1,460 Answers
If God doesn't exist, why did He talk to me last night?
Committed theists find the existence of God to be evident and deeply compelling. How do theists account for the fact that some people are not convinced by the same evidence?
Do atheists have a standard definition of "God"? If not, what is it that they disbelieve?
Are skeptics more intelligent than religious believers?
Who are some of the most underrated physicists?
What are some of the most ridiculous proofs in mathematics, especially for easier concepts?
Is it possible to be an entirely self-taught theoretical physicist?
What do mathematicians and physicists think of each other?
What is the method to calculate a square root by hand?
Colors (vision): Could a different model besides RGB be used popularly? Why is it more popular than CYMK?
What are the real primary colours?
Why was the axiom of choice controversial when it was first formulated?
How would you explain Levy distributions to your mom?
Why are some philosophers famous when their work doesn't even make sense in summary?
"If all the empty space in an atom were taken out, the Empire State building would reduce to the size of a grain!": What exactly is this 'empty space' in an atom?
If you had 15 minutes to educate a doctor about anything, what would it be, and why?
Who is your favorite Fields Medal winner?
Why is dy/dx = (dy/du)(du/dx) an insufficient proof of the Chain Rule? A more rigorous proof is needed, since du can't equal 0. But if both du's approach 0 at the same rate since they're the same quantity, what's the problem with canceling them?
What are some examples of mathematical theorems that were commonly accepted at one point but have since been shown to be false?
Who was most ahead of their time?
What was your mathematical wall where you just couldn’t understand the concept?
What are some unsolved problems in math that seem easy at first glance (e.g., the Collatz conjecture)?
What are some unsolved problems in mathematics?
How would the world be different if everyone was a genius? How would good and evil change and what role would that play in the human condition? What changes in human behavior can be expected? Would technology have developed differently?
British Literature: Are literary scholars agreed on the legitimacy of the Shakespeare authorship question?
How would today's world be different if William Shakespeare had never been born?
How would one begin self-studying Shakespeare? Start with the tragedies? Comedies? Sonnets? Chronologically? Suggestions for outside reading?
Is the movie Anonymous based on a plausible interpretation of history? What are the best arguments for and against the theory that Shakespeare's plays and sonnets were written by Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford?
What is the most frustrating thing about being a scientist?
Theatre: Why are the works of great Elizabethan playwrights such as Christopher Marlowe overlooked?
What is the coolest thing DARPA is working on?
What are some mind-blowing ways that Probability and Statistics are relevant to the real world?
Does peer review crush novel innovation?
Is "The Tempest" Shakespeare's answer to "Dr. Faustus"?
Shakespeare was around presumably better educated contemporaries, like Marlowe and aristocrats at Court. What books might he have discussed with them?
Why are most Americans so ill-equipped to talk about race?
Why is mathematics so hard?
Is it logically possible for a universe like ours to have decreasing entropy?
What is a good list of inconsistencies in physics that forced us to develop much more mathematically advanced theories to explain the inconsistencies?
What are the best books to start on Recursion Theory?
Who would you consider the most influential mathematicians of all time and what were their major contributions?
Are people from India good at Mathematics?
What two things about forces are important when forces are combined?
How do you convince an adolescent that just because something is older than they are doesn't mean it's rubbish?
Special Relativity: Where is the energy in a boosted capacitor?
Is intelligence the root cause for inequality? If yes, how to fix it?
Why do we square when we can use fourth, sixth...powers when calculating variance and standard deviation?
What are some subjects one should self-study that can be applicable and helpful in the fields of economics, finance, business, and computer science?
Is it true that Albert Einstein failed in mathematics many times during his school days?
Is the dark matter hypothesis, which posits force from a weakly or non-interacting class of particles, falsifiable?
Did William Shakespeare ever visit Italy?
William Shakespeare: What are your thoughts on The Merchant of Venice's anti-Semitism?
What is the scariest situation you've been in?
How big is a number with 280 million zeroes?
How do you tackle "show that..." problems?
What if time stopped suddenly for 5 seconds?
What's your nomination for the best movies of all time?
Did Albert Einstein steal the idea for the relativity theory? There are rumors that various scientists published the basic ideas of the relativity theory earlier and Einstein did not cite them at all in his publications. Is this true?
Why are so many Christians politically conservative?
Are there any scientists out there who can or do make a 'good' case against Evolution and can anyone also make a case for a younger earth (i.e. not billions of years old)?
If Albert Einstein had never existed at all in the world, would relativity theory have been found and proposed by others by now?
How long would it take for the all of the oil in the reservoir tapped by the Deepwater Horizon to leak into the gulf at its current rate?
Should Einstein have won more than one Nobel Prize?
Is the Axiom of Choice critical for the mathematical basis of any physical theory?
Do we really need the Axiom of Choice?
How can I, a non-mathematician, wrap my mind around the Axiom of Choice?
Why are there so many questions on Quora about the Axiom of Choice when AC is largely irrelevant in mathematics?
What is the minimal set of axioms needed as a basis for the mathematics used to express current physical theories?
What is the difference between accepting a mathematical axiom and accepting a statement on faith?
What are some of the best scientific discoveries made by laypeople?
Why passive smoking is said to be more injurious than actual smoking?
Given that smoking tobacco causes more deaths per year than any other drug, should it be made illegal? Why?
Who are some famous scientists who scored low (anything below 135-140) on IQ tests?
What are some famous scientists who had excellent intuition, but who weren't analytically exceptional?
Do you believe in IQ tests? Do you think your IQ Score reflects on that belief?
What are some of the silliest mistakes made by famous scientists?
Did William Shakespeare really write his plays? What evidence is there that could be used to support the theory Shakespeare was not the author of his plays?
What are some positive points or concepts to learn from E8 Theory (Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything)?
What should everyone know about Shakespeare?
Why do Kennedy assassination conspiracy theorists dismiss the fact that the President was suffering from Addison's disease when any discussion of his assassination occurs?
What are some not well known facts about famous scientists?
Are there any structures in the brain completely unique to homo sapiens?
Who assassinated President John F. Kennedy?
How do I believe that the humans around me actually possess consciousness, and it's not just me who is conscious? What if the people around me are merely programmed to act that way?
If a cell inside human body had consciousness, would it be aware of the larger consciousness inside which it is living?
If a man has a baby with his wife, and then starts body building and has another baby with his wife 2 years later, would the second baby grow up to be more muscular than the first?
Why are some women so reluctant to admit that they want hot guys? Don't women want really hot men, just as men want hot women?
If an early hominid were to be born into our society, would it have the capability to learn at the same proficiency of a modern human?
What has science gotten wrong since the 1980s?
What reasons do we have for thinking that an intelligent designer is not the cause of the Big Bang?
If science explains that the world was created naturally via the Big Bang, how do we explain where the original matter and energy came from?
Is there an explanation for the symmetry of the series f(x) = 9x, 1 ≤ x ≤ 10 and x is an integer: 09 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90?
What geometric meaning does the equation f(x)=(1/2)sin(x)cos(x)f(x)=(1/2)sin(x)cos(x) hold?
What am I missing out on in life if I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs?
Why should I believe in God?
Why is velocity the derivative of energy over momentum?
What is an intuitive explanation behind why group velocity is defined as the partial derivative of angular frequency over the partial derivative of wavenumber?
Why do people believe in God and how can they say he/she exists?
How is it that the Speed of Light was calculated in Rigveda many years before Romer?
What's wrong with the theory of evolution by natural selection?
Can we make sure we are dreaming while we are dreaming?
Why can't we emulate dreams when we are awake?
What are some things that science firmly denied or rejected as myth, which were later found to be true?
What are some examples of wrong scientific beliefs that were held for long periods?
What cognitive tasks/ideas/ways of thinking were once considered complex and now are considered normal/not prodigious?
What are some concepts that were difficult for people to grasp in the past but are now commonplace?
Thermodynamics: In the case of a porous and movable wall connecting two physical systems A and B, on solving for maximal microstates to get equilibrium state, we see that P/T and mu/T are constant, but why does the total combined system not come to same temperature?
Is there any theory for what may be the ultimate beginning(If big bang started with a speck of particle with size less than an atom and density higher than anything we know, how did that come in the first place)?
What are the differences between a black hole singularity and the Big Bang singularity?
According to String Theory, why did only 4 dimensions expand from the Big Bang?
According to string theory, there are 10 dimensions and that's it. Why are there no more than 10?
Should industry regulations be analyzed by game theory experts to avoid motivating self destruction behavior?
If you travel through a wormhole and end up millions of light years away instantaneously, would physics deem that to be time travel (since you're technically breaking and re-entering the fabric of spacetime), faster-than-light travel, or both?
Who is the most badass physicist ever? Why?
Do fields really exist? Could it not be that the field emerges after we put the particle—just like in quantum mechanics, where particles act like they have well-defined positions only when they are observed?
What are the implications of a court banning Bayesian probability?
Since nothing can travel faster than light, can't events in the so called past, such as those from stars billions of light years away, be said to happening in the present scientifically speaking?
What were the worst SCIENCE ideas to ever hold back scientific or technological progress?
In your opinion, what is holding back the companies 'Apple' and 'Microsoft' from joining forces for technological progress?
Why do so many people hate Anne Hathaway? I have heard several people complain that she's annoying, but I haven't seen any evidence of that. Did she have an interview or scandal that makes people dislike her?
What is the wisest/smartest thing you've ever heard a child say?
What's the funniest thing a kid has said or done?
What advice would you give to a Physics major student that you wish you were given when you started Physics?
Are Republicans or their political operatives attempting to suppress the votes of American citizens? Are these methods, when successful, reversible?
What do physicists think of Michio Kaku?
Should most young people learn to code?
Are Von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory and Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory equivalent?
Is there an infinite amount of information in the universe?
Is it possible to prove that a proof for a given proposition does not exist?
We know space and time form a continuum with no physical borders between its dimensions. Why is it assumed that the Big Bang expanded in one direction in time only (asymmetrically in "3.5D"), instead of both directions in time (symmetrically in 4D spacetime)?
Why is Theist vs Atheist debate given so much importance? Why is so much energy, time (and credits, in my case) spent on debating this age-old issue?
Given a continuous function f, (how) can you find a non-zero continuous function g such that integral fg from -infi to +infi is 0?
What is the best way to convert an atheist to Christianity? What are the best appeals Christians can use to persuade and save atheists?
How can you be an atheist or a theist, and be confident in your belief if you have not read a lot of philosophy?
How might a theist explain his or her personal religious belief (see question details) to an atheist in plain language and without Bible verses or other proof texts?
Do photons interact with the nucleus?
Belief and Beliefs: Can the existence of a god be proven or disproven?
In layman's terms, how is the Banach-Tarski paradox possible?
Why were there so few revolutions in Europe between 1850 and 1917?
How would Karl Marx agree and/or disagree with John Keynes criticisms of Capitalism? and why?
What is it that makes Noether's Theorem so beautiful?
How did eukaryotic cells come into existence?
What has been the reception to Zeraoulia Elhadj's proposed solution to the Riemann Hypothesis?
What can Christians learn from the Muslim concept of "Jihad"?
When have you most successfully hacked a non-computer system to your advantage?
When you're in a sticky situation with another person, what is your go-to thought process?
What are the most important papers in STEM disciplines renowned for their brevity?
We teach children it is right to share, so why is this ethic not followed as adults by voting for a Socialist Party?
Does being extremely smart make you lonely?
When did physicists start using the term "information"?
Does talking to smart people make you smarter?
What role do Lie groups and/or Lie algebras play in physics?
Why do some believe that computers could possess consciousness and emotions?
Is intelligence hereditary or environmental? Why are some people smarter than others?
Which deep insights, life-lessons, ethical principles and pearls of wisdom do you think should form part of a viable, non-partisan philosophy of life for the 21st century?
What is an intuitive explanation of measure theory?
If Higgs boson and Higgs field are the reason why mass exists, then what is the reason for the existence of spin?
Is it possible to have a unified theory of everything?
Is it common for particle physicists to pull more all-nighters than other scientists? If so, why?
How did string theory begin?
How is Ron Maimon able to be at the cutting edge in multiple fields ranging from theoretical biology to string theory?
Is it true that science cannot promise eternal truths but only eliminate false hypotheses?
What were the most accurate predictions of all time?
Was Reagan a bad president? Why? If you think Reagan was a bad President, what were his failures and shortcomings?
What steps should I take before deciding whether something is science or not?
What reservations do you have about how math is taught to young students and what alternatives do you suggest in light of these?
Physics challenge. Solve it if you can !
In string theory, what is AdS/CFT? Is there a better explanation than the wiki article?
Is it true that if we are able to unify gravity with other forces with the help of quantum mechanics, we would be able to solve the mystery of the black hole?
What is the holographic principle? Does it mean that "our universe is a hologram"?
What could be the stronger points in favor of the Anthropic Principle?
Why are there no major breakthrough theories in physics since the 1940s?
What is the relationship between black hole physics and fluid dynamics?
Is there a difference between condensed matter theory and high energy theory in terms of beauty?
Why do we need economic growth? What would be so bad about keeping our economy the same size year to year?
Can signal detection theory help us distinguish the signal from the noise in science?
Classical Conditioning: Why were Pavlov's dogs so significant?
Is Stack Exchange a digital space which could be repurposed to create an open peer review system?
Is there any aspect of string theory that is verifiable?
What are the arguments for and against the Higgs field being the inflaton field that caused inflation shortly after the big bang?
What would happen to atheists if God, heaven, and hell were real?
How did life on Earth begin?
What are some famous ideas that ruined people's lives?
What are some theories/ideas that sounded extremely silly to most people before they finally proved their merits to most?
Presuming that life appeared as a result of a natural event, what could have been this event?
What are the chemical consequences of having an element, with an atomic number above 137, whose 1s electrons must travel faster than the speed of light? Is "Feynmanium" the last chemical element that can physically exist?
Does the new black hole "firewall" theory really put quantum mechanics and general relativity at an impasse?
Is the value of a good idea in its origin or in its delivery?
What are some examples of elegant, beautiful theories that are incorrect? In a documentary, it was said that scientists search for a beautiful, elegant theory. He said history is littered with beautiful theory that’s incorrect.
How can Quora content improve Wikipedia?
What mathematical or scientific principle have you discovered on your own only to later learn it was already known?
Is Erik An' Theory of Everything Gyre paper genius or madness?
If carbon, an abiotic thing, was the basis of life on earth, what's the fundamental difference between a biotic being and an abiotic thing? How did the first genes come into existence? How did they form?
What are the chemical origins of life? How did non-living chemical compounds generate self-replicating, complex life forms?
Is evolution still a theory?
Nuclear Physics: Can atom-like nuclei without protons actually exist?
Origin of Life: What is some evidence in favor of an RNA world?
Since amino acids have been found in meteorites, could a collision with a meteorite be a possible origin of life on Earth?
Could life evolve in space?
Has anyone used information theory to study the origin of life, and if so what were the findings?
What would be the minimum set of elements, particles, cells and rules, which if programmed to run indefinately by itself, will show life like behaviour and evolve into higher life forms?
Is it possible that life originated from protein and not RNA?
Evolutionary theory is based on the fact that life previously originated on Earth and we all evolved from a universal common ancestor. Where did life itself originate?
Could viruses have been created by extraterrestrials?
What is the statistical likelihood that modern man (Homo sapiens) would evolve from a single celled life form to what we are today over the last 500M years (from the Cambrian Period)?
Creationism: Did life on Earth happen as a series of random events?
Why has Benoit Mandelbrot never won the Fields Medal?
What is physics?
Is there anything that says we aren't headed towards finding an infinite number of fundamental particles?
Why do people think the Earth orbits the Sun? Can geocentricity be disproved?
Common Misconceptions: What are some things nearly everyone believes that actually aren't true?
If realisation of self is nothing but a result of neurological action,then have there been any reported cases of person having two selfs within samebody,or is it biologically possible?
Are most standard theories used in modern science absolute? Should alternate approaches be considered if they fit the data?
Are systems of aesthetics, ethics, values and moral law Turing-computable?
What will happen if String Theory is experimentally proven?
A scalar field with a non-zero expectation value could explain Dark Energy - could it also explain Lepton number violation?
When you ask someone what happened before the big bang, they say there was no time before that. What does that even mean?
What is your three word philosophy?
Does the belief in gods diminish humans capacity to discover the complexities of life?
Why do people dislike The Beatles (band)?
Is the "new" (Page on Arxiv) evidence for a cosmic origin of life on Earth convincing?
Does oil have a biological origin?
What are the pros and cons of decriminalizing marijuana?
What are the strongest arguments for legalization/decriminalization of drugs in the United States?
What is the downside of legalizing marijuana?
What is technically meaning of force?
Why should Marijuana be legalized?
What is the cure for marijuana hangovers; that dull groggy stupid feeling one can get the next day?
What are the effects of marijuana on the brain?
Should marijuana be legalized? Is it time for a factual debate since our country cowers at this question?
Should marijuana be legalized?
Is it possible to overdose on marijuana?
Is marijuana an anarchistic drug?
Why don't more people smoke marijuana?
What is bad about marijuana?
Are there any health benefits from marijuana?
Is marijuana safer than alcohol? Why?
What are the advantages of smoking marijuana? Do the positive effects outweigh negatives in the long term?
How does marijuana affect a person's memory?
Why is marijuana illegal, even though there is no harm in smoking it?
Should I quit smoking marijuana?
How bad is second hand marijuana smoke for you?
What is it like to be high on marijuana or other sources of THC?
Is infinity ∞ the measure of human ignorance?
What is renormalization group theory?
What is the nature of the weak nuclear force?
What is the role of causality in modern physics?
What's an intuitive way to understand integration by parts?
What scientific evidence exists for abiogenesis?
Are there any famous mathematicians that smoked marijuana?
What are the biggest misconceptions about recreational drugs?
Is there any proved relation between Weed Smoking and Brain Skills. Measurable skills like memory, IQ, etc and others like Creativity, problem solving, etc?
Is Ed Witten really the world's greatest living theoretical physicist?
How is the vision of the universe as a computer simulation considered among modern physicists?
Geology: Why do large quantities of heavy elements like uranium appear together?
What do I do with a kindergartener who can do algebra?
Was the Boston bombing an inside job?
What do 9/11 truthers believe?
Are there actually genuine Sandyhook Truthers who believe that the Newtown massacre was staged? What do they believe?
What do 9/11 conspiracy theorists believe was gained by blowing up the Twin Towers that wouldn't have been gained by just flying planes into them?
Why do 9/11 conspiracy theorists disbelieve the official story?
What happened on 9/11? How valid are the conspiracies about explosives, etc.?
Was the United States government behind 9/11?
What was the motivation for the 9/11 attacks?
What changes have been made in government procedures that have made an attack like 9/11 (but using private planes) less likely today?
How many different people in how many different government offices would have had to have been involved in the 9/11 conspiracy?
If you believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by the government, what are you doing about it?
Do you believe the 9/11 conspiracy theories that the attack on the WTC was carried out by the then government itself so as to gain access to the oil wealth of middle east countries by invading them?
Should terrorism drills involving simulation be permanently banned?
Is Greenpeace involved in terrorism?
Why does Ron Maimon believe in God?
What is Ron Maimon's advice to the new generation of aspirants in mathematics, computer science, physics, biology and his areas of interest?
How true is the phrase "systems biology is the string theory of biology"?
Is logical and technical/scientific writing clearer, more insightful and effective than creative analogical explanations in general and specially, in understanding complex theories?
How does Ron Maimon view human attributes such as honour, virtue, courage, love, and other ontological aspects that arguably distinguish humans from computers?
What does Ron Maimon think on Luboš Motl's conservative political beliefs?
What are the most important fundamental physical constants?
Why is Cohen's "Forcing" not sufficiently appreciated by the mathematics community?
What is the best book on foundations of mathematics?
Can someone explain Cohen's forcing technique in set theory?
How can I explain set theory to a teenager with little interest in math?
How is Freeman Dyson generally viewed from within the physics community?
Can the poor be handed lots of money to make them rich? If everyone has money, there is no poverty. Why not just print lots of notes and hand them out?
Will there always be lots of poor people and a few very rich people no matter the system?
Will nuclear fusion be a primary source of energy generation (much like hydroelectric, coal, etc.) within the next 50 years?
What are some good math jokes?
Are there examples of where allowing exorbitant wealth accumulation to an individual is beneficial to society?
Should there be limits placed on how much the government can create debt which future generations will have to pay?
Should there be a limit to how much personal wealth any one individual can accumulate? It seems like it would eliminate a lot of the motivation for greed and corruption.
Leonard Susskind, in his 'lectures on string theory' states that, "There are many more possible configurations and states of a single string than that of multiple strings of the same cumulative mass." This sounds weird. Are there any mathematical explanations available for this?
Which is the most cited paper in physics?
What are the economic limits to how much societies can redistribute wealth?
What can be done to help offset the Pareto Principle's effects on wealth inequality that doesn't involve confiscation/redistribution?
If high income earners pay so much of the federal taxes, don't we want more high income earners?
At what percentage of GDP do transfer payments begin to have deleterious effects on an economy?
How do I know if I have an original idea?
What proof did Darwin cite that was so revolutionary?
Is there any good example (preferably a modern one) where a mathematical law has been questioned or reviewed and changed?
Who is the writer of Hamlet?
What are the most effective arguments against those who contend that Reagan was the greatest president in U.S. history?
Why did the Dunning-Kruger effect paper receive an Ig-Nobel prize?
How did Jimmy Wales get the idea for Wikipedia?
What are scalar (longitudinal) EM waves and are they real?
Are gravitational waves the new (a)ether?
What are the most interesting differential equations in science and mathematics? Why?
Why in the present times don't we hear of some of the new scientists like Einstein, Feynman, Faraday? Has the field of research lost its sight somewhere?
Does using recreational drugs infringe on any one else's rights?
Are there any mathematical statements which have been proven to be unprovable?
Is there any way "around" Gödel's incompleteness theorems (that doesn't include ever more infinities in the ladder) which might provide us with a complete and consistent picture of mathematics?
What is a good explanation for the proof of Godel's incompleteness Theorem?
What does Ron Maimon think of himself?
Science Popularization: What is your opinion on book "War of the Worldviews"?
What are some of the most fascinating things physicists know or understand that most people don't? What might others find surprising or interesting?
Would it not be both productive and informative to have a journal of negative results?
What questions would you ask Einstein if you had the chance?
What is temperature?
How can I become an asshole? All my life I've been a nice guy and it has gotten me nowhere.
If your child were to read only one book in his/her entire life and you got to choose that book, which book would you choose?
Which 10 books would you recommend that your children (or anyone) read throughout their life?
Did we ever try to explain religious practices in terms of quantum sciences?
Why don't some scientists believe in the existence of God?
Do some people who don't believe in God feel superior? If so, why?
What does Bell's inequality mean, in layman's terms?
Is snow a black body? if yes then why does it appear white in color?
Is it possible to describe God mathematically?
How badly are paywalls impacting access to scientific articles and education/science as a result?
What is an intuitive explanation of the axiom of choice and its consequences?
How can we effectively communicate with the public on ideas from different area's of science while acknowleging that they may lack the extensive years of education to do so?
Why are many people against homeschooling?
Can mathematical thinking be taught? It's possible to become better at math, but is it possible to actually become a mathematically minded person? I love maths, and I want to pursue graduate studies in math.
Who are some self-taught prodigies who made important advances in well-studied academic fields?
Why don't schools and textbooks use non-standard analysis to teach calculus?
Why does the value of G, speed of light and other scientific constants not vary?
What is a string?
What is a Maximum Entropy Object?
Is Ron Maimon related to the medieval Jewish philosopher Maimonides?
What's your view of homeschooling for the gifted?
What are some objections to Searle's Chinese room thought experiment? In other words, what are some counter arguments to John Searle's arguments against strong A.I.?
Why is it said that scientists are yet to combine Quantum Mechanics with Theory of Relativity? What does that involve?
What was the most concerted lie ever told by mathematicians?
Who is the best physicist ever?
How can you get people to be comfortable with a controversial idea?
My friend claims she had an IQ test and scored a 180. How do I deal with her bullshit?
How should I study math?
The logical positivists wanted to create a philosophical system free of any metaphysical concepts, which they considered spurious. But in chemistry and physics, isn't energy a metaphysical concept?
What are the failings of materialism as a philosophy?
What do logical positivists think of falsifiability?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet as a platform for discussing ideas?
Does it really take centuries for oil to form? Under conspiracy theories, has the oil industry created a false shortage to make more money?
History of Science: What is wrong with positivist mindset?
Who is Ron Maimon?
What are the implications of fluid dynamics mimicking quantum behaviours?
What are the disadvantages of being insulting in arguments?
How does Euler's beta function lead to string theory?
Does string theory make any predictions that can be tested empirically? Is string theory falsifiable? Does it have to be falsifiable? If it's not falsifiable, can it be considered a scientific theory?
What laws of physics have been derived by computers but are yet inexplicable to humans?
Who has the best singing voice in Rock and Roll History?
Who is the best guitarist that has ever lived?
How do we restore trust in science? How do we know who to believe anymore? Medical students are given lunch by pharmaceutical companies. Scientists are bought by industry.
Is science a reliable source for truth, or does our constantly changing knowledge of science mean we should regard it as 'scientism'?
Have just read a stat that says only 35% of Iowa Republicans believe in science -- either evolution or climate change. How do we restore the belief in science among Americans?
William Shakespeare: What is your favorite Shakespearean work?
How do I derive Godel's incompleteness theorem?
If an electron can be in two places at the same time, does that mean we can also be?
What is the easiest and fastest way I can take (and pass) a calculus course?
What are good stories about World War II that people have heard from their grand/parents?
Is there a tension constant of the space time fabric?
What are the most common clichés in fiction writing?
What should I do to improve my programming skills in a short amount of time?
What do physics majors think of math majors, other science majors, and humanities majors?
What are some works, generally recognized as masterpieces, that people just don't get (or don't like), but are too embarrassed to admit?
Is there some physical activity in the brain which could not be in principle implemented by a machine?
Is the complete connectome enough to model the brain in silico? If not, what else is needed?
What sparks a thought? OR How does a thought spontaneously arise in the brain? Specifically in the absence of an obvious stimulus.
Why do humans naturally have the concept God in their mind?
Who, according to you, is the World's Person of First Half of Year 2013, and why?
What are some of the most useful secondary literature in English that would help me understand Martin Heidegger's Being and Time?
Why is "Pauli repulsion" not a true force?
Where are the personal stories of science after 1970?
Why do people keep trying to create a theory of everything although general relativity says that gravity is the geometry of space-time and not an actual force?
Why are gauge bosons massless?
Is it possible to contribute significantly to pure mathematics outside of academia?
What advice would you give to a Mathematics major student that you wish you were given when you started Mathematics?
What are good ways to insult a statistician?
What fraction of world-changing scientific research comes from top-tier universities in the US? What approximate fraction of important scientific research comes from outside the top 50 universities?
How many kilometers would be the span of sky you could see between horizons, assuming a plain terrain?
Is it time to give up string theory?
Are people approaching man-made nuclear fusion the right way or the wrong way?
Are Cold Fusion or Low energy nuclear reactions real?
Why did Ron Maimon stop contributing to Stack Exchange?
Why is it important to teach children manners?
How can a person without a degree get peer-reviewed?
Would a hydrophobic coating make a heavy object sink through water faster?
What is an example of a Communist regime that supporters of Communism believe has been successful?
Is weed worse than cigarettes for your health?
If logical positivism is the default philosophy of physics then why many physicists declare themselves physicalists?
Is condescendence an inherent property of Logical Positivism?
What is logical positivism? What are some of the inherent flaws within its schema?
Positivism (philosophy of science): Did Wittgenstein or Bertrand Russell really have an impact on the development and understanding of mathematics?
What truly original ideas did Bertrand Russell come up with and what were their impact?
What caused the demise of logical positivism?
Was logical positivism popular in Soviet Union?
Why are young and bright people, like Ron Maimon, are spending time answering questions on Quora instead of doing some real academic research?
What are Ron Maimon's political beliefs?
Do you have an unconventional view of god? Please describe
What effect did Archimedes Plutonium and his Plutonium Atom Totality theory have upon your view of the world?
Why did it take 30 years for mathematicians to prove any of Riemann's hypotheses about the Zeta function?
Why are a lot of liberals seemingly opposed to talking about differences between groups of people, especially when the differences involve things that are important? I’ve found that class, racial/ethnic groups, and crime rates seems taboo to them.
Who were the most overrated winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics?
Is there any Nobel Prize winner in Physics who is not a genius?
9/11 Conspiracy Theories: If the planes that hit the WTC were really drones, then what happened to all the passengers that went missing?
What are some (dark) trade secrets of science?
Is there any substance in the conspiracy theories that it was the Bush Government itself that had planned and executed the 9/11 WTC attacks?
Was 9/11 a conspiracy?
If any living person could be drafted into the US presidency who should it be and why?
Positivism (philosophy of science): Are there physicists that are outspokenly anti-positivist?
Is Qi a genuine phenomenon not yet understood by science, or a complex delusion?
Are there any genuine/valid criticisms of science? If so, what are they?
What are the 9/11 conspiracies?
9/11 Conspiracy Theories: What will be the effect of Rethink911.org's advertising campaign?
Are there reputable physicists who don't believe dark matter exists?
Within the frame of string theory, can one explain simply and intuitivly what is a charge, a mass, spin and quark color ?
What is the possibility of 9/11 being another Operation Northwoods?
Conspiracy Theories: What is true and not true about "Loose Change", the documentary?
What are the best critiques/rebuttals of the main points in Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup?
What are the latest 9/11 conspiracy theory documentaries?
What are the best video's and/or sites etc arguing against a 9/11 conspiracy?
Does Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem prove the existence of God?
What do theists hate the most about atheists?
What's the easiest way to understand Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems? Are there statements that have truth values which cannot be determined except meta-mathematically?
How can a person without Mathematics background understand Gödel's incompleteness theorems?
Is Ron Maimon an expert or misguided in his deviations from the mainstream?
What does "information" mean in physics? And how can it be reassembled (?) if it radiates from a black hole?
What are some interesting facts about Richard Feynman?
Why did you start smoking?
Science and Religion: What is the difference between a creationist denying evolution because they haven't seen anything evolve, and an atheist denying the existence of a god because they haven't seen any divine acts?
What events in a man's life would you use to measure intelligence (IQ), if you couldn't use a standardised test?
Does Hitchens’ statement "That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence" contradict Gödel's incompleteness theorems?
What is the best thing you have ever written?
If the amount of information of a black hole is proportional to it's area (Planck "pixels"), what are the additional Planck "voxels" in the volume used for?
Are there advanced fields in Mathematics that people claim to have known everything about?
What existed before the Big Bang?
Does the holographic principle preclude the existence of white holes?
How bright would the inside of a black hole be?
What are the most important generally accepted hypotheses in physics that have no experimental verification yet?
Thermodynamics: How was absolute zero determined?
How are we able to know the IQ of some people from the past?
What is an intuitive explanation for eiπ=−1eiπ=−1?
What kind of propulsion system do you think is the best for touring the solar system?
The US government refused to audit the gold in Fort Knox since 1953. If the theorists are right and it has been stolen, could this lead to the biggest economic collapse in history?
Why did it take NASA decades to land on Mars after landing on the Moon?
What is the ideal way on social networks to honor the memory of the victims and events of 9/11?
How does hyperviscosity dampen out the inverse cascade of turbulence?
Can we prove free will by simply writing the series of prime numbers or other sequence on a sheet of paper?
In layman's terms, what is Supergravity Theory and why is it not more popular?
How many people have had nervous breakdowns trying to prove/disprove the continuum hypothesis?
Where can I watch (or read) Feynman explain the way that liquid helium becomes a superfluid?
What are the good books that should be read to become an efficient Data Analyst?
What are some of the unsolved problems in Mathematics, which when solved, will have a profound effect in the world of Physics?
What is the wildest, most complicated equation describing a natural phenomenon that you would assume has no analytical solution, but actually does?
Why does Holocaust denial persist, despite the overwhelming evidence?
What are some of the best books on precalculus?
What is the highest form in the hierarchy of semicategory, category, groupoid, group...? And which book can give me in depth analysis of these basics?
What would distances (and space) seem to be like from Light's perspective?
Is this a watershed new discovery in physics - is space-time still fundamental now that we have the amplituhedron for modeling quantum field theory? Also, could a similar higher dimensional object describe or even unify gravity?
How likely is it that a mathematics student can't solve IMO problems? Is there a fear of embarrassment in being a math Ph.D. who can't solve problems that high-school students can?
How true are the satanic allegations made on the popular song "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin?
How do civil engineers and architects in the USA deal with '9/11 truthers'?
What are some old technologies that we take for granted?
What are the most misunderstood, but commonly voiced, statistics?
Is there firm evidence that gravity is quantized ("granular")? If none, why can't physicists abandon the notion that gravity is quantized? Is it possible to reach a grand unified theory wherein the gravitational field is "continuous" and the various quantum fields are "granular"?
How can we eliminate money in the society?
Was mathematics invented or discovered?
How can I plot the following numbers on an exponential graph?
What geometric formulas govern polygons in such a way that the phenomenon observed in the details below occurs?
Does Fourier Transform imply that delta function value divided by infinity is 1?
There are 4 nos. such that sum of all d four nos. as well as sum of every two nos. is a Perfect square. Find d nos.?
What is the sum of 40 elements in series 1, 6, 7, 13, 20, 33?
Why are physicists atheists, generally?
How do you structure your thoughts to make a coherent presentation?"
Is Math 123 (Algebra II: Theory of Rings and Fields) worth taking at Harvard?
What is the set of all functions?
When was π discovered?
Why haven't we figured out any feasible alternative to capitalism yet? Will humans ever organize themselves into another way of living? Is there any new theory that can hypothetically replace capitalism? Why or why not?
What is the best evidence that debunks the 9/11 truthers' version of events?
Are there known paradoxes in Mathematics that haven't been resolved?
Does anyone care about 9/11 anymore?
What is the greatest lyric in the history of Hip-hop?
Like humans who have information stored in genes, do atoms and other sub atomic particles have memory?
How does the Alcubierre metric for faster-than-light travel work?
Is zero point energy (energy in empty space) caused by existing energy fields of some type in our universe, or by spontaneous creation of matter/energy?
If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?
Inflationary Cosmology: Will inflation win the Nobel Prize of Physics?
Why does astronomy have a higher female to male ratio than physics?
How do you judge scientific conclusions in areas where you have little knowledge?
What does Ron Maimon think of Stephen Wolfram?
Has Ron Maimon observed his own fluid intelligence decline over time?
Why is there such a strong cross-correlation between two different arrays of random numbers in MATLAB?
What was Ron Maimon like as a college student?
Will advanced AI believe in God?
Did a phase transition cause the large scale structure of the universe?
Why can't I respect the new string theorists?
Is the universe charge neutral and if so what is the explanation?
How do you write research papers whose conclusions are convincing to other people?
Is Kaprekar's constant useful for anything or is it just a result without use?
What are some good undergraduate calculus textbooks?
Thermodynamics: What are irreversible processes?
What is the best science infotainment (informative, yet entertaining) site that exists on the web?
Why do we indoctrinate children that the big bang theory is the factual beginning of the universe when experts know it is a very flimsy hypothesis?
What is your motivation for participating in the theism/atheism debate?
As an experienced programmer, why should I learn Perl?
When is it understandable to hate C++?
Thermodynamics: Is the carnot cycle quasistatic?
Why do a lot of people seem to dislike C++?
Can the image of the earth be reconstructed from reflected light off the moon?
Which people most inspire Ron Maimon?
Why do people hate mathematics? There are few people in the world who seem to appreciate the beauty of math. Mathematics has been associated with the words "geeky and sophisticated" rather than "creative and artistic”, even among scientists.
What if God designed living beings with evolution capability?
Do you have to be a genius to be good at maths, or can hard work play a major role?
What are some accessible, exciting books (not textbooks) about infinite series?
Are foods made from crops that contain the Bt gene less healthy for humans than comparable foods without it? How do we know?
How does one classify general stuff into the linear/ non-linear category?
What are some good events to be conducted in a maths club meet?
Does data naturally exist in the universe as a material element?
Why is gravity often explained through the expression "the bending of space"?
What's the simplest thing you can show with a Gödel numbering?
What is the best refuting argument for what the US wants the public to believe happened on 9/11?
Does physics research of the mid-late 20th century require significantly more analytical intelligence than physics research of the early 20th century?
Is Liboff or Griffiths a better textbook for self-studying Quantum Mechanics?
How viable is the idea of designing a spaceship for global faster-than-light travel by manipulating local space around the spaceship to make distance traveled locally shorter?
How do insulator-metal transitions in Mott transition materials work?
How can the physics information in a photon be finite?
Is it possible that we co-exist with other intelligent beings who weakly interact with our reality?
What does Ron Maimon think of marijuana?
Is there a quick roadmap towards gaining some intuition in concepts from algebraic topology and geometry?
If space was not expanding how long would it take for the Andromeda and the Milky Way galaxies to collide?
In a round robin tournament with N teams, every 2 teams play in a head-to-head match. Points are awarded as follows: 3 points for a win, 1 points for a tie and 0 points for a loss.?
What are the requirements before I start learning algorithm and data-structures?
How do I explain irrational numbers to a 10 year old?
Did the Big Bang spawn from an entropy-free singularity?
Is there any evidence that evolution within a species (microevolution) stops short before it becomes evolution to a new species (macroevolution)?
Why does physics seem to enjoy a much more prominent seat in pop culture than mathematics?
Fukushima still scares people. No one died from radiation, and infants won’t likely see an increase in cancer. Why hasn't this increased nuclear power usage? Why is there so much cognitive dissonance on nuclear power and what can be done about it?
Why would a government-run single-payer health care system be better than one that relies on the free market?
Under normal cooking circumstances, is boiling water always 100 degrees C whether it's simmering or violent?
Could the functions of the human brain ever be described mathematically?
What is the Physical meaning of Enthalpy (H) in the first law of thermodynamics; regardless its mathematical meaning?
Perspective- What do you think about the possibility that the entire universe, however vast, is just a particle being observed by someone in an even bigger universe?
Is there any way to differentiate the statement, "The universe is expanding," from the statement, "Everything in the universe is shrinking, while the universe itself stays the same size," within the context of commonly accepted understandings of the expansion of the universe in cosmology and physics?
How can I show that for a set of n points (in a plane) there exists a voronoi cell with (n-1) vertices?
Is the quote by Einstein - "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough" psychologically true? Is there some other reason for not being able to explain things clearly?
In what scientific fields or specific areas of research could an amateur make significant progress or contribution today?
What are some of the most important shortcomings left in our current understanding of nature that are used / referred by Religious people to strengthen their beliefs in God? How long do you think it will take science to fill those shortcomings in our understanding?
What general and specific warnings where there leading up to the 9/11 attacks?
Did Bush and his cabinet either plan the 9/11 attacks or know about them to some degree and deliberately let them go ahead?
Why do people posting questions on the Atheism topic seem to think they are going to explode the beliefs of others? Stunned atheists will convert, befuddled religious folk will lose their faith?
Is philosophy really dead, as some scientists claim? If not how is it still necessary in this high tech world?
What are some ways to think creatively in Science and Engineering?
How does Ron Maimon know so much?
What is meant by supersymmetry in physics?
Why can we only see a three-dimensional space?
What are some things that need to be taken into consideration when putting on a Philosophical/Scientific debate?
What is the best way for me to switch fields from biochemistry to physics?
What is the Mach principle?
Does relativity have implications for causation?
Structural Biology: Do all proteins increase osmotic pressure equally? Do they increase osmotic pressure to the same extent as an equal number of dissolved molecules (like glucose)?
What is the most useless fact you know?
Why uniform continuity is hold in euclidean metric but not in sup metric? Both of them can find minimum distance between the two point i believe.
Let (a+ b*sqrt(5)) ^n = X + Y * sqrt(5). I need to check if for any 'n' is X%m==1 && Y%m==0 (given a,b, m)? Also, I need to find smallest n if it is possible.
What is the meaning and the implications that time is an emergent property of entanglement as shown by a recent experiment?
What is the law of conservation of information?
Should you continue being yourself even if that gets you to be obnoxious to society in general?
What is an intuitive explanation for the multivariate Gaussian distribution (aka multivariate normal)?
What does it feel like to be a Quora celebrity?
How can atheists imagine that the staggeringly complex human, containing an amazing brain, was made without a shred of assistance from anything with intelligence?
At the beginning of the universe, when all four forces were combined into one force, was that force an attractive force, repulsive force, or some other kind of force?
What got you interested in particle physics?
Why is there no differential equation for the conservation of angular momentum?
Can a terrorist easily make an atomic bomb provided access to Uranium?
What are the most significant results of Fourier Analysis? What are the most important things to know as a mathematician? As a physicist?
If prompt says "no more than 2 boys scored any given score" does it means that it can be 0 or 1 boy who scored any given score or it means that 2 boys and not more than 2 scored any given score?
What is the best way to develop an intuition for tensor algebra (from a rigorous mathematical perspective)?
What are the mathematical pre-requisites for studying string theory?
What is Ron Maimon's advice for college students?
What are logical fallacies grounded upon?
Why does Ron Maimon not drive a car?
Can the event horizon of a black hole isolate a single quark?
Are there any odd theories with strong scientific evidence that scientists are afraid to publicly confirm for fear of ridicule?
Why does laminar flow become a turbulent flow when the velocity goes beyond a certain limit?
What is the real reason behind the limits being imposed (or perceived limits) in pursuing a career in pure mathematics?
Are there different mathematical abilities/mathematical reasoning styles?
What are some interesting areas of research/study in philosophy of mathematics? How do these affect/impact mathematics as such?
How did Germany had so many scientific and cultural advancement during 17 and 18th century?
What would be some common subjects/concepts that a theoretical physicist, mathematician, economist, and cognitive scientist share and contribute to the learning of?
Which technology startups have the best Wikipedia entries?
Applications of Inequalities for example Cauchy- Schwarz, Jensen, AM-GM or Maclaurin in non theory based math. In Mean for building machines or something?
What mathematics should high schoolers learn for physics, and in which sequence?
Which are some of the strangest mystical claims that science eventually found to be true?
What is the most amazing unsolved mystery in geology?
Why don't more physicists subscribe to pilot wave theory?
What philosophical schools do most modern physicists subscribe to?
What would happen if I filled a soccer ball with helium?
It is important that the general public stays well read on physics and maths. But modern physics and maths isn't accessible in its technical format. What should be the way to deal with this?
What is the general feeling about Douglas Hofstadter's line of thought?
What is theoretical biology?
What is Ron Maimon's advice for high school students?
What classes did Ron Maimon take while he was at Harvard University?
What is inside of a black hole?
What would the integral of distance give you, and is that useful, if so, in what way?
What would a development of mathematics be like if we replaced the axiom of choice with the axiom of determinacy?
Why did Richard Feynman criticize String Theory?
What is Ron Maimon's advice for middle school students?
What does Ron Maimon want his legacy to be?
Special Relativity: How is it possible that massless particles exist?
How much heat energy would we use if everyone had heat source inside their body (eliminating the need for building heat)?
What is Ron Maimon's advice for grad students?
What is the connection between advanced set theory and theoretical computer science?
Is free/open-source software communist?
What is Ron Maimon's advice for kindergarten kids?
Do extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence?
What is Ron Maimon's advice for undergraduate maths research?
How intelligent was Richard Feynman?
How is it possible to disprove the existence of anything with certainty? A friend argues that you can prove that things don't exist if you can show that their definition contains logically contradictory or incoherent statements. What do you think?
For nonbelievers, what is the strongest argument you have heard supporting religion/God? Conversely, for believers, what is the strongest argument you have heard refuting religion/God?
I study physics and mathematics with full interest but it lacks when it comes to chemistry. Does anyone who have a remedy for this?
Is otherwise respected biologist Stuart Kauffman as off-base as I'm sure he must be for saying "Information Theory Does Not Apply To The Evolution Of The Biosphere"?
When and how was it first recognized that you could theoretically build an atomic bomb?
What are some areas in neuroscience/ cognitive science/ mathematical psychology, where the level of mathematics is comparable to advanced applied math/physics?
What can we learn from Terence Tao?
Would abolishing private secondary/high schools promote equal opportunity in the UK?
Is it possible to extract a wormhole with Quantum gravity, & also in LHC we already got Quantum blackholes to pop outta n get neutralize like a virtual particle, so somehow if we manage to utilize the energy frm it?
What are the benefits of religion (any religion)? What parts of the human psyche does it satisfy?
How would one calculate the dynamic time evolution of the shape of an electron wave function in a chemical reaction?
Has anyone written anything about the amazingly interesting similarities between Francis Crick and Richard Feynman?
Why is set theory important?
Is biology the study of replicating information?
Is there any quick way to count the number of elements or the cardinality of the set {x+y+z where x,y, z are in [some list]}?
Is "being born a homosexual" an extraordinary claim?
Turing Machine: How can you prove a summation uncomputable?
Calculus isn't intuitive to me. Am I alone or do other people have this problem as well?
Can I be a successful mathematician?
What kind of math applies to understand Quantum Mechanics?
How do math geniuses understand extremely hard math concepts so quickly?
Does the below article reveal a flaw in capitalism?
Is it possible to make an artificial black-hole?
What is the quantum membrane around a black hole?
What are the mathematics behind gravitational assist?
Is any background needed to learn set theory and mathematical logic?
Is it possible to measure a wave function?
Why isn't the law that France just passed prohibiting people from publicly wearing face coverings such as the niqab considered blatant religious discrimination?
What is the best argument for existence of god?
What are the best philosophical arguments against the existence of a god?
Is that true a programmer or developer (in India) can't even buy a car in 5 years?
What is the Mpemba effect?
Teaching Mathematics: Why is the Mean Value Theorem taught in introductory calculus courses? Should it be?
Is there any polynomial time algorithm for finding maximal cliques in general undirected graph?
What are the best math blogs?
Is going to a fancy school for undergrad important for science?
How many Quora answers do you read on average per day (approx) and what proportion do you find interesting/ upvoted Vs. bad or ignored answers?
Why didn't Dirac come up with the theory of path integrals?
Probability: How does one show the probability of n consecutive heads and tails eventually occurring is 1?
Does Thought need a physical system for its existence?
Does the universe need a conscious observer for it to exist?
Betting strategy for a tournament between two players when you can bet only on individual matches? (Please see question details for the full problem)
Why do so many people think they are smarter than Elon Musk?
Do conspiracy theorists generally hold that the alleged conspirators think that they are doing good, or are motivated by self-interest?
Could the Internet already be conscious without us realising it?
Why don't I hear more about 9/11 alternative theories?
I think more and more people are realising 9/11 was a false flag inside job. Am I right?
Is philosophy the "queen of the sciences?"
How does the assuming of higher dimensions (above the fourth) help in improving our understanding of the Universe?
I love Physics, but I find it really hard to do the Math. What is the most efficient way by which I can learn how things work (to a pretty good extent) by using only the necessary mathematics (hence, minimizing its use in explaining the phenomenon)?
Why aren't Democrats and Liberals upset about Barack Obama setting the precedent for being able to assassinate US Citizens without due process?
If God does not exist, how were the laws of physics established? How is it that matter and energy behave according to principles that can be described by logical formulas?
What is your definition of God?
Why is it simply not ok to believe in God or religion? If someone believes in God, what’s the big deal?
Is requesting a new investigation into 9/11 insulting to the memory of the people who died that day?
Why do some Americans believe 9/11 was an inside job?
If 9/11 was indeed an inside job, what was the goal?
Were the WTCs destroyed by a controlled demolition or by fires as the "Official 9/11 Commision Report" claimed in its final version?
What is your review of Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (1985 book)?
What classics Ron Maimon recommends reading?
What is the literature that one should read in order to get a broad scientific background?
What is your greatest contribution to the field of Science?
Doesn't Everett's many worlds interpretation violate quantum mechanics?
Is the mantra of Darwinism, "survival of the fittest", a tautology?
Could it be that the statistics on the number of deaths caused by the use of various drugs are skewed by the fact that there are larger data samples for drugs like alcohol and tobacco than, say, heroin?
Is coincidence really a scientific anomaly? If so, what are the laws and/or rules that support this?
If God suddenly stopped existing now, how would we notice it?
What are the more commonly known myths of the Hindu deities?
Is neuroscience a good field to build and exercise advanced mathematical physics knowledge?
What are the most challenging research areas in cognitive science - those that involve application of advanced concepts from mathematics and computer science?
How do intuitionists and other constructivists feel about the probabilistic method?
How did scientists find out that water is made of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom?
What is an intuitive explanation of Chebyshev's inequality?
What is an easy way to understand the physical reasons, as given in the Feynman Lectures, behind the fact that V=mgh?
Where can I find papers or resources on the multivariate Cauchy distribution?
Will we ever be able to use quantum information preservation to solve crimes?
Why don't physicists learn more from statistics departments?
How could explosives have been planted at the WTC towers to trigger the collapse on 9/11/01?
How do I determine who is doing cutting-edge research?
What do you think of Noam Chomsky's views on the U.S.A's foreign policy?
What would happen if you recklessly applied the 80/20 principle to absolutely everything?
Why do 60% of theoretical physicists believe in the many-worlds theory? Is this statistic accurate?
Is it a special feature of Peano axioms that Godel can prove incompleteness from them?
What is the best way to read technical books?
Is the invariant interval in special relativity the only quadratic form pertaining to a spacetime interval that is preserved by Lorentz transformations? If so, why? If not, what other Lorentz invariant quadratic forms are there?
What would have happened if Einstein and Nikola Tesla worked together?
How can we rigorously prove that if a plane figure of any shape is zoomed such that its perimeter becomes n times, then its area becomes n² times, or its general extension (for example, if the surface area of a solid becomes n times, its volume becomes n^(3/2) times)?
Does there exist a one-to-one function that maps an uncountable set to another uncountable set, like from (0,1) to R? If quantum computer can be invented, is it possible to enumerate all elements in (0,1)?
Why don't the majority of structural engineers agree with the findings of the 9/11 conspiracy movement?
How does the thinking or talent of a top 99.999% percentile math person differ from a 99% percentile math person?
Where were the explosives in other buildings on 9/11?
If Lee Harvey Oswald is removed as having shot President Kennedy, how does the remainder of the conspiracy "hold up?"
What is Ron Maimon's MBTI?
How can we measure the amount of information contained in a set of logical assumptions?
Why is The Big Bang Theory widely accepted? How solid is the evidence for it?
How much information is conveyed by the assignment of a truth value to the unprovable statements from Godel's incompleteness theorems, within the context of Peano's axioms?
If 9/11 was a conspiracy, then wouldn't detecting it make it a "failed conspiracy?"
What is wrong with teenagers nowadays?
Can the universe be described with a single equation?
Genomics: Have we identified all of the 20,000 to 25,000 genes in human DNA?
Would Jesse Ventura be a good choice for President?
Is Ron Maimon related to Gaby Maimon (Assistant Profressor at the Rockefeller University)?
What is an intuitive explanation of the reversibility condition (aka detailed balance) in a Markov chain?
What is an intuitive explanation of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm?
Why would crashing planes AND controlled demolitions BOTH be necessary to collapse the World Trade Center during 9/11?
Is the concept of information a fundamental aspect of nature?
How many 4 × 4 matrices with entries from {0, 1} have odd determinant?
How can I solve problem number 160 at Project Euler?
Cell Biology: How can a human's immune system fight off a virus and keep the human alive?
Does it really matter if I have messed up non-Computer Science courses in college?
Optics: How does a prism affect white light?
Are electric cigarettes better than regular cigarettes?
Would the arguments in favour of the existence of a firewall right behind the event horizon of a black hole apply in case of the Unruh horizon observed by an accelerating observer?
Marx's view on Social Injustice?
What are some interesting nontrivial integrals?
What are the best science channels on YouTube for the interested layman?
How long does it take for the short term effect of cannabinoids to wear off?
What are the pros and cons of recreational marijuana use?
Scientists: How good in math was Wolfgang Pauli?
How good in math was Hans Bethe?
How good in math was Werner Heisenberg?
Do all physicists suscribe to the notion that, because time is relative, what we see as past, present and future events are, in reality, events that are happening simultaneously, or "frozen" in time?
What are some of the best things to eat before a maths Olympiad?
What/Who were you especially thankful for in 2013?
How were Rubik's cube algorithms developed? Do I need to know advanced mathematics in order to understand how they work?
Is it possible for humans to ever travel at (or near) the speed of light? If not, what is the fastest we can possibly go?
If God exists, why is there suffering and/or evil? Why does he allow tragedies? How does one rationalize that? If free will explains human disasters, what explains natural disasters?
If God exists, why does he expect his followers to take so much on faith?
Are scientific claims infallible?
Is human intelligence still an evolutionary advantage?
Was tobacco considered healthy in the past?
I have an iterative algorithm which minimizes a given quantity at each iteration (so it eventually terminates). What is the best way to prove an upper bound on the number of iteration of the algorithm?
Have young people traditionally challenged religion or is that a result of new developments in science?
What are the benefits of an academic degree from a prestigious college or university?
In the 21st century, will it be possible to discover new theorems in the Euclidean geometry?
How does one resolve the twin paradox in a toroidal universe?
What defines a brilliant philosopher?
How good in math was Erwin Schrodinger?
What are some interesting, lesser known (to a newbie in mathematics) uses of the quadratic formula?
Is there any physical phenomenon that cannot be digitally simulated or expressed in terms of discrete variables and difference equations?
Why does Ron Maimon hate politics?
How many ways is a manned mission to Mars just crazy?
What would be the logistics of a manned Mars mission?
Does each place in the universe have a current now?
How difficult is it for an advanced mathematician to learn a new topic in math? Are all math topics related in a way that if you progress far enough, you have a basic understand of most current fields of mathematics?
Are we today as wrong about any scientific fact that is widely accepted as the belief that the earth was the center of the universe and the like?
Why doesn't water tend to thicken up as it approaches its freezing point? Why doesn’t it soften as it melts? It seems to go straight from water to ice, unlike a lot of other substances.
What are the most harmful unanswerable questions?
Russell pointed "Every proposition which we can understand must be composed wholly of constituents with which we are acquainted" Supposed such sentence "John likes dogs", according to his view, we can`t understand it, as `John` and `Dog` can`t be acquainted, how can we understand these sentence?
How can I calculate the nature of light worldlines (timelike, null etc) in curved spacetime?
Starting a new higher-level physics site: how can a critical number of good contributers be attracted right from the start?
Is this shot impossible?
What are some effective ways to frame questions for a math puzzle event?
What's the biggest crackpot theory you've ever heard?
Is the Higgs boson a Goldstone boson?
Do you consider yourself a genius, can you make a case for your status?
Did the Big Bang actually occur?
What is the algorithmic approach required to find if a number can be expressed as sum of two perfect powers. That is, given x find if there exists non negative integers a, b, m, n such that a^m + b^n = x?
What criticism, skepticism, or opposition did Albert Einstein face when presenting his theory of physics?
Would Witten, Hawking, Dirac, etc. still be famous physicists if they had started around now?
For which contributions is Richard Feynman most famous?
Which physicists have the best ratio "great discoveries or breakthroughs" over number of published papers in journal?
If I want to distribute n chocolates to m friends considering each friend can get 0 to n chocolates, how many ways can I do it?
Why should I believe facts I read?
How do you cite something in a book/other resource if it is not the first time that idea has appeared?
Do you agree that in many fields, scientists cannot find effective solutions to the problems that they have created, and why?
Why do Western leaders (especially Britain and America) hate Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe so much? Is this justified?
Why is the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey so popular among successful scientists?
Abstract Algebra: How does one show that a matrix has the same left and right eigenvectors if and only if it is diagonalizable?
What are examples of great scientific books that introduced the public to revolutionary concepts?
What is more likely to end elephant and rhino poaching—park rangers going after poachers or the alleviation of poverty in the third world?
How does Edward Witten know so much math?
How does one go about understanding the Chern-Simons-Witten theory?
What is the state of the art in the quantum mind/brain hypothesis in a broad sense (not only consciousness)? Which is the relevant, updated literature? Is it a dead idea?
What is the difference between empirical and analytical reasoning? Besides needing evidence.
How much of our DNA is 'junk' DNA and why?
What does "position" refer to in Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?
Thermodynamics: If entropy is a function of state, can reversible processes and spontaneous processes coexist in an isolated system?
Is it possible to create continuous energy in a nuclear fusion reactor?
Is so-called “junk DNA” really useless? What is it doing?
What exactly does talent mean?
Genomics: Is the ENCODE project legitimate or wrong?
How can I learn to understand wtf Ron Maimon is talking about in his answers to questions in math and physics?
White holes give out everything light, matter etc. But from where do these white holes get these things from to be released?
For an aspiring entrepreneur which is more useful: a science degree or an MBA?
Why aren't there more people like Elon Musk who excel in multiple fields?
How do people do new research in Mathematics?
Is there any scientific proof which follows the scientific methods, of changing of species?
How much americium-241 would it take to match a 1.5v battery's output?
What is string theory? How can I gather a clear concept about the string theory?
What are the most notable Ig Nobel Prizes as of 2011?
What is it like to be a graduate student in physics at Harvard?
If light has no mass, why is it affected by gravity?
As of December 2013, what's the status of the ongoing debate between deletionists and inclusionists on English Wikipedia?
What are some good geology books?
Why does nature need RNA?
If ethics weren't an issue, what sort of experiment would people like to see the outcome of?
Could believers with strong faith in God sometimes exhibit behavior similar to Stockholm Syndrome?
What's it like to have a transcendent spiritual experience?
When we say that a particle has spin is that spin as we normally think of it as going around an axis or is particle spin a redefinition of spin?
Is perception measurable as energy? IF so does it differ from biological evolutionary measurements?
Is Mach's principle astrology?
How can I come to terms with the fact that so many people I know got into Harvard, when I've worked nonstop for my entire life to get there and didn't make it? It feels like I've just wasted my life and come up short. I feel inadequate.
Physics Overflow: Which non-mainstream physics topics could be allowed on the upcoming physics site Physics Overflow?
Which is the most beautiful theory in Physics? And, what makes it beautiful: the insight that went into it, or the insights that came out of it?
Why are an abundance of physicists moving to theoretical biology?
Is the energy contained in the matter associated with the gravitational warping of spacetime exactly proportional to that of the kinetic energy of relative motion which warps spacetime?
How does a torsion balance work?
Approximately what distance apart are atoms, in femtometers, when two objects touch?
What are Ron Maimon's favorite books?
In what ways is a gauge transformation more general than the 3-d point group/space group?
Does the quantity of DNA scale on a linear basis based upon the size of an organism?
What are the most common lies told by programmers?
What do creationists think about scientists?
Why do people think math is so important?
Why do some hash functions use a prime number as base? What is the significance of using a prime number? Is it to assign uniqueness and minimize collision of hash values?
What is the speed of electrons in a transistor?
We seem to live in a very peaceful time in modern history, where the percentage of people killed in armed conflicts worldwide is at a historic low. What are the underlying causes for this phenomenon?
Will planet Mars dissolve the borders of all terrestrial nations?
Does angular velocity cause time dilation just like linear velocity?
After studying the core areas of mathematics (Real and Complex Analysis, Abstract Algebra, Algebraic and Differential Geometry, and Algebraic Topology), what comes next?
Is mathematics derived from, or transcendent to reality?
Taking into account the wobble effect of the earth axis, ...is it at all possible to be in the exact same position (relative to the sun) twice in your lifetime?
How can we move from a rational society to a super-rational society? How close are we to the same?
What would happen if all the matter-energy in the universe, including dark matter and energy, collapsed into a black hole? Would this be similar to the Big Crunch hypothesis?
When was it first realised that there was a Weak Nuclear Force distinct from the Strong Nuclear Force that held the nucleus together?
Why does upper-division physics seem so "messy" and "inelegant" compared to upper-division mathematics?
Is Ron Maimon proud that he attended Harvard?
Why is it cool to be bad at mathematics?
What is the best book for an undergraduate course on quantum mechanics?
How can you explain SuperSymmetry in layman's terms?
Is it okay to be enlightened for wrong reasons?
P(x) is a polynomial of degree 11 such that P(x) =1/(1+x) for x=0,1,2,..., 11. What is the value of P(12)?
Is there fusion at the earth's core?
What does Ron Maimon think of data science?
Is Ron Maimon the hero Quora needs?
What does Ron Maimon think about the claims that the world is run by a banking cartel, spearheaded by the Rothchilds?
What does Ron Maimon Think about Libertarians?
Have you ever dreamt music in your dreams?
What does Ron Maimon think of computer science?
What is so good about The Feynman's Lectures on Physics textbook series?
How does special relativity work in a rotating frame of reference?
What is an axiom?
Given a measure of symmetry of ψ(x)ψ(x), what is the greatest lower bound on the probability of finding a particle at x>0?
Do caution and concern for the aftermath of sex make females not driven by sex?
How can you ensure you have a solid foundation in a specific self-taught mathematics sub-topic?
Why is it sensible for someone who has not read relevant scientific literature, to say that smoking causes cancer?
How does it feel to be a 2013 Top Writer?
Do you believe in God? Why or why not?
If a beautiful overweight girl is using her weight as a defense against the attention/harassment she once attracted, how does she now convince herself it is OK to be thin?
Who puts most of the questions about Ron Maimon on Quora?
What does Ron Maimon think about people who ask questions about him?
Who out of Newton and Einstein had a greater impact/contribution to the world of science/physics?
When was your first day on the Internet?
Why is automatic theorem proving such a difficult task for computers?
Classical Mechanics: Does force depend on frame of reference?
How would you explain the phenomenon of Time Dilation to a layman?
How does Ron Maimon feel about being a Top Writer?
Many talented artists died very young. Whose death, in your opinion, was the biggest loss to the world?
How do 9/11 truthers explain the massive amount of scholarly information about the 9/11 plot?
Are popular science writers/speakers past their prime or are they still involved in active research?
What is a simple scientific fact that you discovered surprisingly late in life?
What is your reaction to the idea of "Western terrorism"?
Why always got conspiracy on things we cannot explain?
What does Ron Maimon do for a living?
Is Minkowski space of interest to mathematicians for non-physical purposes?
Why does the "system" always have to be bad?
If you had a chance to redo your time at Harvard, what would you have done differently?
How can we convert gamma ray into electrical energy?
Does Ron Maimon go to Quora meetups?
In one of his answers Ron Maimon mentioned that he is separated. What could a person with such a high intelligence and deep insight into multiple fields possibly do to disappoint his significant other?
In C program I used if conditions in following way if(0<num<100) where num is a Variable. it was not functioning in a desired way. I modified it out and gave the condition if(num<100) and that worked.what is the reason behined this?
What is the message behind Marquis de Sade's "120 days of Sodom"?
Which forums besides Quora does Ron Maimon participate?
How many members does Al Qaeda have?
How far can an object, of a given mass and surface area, sink in a liquid of a certain density, given it dropped from rest at a certain height above the surface of the liquid?
If you had unlimited wealth, what scientific experiments and programs would you fund?
Is the idea of feminism being thrown around too much and exploited these days? Women deserve respect and equality, absolutely. But not just because they are women. What do you think is feminism’s future?
What is the time period of oscillation for a displacement of the mass in the system below?
What is S-matrix theory and what was its role in the development of modern physics?
Why do many people believe that physics is difficult and then hate it?
How does the weak force work as a *force*?
How can you become a talented person?
If you had to create a religion and write its holy book, what things would you keep in mind and what kind of stories would it contain?
9/11 (terrorist attack): Would the people on the upper floors of the World Trade Centre have eventually been rescued if the towers didn't collapse?
What are the most interesting scientific experiments ever conducted?
Is Ron Maimon going to eventually pull a Jon Mixon?
Who are your artistic influences?
What was Ron Maimon's college GPA?
What is Ron Maimon's executive summary of how and why 9/11 happened?
Are religious people better protected against depression?
What will quantum computing such as D-Wave do to bitcoin mining?
When will nuclear fusion start supplying most of earth's energy needs?
How would you explain Mercantilism to a child?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Shimizu's Lunar Ring project (pls see the details)?
How can I get involved in fusion research and development? Are there jobs in this field?
Would artificially reducing brain temperature increase the processing capability?
How are fossil fuels formed? How is it possible that prehistoric fossils were concentrated in only the parts of the world where modern day oil reservoirs exist?
Why is the work of Terence Tao important?
Was it really Grigori Perelman that resolved the Poincaré conjecture?
For bound states of the Schrodinger's equation, does the ground state solution necessarily possess the symmetry of the potential (assuming the potential is well-behaved)? If so, is there an argument or proof?
What is a layman's explanation for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation?
How was Schrodinger equation perceived pre-Born?
What is the logic behind the spoj problem SPOJ.com - Problem ADV04J?
Einsten: How did Einstein come up with the idea of String Theory?
Does every Hermitian operator in Hilbert space correspond to an observable in quantum mechanics?
Apart from calculus of variations, are there ways to prove that the curve of shortest length between two points is a straight line?
Is there a structured way to learn computer science from online content?
What does Ron Maimon think of Ayn Rand's books, specifically The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged?
As far as we know, are any of the fundamental physical constants any more fundamental than any others?
If there is a fundamental particle, from which everything is made, and which is not made of smaller sub-particles, how will we know when we've found it?
Why does the Fibonacci sequence repeat in nature?
Do academics who may face hiring/tenure decisions in the future often hide much or all of their past non-academic Internet activity prior to facing it?
How does reincarnation make sense, if I am who I am because of my genes, experiences and memories?
Can religion ever be more than 'Your God/My God'?
Why does light disappear when its source is turned off?
What is the order of magnitude of the fraction of super-rational players over human beings in the western world?
What remains to be done in theoretical physics?
In the Wormhole Theory of Entanglement, do the opposite ends of the wormhole rotate in opposite directions or just the particles?
Was Ron Maimon ever in a Ph.D. program?
Could Ron Maimon take a page from Feynman and write a physics textbook that could take a newbie to math and physics all the way to a current understanding of where we are today?
What is Ron Maimon's driving force?
What is Ron Maimon's stance on climate change?
Why is Ron Maimon so passionate about disputing the accepted explanation of the September 11 attacks of 2001?
When is it advisable to work as an independent researcher?
Should recreational marijuana use be stigmatized?
How come black holes do not have infinite mass?
What effect has the computer had on philosophy in general and philosophy of mind in particular? How have theories of computation and computer science shaped brain research and understanding of intelligence and big questions we are currently asking?
Is there a way to intuitively make a good guess on whether or not a function is uniformly continuous?
What happens to a particle when its entangled partner falls into a black hole?
Access of two-dimensional array by syntax a[i][j] is said to be equivalent to * (*(a+i) +j), how does the compiler understand this representation?
What should everyone know about marijuana?
Is Daniel Dennett worth reading?
How did "cyclic coordinates" get their name? Are they related to the cyclic group?
History of Mathematics: What is Isaac Barrow's legacy?
Why are some men on Quora so open about their apparent hatred of women?
Quantum theory says a particle can be anywhere in the universe in the next instant. Photons are the fastest particle but are limited to the speed of light. How can both be true?
What technologies will we need to move planets and smaller space objects?
If you could be a number, what would you be?
Is Craig Venter the most dangerous man on the planet?
Are equivalence principle tests "practical tests to prove string theory"?
How does one derive Bell's inequality?
Atmospheric Science: If Coriolis Force (CF) and Pressure Gradient Force (PF) act equal and opposite to each other (once CF becomes strong enough with increasing velocity of wind) , why do winds not travel in straight lines?
What is an intuitive explanation of Calabi-Yau manifolds?
Where did the Sun get its energy to burn itself? Is it the same way in that we light a matchstick? If there are certain theories, what is the scientific verification behind them?
After watching documentaries and reading books about successful mathematicians I have come to believe that they are born that way. Could someone who was not a prodigy become a really successful mathematician simply through hard work?
Does Ron Maimon hate Sartre or Camus?
Why is it as hard to question dogmas in Science as in Religions? Has Science became today what religion sadly was in Middle Ages?
Chemistry: Are there any chemical reactions comparable or similar to oxidation that could potentially provide a partial solution to fossil fuel depletion?
Why does the US have far more serial killers than any other first world country?
Could structure formation in the early universe be caused by supermassive black holes that form at gravity wave caustics?
Is Strong AI really achievable?
Why does Ron Maimon consider philosophy to be a fraudulent field?
According to Frank Close in his book Antimatter, daylight is the result of antimatter being produced and annihilated within the sun. Is this true?
If the universe is accelerating rapidly, does that mean that in 50 years, it will be increasingly more difficult to cross over into a different galaxy?
If the universe is "expanding", is my room expanding? Are atoms expanding? Is everything expanding?
What are some good examples of some 'intuitive' or 'obvious' mathematical statements which have very long and rigorous proofs (or no proofs at all)?
What progress has been made to date on the Yang–Mills existence and mass gap problem?
What are some of the best papers you've ever read in any field of science - biology, economics, astrophysics, geology, cognitive psychology, etc.)?
Why is gravitational force always attractive in nature?
What is the "block" universe of Einstein?
What does Ron Maimon think of James D. Watson?
Is there a disproportionate number of crackpots in theoretical physics?
How does Ron Maimon decide which Quora users to follow?
What is the best way for a physicist to learn biology?
Would it be beneficial for children to have courses on critical reasoning and formal arguments at school?
Some people are beginning to say that the theory of relativity is wrong. What about it bothers you?
How do I get in Ron Maimon's good graces?
What does Ron Maimon think of late comedian Bill Hicks?
Aren't social conservatives always on the wrong side of history? Social conservatives were against the ending of slavery. Social conservatives were against women gaining the right to vote. Social conservatives were against the Civil Rights Movement.
What is the difference between C, C++ and C#?
Could plants ever evolve enough to become sentient?
What do mathematicians think of Good Will Hunting?
What are some examples of scientific beliefs that are "not even wrong"?
Is it possible to get an effect without a cause?
Thermodynamics: Will a refrigerator keeps things inside warmer if the temperature outside is lower?
Do engineers need to know Fourier analysis?
What is Ron Maimon's theory of internal evolution?
Has Prof. Otelbaev found a solution to the Navier-Stokes Millennium problem?
What is your review of C++ (programming language)?
Who has written a research argumentative essay on Hamlet? What topic did you choose and where did you get your info?
Why should high school students learn physics?
Education: How can I learn as much as possible in my life?
If this were the best of all possible worlds, how would Ron Maimon hope his work, presented in "Computational Theory of Biological Function I - Kinematics of Molecular Trees", would be used?
The popularity of newspapers, cable channels, and local TV is decreasing and social media is increasing. Social media has many down sides such as extraneous noise. So what explains its success, is it just because of technology or also because mainstream media just gives people the news they want to hear whereas social media gives people the news they need to know whether they like it or not ?
How did you get smart at a young age, nature or nurture?
What is the difference between worldsheet supersymmetry and spacetime supersymmetry?
Could we be missing something very basic in Mathematics?
Can we imagine absolute nothingness?
What does it take to have a stoic attitude?
What companies and countries benefitted from 9/11?
What is the relationship between music and math?
Is it possible that when we image magnetic lines of flux in a bar magnet using iron filings that we are actually imaging the worm holes of entangled electrons in the two poles?
Do extra dimensions actually exist? I understand the importance of representing time as a dimension, but I still question: does this dimension exist outside of the concept?
How reasonable is the general idea that gravity might be an emergent force?
What exactly happened in Benghazi and what should I know about it?
What is the deal with the "small dogmas" of science?
What do mathematicians think of Metamath?
What's the science component of Computer Science?
What is the symmetry that gives rise to conservation of information?
Why is computer science a science?
How do we motivate people to reproduce the results from datasets so that science can be more reproducible?
What does Ron Maimon think of the show The Big Bang Theory (TV series)?
When I open a program like Pspice or Matlab on my Asus K55VM, its fan works faster and makes CPU 100%. After I close the program, this keeps happening. Why?
In path integral formalism, why does each path contribute to total amplitude only in phase (proportional to the action for that path) and not in magnitude?
Does Ron Maimon ever admit that he's wrong on Quora?
What are the best research papers on wormholes at a level suitable for advanced undergraduates?
The faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time, and vice versa - Does this have a mathematical basis in physics?
Has Congress ever investigated whether the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented?
How do I find the shortest path between two points on the surface of a three-dimensional object?
Is an empty set the same as "does not exist"?
Do the violent aversion to homosexuality and violent aversion to the Christian opposition to homosexuality both violate Aristotle's golden mean?
Does calculus have a point?
What are the best ways to "evangelize" about math to people who don't like the subject?
What would Ron Maimon do as President of the United States?
Our language is old, it was designed many hundred of years ago, and it's difficult to talk to one another. Should we not build a language where the words have physical references like the language of biology or engineering?
What do Quorans who are interested in 9/11 make of this article?
How do I Ron Maimon?
What does Ron Maimon think about cultural marxism?
Is it common among scientists to scorn philosophy?
How do I win an argument with someone who will never admit that he's wrong?
What should every physicist know about complex analysis?
Should Ron Paul be president? Would he be an improvement from Obama?
What will Noam Chomsky's legacy be?
When did Ron Maimon notice he was gaining popularity on Quora?
What is Ron Maimon doing right this moment?
What makes the Cylindrical coordinates fundamentally different from Cartesian?
What does Ron Maimon think about the Israeli-palestinian conflict?
Is there any kind of relationship between the secret (law of attraction) and Illuminati?
Is it possible to use gene expression programming to evolve C++ programs?
What does womanhood mean to you?
Did Russell understand Godel's incompleteness theorems? Is there any writing of Russell's thoughts on Godel's incompleteness theorem? Is there any reliable historic/biographic source on Russell's understanding of Godel?
How do I explain context free grammar to 5 year old?
What do you think of Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff's recent paper on orchestrated objective reduction as an explanation of consciousness?
How can I easily convert partial differential equations in cartesian coordinates into cylindrical and spherical coordinates?
Do CEOs truly only have a small influence on the long-term performance of a company, as suggested by Kahneman in "Thinking, Fast and Slow"?
When is the value of declared integer value automatically set to 0 in C and C++?
If you were God, what engineering facts you would want to change?
What is the meaning of a 'pathway' in neuroscience?
How do I develop a fiercely sharp and analytical mind?
What is your review of Stack Exchange?
What is your review of Wikipedia?
What does Ron Maimon think of citizendium?
Does Ron Maimon miss the 90's?
In the context of a character named Professor Proton from The Big Bang Theory, was there a person like him that aroused your interest in science in your childhood, and do you think such a person exists today for current generation of kids?
What are the most common misconceptions about 9/11?
Where was Ron Maimon On 9/11?
Is 0 percent inflation ideal?
Is the New York Times an unbiased (internationally) source? Why or why not?
What are some things conservatives are right about?
How did Gödel himself view his incompleteness theorems?
Will Ron Maimon teach his daughter Hebrew? If so, why?
How can I prove that if f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) are continuous, their product is also continuous?
Does science fiction actually help in developing new technology or does technology help in crafting sci-fi movies and books?
What does the drop in the cost of DNA sequencing allow that was not possible before?
How do I know if I'm a better fit for pure or for applied sciences?
Why is Newton seen as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time?
What does Ron Maimon think of Kafka's literary works?
Were any Gulag Camp Heads Jews?
Considering that most firearm murders in the USA involve handguns, why don't we ban all handguns rather than other types of firearms?
Given the racially motivated nature of nearly all attacks on President Obama (and other African American officials), why shouldn't the US Justice Department step up the hate crime investigation?
What does Ron Maimon think of Chris Langan, putting aside all the IQ noise the media stirred up?
How good in math was Louis de Broglie?
What do you think of Richard Dawkins?
As a young faculty member, does it make sense to invest the time required to write a high quality review of a research subject?
As an environmental Engineer, I believe that the global warming theory is an exaggerated scam, what do you think?
In your opinion, what is the most controversial idea in mathematics? What is the most fundamental idea in mathematics?
What is Ron Maimon's advice for postdoctoral students?
What is the cause of Ron Maimon's terrible reputation among academic circles?
DNA is a chemical mixture. So hypothetically let's say I keep on arranging the molecules and finally create a DNA. My question is: When does that chemical compound become a living organism?
Would a completely unprejudiced person be bisexual? Why or why not?
How does the Hume-Edwards principle answer the cosmological argument?
What were George W. Bush's biggest mistakes as President?
What were the successes of the Bush presidency?
How do I start an anger-raising conversation with a stranger?
What would you do if you could live an extra hundred years?
Why is the no. of males to no.of females at birth is nearly same?
What caused the Big Bang?
The Future: How will the world end?
How can I ask questions more effectively?
What is the reason to think that spacetime is a complex manifold?
What is good way to understand this way for verifying that the stationary point is indeed a maximum?
What is the significance of positivism?
If the Abrahamic God created the universe in 7 days, why did humans appear millions of years after the dinosaurs?
Are capitalism and equality (in terms of distribution of wealth) mutually exclusive?
In molecular dynamics, what are the hurdles in development of a force-field that works accurately and efficiently for all systems?
Can OpenStreetMap ever become a more popular choice than Google Maps?
I am pretty weak in set theory, permutations, combinations and probability but good in trigonometry, algebra, calculus and geometry. What does this imply for a computer science student?
What do you think of the idea that all the world's religions are derivative forms of a Cargo cult? Is it more likely that many religions have their root origins, especially the supernatural parts, in what people observed from possible alien visitation?
Why don't phonons carry momentum? How can a phonon act like it has momentum, without actually having any?
What are some good projects on Graph Theory? For Undergraduate CSE students
Is energy equal to God?
Why did God choose Mary to be the Mother of Jesus?
What progress has been made to date on the Riemann hypothesis?
How do I accept mistakes I've made and move on from them as opposed to beating myself up for them?
Where does God lie?
What should I do if my grades are average (and bad in some important courses) due to a faulty evaluation system and if I want to get into a masters program in the US/Canada?
What is the scientific consensus on Penrose and Hameroff's recent paper claiming that their Orch-OR theory is the best theory of consciousness proposed thus far?
Is there an evolutionary advantage to getting heartbroken? How has it made human beings better than other animals? What edge did heartbreak give us as a collective?
Does Ron Maimon find it difficult to deal with other people, particularly co-workers and superiors (managers?
Will the database and the machine learning community ever converge into building a single product that can do both data management and analytics?
How do scientists know the universe is expanding?
Your television or your imagination, which is better to turn on?
How exactly do you physically interpret an outer product?
Why don't atoms ever stop completely?
What are some problems with structured programming?
Besides religion, what are some scams which are commonly used to deceive people?
Would marijuana be as popular if Harry J. Anslinger hadn't turned it into the forbidden fruit?
What does Ron Maimon listen to?
How do you call the effect of a smoker ignoring the "warning" on the package?
What is your review of Thomas Gold?
What are specific substances (neurotransmitters, hormones, cytokine, etc.) that I can inject into my body to increase the sensitivity of my somatosensory receptors in order to "feel" all the organs and blood flow in my body more clearly?
Will cognitive and brain sciences ever become as intricate and arcane as physics and mathematics?
Do admixture tests from personal genomics companies like 23andMe and FamilyTreeDNA disprove the idea of "race is a social construct"?
What's more likely to happen on US soil: domestic terrorism or international terrorism?
If the magnitude of the gravitational field strength on the moon's surface is 1/6 the value on earth's surface, does that mean that the moon's mass is 1/6 of earth's mass?
When the US is hit with terrorism is it most likely going to be domestic rather than foreign?
What do neuroscientists think about Douglas Hofstadter's lecture/theory on "Analogy as the Core of Cognition?"
When is square loss not good for loss function for regression?
Is it true that poor people spending money foolishly will benefit the economy more than rich people spending it wisely?
As you consider data representation and the operation of a computer, would you agree or disagree that the computer inherently knows a digit (0-9) or character when received? Why?
If a professor does not choose you as a research assistant for his current book, is it a good idea to prove your worth by showing him his blatant grammatical errors in his previous texts?
In terms of cognition or neuroscience, why can we understand phrases in the active voice better than in the passive voice?
What does the human brain have in common with the Internet?
What do secular/non-religious people do for funerals?
When does overthinking get in the way of thinking?
What are some of the better IQ tests that I can take online for free?
Has money and power corrupted Mark Zuckerberg?
Why do people argue about what happened to the twin towers?
How do I improve my coding skill in C programming?
What is the difference between Assembly Language and instruction set architecture?
Which effects a person's decision making skills, values and behaviour more: 1. Nature (genetic predisposition) 2. Nurture (childhood environment) 3. Other
Quick question: why can't H2 gas molecules bind or bond?
What are the most under and over-appreciated branches of science?
The wheels on an electric trike are all the same size. The gross weight is 100kgs with 25kgs on each of the 2 front wheels and 50kgs on the back wheel. In slippery conditions, would you have more traction driving the 2 front wheels or the 1 back wheel?
Why would one assume we live in a universe and are not part of a multiverse? Is there or can there ever be empirical evidence against the existence of a multiverse? Will it ever matter?
What are some simple number-games involving easy skills and lesser chances?
What are the secrets to understanding the themes and language of Shakespeare?
If a mass of particles mostly comes from energy, is it possible to transform or use that energy? If so what would the particles turn into?
What point one should keep in mind when going to meet his future In-laws?
Will there ever be a science of morality?
What do you think about Myhrvold's solution to global warming?
Will Ripple, Dogecoin, Bitcoin, etc. all be successful?
Is physics about to provide a fundamental theory of life that makes Darwin's a special case?
What are some new and upcoming trends in software development that one can aim for apart from Android, Windows, or web development?
To experience the beauty of mathematics, what sort of (and how much) work should an innumerate adult do?
What does Ron Maimon think about Bill Clinton?
What does Ron Maimon think of the Bronx?
How can we define infinity?
Does Wikipedia have a quality control problem?
What are most important lessons Ron Maimon will teach his daughter?
Is there a branch of the NYPL that stocks up to date academic publications?
Does being open-minded about an issue imply that one has no opinion?
What is the place of logic in cognitive science?
What are some examples of abstraction in biology?
What do you love most about math?
Did you had any benefit in life due to Quora?
Are there, or have there ever been, any competitors of Wikipedia that actually stand a chance against Wikipedia?
Can an operating system be written in a functional language?
How can I stop bad memories from coming to mind while I'm doing important work?
Is it possible that the expansion of the universe is slowly lengthening the electromagnetic frequency spectrum?
Is the statement about Cosmic rays entering Earth from Mars true?
How can I explain to potential romantic partners that I am an internet troll?
Is there any order in which I go about learning the marvels in Number Theory?
Comedy: Which are the real life incidents which may be black/dark comedy?
Why do some people love Maths so much that they even forget family, friends, and society?
Do a lot of Americans believe global warming is a hoax if it's cold where they live?
Is the possible to have computers with architecture where a bit is not binary but has more than one state to store data?
Over the next 6 years, what do you want to see Quora become?
Is lim|f(x)|=|limf(x)|lim|f(x)|=|limf(x)|?
How would Ron Maimon recommend using the internet to learn physics optimally and as quick as possible?
How much mass can a black hole gobble up? Is there any limit to it? Where does all that mass go ? What happens to the electromagnetic radiations that it absorbs? How come black holes emit low energy radiations even when light cannot escape from black hole?
What are some personal frustrations you've felt while participating in activism?
Would you take an "Opposite-Drug"? And would it be good for society?
Is there really animosity between humanities and natural scientists in the academic world?
How does blackbody radiation lead to standing electromagnetic waves in a kiln?
Why do some people question everything while others don't?
What childhood (from ages 6-18) decision did your parents make for you that still has an effect on who you turned out to be and shapes your views today? Negative or positive.
Do you think start-ups can help decrease unemployment rates in countries with financial crises?
Why are some classical pieces little acknowledged, but remembered forever, whereas popular works fade away on the pages of history?
What is your interpretation of the type of faith that puts trust in a deity?
What high school class would be good for learning about computer/tablets enough that it will help me when I'm older with creating apps?
What resources does Ron Maimon recommend for learning nuclear physics?
How can I apply bayes theorem to my everyday life?
If the limit points of (-2)^n in the extended reals are + and - infinity, can we take the "absolute value" of that set and get +infinity?
Why hasn't Hollywood made biographic movies about people that made great contributions to science, like Einstein or Marie Curie?
I am taking a semester off. What would be an effective use of this time?
What can a twenty-something female, co-founder of a startup, do to keep being challenged through life?
How can a person leave a mark in the world?
Are there any permanent side effects to long-term antidepressant use?
After all the monstrous atrocities of Japan to Chinese during World War 2, is it ridiculous it is today cowering behind USA to protect it from the "China bully"?
How does one become a scientist?
Why do we get such high-quality and thorough responses on Quora vs other forums?
Can a planet orbit a star elliptically, with the star at the center and not the focus?
What's the best type of music to listen to while reading Ron Maimon's responses?
How does one run a "for loop" in parallel (i.e. allow multiple iterations of the same loop to be executed simultaneously) in C++?
Can differential calculus be performed on rational numbers only?
Which actions would you suggest to the Ukrainian people in the current national crisis?
What would happen to someone if he held the majority opinion on all topics?
Hello Quorans! How are you doing today?
How can we change the way people look at school shootings and terrorism?
Did Ron Maimon ever study Talmud?
"A complete unified theory [of everything], if it can exist would also presumably determine our actions, and so the theory itself would determine the outcome of our search for it!" Is this paradox considered a hindrance by physicists?
We romanticize the big IT startups a lot nowadays, but are they really the most profitable kind of startup? What businesses are the ones really making a profit?
What are good ways to remember dreams?
How hard was it for you to tell your parents for the first time that you got drunk without telling them?
Why hasn't anyone created a drug that eliminates your need for sleep?
What are some lesser known book series (old and new), you've enjoyed, such as Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe books, The Archie McNally series by Lawrence Sanders, and The Deadly Sin series by Lawrence Sanders?
How do I find meaning?
If gravity were to fail only for me, taking into account the path/trajectory of the Earth - what would my path/speed be?
How does the communist ideology of development operate?
How do complex numbers appear in physics? What is their physical interpretation? How do they appear in equations of waves?
Why does iron shows maximum of +6 oxidation state while in the same group ruthenium and osmium shows +8 as maximum oxidation state?
What was the most stupid thing that you read on the internet?
What hobbies are easy to learn?
How is empathy measured while working together online?
Is there any other way for two neurons to synchronise other than by one-way or mutual excitatory synapses?
What's the coolest/most interesting dream you've ever had?
Why do professional programmers write code that is complicated, difficult, and hard to follow?
As a man, would you feel intimidated by a very beautiful and incredibly smart woman?
How can Geminis learn to be consistent?
Do you think Einstein was right when he said "A person who has not made his great contribution to science before the age of thirty will never do so"?
How long does it take a charged black hole to discharge through Hawking radiation?
Like two sides of a scale does international inequality have to exist in order for privileged groups to prosper?
What would it be like to have no friction on earth?
Can spacetime be ripped?
What causes a particle to have a charge?
What were your grades and how good were you in your co-curricular activities when you applied to Harvard?
If energy cannot be created or destroyed, what happens to our mental, emotional, or "soul" energy when we die?
Is Stephen Hawking's paper, "Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes" a viable solution to the black hole firewall problem?
What do you think about the "Atheist Century"?
How do racial/ ethnic minorities feel about Americans always racialising them?
Why is Wall Street considered to be so powerful?
Why should I provide my knowledge to Quora for free?
How can a quiet, boring person change into someone who is witty and lively?
How can one believe in science and religion at the same time?
Visible light has higher frequency and therefore more energy than infrared waves, which corresponds to heat. So when light falls on us, why don't we feel anything?
How does a cache memory differ from registers?
Should the news channels/agencies of India be banned to take fund from a political organization in any form - Be it ads or be it direct donation?
How do you know if you are a deep thinker?
What fundamental skills are often not taught in school?
What are the benefits of loving and respecting people?
Genealogy: How do I know if there are any descendants of biblical David in modern times?
How does intelligence affect protein turnover rates in the brain?
Do the proton and electron in a hydrogen atom generate magnetic field becasue they moves, and can they be measured?
Does electromagnetic waves in a furnace exist as standing wave?
Generally speaking, who is more likely to be innovative, a student or a working class individual?
If time slows down, will the clocks slow down too?
What methods can be used to spread sincerity and confidence between users and site-owners in a Q&A site, so that users like to spend more time on the site?
Opinions: Which views of yours seems obvious to you but not to most people?
If an orbital of a molecule has two electrons in the same orbital then won't the two electrons transversing the orbital collide with each other? Are these two electrons transversing the nucleus in opposite spins?
Which is the widely accepted and the most believable theory behind the Bermuda Triangle?
What never appears on the front page of any major newspaper but should?
When someone says "I like you" what are you supposed to do if you have Aspergers and don't know what to deal with emotions?
How common was female rape in prehistoric times? How did women protect themselves from this?
Does smoking marijuana make you smarter?
Why should our economy grow at "X" percentage every year?
I feel like no one listens to my opinions and that no one respects me. How can I make myself be heard?
For what reasons do those who do good things do them for any reason other than because it is the right thing?
I'm looking to change my name. What would be some great new name ideas?
What are the top five best decisions you ever made?
Is there enough emphasis placed on the reasons for rules?
Analytic Philosophy: Does calling all acts selfish make the word meaningless?
Does reality have a liberal bias?
Why aren't FoxNews.com and Cnn.com giving very much coverage to the riots in Kiev?
Does it makes sense to offer writers equity share in a company?
What's a question that has the answer "free will"?
Does mathematics really exist in the universe or is it just a human assumption?
What is the point of being a professor?
Is economics a science? If not, what is it?
Is the fellow performing this song the Quora Ron Maimon?
What is the final state of the universe? Does the arrow of time finish at one point and the universe reaches its ultimate entropy?
What is your greatest "Oh man, I am an asshole" moment?
How do you solve 4x+9x=13x4x+9x=13x (the answer is 1) formally using a logical method, rather than just trial and error?
What is the difference between a high level and low level computer programming language?
What do you think about the mathematical universe hypothesis?
Should formulas in Physics be memorized?
What happened to WTC building 6 on 9/11?
Have we, as a society, become more desensitized to sex, drugs and extreme violence?
What is the message behind the Marquis de Sade's "Eugénie de Franval?"
Can love really last a lifetime?
What is so great about Stephen Hawking?
What constitutes a concept in social sciences?
What is the shortest sad story you can come up with?
What are the most productive ways to learn communication skills on the Internet?
Which temperature is needed to start a fusion reaction between Oxygen or other elements in the atmosphere?
Why do some materials like rubber bounce more than other materials like wood or metal?
Is studying to get a PhD and becoming a scientist a bad idea for an introvert?
What should we do to create interest in the electrical field?
What is it like to be a sole holder of a contrarian view in an academic setting where everyone else strongly disagrees with that position?
What's Ron Maimon's opinion on the 60s?
How can I contribute to science and research if I have an average I.Q. but an interest and good understanding of mathematics and physics?
How does Ron Maimon feel about cheech & Chong?
What does Ron Maimon think about the Velvet Underground?
How does Ron Maimon feel about the recent surge of anonymous questions?
What does Ron Maimon think about illuminati believers?
Will physics eventually be reduced to geometry?
What scientific or philosophical justifications exist for Occam's Razor?
How did Einstein's musical practice inform his scientific work?
Are there any economic alternatives to capitalism and socialism that do not use currency, banking, or debt-based exchange?
In your opinion, who is the most interesting American of all time and why?
How can I make myself better understood in Scientific Papers?
What do you think of Quora's “Be Nice, Be Respectful” policy?
How does Ron Maimon feel about the cuban missle crisis and JFK?
When and how did Ron Maimon realize that drugs were bad news?
Is there any good big-picture reason to believe the world is not headed for complete collapse? If there isn't, why are we all acting so normal?
What is the best way to learn calculus?
How can I self study abstract algebra?
What is the best way to learn quantum mechanics?
Why should we worry (or why should we not worry) about the axiom of choice?
How do people know the scientific laws are true? There seems to be no basis for the scientific method and natural laws, other than the textbooks. How have people proven the Scientific Method and the various "natural laws."
As any system/event can be considered as a wave function, can we postulate it never existed before it gets measured/collapsed with respect to a given observer?
If you smell marijuana being smoked by a neighbor in their backyard, should you notify the police?
Is Ron Maimon narcissistic?
What's the biggest contradictory thought occurring right now?
Who is the one person alive today, that is most likely to make the biggest contribution to humanity in his/her lifetime?
Why don't researchers make their research available freely?
What are some bad heuristics, frameworks, or axioms used in science that prevents scientists from thinking beyond the conventional science?
Can Godels Ontological Argument be summarized in a very simple way?
Is the 2nd Amendment outdated? Is it necessary?
What is one story you always wanted to write, but for some reason, couldn't or didn't?
If an ice cube melts in water, why does the water level stay the same?
Are interconvertible things the same? Why?
Can you describe a positive change in your life?
Can someone explain, in an objective manner, the logic behind the concerns of the USA for food security programs in the developing world?
Is it possible to guess the geometry of a compound merely by knowing its configuration?
Why is the subsidized agriculture in the developed world one of the greatest obstacles to economic growth in the developing world?
According to relativity light travels at constant speed (c) but still gets trapped inside a black hole. Why?
What are the derivatives of the Dirac delta function (in the sense of distributions)? Where do they appear in mathematics or science?
What is the opinion of general American grad students towards their fellow Indian students?
What are the most dreamed dreams in the world?
What would be the best books for an undergraduate student to study the following subjects: 1) Atomic and Molecular Physics, 2) Nuclear and Particle Physics, and 3) Statistical Mechanics?
If atoms are 99.9% vacuum, why can't I move my hand through my desk top?
What is an "Apparent Horizon"?
What is the one job in the world you would never take up no matter how much they pay you? Why?
What is an example of an innovation strategy or contest that turned out to be a sham, a way of getting free ideas and publicity?
Mathematicians would never let mathematics evolve naturally into a complex inconsistent mess. So why have linguists allowed the world's languages to evolve naturally into complex inconsistent messes?
How would you respond to this argument against atheism?
What is computation?
What is the value of Summation k^2*C(n,k) 0 to n?
Based on your life lately, what is your theme song and why?
Why am I not able to see videos on my laptop?
How should I properly pronounce your name? Be sure to note how the syllables should be stressed, as that determines how your name sounds.
If you had to pair up a celebrity and a business/brand which would you choose and why?
Why do the rich become richer and the poor poorer?
Why hasn't Noam Chomsky been awarded or even nominated for Nobel Prize?
Would you like you, if you met you?
What has engineering taught us?
What stereotypes are, from your personal experience, largely true?
How do I politely tell a higher official his/her drawback without getting fired?
Why do we feel sleepy during lectures?
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." What did Albert Einstein mean here?
What are the most accidental and unexpected inventions that resulted in creating a very big market in the past couple century?
Why did dinosaurs exist?
What is Ron Maimon trying to say in the following paragraph?
What income would it take to make you feel rich?
What were the initial marketing moves you made as soon as you launched your startup?
What happens to the soul after it leaves the body?
How difficult would it be to get computers to execute the sieve methods used in additive number theory, to the point that they can be major contributors to solving problems such as Goldbach's conjecture and the twin primes conjecture?
If you had the ability of seeing the future, what would you like to know?
What does Ron Maimon think of Brian Greene?
What are some things I can do to make myself stand out from the crowd applying to Ivy League colleges? I am in high school with a perfect GPA and great extracurriculars.
How can a theorem or conjecture or hypothesis be proved to be unprovable?
What are your thoughts about imaginary vs real time as Stephen Hawking describes?
Which US President is most responsible for establishing America as a superpower? Why?
What are Ron Maimon's thoughts about "being in the zone"?
Have humans always made war?
Epistemology: Do you believe in the concept of Tabula Rasa? Why or why not?
If the Illuminati is real then why would they let so many people bash them publicly on the Internet?
Quantifiers: Why are quantifiers important in symbolic logic? How are they most often used in arguments?
Is Israel the canary in the coal mine of global terrorism?
What is a better option - letting sweatshops run in developing economies or shutting them down and letting the poor starve?
How do you control your urge to access the internet so you can complete your assignments?
What the difference between a electric field and coulomb force?
Does Edward Snowden deserve a Nobel Peace Prize? Why or why not?
Would you consider yourself attractive? Why?
To what degree is there wealth inequality in the U.S.?
Is electromagnetic Hawking Radiation subject to gravitational redshift? If so, by what factor?
Are being religious and believing in god different things?
What would you do if you were the dictator of the US for a day?
How do you explain the 2008-12 economic crisis to a layman?
What is the basis of saying that water is essential for all life to thrive?
What are the major scientific breakthroughs that have occured over the past 20 years?
Why isn't nuclear waste sent into deep space?
What are some of your weird habits and eccentricities?
What factors led to the "relative" success of the Korean War, but also led to the defeat of U.S. and coalition forces in the Vietnam War?
Do you agree with the full legalization of cannabis? If so, why? Do you think that cannabis is more dangerous than alcohol?
If the US President decides suddenly that he wants to drop a nuclear bomb on some other country (choose your country) and issues the command to do so, would the bomb actually get dropped? And how quickly?
Which religions allow the sacrificial slaughter of animals in their rituals?
Why aren't more public policies set by impartial experts?
How can I get excited when solving physics/maths problems?
What are some good movies about concentration camps and Jews from a German point of view?
Would you rather use Linux servers or Windows servers to run an IT company? Why?
Can it been proved that there is no proof of a certain problem?
What is the main motivation for having more than one kid?
What are the three subjects or issues that you want to change about your country and write about?
Why do some strangers think it is acceptable to ask whether you are of a particular religion?
How would you compare the success of the managers in different companies in one specific industry?
Is money really a good metric for value?
How can I stop paying attention to whether people look at me (in a negative way) or not?
Why do we choose 8 bit for the representation of smallest element of information?
What should someone consider when deciding between a degree in experimental particle physics or theoretical particle physics?
Adam picks 2 numbers between 0 and 15.8. Rob flips a coin. If the coin lands as heads, Rob shows you the first number Adam picked. If the coin lands as tails, he shows you the second number Adam picked. What is the probability that the first number is the smaller of the two? Is the probability greater than 0.5?
How come the universe is made of matter and not antimatter?
Does blackbody radiation work like this?
Why do people condemn physical violence, but not "intellectual violence"?
If the dead could be called over for a single time and you had just one option, whom would you call?
In organic reactions, why does a pair of electrons go from nucleophiles to electrophiles to then form a covalent bond instead of just forming the bond?
What would it be like to live in world without stupidity?
Who is responsible for the 2013 Boston Marathon explosions?
Some American senators are suggesting that the Boston bombing suspect should only be allowed a military tribunal. Why? Why would America consider not giving the Boston bombing suspect a trial?
Does an electron create virtual photons in a specific way or is it just random?
What is the significance of the S-matrix in physics?
A large, sparsely populated array contains numbers chosen from a large data set. The position of a given number in the array is random, and every number but one has a duplicate in the array. How would you determine which number is unique?
Is it a worthy pursuit to partake in the scientific study of the human mind?
What do physicists think of the idea discussed by Max Tegmark that consciousness is another state of matter?
What are the best sci-fi series to watch on Netflix and why?
Is our universe cellular automata at a fundamental level?
What are some incidents which prove that sometimes logic outplays common sense?
Can’t electronic products be designed in a deeper decentralized manner, where even the smallest component of the product could be repaired/replaced easily without replacing the whole product? Reference: Story of Electronics - Story Of Stuff
Is it harder for us to look at blue/violet colors than yellow/red colors?
How can you explain the meaning of the phrase "turing complete" to a layperson?
Do plants respond to audio stimulation?
How do I extract and print the fields in the log file?
What are the best ways to learn algorithms and programming techniques from scratch?
Do successful people always know that they are going to be successful?
What causes the electron in a hydrogen atom to stay in 1s orbital and not just fall to the proton?
What is the secret of the Teller-Ulam design? What are the details of the thermonuclear weapon?
How did scientists figure out Boltzmann's constant from the ideal gas equation and what does it tell us?
What does the wavefunction of a moving electron look like?
Should I continue talking to a girl or stop?
For a beginning PhD student, what is the best predictor of whether or not that student will continue in academia beyond the PhD?
I recently started working, and just 6 months into it I feel like I am growing less intelligent. Have you felt the same at some point in your life?
Enlightenment (spiritual): Have you experienced the age of reason?
If the universe was uniformly distributed energy in space time in the beginning and uniformly distributed energy in space time in the end, why is the entropy different?
Is divine presence around us or within us? Why?
Is it the Pauli exclusion principle or electrostatic forces that explain why I do not fall through the floor?
A friend of mine yelled so hard, she told me that something popped in her brains for it, what does that mean?