring were largely bloodless (although there were several hundred people who lost lives, and those people
are important).
These things are historical events that have nothing to do with Karl Marx. They are problems of Leninism, which I am not advocating for.
Sorry, but the idea of "class struggle" is how you are able to make sense of phenomena like the aforementioned FAMINE INFLATION in the West.
Why the heck would a bunch of academics do such dishonest and shoddy historical work? It's not like there weren't also good academics.
What is going on is that there is a power structure in society, which rewards those that support its interests. So historians which told the truth were ignored, and historians which made claims of "20 million dead" "60 million
dead" were promoted.
The historians making the claims of 20 million dead, 60 million dead, were simply lying to advance their careers. Their numbers are hoaxes, and you can verify that with an informal poll of any Russian or Ukrainian citizens with
the simple question "How many relatives died in the famine? How many died in prison? How many died in WWII?" Since the WWII deaths are known, you can normalize and find the total deaths BY YOURSELF, up to order of magnitude, and
see through the bullshit.
"Class struggle" is why academics have to do this crap. There is a power structure that blinds you to the truth. And that's not "Marxism", that's "Capitalism", and it's billionaires.
The billionaires act with an army of unwitting lackeys, and you are one of them. Just like the communist party rank and file in Eastern Europe.
Absolutely not true. Tons of countries elected socialist governments without any Leninism. Heck, in Israel, they elected a MARXIST "labout zionist" SOCIALIST government which ruled for 30 years side by side with an enormous
official communist party (not in coalition, in oppostion), and never devolved into Leninism. It's not difficult, if you have independent judiciary and a supreme court, and elections. You know why?
The only time Leninism won a huge majority was in Greece and Italy in 1945, and those were suppressed, and in Yugoslavia, which brought Tito to power. Tito saw that Leninism was disasterous, and abandoned it for a more market
socialism in 1950.
Sorry, little hierarchy is "human nature". That's when you have a guy who's really good at computer programming making more money than a guy who is not so good at it. There's nothing wrong with little hierarchy. That's normal.
Marx didn't have a thing to say about that.
The CLASS STRUGGLE is between people who own ALL THE INDUSTRY of a country, like Jeff Bezos or Dale Carnegie, they own the WHOLE COUNTRY, and the other side are MILLIONS OF WORKERS. That's not "human nature", that's "industrial
capitalism", and it gets worse the wealthier and smaller the ownership class gets.
That ownership class is getting smaller and wealthier, because you are not allowed to speak about Marxism.
You are not allowed to speak about Marxism because that ownership class will shut you up when you do.
Because they want to get wealthier and smaller still.
It's not rocket science. It's what defines capitalism. Socialism has plenty of hierarchies. They are small heirarchies, like the difference between an academic at the top of the field, and one at the bottom. Or the difference
between a successful small business owner, and a less sucessful one. Those inequalities are not unethical.
The unethical thing is to create a BOURGEOISIE. You don't understand what that is. It is an ARISTOCRACY which rules the whole country, and prevents progress. These people are not winners in a fair struggle, they are in a line of
hereditary wealth of enormous size, and there is no comparison between them and even a typical highly successful millionaire. They are more like the Hapsburgs or the King of Denmark. In fact, in Europe, these families are
usually the Hapsburgs and the King of Denmark.
You don't understand that it is not poison. It is a foundational idea of the humanities. It is something you need to understand without bias and without venom, and learn how to think about it in some context which is neutral and
dry and academic, without a totalitarian dictator saying "this is good" or a billionaire saying "this is evil".
The value of Marx is in the cogent analysis of the PROCESS. The way in which classes form and disseminate power. This is the central phenomenon in society, and it is the engine of history.
I am not blind to anything you are saying. I know your position, and so does every Marxist alive today.
Marx did go beyond process, yes.
His prescriptions, however, are not correct. He wasn't an all knowing omniscient entity. He isn't God.
He never had experience with a revolution, aside from the French revolution and the Paris commune. His ideas on power distribution post-revolution were naive, because he had no idea what would happen in a situation post
This is the same problem as in Feudal organization, where the Church would allocate power.
When I say "I am a Marxist", I mean I read Marx and understand his contribution, and I like the tradition he started. It doesn't mean I agree with his later prescriptions. The ones in 1848 are, from today's vantage point, just
obvious things, like paper money, state banking, partly nationalized industry, inflationary monetary policy, etc.
I don't know what "it" to refute. You didn't make any claims beyond "Marxism is DANGEROUS"! Yes, it is. That doesn't mean you can ignore it.
A correct idea is not a weapon. An accurate description of mechanism in society is never a machine gun. An ethical prescription can only be RIGHT or WRONG.
Your fear is of imposition of power, and your claim is that Marxism gives the WRONG PEOPLE power. The people who SHOULD NOT BE in power. The weak.
That's not the position of an Eastern European, that is the position of a fascist of an aristocrat. Not accusing you of being either, it's just a statement of fact. Your idea of "secret Marxism" is similar to the free masons or
secret anti-clerical societies, it is a prescription for a secret cabal to rule over others who are kept in ignorance and superstition.
Because you believe that others are not clever enough to know the truth?
Marxism is an ethical philosophy. it is a part of God. And God is about ethical understanding, God is never a tool to power.
The power comes when workers organize for their interests, not those of the wealthiest. Those organization are the only ones who push society forward. All your mathematics, all your science, all your technology comes from
workers, not from the bourgeois, or from any superior class.
Your ideas are those of the man who has convinced himself he is special. You are not special, you are ordinary. Like me. Like everyone.
God is not a tool to power. It is a statement about human desire and will being part of a larger will, a larger structure that we can never completely see, except from the bottom, looking up. It is a statement that, in our
lives, we grow and step up a few rungs of an infinite ladder.
That ladder is infinite, like in ordinal mathematics. We can never reach the top, there is no top exactly, there is closer and closer. At the top is God.
As we join together with others to form unities, we can see a few steps further. When we exclude no one, and treat all with kindness, we will see the farthest. And our children will see further than we do.
That's what it means.
The strong ruling the weak, that is what it is replacing. That is why a priest is powerless and poor, he has no ability to arrest, or to compel you. All he can do is listen and persuade.
In the religious idea, all of us form a little sub-part of a large organism, because we are united. When you talk about will and power, you are simply a limited individual, with a meaningless life of pleasure and pain, and the
pain always wins.
The notion of God is all about transcending the limitations of the individual, and joining together with an unknown future goal at the top of a ladder we only see the bottom few rungs of. To step up further is why we live our
lives. There is no one with a privileged position who needs power to impose his ideas on others. If the ideas are correct, they can persuade.
Power is what gets way of the persuasion.
Organized religion is often a tool to power. Religious understanding is the truth underneath that. Like a Communist Party is a tool to power, and Marxism is the truth underneath that.
Religion, like Marxism, is an organization evolved around a correct insight. That insight is extremely subtle. It attacks the power structure of society too, except not like Marx, not like a knife, but like St. Paul. Like an
acid. It dissolves the bonds of power, and replaces those with mutual respect and understanding, and makes institutional slavery impossible.
Your ideas are simply based on what is ultimately theft and rape. Might makes right. I am strong, you are weak, you will do as I say.
This is why I can't accept your criticism of Marxism as evil. It's a form of projection. You are criticizing the critic of the structure of power, because he attacks the structure of power you personally benefit from.
I still have no idea where you are from. I can't trust you, honestly, because you don't accept the idea of an objective right and wrong, so it is possible that you will say whatever you feel like, to win an argument. Not to
harsh your mellow, dude.
It's more than that, with Debian, it's the whole socialist package, even the distro is collaborative. Every Linux distribution is Free Software, and so collaborative by nature, but Debian doubly so. I am saying this because this
is a site where people are morons about the insane benefits of socialist development.
I think everyone who uses object oriented C knows what they are doing when they put a pointer first.
The interesting thing is when you put TWO pointers first. That's like multiple inheritance, without the headache. Unfortunately, you don't get the nice namespace control. But that's why we have files and <a
href="/tags/include" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#include</a> in C.
The reason to avoid C++ for me is because virtual classes have an opaque viritual function table pointer at the beginning, and making all classes virtual (including little structs like 'complex number') makes your code as slow
as high-level language. On a modern machine, that's 8 bytes in every struct, 8 bytes you can't see, 8 bytes you can't strip, and 8 bytes pointing to a location with a table you can't change.
This violates the first commandment of C: KEEP THE DATA BINARY TRANSPARENT, STUPID.
That principle means that all C structures are "naked", they have no extra data at the front. C strings are null terminated, they don't have a length counter. This was the principle that allowed C to replace assembly.
That's socialist development.
Capitalist development means JOHN Q. ROCKEBOZO, third generation billionaire, hires an army of mentally defective managers to decide who to appoint to organize the packages. Then they hire an army of subordinates who pick their
nose and complain, finally, they put out incompetent packages once every two years.
Debian is done by a community, with vetting and self-selection, and NO BILLIONAIRE IN SIGHT.
That's socialism.
That's not why I want to know where you are from. I don't care about YOUR BACKGROUND. I just want to see if you are telling the truth about your family. I have a different way of talking to liars and to truth-tellers, because at
least I know that a truth-teller believes in right and wrong enough to speak truth even when it doesn't support their opinion.
The stuff you say happened to your family is a mishmash of incoherent nonsensical accusations from different eras of the USSR, it doesn't sound like Eastern Europe history. If you said "My grandfather was shot escaping to West
Berlin", okay, that would make sense. But not "gangs rampaged shooting the kulaks", that's insane. It's a-historical for Eastern Europe. Heck, it's even a-historical for Russia.
And yet you seem to know Russian and be from the region, and I tend to believe you that you are from one of those Marxist-Leninist places.
(((Uh)))(((oh))), (((Uh)))(((oh))). (((I))) (((think))) (((I))) (((have))) (((to))) (((tell))) (((you))) (((something))).
I told you, I accept your humanity. I just want to know if you tell the truth, because I don't want to have a long conversation with a liar. It's a waste of time. Even when I try to tell the truth I end up saying wrong things.
With a liar, it's hopeless.
No, I just think you're a liar. I put you in a cubbyhole of "liars". You don't have any grandfather priest, or grandfather killed by communists. You're just a lying asshole on the internet.
No, I don't care about the argument or "winning", I just wanted to see if you were telling the truth. The obvious answer is
"No. I was not telling the truth abut my family. I was lying. I just made it up! That's because I am a liar. I lie, that's just what I do. And I lie about important things, like my relatives being taken out and shot, just to
score cheap points. I have no integrity, and I don't care about any facts or any history."
I am sorry to hear about your lying condition. As I said, it's a waste of time to discuss with a liar.
Yeah, I think everyone agrees with you that this is good. I don't use C# because I don't use corporate products, nothing from corporate capitalism, sorry.
It would be best if there was a good glue framework for heterogenous projects, in an extensible language, like LISP, but with a c-like syntax and underpinning, still with the LISP code as data idea. Julia was supposed to be
that, but it's not THAT great. It could have been better.
Linus Torvalds says, it's good to restrict a group project to C, because then you avoid 99% of poor programmers. It's just a social trick, to make sure you get good people.
Sure. LISP though is some next level shit.
Global warming is so obvious, any child can understand it. The science is due to Arrhenius and is over 100 years old. No serious scientist can dispute it without being off his rocker.
You, on the other hand, are doing propaganda, so as to kill your own children. There are two options here: you are either paid, or unpaid. If you are paid, quit your job, it comes at the cost your soul. If you are not paid,
learn the science and stop being a tool for oil billionaires.
No, no. You are just an idiot, doing propaganda for oil billionaires, and selling your children down the river. If you are paid to do it, quit, because it is not worth your soul. If you are unpaid, stop, educate yourself, and
come back on the other side. There is no time for your stupidity, at this point, and well before, your stupidity is evil.
That California lake is not representative of the climate, you need to look at ice cores, because those tell you atmospheric temperature. That lake was warmed by something else, like volcanic activity, or some sort of cover, or
a million other possibilities. There is only thing that determines average global temperature, which is CO2. This is known for over 100 years.
If you are paid to do lying propaganda, quit, you are damning youself to hell. If you are unpaid, learn science immediately, and stop being a moronic tool for an oil company billiionaire.
That's what he's saying, and it is the stupidest thing you can say, because it is obviously not true, if you have the most rudimentary science education. Every scientist knows what's up even those paid to lie and deny global
Polar bears are the LEAST OF OUR PROBLEMS. Insect populations are COLLAPSING. Plankton and small marine life is dying out. Those are the base of the food chain. Please, stop talking about nonsense and work to stop this calamity
before it turns into the worst extinction the world has ever seen, because that's what is going on right now, right before your eyes.
And that's not alarmism, that's just the truth.
No, it is not. There are no other variables. It is a one parameter system.
H2O is slave to CO2, because it evaporates back and forth from the ocean. Methane is unstable, and turns to CO2 after about a year. The sun never changes. The average radiative output never changes.
That is why the only long term determinant is CO2, you can plot temperature vs. CO2 using ice cores and correctly predict the response of climate. There's nothing complicated there.
This is why CO2 is the focus of the studies, and this is also why you don't need a computer to predict the effect.
The reason you don't know this is because oil billionaires are lying to you. If you are paid to lie, quit, you are damning yourself to hell. If you are just a sucker, educate yourself, it's not hard to do.
That is not true. It's not POLLUTION, it's CO2, because the only thing that matters for average global temperature is CO2.
To get rid of CO2, you need to stop INDUSTRIAL EMISSIONS. You need to stop agricultural emissions. You need to develop sequestration, and you need to plant trees. Airplanes are not the worst or most significant source of CO2,
they are a relatively small source. But private jets should not exist, and you need to tax CO2.
I have not been fooled, you moron. I am a scientist. I worked it out for myself in the early 80s, as a little kid. It's a simple scientific fact, CO2 is the way the Earth keeps warm.
What I am telling you is not "fear mongering", I am telling less than the full horror of the truth, because if one tells the truth, it usually causes people to sink into interminable depression. This has happened to me too.
You are stupid. And you are brainwashed. And you are sadly too stupid to know that you have been brainwashed. The CO2 we emit is warming the Earth, and it is destroying the base of the food chain. We know what happens when CO2
rises this quickly, because it happened once before, in the worst mass extinction in the geological record.
We can halt all CO2, and start sequestering, preserve and expand green areas, try to restore the oceans to health. Even then, we are in for hard times, but at least then, we have some hope for a future recovery.
This is not my opinion, I am telling you facts. There are very wealthy people on the other side paid to lie to you. Nobody wants global warming to be real, but it is real as a brick thrown at your head.
(((I))) (((look))) (((in))) (((the))) (((mirror))) (((sometimes))). Anti-Jewish stupidity is how the wealthiest get you to look away from their crimes, by blaming someone else.
The RACE OF MASTERS is coming. Yellow hair, translucent eyes vacant stare.
Ha ha. Just wait for the clouds to roll, the sun will destroy their eyes, the turds!
They thought of that bro, they have dark glasses.
Yank on their fucking furry faces, they're furry, those apes.
I think they shaved it off, they look all shaven.
Okay, I know. Get a math book! That's their kryptonite.
Oh Yeah! Good idea....
Did it work?
Fer sure. Shoulda seen them run screaming bloody murder. Even before the algebraic geometry started.
Hahaha. Yeah. It always works with those worthless yellow-haired apes. Darkies can't put up with that kind of rot in our midst.
The 'God' of the Old Testament started out as a tribal God for Jews, the Yahweh of the first few books. But it doesn't stay that way. The Jewish theocratic kingdom created gradual reforms unique in the ancient world. It
eliminated child ritual sacrifice. It eliiminated generational slavery, making it a 7 year period to pay off debt. It eliminated temple prostitution, and it eliminated the process of property concentration that led to the
Pharaohs of Egypt, and the collapse of the 11th century BC, by restoring all property to the previous owners during the Jubilee.
It wasn't all good. It also eliminated all figurative art, and some forms of normal minority sexual expression, like homosexual attraction, were wrongly turned into crimes by the priests. So they didn't get everything right the
first time.
The Jewish idea is that God is the source of ethics and directs history. This means that faith in God allows you to better figure out how to act to move humanity forward. And because ethics needs to be universal, it's obviously
not just about Jews, all people to cooperate, the PROPHETS made Jewish religion universal. They declared in a bunch of crazed visions that the Jewish God was not really a Jewish God, but a God for all people, and that one day
all the world will follow the single God idea.
This universalized single God was merged with Plato's identification of the realm of perfect forms by St. Paul, and he brought this idea to Rome, the universal God of the prophets, plus the concept of the immortal and the
perfect and the heavenly. This is Christianity, and it fulfilled in a sense the idea that monotheism will become universal.
Hinduism has an independently developed monotheism, as does Zoroastrianism. Jews are not the only ones who figured God out. They're just the ones whose scriptures the Romans decided to use.
You can kill all the Jews, you can't kill God.
Actually, after you killed all the Jews, now God will be nagging at your conscience more, because of all that genocide in addition to whatever was on your conscience in the first place.
NO! GMO's NEVER improve growth or yeild! We don't know how to do that scientifically, we don't understand plants enough.
GMO plants either produce Bt pesticide inside their body, so insects cannot eat them, or they are made resistant to weed killer, so the farmer can drown the field in weed-killer and still the crop will not die. This does not
improve yeild as compared to traditional methods of pest and weed control.
What it does is produce vendor-lock-in to the seed provider, and cross-profits for the weed-killer product through tie-in. This is a monopoly business model and it should not be legal anywhere in the world.
the GMO's were developed in an open scientific non-profit collaboration then they could be studied and actually become beneficial for humanity. As it is, they are just a profit machine for the worst people in the world, and they
increase risk of famine through monoculture. Also they taste bad.
That's not true, it's not harmful to animals. It's just a corporate product that destroys farming and the economy, and gives power to Monsanto. It encourages terrible weed-killer overuse, or it produces Bt insect-poison in
massive doses inside the plant. That's horrible, but it is still a normal plant for the most part.
This is misleading. it is not possible to capture the gas and put it away, there is no technology for that at the moment. The issue is you can't store the gas, it will escape. CO2 is very, very stable, that's why it's the
endpoint of burning. To attach it to something you need really strange chemistry, that gets used up, like limestone generating rocks. These are a non-renewable resource.
There is no alternative at present to simply not burning the stuff. Burning it only for essential use.
wetter and warmer, you stupid brainwashed idiot. And other times dryer and warmer. The warmer doesn't change, and it's obvious and huge.
I don't know if you are being serious or joking, but crazy snow at random times, due to disrupted arctic patterns is one outcome of global warming.
The magnetic field of the Earth doesn't affect the weather, not at all, and long-term, only CO2 affects the climate. The magnetic poles aren't shifting anyway, not with any confidence, they move a few km, they move elsewhere,
it's not like it matters. Is this a science group or a wacked-out personal opinion group?
Sorry to say, this study is not about "alpha males", but about high-achieving schoolmates, i.e. nerds. If there is any real effect, it's just due to girls getting poorer grades when surrounded by nerds, due to grading on a
curve, leading to loss of self-esteem. The lost-self-esteem girl then has "increased fertility" NOT due to getting pregnant from sleeping with the geek, rather with someone else more domineering and better looking.
The actual formula:
"Chicks dig good looking dominating men."
"Men dig women that are available."
that's feminism 101, Valerie Solenas, SCUM Manifesto.
You are a bit of a moron about feminism, and also about how human mating works.
You're either an idiot or a propagandist, and it's too serious to say stupid things about. Stop it.
Shut the fuck up, retard. You know I'm honest, fuckwit.
Nuclear is expensive with current models of plant. It is easier to roll out solar/wind, hydro. Nuclear is great if you get a breeder or a LFTR because this deals with waste and rods, but in the current time frame, it's a
non-starter, it just takes WAY too long to roll out at too high a cost and too great a political cost.
Less expensive than everything on Earth dying. The resolution to sporadic power is backup hydro batteries. You can get up to 70% replacement with no problem, and then fill out the rest later, stage by stage. But it's going to
cost money, not an unreasonable amount.
"High achieving" doesn't mean alpha. Parental education is not a proxy for alpha. Alpha is anti-social, it is low achieving in school. It is a signalling strategy, it shows 'I am socially adept enough to bully others'. It works
to get attention from women in high-school, maybe it works in the stock exchange, and that's it. It's worthless in life, it only produces a surface attractiveness.
The response to photos is not the same as the response to women in real life. You see, I am old enough to have actually SLEPT WITH WOMEN, rather than fantasize about it on the internet. There is very little relation between the
Also, given the picture you sent, I don't think you understand, you fucking idiot. I DON'T FIND BOURGEOIS WOMEN ATTRACTIVE. I don't like bourgeois hair. I don't like bourgeois makeup, I don't like bourgeois comportment, and I
don't like bourgeois sex-signalling.
My secret crush is more like this, you dipshit:
<a href="https://www.conservapedia.com/images/5/5e/Bernardine_Dohrn.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><span
class="invisible">https://www.</span>conservapedia.com/images/5/5e/Bernardine_Dohr<span class="invisible">n.jpg</span><span class="ellipsis"></span></a>
It's not 'pollluting' at all! It releases no CO2. It is sometimes destructive to a local river ecosystem. You need to find water that isn't endangered. Hydro-storage is standard at every hydroelectric plant in the world.
It's better than the DISHONESTY that buried Marx's contribution to Keyensian idea for a hundred years you ape. Because of retarded capitalists like you, the Marxian underpinnings of economics were denied and obfuscated, until we
got a second great depression. Keynesian economics is a derivative of Marxist economics, which just throws away the class aspects and substitutes bullshit.
"High achieving" in a school context simply means high achieving in school. Good grades.
Having rich kids around is something else. Because they are often completely degenerate. They have no ethics, they have no brain, and they have no self-control.
You are so stupid that you have no ideas at all. You just copy what others have injected into your head. Then you look in the mirror, and you say "Who's an independent thinker? I'm an independent thinker!" When all your ideas
are both derivative and retarded.
I read the study before posting.
No, Keynesianism is correct. That's the part that you are too stupid to understand. This is not a debated point in economics departments anymore.
When you multiply the money supply by a factor of 3, like in the US in 2009, pre-Keyensian predictions, and Chicago school, predict PRICES TRIPLE. Keynes predicts no inflation. The result? No inflation beyond the normal few
percent. The same in Russia in 1996, when the money supply was multiplied by something like 5. Prediction was hyperinflation, but nothing happened. This happens every time.
When you raise minimum wage, Chicago school and pre-Keynesian predictions were that some low-wage people will lose their jobs. This is so intuitive, in fact, it is something right-wingers keep telling the public-- raise the
minimum wage and unemployment goes up.
This is entirely false, as a hundred years of experience with minimum wage shows. When you slowly raise minimum wage, gradually, over a year or two, say to $1,000,000/hr (some absurd value), what happens AT FIRST Is that
unemployment goes DOWN.
Once unemployment reaches a minimum value. Then inflation goes UP, and further increases in minimum wage are worthless, they produce an equal inflation that eats up the value. That's because we don't pay people in gold, and
banks will produce the money required by lending to people who have trouble making payroll, and the extra business compensates for the increased minimum wage.
Keyensian theory is based on the NONEQUILIBRIUM parts of the capitalist system, which is WAGES and COMPENSATION. Marx identified the reason that these are out of whack, and that's because of the class structure.
Keynes accepted that they are out of whack, and made up non-Marxist incorrect reasons why this should be so. He then adopted the Marxist prescriptions, without the correct Marxist theory. This causes a sickness in the field of
economics, and causes morons llike you who don't know anything to question Keynesian prescriptions.
You are too stupid to understand economics. The only mistake Einstein made is advocating central planning. I don't believe in central planning. But otherwise Einstein is spot on.
I AGREE WITH YOU about the effect of money injections. But I wasn't talking about OUGHT. I was talking about IS. The point is that these money injections reveal a lot about the mechanism in a capitalist economy, and tell you
which economic theory is right.
Keynes MADE UP that wage stickiness as a BULLSHIT EXCUSE to explain why he is doing manipulations. It ISN'T TRUE. Wage stickiness exists, to a small degree, but it is NOT why the equilibrium is broken.
The way you can tell is because lowering real wages makes a depression WORSE, not BETTER.
You see, Keynes understood the following things:
1. Marx is right.
2. I am not allowed to say this in academic journals.
3. That will never change, because those capitalists have got us by the balls.
4. The Leninist communists are arguably even worse than the capitalists.
So in order to get Marx into the journals he had to MAKE UP NONSENSE REASONS for non-equilibrium behavior. His GENIUS was making up bullshit excuses for straightforward Marxist phenomenon, and then offering correct Marxist
The phenomenon are REAL. his reasons are BULLSHIT. And he knew they were bullshit, that's why he privately hired Marxists.
Much much later, in the 80s, a bunch of economists who had totally forgotten the Marxist underpinnings looked at all the Keynes stuff and said "What the fuck? This is all bullshit! How could this stuff work?"
That's because it's based on much older stuff that isn't bullshit.
Not "in disguise", in PLAGIARISM. He wasn't a Marxist, he was STEALING MARX'S IDEAS for his own career advancement. Still, all of Keynes' predictions WORK, because Marx's model is correct. And the microeconomic Chicago school
predictions DON'T WORK. Because they are mentally retarded. That's the part you miss, you goddamn idiot.
Please don't pontificate about things you are too ignorant to understand.
HAHAHAHAHA!! A conservatroid alt-right CRYBABY. HAHAHA. WAAAH! WAH!! Marxist hewt my feewings. HE SHEWED ME I'M STOOPID. I GUESS I AM STOOPID.
And don't feel too bad about being so stupid. It's not your fault, it's genetic.
What you miss, little retarded friend, is that one may be academically accurate while being 'a troll'. That's what other leftist won't do, because they don't want to debase themselves to your level. They also don't want to hurt
you by showing you how stupid you are, they care about your feelings. I don't.
A terrorist 40 years ago would yell Tiocfaidh ár lá. There are no Muslim terrorists, Muslims don't give a shit about the West. There are paid mercenaries who do government ops.
Mercenaries never blow themselves up. That's teenagers who have a family living in poverty who are promised a payment to their starving family. Learn how this shit works, man.
I don't know what happened in Sri Lanka, honestly. I only know that I have never met anyone, Muslim or otherwise, who supports the political objectives you ascribe to radical Muslim terrorists. Not a single one. When people talk
about "Maoists", I knew some Maoists, and could figure out what they believe by talking to them. When the media talked about Sinn Fein, I knew Sinn Fein supporters indirectly, and could talk to them through an acquaintance. When
the media talks about Muslims who want to kill non-muslims in the West, or in Sri Lanka, I can't FIND ANYONE who supports that. And when I look at details of ISIS, it's a collection of paid mercenaries and brainwashed teenagers
whose families are shocked they flew overseas.
You can't have a popular movement without a populus. You need a big populus for a strong popular movement. A small cult can't produce a big movement.
The construction of an ideology requires a goal, and a people who have an interest in achieving that goal. The ideology of 'kill Christians', or 'a Muslim West' simple does not have an ideology behind it. Islam has never had
this kind of organized objective, there is no Islamic movement which calls to murder Westerners.
The events in Sri Lanka involve a bomb, and some claimed 'radicals'. I would like to know the source of the money for the bomb, the source of the propaganda for the 'radicals'. I don't want to make a hasty judgement, because
previous claims of this sort turned out to be well-planned false-flags This one might be legit, it is certainly possible, but it would be extremely crazy, and again, I can't find the population which supports it anywhere, unlike
even Weatherman terrorism in the 70s.
It helps to know radical people in order to evaluate which threats are serious and which are bogus. It is possible that I am out of touch, and 'radical muslims' have popped up in recent years, but I am not in the loop enough to
speak to them, to verify that they actually exist, and that I am not just being led by the nose, as I was in the 2000s regarding 9/11.
This is not true regarding bombers in Israel, where I know the terror is legit. I don't see the 'upper middle class extremist Muslim'. I seriously have never met anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone who can confirm these
people exist.
What Pew polls? ISIS has ZERO PERCENT support in the only poll I have seen in Lebanon. Zero percent means nobody even put it down as a joke. I don't think there are any sincere supporters of ISIS anywhere in the world, all the
ISIS fighters in the Middle East are paid-mercenaries or 18 year old boys who were lured with the promise of raping sex-slaves. This stuff is evil beyond belief, and nobody can support it. Muslims have a normal morality, like
you. The are monotheists.
Look, this might be a legit cell of Muslims set up under some Wahabiist insane religious thing. That's what I read. But somebody paid them to make a bomb, somebody brought in propaganda to say 'kill non-Muslims', and I can't
believe that someone isn't a paid agent of some state, intending to cause trouble. Because this shit is in nobody's self-interest.
I've spokent to a handful of muslims outside the US, but I ask the question indirectly, like 'I'm curious if you know someone who knows someone...' not about direct relations or family, and I'm really safe, there's no way I
could be any sort of intelligence agent, and people speak openly and critically about various things, but I haven't gotten a hit regarding the radical ideology.
I googled, and the only polls where support for ISIS is outside the margin of error is in Nigeria, Malaysia, Senegal, and Pakistan, which are totally outside the range of actual ISIS (although I did speak to one Pakistani
professor in the West, who again didn't know anyone indirectly). I see a lot of "I don't knows", though, and the 6%-13% support I find shocking. There is a propaganda effort behind this, you don't have movements like this
without a paid propaganda effort. And I don't know where it is coming from!
If I had to guess, Saudi Arabia funds this stuff. And they are allied with the US. This is manufacturing an enemy to hate artificially, because nature stopped producing them in large enough numbers.
Anjem Choudry is not sincere, he is simply paid to make you hate him. His positions are idiotic. I am talking about the Muslim populus, not about the media figures. Of course you can find media figures who support this, you can
make media figures say anything, just by hiring the Jesse Lee Petersons of the world and giving them a script. I want to see the popular movement, because it's mystifying to me. It's an ideology with no rational goal. That sort
of thing does not happen spontaneously.
Ocasio-Cortez is the best member of the House, and she is telling you the truth. There is a very short period of time to address warming before it becomes an apocalyptic extinction event, where most species on Earth will be
gone. It's already too late for a limited extinction. That's going on right now.
You stupid irresponsible fuck. Global warming is something scientists study, and PAID SHILLS DENY, stupid fuck. Those denials include inserting ridiculous things into the public record, like "new ICE AGE", "the WORLD WILL DIE
SOON", stupid fuck. That's propaganda too, stupid fuck. The kind which makes people pay no attention to serious scientists with serious data, stupid fuck.
Al Gore was absolutely right, where we are now, we can't stop a catastrophe. That's because of stupid fucks like you that prevented action in 2006. Thanks, stupid fuck. You fucked us over.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is absolutely right. If we don't act in a decade time scale, it will be an apocalyptic transformation where most life in the ocean will die, and most life on land will die. The die-off is already here.
You want it to continue, stupid fuck.
By doing propaganda against it, you are killing youself and your children. And if you know this, you aren't just a stupid fuck, you are a piece of shit. Just learn the science, that doesn't change, no matter what the
propaganda-du-jour is. Stupid fuck. Or maybe you are too stupid?
Yes, I guess that's it. Stupid fuck.
Gear oil is renewable, stupid fuck.
No, stupid fuck. Not expensive, stupid fuck. Go get less stupid, so you aren't such a stupid fuck.
The CO2 will destroy crops by creating desert conditions in certain areas, and increase rainfall in others, and occasional surprise freezes. The effect of CO2 directly is negligible.
It is renewable, STUPID FUCK, because there is no burning of oil for energy. You could use petroleum for lubrication for a MILLION YEARS for all the wind-turbines to power the entire Earth, and it will have ZERO IMPACT and the
oil will be simply be turned into old oil. Further, all the chemistry for lubrication can be equally easily be done using plant oils.
You're just a worthless piece of shit selling out humanity for your own personal gain. The devil stuck his fist in your ass, and is swinging your mouth flap open and shut like a muppet
Humans are responsible for 100% of the climate change you see, you stupid fuck. Because nothing else changes, stupid fuck. Climate takes thousands and thousands of years to change, stupid fuck. Only when humans emit CO2 does it
change fast, stupid fuck.
God. It must hurt to understand your own worthlessness. When you wake up, knowing you are just human refuse. I feel for you man.
When you look in the mirror, and see old tin cans on your arms, a banana peel on your nose, a pile of old batteries for a torso, some used diapers for a head, and the stench, the constant stench of death that clings to you. You
pathetic liar.
I am an actual scientist, piece of shit. With actual discoveries, piece of shit. You are a propagandist paid to kill your own children. Piece of shit.
Insulting you? I'm not insulting you, you retarded fuck. I am just calling it like it is. You have no brain, you have no soul, you have no ideas of your own, and you have no knowledge of science. You're just a fiddler paid to
fiddlle as your children are being sent to their death. While we're on our way, excuse me if I take the time to spit in your face.
There is nothing wrong with turbines for energy they don't emit CO2 except in manufacture, and the manufacture emissions are small enough for the Earth to deal with. There is nothing wrong with solar cells, or with hydro power,
nothing that will destroy the planet, at least. The emission of CO2 will destroy the atmosphere and wreck the world, and by supporting it, you are turning yourself into a villain worse than if Klaus Barbi and Ghenghis Khan had a
butt baby.
First, as others have pointed out, CARBON FUELS ARE NOT FOSSILS. They come from mantle methane turned into chains by pressure at mantle depths, and which percolates up dissolved in methane. The methane is natural gas. The
dissolved carbon is oil, the carbon left behind as the rocks dissolve in the methane and the oxygen dehydrogenates the methane is coal. That explains why they are found together, this is Kudryavtsev's rule. The process was
described in detail by Soviet scientists in the 1960s, pressure anvils verified that short chain hydrocarbons form at mantle pressure, and the existence of dissolved helium shows that it comes from the mantle, because that's
where the helium is made, through alpha decay of heavy nuclei. There can be no dispute about this, it was established fact inside the Soviet Union. It is only that Western money interests are sitting on top of oil, and those
people simply don't care about science.
Further, we are never going to run out of carbon fuel. By the time we run out, atmospheric carbon will be at 5000 ppm, where we will be constantly gasping for breath, and everything on Earth will be baked dead.
Every uptick in CO2 comes at a cost of ocean life and land life which is staggering. Replacing all the energy infrastructure was necessary in 1989, it was urgnt in 2005, it is TOO LATE today, we will still suffer even after we
do it.
From a MARXIST SOCIALIST you worthless piece of shit. Gulag for you.
Climate change is entirely caused by human emitted CO2 warming the atmosphere. There is nothing else changing, the temperature of the Earth only depends on the amount of CO2. It is a very simple thing, and if you think it's
uncertain, it's because you are scientifically illiterate and have been brainwashed by billionaires.
If you don't understand that global warming is due to human emissions of CO2, you have no business reading, let alone moderating a science group. You are a monkey.
"Previous ice-ages" happen over HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS, you brain-damaged imbecile. They can be caused by the same processes of CO2 release/absorption, ONLY SLOWER. When CO2 absorption/release happens quickly, like, say,
over about 100 years, then the result is CATSTROPHIC EXTINCTION. That's what we're doing. Releasing CO2 quickly. The CO2 in the air is the only thing determining the average temperature of the Earth, you drooling neanderthal,
and the CO2 is what we emit when we burn carbon fuel, like gasoline, or coal, or natural gas. THERE ARE NO VARIATIONS IN AVERAGE TEMPERATURE ON ANY HUMAN TIMESCALE, EXCEPT AS CAUSED BY HUMAN CO2. Every scientist knows this since
adolescence, retarded monkey. You don't, because you were dropped on your head as a child.
The other variations in climate, also in the range of 100,000 to a million years, is due to slow secular variations in the orbit of the Earth. Those cycles are so slow, they can be ignored when you are looking at decade to
decade things.
But actually, you probably do know all this. You just say otherwise because some oil billionaire wants to destroy the world, because, why the fuck should he care? He'll die soon. He doesn't believe in God or humanity, just in
being rich. And you're doing his bidding. So you're not as much of an idiot as you appear to be. You know where your bread is buttered. Fucker.
There is only one side, you goddamn moron. The CO2 in the air is the complete answer to the question "how hot is the air". The ice-ages happen over thousands and thousands of years, and you can ignore them, you stupid monkey.
PAULI!!!! PAULI GUESS THE NEUTRINO! Oh my GOD! Are you people THIS CLUELESS?? What the FUCK is WRONG WITH YOU! You pretend to talk about physics without knowing ANYTHING.
Except, you STUPID PLAYED RETARD, she is NOT FUCKING GAY, she's a CHICK-FIL-A actress hired to make advertizement. YOU STUPID NAIVE FUCK.
Yeah, she isn't gay, this isn't real, you stupid gullible conservatards. She is an ADVERTIZEMENT designed to both lure gay people into buying at Chick Fil-A, and STUPID CONSERVATIVE BRAINLESS IDIOTS LIKE YOU into thinking you
are superior, when you are just being played. SUCKERS.