1,319 Answers


Is Stephen Wolfram's NKS, an attempt to explain the universe with cellular automata, in conflict with Bell's Theorem?
How does gravitational lensing account for Einstein's Cross?
Why is cold fusion considered bogus?
The equipartition theorem in momentum space
Consequences of the new theorem in QM?
Why do we not have spin greater than 2?
What objective criteria distinguish between valid science, fringe science and pseudoscience in physics?
What if microstates increase proportional to universe volume?
What happens to information when black holes merge?
Why is the Earth so fat?
Have we figured out how to analyze turbulent fluids?
Why are there both Static and Kinetic Friction?
Does Gödel preclude a workable ToE?
QM and Renormalization (layman)
Which derivation of drift velocity is correct?
Interpretation of the Random Schrödinger Equation
Is there an intuitive reason the brachistochrone and the tautochrone are the same curve?
The Role of Rigor
Could we build a supercomputer out of wires and switches instead of a microchip?
Does the Banach-Tarski paradox contradict our understanding of nature?
Where does the reaction to action come from?
Does gravity require strings?
What did Hawking mean? 'Time started at the big bang'. Book suggestions please
How can/does calculus describe the movement of a particle?
Integers powers of fields in a QFT Lagrangian
How does electricity propagate in a conductor?
More questions on string theory and the standard model
Can black holes be created on a miniature scale?
Is quantum mechanics intrinsically dualistic?
Why do people rule out local hidden variables?
What are bootstraps?
Cross-field diffusion from Smoluchowski approximation
Discreteness and Determinism in Superstrings?
Theoretical basis for black hole evaporation
What's the interpretation of Feynman's picture proof of Noether's Theorem?
Gabriele Veneziano, strong nuclear force and beta-function
Why don't most physics programs study the primary sources?
What role does electrical charge play in black holes?
Classic Literature in Quantum Gravity?
Probablistic problems in physics?
Is the historical method of teaching physics a "legitimate, sure and fruitful method of preparing a student to receive a physical hypothesis"?
The most challenging physical phenomena
Assumptions in Bell's Theorem
How do we explain accelerated motion in Newtonian physics and in modern physics?
What is a brief formulation of string theory?
Why is Gleason's Theorem not enough to obtain Born Rule in Many Worlds Interpretation?
How did L.H. Thomas derive his 1927 expressions for an electron with an axis?
What happens to matter in a standard model with zero Higgs VEV?
How do we visualise antenna reception of individual radiowave photons building up to a resonant AC current on the antenna?
Underground explosions due to plate tectonics and natural gas pockets
How much data is stored in our bodies?
Fermi surface nesting and CDW/SDW/SC orders
How does the holographic principle imply nonlocality?
Collision time of Brownian particles
Random Walk Randomly Reflected
Does radiation change entropy?
Movement of a nudged block on a high friction surface
Why do we use Planck's constant?
Does String theory say that spacetime is not fundamental but should be considered an emergent phenomenon?
Didactics question ("teams and times")
why is advanced radiation absent?
Charge on Sphere due to Contact with Capacitor
Reading the Feynman lectures in 2012
Two people pushing off each other
Assumptions in Heisenberg's 1925 paper
Deriving Newton's Third Law from homogeneity of Space
What is the name of the principle saying it is meaningless to talk/ask questions that can not be measured/tested?
PhD Research Areas in String Theory
How should a physics student study mathematics?
Can the Montevideo interpretation of quantum mechanics do what it claims?
Path integral formulation of quantum mechanics
Is this alternate theory of gravity as cause instead of effect plausible?
What can wavy patterned sand tell about the Fluid that formed it?
Need some basic help with notation and the Christoffel symbols
On-shell symmetry from a path integral point of view
Defining a Riemannian manifold - made easy?
Flow of liquid among branches
How does the star that has collapsed to form a Schwarschild black hole appear to an observer falling into the black hole?
This sentence makes no sense, electrostatics and electrons moving in a conductor - current
What are cosmological "firewalls"?
What does a de Broglie wave look like?
Ricci scalar for a diagonal metric tensor
Differentiating the ideal gas law
A certain $\cal{N}=2$ superconformal theory (or is it?)
Occurrence of turbulence in fluid dynamics from the equations of motion?
Did Einstein prove $E=mc^2$ correctly?
Is it possible that QM is just GR?
What is a tensor?
How do we know that nonperturbative canonical quantum gravity is wrong?
Why do people categorically dismiss some simple quantum models?
If quarks didn't have mass, could protons (and neutrons) exist?
Chiral anomalies à la Fujikawa: Why don't we just take another measure?
How do you assign an observable to spectral lines in Heisenberg's resolution of Rydberg-Ritz?
Why does the creation operator take a continuum value for the momentum?
Is the universe a quantum computer - is light speed barrier a computational constraint
On Electromagnetic Self Energy
Are quantum mechanics calculations useful for engineering?
Why *should* the mass of elementary particles theoretically be of the magnitude of the Planck mass?
What are the challenges to achieving cold fusion?
Second Law of Black Hole Thermodynamics
How to choose a suitable topic for PhD in Physics?
Equivalence of canonical quantization and path integral quantization
Bohr model with all Quantum numbers for hydrogen atom
Reasons to suspect that matter is emitted from black holes nonthermally
Hierarchy is no problem and susy is a mathematical tool for data fitting
Why do people categorically dismiss some simple quantum models?
Galilean invariance of Lagrangian for non-relativistic free point particle?
Lagrangian for Relativistic Dust derivation questions
Mathematically, what is color charge?
Why regularization?
weight function and the metric
Tennis serving machine--- How does a spinning ball bounce?
Generic features, semi-heuristic derivations
How does the string worldsheet affect the space-time in which they live?
Is anti-matter matter going backwards in time?
Why does kinetic energy increase quadratically, not linearly, with speed?
Is this a quaternion Lorentz Boost?
Kepler problem in time: how do two gravitationally attracted particles move?
What are the mechanics by which Time Dilation and Length Contraction occur?
If LHC searches of a Higgs boson won't be a success, what consequences for the theory of electroweak interaction it can bear?
How did Newton discover his second law?
What does this infinitesimal Eulerian change describe?
Why was the universe in an extraordinarily low-entropy state right after the big bang?
Is there an intuitive explanation for why Lorentz force is perpendicular to a particle's velocity and the magnetic field?
Pseudo-Superluminal Motion and the Synchronization of Clocks
Software to simulate and visualize atoms?
Common false beliefs in Physics
Where did the idea of a neutrino come from?
Branch-point twist fields and operator insertions on a Riemann manifold
Time-Dependent Potentials in Quantum Mechanics
Common false beliefs in Physics
Why is spacetime near a quantum black hole approximately AdS?
Why the Principle of Least Action?
Seeking an account of fundamental particle physics sensitive to the issue of theory-laden observation
Ergosphere treadmills
Is the universe linear? If so, why?
Formulation of general relativity
Set theory, category theory, realism and the recent "reality of the wavefunction" papers
How does one quantize the phase-space semiclassically?
Widom-Larsen Theory
Do the rings in Mass Effect's mass relays (2-axis gimbal) describe a stable rotation?
what co-operates with a Super Symmetry Transform
The shear stress assumption in Navier Stokes
Myths in the history of Physics
How was Avogadro's number first determined?
How does string theory reduce to the standard model?
What is the proof that the universal constants ($G$, $\hbar$, $\ldots$) are really constant in time and space?
Correct application of Laplacian Operator
Mermin-Wagner theorem in the presence of hard-core interactions
Correlation function which has branch cut in momentum space
What are "electron holes" in semiconductors?
Why are anticommutators needed in quantization of Dirac fields?
Why are white holes the same thing as black holes in quantum gravity?
How many different formulations of QM currently exist?
Nanorobots. What stops us from producing them yet?
What fraction of electrons is captured in semiconductor defects?
Bohr's model of an atom doesn't seem to have overcome the drawback of Rutherford's model
Good book on the history of Quantum Mechanics?
Is microcausality *necessary* for no-signaling?
Why do we have so many dualities in string theory?
Density of states via a Laplace transform
How can perturbativity survive renormalization?
Natural phenomenon which inspired science?
Mathematically-oriented Treatment of General Relativity
Why does a gas get hot when suddenly compressed? What is happening at the molecular level?
Interpretation of basic free boson propagator (Euclidean action)
Why didn't Newton just propose the 2nd Law and leave it at that?
What does a non-perturbative theory mean?
How to derive addition of velocities without the Lorentz transformation?
Does the potential energy related to a particle determines its rest mass?
Why does a car engine not do work if the wheels don't slip?
What happens when two strings collide?
Does the ruling out of TeV scale SUSY breaking disfavor grand unification?
What is a chiral field?
The Lagrangian in Scalar Field Theory
Hawking radiation from point of view of a falling observer
Does the Unruh effect violate Mach's principle?
vector-scalar gravity
Alternate layman's metaphors for illustrating curved space-time
Critics of Mannheim's Conformal Gravity Theory?
Dimensional analysis restricted to rational exponents?
Calculating dust attraction to a charged surface
Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom - Energy Levels of the Hydrogen Atom
Why did Feynman's thesis almost work?
Doubts about tubular Feynman diagrams in string theory
units and nature
Why does work equal force times distance?
Is there an easy way to show that $x^2-t^2=1/g^2$ for a (relativistic) body undergoing acceleration g?
in SUSY, does WW scattering unitarisation needs the higgs boson?
Pair interactions on finite square lattice
What is the penetration length of static electric field into conducting metals?
Event horizons are untraversable by observers far from the collapse?
Who first realized the uncertainty principle allows for virtual particle pair production?
Is string length in string theory quantized?
Why are all observable gauge theories not vector-like?
Convergance of a system to Boltzmann distribution
Is there an upper frequency limit to ultrasound?
How come a photon acts like it has mass in a superconducting field?
Is QFT mathematically self-consistent?
What is the answer to Feynman's Disc Paradox?
Is the E-cat by Andrea Rossi et al. for real?
The mathematics of entanglement
Landau poles in dimension <4?
Once a quantum partition function is in path integral form, does it contain any operators?
Why is gravity weak at the quantum level?
How do you prove $S=-\sum p\ln p$?
Why is a stack of N D-branes equivalent to an extremal black brane?
interaction at a distance: how it works
Motivation for "discretized quantum state spaces"
Are these sites reliable?
Could the Schrödinger equation be nonlinear?
Dynamics question. Please help, exam coming soon
Exchange operator in terms of rotation operator
Parallel universes: are there an infinite amount of universes?
Are cosmic muons causing mutations or even influence evolutionary rate?
Is there an intuitive description of vacuum entanglement?
Is there a subtlety to the Lorentz transformations one needs to be aware of?
Can the CPT theorem be valid if Lorentz invariance is only spontaneously broken?
Why position is not quantized in quantum mechanics?
Thermodynamically reversed black holes, firewalls, Casimir effect, null energy condition violations
What counts as an observer and memory states in quantum interpretations?
What is the fundamental probabilistic interpretation of Quantum Fields?
Is there a list of all atomic electron state transitions and the corresponding radiation emitted?
Quantum mechanics on Cantor set?
Can bosons that are composed of several fermions occupy the same state?
How does one derive the equation for the speed of sound?
How can I show that an arbitrary wavefunction in a 1D SHO is periodic in time?
Do we know how matter moves matter?
(Co)homology of the universe
what is the 2D gravity potential?
how is shown that photon speed is constant using QED?
What does it mean that the neutral pion is a mixture of quarks?
How can indeterminacy in quantum mechanics be derived from lack of ability to observe a cause?
Is there a theory which treats particles as classical point singularities?
Understanding Tensors
How broad is the term "String Theory"?
Historical: Natural vs unnatural parity mesons
bandgaps for 2D square lattice with potential of the form V=V(x) + V(y) - what are the general properties?
Computer game with quantum optics/ information
Examples where an ill-behaved function leads to surprising results?
How long did inflation take to happen?
Age of universe estimates
Does the global financial system violate laws of thermodynamics and energy conservation?
Why is "space-time" not fully explained as the observational effect of the casimir effect seen from a human perspective?
What was the motivation behind suggesting the trichromatic theory of vision?
Combining multiple theories with 5 $\sigma$ confidence level
What is a non linear $\sigma$ model?
Recommendations for time-line and road map in graduate school towards specializing in Maldacena's conjecture
How and why can random matrices answer physical problems?
't Hooft limit of coupling fundamental fermions to Chern-Simons theory
If quantum mechanics is ultimately deterministic, would Shor's factorization algorithm still work for large integers?
What role does memory robots play in the many worlds interpretation?
Consequences for causality if superluminal neutrinos were explained by extra dimensions
Simple PDE as a theory of everything?
Why the pion does not get mass under Spontaneus breaking of chiral symmetry, but the quarks do?
What is unification, unified interactions, or dualities between interactions?
Why are we forced to choose a specific value for $\pi$ field in Nambu-Goldstone phenomenon?
Does a static electric field and the conservation of momentum give rise to a relationship between $E$, $t$, and some path $s$?
Entering a black hole, jumping into another universe---with questions
Is this formula for the energy of a configuration of 3 fluids physically reasonable?
What is the relationship between Schrödinger equation and Boltzmann equation?
Path integral vs. measure on infinite dimensional space
Can quantum mechanics really be the same as underlying deterministic theory?
Uses of vectors in real life
What is the splitting structure of a state in thermal equilibrium in MWI?
How to guess the correct fitting function to some data?
Computing an average escape distance for a particle
Why do electron and proton have the same but opposite electric charge?
Angular momentum operator in terms of ladder operators
Entropy of two expanding and mixing ideal gases
Does electric charge affect space time fabric?
Expressing a unitary operator in terms of a Hermitian operator
What fundamental principles or theories are required by modern physics?
How do we determine the temperature of a Black Hole?
Does a UV completion of gravity necessarily need to be so drastic as String Theory or LQG?
Why can we treat quantum scattering problems as time-independent?
Simple QFT exercise
Hypercharge for $U(1)$ in $SU(2)\times U(1)$ model
Behavior of Correlation functions/partition functions during phase transitions
What potential energy functions are mostly used in Schrodinger equation?
What would be the effects on theoretical physics if neutrinos go faster than light?
A question regarding particle trajectories in the symplectic manifold formalism
Combining Proportions to get Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation
Help Me Gain an Intuitive Understanding of Lorentz Contraction
Can you use a wormhole to travel through space not time?
Lifetime of a quasiparticle
Action principle for the Electromagnetism and Gravity
Is there perfect vacuum 10000 billion lightyears away?
A nonintegrable quantum system whose classical limit is integrable?
Higgs field questions
Why conserved quantities in quantum mechanics are experimentally interesting?
Analytic solutions to time-dependent Schrödinger equation
About unitarity and R-charge in 2+1 superconformal field theory
Could Quark model turn out to be false?
How to deal with the product of distributions by Renormalization or similar?
X-ray diffraction from crystals and time-averaging
Einstein's postulates $\leftrightarrow$ Minkowski space for a Layman
failing to see the conundrum in the Einstein hole argument
What is lepton number?
Can a single classical particle have any entropy?
Isn't the uncertainty principle just non-fundamental limitations in our current technology that could be removed in a more advanced civilization?
AdS/CFT correspondence and M-theory
Why are synthetic elements unstable?
Conjugate Variables and Fourier Transforms in Classical Physics
What are the calculations for Vacuum Energy?
How is spacetime depicted in quantum field theory?
How many bits are needed to simulate the universe?
Understanding difficulty with proving strong cosmic censorship theorems
What errors would one learn from Eliezer Yudkowsky's introduction to quantum physics?
Why did we need relativity to derive $E=mc^2$?
Show quantum entanglement to a classical thinker
Propagators and Probabilities in the Heisenberg Picture
Particles for all forces: how do they know where to go, and what to avoid?
Nuclear fusion: what causes this "resonance" peak?
Why is the temperature outside the airplane lower than the ground temperature?
History of the use of the concept of phase space in engineering
QM without complex numbers
Is there a concise-but-thorough statement of the Standard Model?
Did Newton discover gravity waves without realizing it?
What inspired Schrödinger to derive his equation?
Linking two balls together
Were there any efforts made by early physicists to discover and explain how composite bodies fall?
Why does quantum mechanics invalidate one of locality and realism?
Reformulated: Universe expansion or collapse
Is it possible to have incommensurable but equally valid theories of nature which fits all experimental data?
Is mid-water bouyancy a classic example of a balanced but unstable system?
Conservation of electric charge in Feynman diagram
How to decide convergence of the ensemble average in a Monte Carlo process
Why $\lambda\phi^4$ theory, where $\lambda>0$, is not bounded from below?
Is there an analytical solution for fluid flow in a square duct?
What is Phase Space Forumation of QM and does it explain use of complex variables in QM?
What nonstandard theory forbids quantum computers?
Interesting topics to research in mathematical physics for undergraduates
Why is there a phase factor when the two composite angular momentum is exchanged in Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
easy or formal proof of Hawking effect ... that anyone can understand?
What is "charge discreteness"?
Stablising the Higgs without SUSY
How to understand temperatures of different degrees of freedom?
What are the patterns appear after kernel averaging?
Is it true that $\vec{E}\neq 0$ inside a 1- or 2-dimensional conductor?
Can two particles remain entangled even if one is past the event horizon of a black hole?
The Particle-Antiparticle Problem in Relation to Special Relativity
What is meant by the phrase "the mass is protected by a symmetry"?
Conversion of the Polyakov action into the Nambo-Goto action?
Does cosmological horizon grow or decrease as it radiates?
What are the applications of delta function potentials?
Creation of particle anti-particle pairs
infinite parallel conducting planes
How necessary is the "exponential explosion" in quantum mechanics?
Hawking's alternative to Higgs Boson
Does the "Energy Catalyzer" by Andrea Rossi et al. generate energy by converting Nickel to Copper?
Would the ionic wind power fence actually work?
Intuition for gauge parallel transport (Wilson loops)
Canonical quantization of quantum field
Can cellular automata be reconcilied with quantum mechanics?
What does it mean that particles are the quanta of fields?
How does universal inflation fit with the Planck length?
What does Peter Parkers formula represent?
proof for $\langle q| p \rangle = e^{ipq}$
Singularities and quantized spacetime
Is the EmDrive, or "Relativity Drive" possible?
Precessional motion of active galactic nuclei
What is the most natural classical polynomial complexity class that includes all of BQP and NP?
Crystal Field Theory
Why does an octave on a piano have the divisions of 8 white keys and 5 black keys?
Why does a gas inside a closed container experience atmosperic pressure when the gas itself is not in contact with the atmosphere?
Do stationary states with higher energy necessarily have higher position-momentum uncertainty?
Matrix Representations of Quantum States and Hamiltonians
Can gravity be shielded, like electromagnetism?
What the theta in schwinger function and what is theta formula?
What is a good introductory book on quantum mechanics?
Violation of Lorentz symmetry on cosmological distances
Must all symmetries have consequences?
What are the current (popular(ish)) approaches to modelling the quantum nature of spacetime at the Planck scale?
Adding rotation to internal coordinates
Helium-4 superfluidity and gauge symmetry breaking
Diffraction through one slit?
Variable speed of light in cosmology
What is the formula for the glug point?
Could quarks and leptons mix if they carried flavor charges?
Is the change in kinetic energy of a particle frame independent?
What are specific arguments against the ensemble interpretation (as promoted by L. Ballentine)?
How many colors exist?
On Bell's Inequality (Classical Intuition) and Quantum Mechanical Counter Intuition
Laws of Atomic Theory - how is this possible?
Electric field of not-grounded conducting plate with a given potential?
Is it the act of measuring a quantum particle that causes it to lose its uncertainty?
Violation of Newton's 3rd law and momentum conservation
What's the optimal shape for a continuous Galilean Cannon?
How do formulas get figured out?
Are neutrinos Majorana particles?
Does string theory and preons exclude each other?
Why does light refract if photons are not bound by an axle?
Matrix order in Dirac equations
Phase space of a discrete dynamical system
What's wrong with this derivation that $i\hbar = 0$?
Escape velocity of a rocket standing on Ganymede (Moon of Jupiter)
Why do quantum physical properties come in pairs?
Strict general mathematical definition of drag
Why is there a $\frac 1 2$ in $\frac 1 2 mv^2$?
absolute defintion of the right (i. e. not left) direction
How can a deSitter space have finite size?
Proofs that every professional physicist should know
Are objects in a gravitational well shortened?
Are there controversies surrounding the principle of general covariance in GR?
Before a once-warm lake starts to freeze, must its temperature be 4°C throughout at some point?
how to solve this scaling equation
Boundary terms involving fields at infinity
Was there some phenomenological motivation for Ramond and Neveu-Swarz models?
Quarks as preons for the whole standard model
Is there a relation between the number of dimensions of space time and the number of fundamental forces?
Can decoherence work when the environment itself is in a superposition without invoking collapse or splitting?
Arnold´s Math Methods of Classical Mechs - a question on Newtonian Mechanics
What is $p_T$? (transverse momentum?)
History of interpretation of Newton's first law
a priori validity of $W=\int Fdx$ in relativity?
"Seeing" the solution
Inverse square law in 2+1 dimensional universe from a Yukawa coupling?
Why does the force of gravity get weaker as it travels through the dimensions?
May molecules of ideal gases have an inner structure?
What experiments prove the greenhouse effect?
A loop quantum gravity toy inspired by an Aharonov-Bohm ring
Is rotational motion relative to space?
Causality and anti-particles
Is decoherence even possible in anti de Sitter space?
An example of a quantum system for which Wigner function transitions to negative values
How can be proved that one-way speed of light is equal to two-way speed?
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle scientific proof
Seeking a specific quantum spin system of interacting spin 1/2 particles
A freefalling body problem, only partial distance and time known
Will a ball slide down a lumpy hill over the same path it rolls down the hill?
Pertinence of the wave function of the universe, or complete description of system with massive number of dof
Why does the Higgs field only couple to opposite-chiralities fermions?
Propagation of light in transparent media: absorption and reemission or scattering?
Quantum phenomena near black hole event horizon
Non-computable numbers in Physics
Existence of creation and annihilation operators
Examples of discrete Hamiltonians?
The relation between the speed of light and the Big Bang Theory
Is the converse of Noether's first theorem true: Every conservation law has a symmetry?
Why should the Standard Model be renormalizable?
Regularisation of infinite-dimensional determinants
Can a wavefunction be solved to any arbitrary precision, given enough computer time?
Gauge invariant Chern-Simons Lagrangian
Velocity Time Dilation
Is the gravitational constant G a minimum value in some sense?
Why don't experimental physics groups have statisticians in it?
Quantum mechanics + General relativity =?
What kind of curve would describe the rate of air coming out of a balloon?
how to find the effective mass of a hole
Decay from excited state to ground state
Pressure Inside an Ideal Gas
How does thermal broadening of the Fermi Function cause electron coherence loss?
What will be the goal of (V)LHC after receiving upgrades?
Can the field generated by a magnet domain extend to infinity?
Could gravity hold electron charge together?
Solving by using Gauss law
Do spacelike junctions in the Thin-Shell Formalism imply energy nonconservation and counterintuitive wormholes?
Quantum Zeno effect and unstable particles
Why does a semiconductor hole have a mass?
Taylor approximation in physics
Please explain me how the Higgs boson gives mass to other particles, more detail?
If we know the universe is made up of a relativistic ether, why wouldn't gravity just be a pressure gradient of the ether?
How important is the cosmic censorship conjecture?
Can I move the atom nucleus only?
Why quantum states are classified using only conserved quantities?
Can a force in an explicitly time dependent classical system be conservative?
How does an object falling into a plain Schwarschild black hole appear from near the black hole?
Please explain the physics of a Cloud Chamber
Heat exchange depending on coolant flow direction
Is the electric field at the edge of a uniformly charged disk infinite?
Ice cream cone and loop-de-loop
Is it possible that quantum mechanics is not truely fundamental?
What is the physical sense of the transition dipole moment?
Double-slit experiment simulated with water waves?
Mathematical Universe Hypothesis
How can we be so sure the universe has 3 dimensions?
Confusion regarding geodesic of thrown ball - curved or Cartesian coordinates?
How are light and time related?
Why did Schrodinger never budge on the meaning of $|\Psi|^2$
WHy is SUSY QM important?
Derivation of Schrodinger equation for a system with position dependent effective mass
Quantum phyics project for a high schooler
How does this thought experiment not rule out black holes?
Is proper time renormalization gauge invariant?
Some questions about the logics of the principles of independence of motion and composition of motion
Generalizing Heisenberg Uncertainty Priniciple
Number of bits needed to express physical laws?
Heisenberg picture saves locality in QM?
Inspecting the form of a wavefunction
Can a photon passing by an open space barycenter of a system of masses be modeled as if all the system's mass is at the barycenter?
Why does the cosmic censorship conjecture hold so well?
Near-field around parabolic antenna?
Formation of a black hole and Hawking radiation
What exactly is the weak portion of the SM gauge group?
Probability wave speed of dispersion and interference
Linearized Einstein Equations
The Black Hole Problem
What are the physycal meaning of universal constants such as the magnetic, electric and gravitational constants?
Does GR provide a maximum electric field limit?
What is known about some massive Gaussian models on a lattice?
Why was PACER abandoned?
Should we forget fusion and focus on geothermal power?
Particle antiparticle annihilation-do they have to be of the same type?
Energy operator
Potential energy in a gravitational field
Why does the Lorentz transformation in special relativity have to be like this?
Questions on wave-particle duality
prove that flat shape minimizes a functional
Does the uncertainty principle apply to photons?
Was the Universe's entropy equal to zero at the Big Bang? Is zero-entropy state unique?
Most suitable metric for the Solar system?
Simple Experiment to Demonstrate Special Relativity
Why model space with real numbers?
What identifies an action-reaction pair of forces?
Can every particle be regarded as being a combination of Black holes and White holes?
Will the Big Rip tear black holes apart?
Calculating uncertainty in the final result (combining uncertainties)
Are there solitary waves in $\phi^4$ theory in 3+1 dimensions?
Geometry inside the event horizon
Theory that gets rid of dark matter/energy
Galilean transformation in relativity
Observing Quantum Mechanics
Why can't we set the lattice spacing 'a' in lattice QCD?
Why don't quantum effects invalidate the speed of light barrier?
Total Resistance of Infinite Resistor Grid?
Why is $\int (dp/2\pi) |p \rangle\langle p| = 1 $?
What's the standard "roadmap" to learning quantum physics?
From where (in space-time) does Hawking radiation originate?
Einstein's Famous Thought Experiment Contradiction
Crystal magnetic response only skin deep?
Time reversal symmetry and T^2 = -1
Factor 2 and equations for the weak gravitational field
What is the physical significance of the dilaton in string theory?
Is momentum conservation for the classical Schrödinger equation due to non-relativistic or due to some more exotic invariance?
What would be the characteristics of Jupiter if it shrank?
Would a solution to the Navier-Stokes Millennium Problem have any practical consequences?
Can Black Holes be the Dark Matter?
Renormalization Group for anisotropic "Gaussian" model
How is causal patch complementarity compatible with behavior during inflation?
How is the apparent significance of (length) scales in physics explained?
What are the most realistic ways of high speed space propulsion?
If a measured value is oscillating so fast between two numbers, what does the detector read?
Is omniscience impossible?
When and how were relative distances to the planets first measured?
Dirac string on (periodic) compact space
What future technologies does particle physics and string theory promise?
Continuum model of the n-body problem?
Connection between Poisson Brackets and Symplectic Form
Historical background of wave function collapse
How to calculate the properties of Photon-Quasiparticles
Gauge fixing choice for the gauge field $A_0$
What is currently incomplete in M-theory?
Why there is no negative temperature
What was so surprising about accelerating cosmological expansion?
Can photons and gluons be holes in an aether?
How could the unit of a constant be unit of tension $N^{-1}$?
black hole event horizon
Does the universe follow a general physical and computational principle of evolution?
In astronomy what phenomena have theory predicted before observations?
Why not accurate masses of elementary particles?
The amount of energy required to break the Coulomb Barrier
The AntiBonding Orbital with Shrinking Interatomic Distance
Is Uranium renewable, or will this science fiction scenario become reality?
Projective Transformations in GR
Knowing the mass and force acting on a particle, how do we derive the relativistic function for velocity with respect to time?
Mathematical definitions in string theory
How does a state vector be projected onto an eigenspace after measurement
Does Hestenes Zitterbewegung Explain why complex numbers appear in QM?
Why is a nucleus isotropic?
Why do covalent bonds form?
Was the Higgs mass correctly predicted by asymptotic safety of gravity?
Is there a single metric for a given system?
What could we observe if we see a 4 dimensional object and how could it change our physics view about our universe?
Can anyone explain to me why light is not dispersed into a spectrum through a parallel glass slide, but only through a prism?
Are the only observables in string theory the S-matrix?
Will adding heat to a material increase or decrease entropy?
A simple action inequality
Phase shift of 180 degrees of transversal wave on reflection from denser medium
Increase the signal-to-noise ratio of photomultiplier
How to derive Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribution using canonical ensemble?
Entropy: two explanations for the same quantity?
Why can you re-write the functional measure of a real-valued field $\phi(x)$ as $\mathcal{D}\phi=\prod_{k_n^0>0}dRe \phi(k_n) d Im \phi(k_n)$?
Implications of unbounded operators in quantum mechanics
Why are black hole singularities stable?
How calculate resistance between two points for arbitrary resistor grid?
Impulse situation
What is the massless limit of massive electromagnetism?
Why is it hard to solve the Ising-model in 3D?
Can a system entirely of photons be a Bose-Einsten condensate?
How is information defined from a thermodynamics point of view?
constraint on scaling dimension
How far can you get (in quantum mechanics) with just commutation relations?
How do you calculate potential energy given a force that is dependent on time?
Do black holes play a role in quantum decoherence?
In what way do Cooper pairs of electrons bond and stay bonded in superconductors?
Given constant T, why does P affect internal energy?
Why does salty water heat up quicker than pure water?
Open boundary condition and Glauber Dynamics
What in Newton's three laws of motion is original and not a paraphrasing of his predecessors?
What is the rationale behind representing a state function by a complex valued function in QM?
Black Holes, New Branes and Stars
How can it be that the beginning universe had a high temperature and a low entropy at the same time?
Moving charge as a magnet, is the sign relative?
Chaos and continuous flow
A wonky gravitational potential and its critical points
What's with Mandelstam's argument that only linear regge trajectories are stable?
What is spontaneous symmetry breaking in QUANTUM GAUGE systems?
Does every elementary particle have its own separate field?
Why Silver atoms were used in Stern-Gerlach experiment?
Can cosmic inflation be explained by matter antimatter reactions?
How do Temperature Scales work?
Explaining Walter Lewin's "Complete Breakdown of Intuition"
Information encoded on the surface of a black hole
Solutions to SHMO equation in Feynman's Thesis
What is the significance of action?
Why is Compactification restricted to Toroids, Calabi-Yau et al?
Understanding Black hole information paradox?
Stochastic processes and wavefunction collapse
What is a "classical Schrodinger field", really?
Can sound be used to purify/filter water?
Charge Analog of the Higgs Boson?
Can Noether's theorem be understood intuitively?
What is the physical significance of dot & cross product of vectors? Why is division not defined for vectors?
Question on the preservation of information via mapping to free field states
Why is a book on a table not an example of Newton's third law?
Reconstruction of information stored in an evaporating black hole from the emission spectrum?
Conformal Invariance and the OPE
Why do aircraft inner wings lose lift when turning?
Why do we have an elementary charge but no elementary mass?
Energy momentum tensor from Noether's theorem
What keeps electrons in an atom from flying away or falling into the nucleus?
Are gravitomagnetic monopoles hypothesized?
Do black holes accelerate in spin as they obtain more mass?
If all the eigenvalues of an operator are real, is the operator Hermitian?
the search for calabicles
Is spacetime moving in general relativity?
Modular invariance for higher genus
What is the force between two magnetic dipoles?
Planck time, distance, mass? Why do we take those values?
Generating Pink Noise
Do Christoffel symbols commute?
Power due to dipole radiation and time reversal symmetry in classical E&M
Is there a contradiction of the theory of relativity here? -- Length contraction and EMR amplitude
Can a large thermonuclear bomb be used for planetary defence?
How do we know that internal conversion creates no intermediate photon?
What is the most energy efficient way to boil an egg?
Is the Energy Sharply or Fuzzily Defined in Quantum Mechanics?
Why did my liquid soda freeze once I pulled it out of the fridge and opened it?
Initial vs Constant Orbital Velocity
Is the Schwarzschild black hole unphysical?
Do Galactic Black Holes and Extra-Solar Planets change the mass balance of the universe?
Are the higher-order terms in the series for energy really negligible?
Is there a definition of "direction" in physics?
Optics of the eye - do we see Fourier transforms?
Is the Unruh radiation isotropic?
How does time dilation work without a privileged reference frame?
Auxiliary field and loop expansion
Was Planck's constant $h$ the same when the Big Bang happened as it is today?
Scalar potential, vector potential, and spinor potnetial
Refractive Index of Air Depending on Temperature
Derive $\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}(\gamma m\mathbf{v}) = e\mathbf{E}$ from elementary principles?
The Light Cone in GR-----A Flickering One?
Why Are Maxwell's Equations Preferred Before Those Proposed by H. Hertz?
Do all event horizons emit radiation?
Alternative definitions of potential?
Complete set and Klein-Gordon equation
Currents and magnets
Why does large curvature of spacetime imply high temperature?
Define Pressure at A point. Why is it a Scalar?
In what sense does the universe have an outer edge?
Why is the canonical ($NVT$) ensemble often used for (classical) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations?
Cosmology questions from a novice
Effects of a non-Lorentz-invariant vacuum state
Deriving the Lorentz Transformation
How does one interpret the Dirac equation with a self-field potential?
Classical Limit of Commutator
Nature of Derivatives of Anticommuting Variables
When does 'energy' turn to matter?
SDE for particle, PDE for the density
Why are $\mu_0$ and $\epsilon_0$, which appear in electrostatics and magnetostatics, related to the speed of light which appears in electrodynamics?
Imaginary pertubation to a Hamiltonian: how is it the same as rotation to imaginary time?
A reading list to build up to the spin statistics theorem
How would nucleosynthesis be different if the neutron were stable?
Theoretical proof forbidding Loschmidt reversal?
What is the physical process (if any) behind magnetic attraction?
What are examples of Solutions of Newton's Laws that have analogs to Solutions of the Wave Equation?
Is reflection just a particular case of scattering?
Do we need a quantum theory of gravity in order to describe photons blueshifted past planck energy?
Does (it make sense to say that ) the universe has a center?
What makes zinc reactive?
How long would it take to travel through a wormhole?
How does ATP transfer energy to a reaction?
Why do ice cubes come out easier from top trays?
Simulating quantum network of harmonic oscillators
How to write the Fröhlich Hamiltonian in one dimension?
How can we be sure that nature isn't "faking" quantum statistics?
Noether's theorem vs. Heisenberg uncertainty principle
Do I have the meaning of the property temperature correct?
Eigenvalues of an operator correspond to energy states in quantum mechanics, why?
In SUSY why does electroweak symmetry breaking only happen in the SM sector?
Quantum entanglement vs classical analogy
Disproving a refutation of quantum mechanics (QM) via a calculation of the ground state of the helium atom
What if we could give photons some mass?
Symmetrical Spinors and Symmetrical Tensors
Einstein's special relativity beyond the speed of light
How do you start learning physics by yourself?
Why did Einstein get credit for formulating the theory of special relativity?
how does heat energy start to speed up a gas molecule?
Hawking radiation and black hole entropy
Is eternal inflation and the multiverse compatible with causal patch complementarity?
Positrons versus holes as positive charge carriers
What does QFT "get right" that QM "gets wrong"?
Is there any idea why the electric charges of electron and muon are equal?
Introduction to differential forms in thermodynamics
How many years will the nuclear resources of Earth last for generating electricity?
Amount of energy required to hover.
Why is the critical state in the Mean Field Bak-Sneppen Model a global attractor?
Will a violin string keep vibrating for a longer time in vacuum than in air?
quantum explanation of doppler effect
Can particle physics be represented as an algebra?
How is black hole complementarity derived from path integrals or string theory?
Entropy of a black hole can be zero?
What kinds of materials contract the most in cold temperatures?
How to solve the tranmission probability in an evolution of a quantum system
How does the Fraunhofer irradiance distribution look for a double slit aperture of different lengths?
What is the meaning of the word "particle" in particle physics?
What is nonlocal resistance?
Explain how (or if) a box full of photons would weigh more due to massless photons
What is the minimal set of expectation values I need in a statistical model?
Can quantum communication really replace electromagnetic waves for telecommunication medium in future?
What's the relation between virtual photons and electromagnetic potentials?
Is a black hole's surface area invariant for distant intertial observers?
Help me understand the first equation in Landau & Lifshitz's Quantum Mechanics
Accidental benefits of seeking perpetual motion? (Science history)
What is the cause of the normal force?
Local Charts in General Relativity
What is the meaning of pressure of a gas
Uncertainty Principle for Information?
Does Helium just naturally display BEC properties at <1K, or does it become a BEC?
Maximum precision of deterministic measurements
Is a given volume of sparkling water lighter or heavier than the same volume of still water?
Locality in Quantum Mechanics
why nontrivially space-like connected event horizons do not respect unitarity?
Is space unending?
Is it safe to study from MIT and Berkeley course series, or they contain wrong information?
Can the Klein-Gordon Equation represent Particles with non-zero spin?
Why do we like gauge potentials so much?
If a fundamental theory exibits e.g. a mirror symmetry, in what sense it the underlying geometry real?
Demonstrate magnets adhere to conservation of energy pursuant to the laws of thermodynamics
Representation of phase in quantum mechanics
Desperately Need Help with Grade 9 Static Electricity
Right Angle Circuitry
What's the meaning of the coupling change after a renormalization (in the 1-dim Ising Model)?
How does General Relativity Emerge from Brans-Dicke Gravity with an Infinite Omega Parameter?
Why does Davisson-Germer experiment confirm electron's wave-particle duality?
Does spacetime in general relativity contain holes?
Difference between $|0\rangle$ and $0$ in the context of isospin
How does a pressure difference cause a force?
About Newton's Shell Theorem
What is Dalitz decay?
Special conformal transformations and locality
Why exactly does current carrying two current wires attract/repel?
Textbook on group theory to be able to start QFT
Why Liouville's theorem is obvious?
What chemistry course to take for a physics undergraduate
Is it possible to control a treadmill's tread speed such that a plane on the treadmill will be prevented from moving?
What exactly is electric field screening?
What´s the electric field in the entire space generated by a uniform (but not constant) magnetic field?
Proca theory and renormalization
Calculate relativistic boost to COM frame from two arbitary velocities?
What would be likely to completely stop a subatomic particle assuming it was possible?
Why does thermal resistance go down as temperature goes up?
What new breakthrough energy technologies are close to being realized?
A Query on the Trapped Null Surface
Is QCD free from all divergences?
Is there something like the Poynting vector for hydraulic circuits?
Why is the energy density of the electric field produced by two unlike charges positive, even though their potential energy is negative?
de Sitter cosmological limit
Bifurcation of convection of fluid in container, when adding temperature
Properties of the photon: Electric and Magnetic field components
Why is the crystallography restriction obeyed?
thermal energy while calculating Langevin Forces
separation of variables
matter wave and wave function
What are quarks made of?
Difference between Steam and Fog / Mist
What is the extent of the universe?
Why does a curling rock curl?
Why are Markov chains better than naive algorithm for Random picking?
How does the curvature of spacetime induce gravitational attraction?
Intensity of Hawking radiation for different observers relative to a black hole
If the electron is point like, then what is the significance of the classical radius of the electron?
Is it possible to travel at precisely the speed of sound?
Is it intuitive that the conserved quantity from time symmetry is what we know as energy?
Metric tensor of coordinate transformation
Can I get anions by touching the negative electrode of a battery?
Which universe had a beginning? The universe or the observable universe?
Dirac equation as canonical quantization?
Does the measured mass of earth include that of the atmosphere?
How can there be a quantum field theory that predicts all particle masses?
Books that develop interest & critical thinking among high school students
Inhomogeneous Effective Mass in a 2D Lattice
How to prove that orthochronous Lorentz transformations $O^+(1,3)$ form a group?
Is there literature on a continuous mass spectrum for the Higgs field?
Extending Solutions To Hamilton's Equations to Whole Time Axis
Is C60 really the "most spherical" fullerene?
Is Bose-Einstein condensate a good example of a classical massive boson field?
If the universe were a fractal
Is it possible to separate the poles of a magnet?
Are there any quantities in the physical world that are inherently rational/algebraic?
How do I find work done by friction over a curve represented by a polynomial?
Why does cancellation of dots $\frac{\partial \dot{\mathbf{r}}_i}{\partial \dot{q}_j} = \frac{\partial \mathbf{r}_i}{\partial q_j}$ work?
How does radio receives signal from particular station?
How to calculate time evolution of a wave function in an 1D infinite square well potential?
Gravitation is not force?
Should linear algebra and vector calculus from traditional courses be replaced with `geometric algebra`?
Where do the choice of basis in QFT come from?
Kaluza Klein Particles and Mini Black Holes
On the Discretization of Energy Levels
Did Galileo offer an explanation why his law of falling bodies is independent of mass?
Can anyone clarify Brian Greene's relation of holographic parallel universes with Plato's cave/
Why does the weak force distinguish left and right handedness?
Reversing gravitational decoherence
Noether current for the Yang-Mills-Higgs Lagrangian
What's the meaning of the general solution and the particular solution in differential equations?
How do you weigh a box on a scale whose limit is too low?
uncertainty of fields with many harmonic modes
Lagrangian of two particles connected with a spring, free to rotate
How Did Newton's Second Law Get Its Definition?
Are there any theories or suggestions for how the multiverse came into existence?
Why do we think there are only three generations of fundamental particles?
Can conservation of energy be applied if trajectory is not smooth?
Is there an explanation for the 3:2:1 ratio between the electron, up and down quark electric charges?
Charge-less, Mass-less, Spin Fields
Degeneracy of Energy Levels for 2 identical particles in a One Dimensional box
Differential equation with periodic conditions
Does unitarity apply in between measurements?
Gamma-ray bursts: A supernova connection
Using supersymmetry outside high energy/particle physics
Solution to the quantum measurement problem?
Relation between water flow and pressure
Is the Schrödinger equation derived or postulated?
Fluid Mechanics from a variational principle
Worlds branching or diverging in Many-Worlds Interpretation?
Meaning of dimension in dimensional analysis
Puzzled by $\mathrm p = -i\hbar \nabla = m \dot{\mathrm r}$?
Other possible theories (other than string theory) which are generalizations of the standard model with incorporation of gravity
Do we really know which slit the photon passed through in Afshar's experiment?
Heuristics for specific heat capacities of solids
Do all massive bodies emit Hawking or Unruh radiation?
What is wrong in this representation of relative reference systems?
What are the limitations of the FLRW metric?
Why are geons unstable? Are there other problems with geons?
Is the number of wavelengths of light spanning a distance invariant with respect to spacetime distortion?
Could strings be geons?
Non-renormalizable corrections to GUT unification
Are the collected papers of A. Einstein, entirely translated into English?
Why does the air flow faster over the top of an airfoil?
curvature tensor component capable of doing work on $T_{\mu \nu}$
What does Brian Greene mean when he claims we wont be able to observe light from distant stars due to the universe's expansion?
What specifically are the measurements that correspond to fixing the infinite number of counterterms in quantum gravity?
Hall conductivity and edge response
In which of the above figures will the light bulb be glowing?
Does $E$ really equal $mc^2$?
What does transport equation represent in terms of physical quantities?
Why did they add a Centripetal Force in the Free-Body Diagram?
Operators Uncertainty
Kerr-Newman black holes and infinite charge
Spin decomposition in general
Electron model under Maxwell's theory
functional determinant and WKB approximation
Why does the gas get cold when I spray it?
Question about the parity of the ghost number operator in BRST quantization
How seriously do string theorists take the "landscape"
Characteristic length, characteristic time and complexity of the process
Will a ball thrown straight up in a train land in same spot (in real world)?
Is there more energy in the collapse of a cavitation bubble than the energy required to create the bubble in the first place?
Trajectories using Polar Coordinates
About an electrostatics integral and a delta-function kernel
Boiling water and salt
What is energy in string theory?
Could general relativity and gauge theories in principle be covered in one course?
Why not using cosmic rays to study HEP, since they are way more energetic than LHC?
Definition regarding percolation
Laplacian of $1/r^2$ (context: electromagnetism and Poisson equation)
limits on a gauss box of light
Huygens Principle and principal of rectilinear propagation of light
Axiomatic statistical mechanics
Could we prove that neutrinos have mass by measuring their gravitational signature?
Does gravitational differences affect the distance light travels? (a thought experiment)
How can tunneling be one-way?
What's the difference between constitutive laws and governing equations?
What is the physical meaning of the connection and the curvature tensor?
Euclidean Geometry in Classical Thought - Realization or Representation?
Depalma Free Energy fields
Have I discovered how to calculate the proton's mass using only integers?
Poisson's Equation
potential energy of an object due to other two objects
What is it that undulates in a particle?
Does friction decrease as objects move faster against each other?
Is the free energy bounded
How do I show that all Brillouin zones have the same volume?
critical density to create macroscopic nuggets of nuclear matter
What is the status of Mpemba effect investigations?
Shouldn't stars disappear from our view due to expansion?
Black hole complementarity
Proof that the One-Dimensional Simple Harmonic Oscillator is Non-Degenerate?
does AdS/CFT implies that there is an CFT in physical horizons?
Use of the mathematical concept 'function' in theoretical physics
Simple rotation of an atomic orbital wavefunction
Does Newtonian mechanics predict the bending of the course of light by objects with mass?
Integration of partition-function over many momentum variables
Is (rest) mass quantized?
Why is the energy density of gasoline so high?
Maxim Raykin's "solution to the measurement problem" using infinitely many derivatives
What will happen if we use a speed greater than light speed and find a body'motion and energy relative to it?
Macroscopic laws which haven't been derived from microscopic laws
why is there only one inertial frame that $ct$ and $x$ are orthogonal?
Can the big bang be "light turning into space" at the edge of the universe?
Is a photon "fixed in spacetime"?
Space expansion looking like time dilation
Are circularly defined {velocity, distance, and time} a problem in physics?
Simple friction formula for a car
What is a mass gap?
What areas of physics should a mathematician study to understand TQFT?
Use of escort distribution in nonextensive stat. mech
How is this classical "paradox" resolved in electromagnetism?
Find drag force on link of rotating chain
Non-linear dynamics of classical hydrogen atom
Are the limits to prediction by QM provable?
Why do some physicists believe that scalable quantum computing is possible?
How come random matrices can predict energy spectra of heavy atoms?
Is supercritical CO$_2$ a newtonian fluid?
Is there an accepted analogy/conceptual aid for the Higgs field?
Why Is String Theory Called A Theory
Do we have viscous force acting between two layers
How can super massive black holes have a lower density than water?
What is your simplest explanation of string theory?
Linearizing Quantum Operators
Study Quantum Physics
In Copenhagen, can this idea preserve locality for Bell inequalities?
What is a fluid flux?
Discreteness of Spacetime and Violation of Lorentz symmetry
Question about units in Lagrangian dynamics (inertia matrix)
Charges and Topology
Space expansion effect on wavelengths across two points in space
Question about SL(2,Z) duality of string theory/N=4 SYM
Hilbert of quantum gravity: bulk $\otimes$ horizon
Can the quartic oscillator Hamiltonian be made quadratic?
Gravitational lensing from an extended body Vs. a point mass
Renormalizing Chaos: Transition in a Logistic Map
Is there a thought experiment which brings to light the contradiction between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics?
How to implement Heun's method to solve a 2nd order ODE?
Reason for the Gaussian wave packet spreading
Can an object between two magnets reduce their attraction/repulsion?
How important are electromagnetic tidal effects in QFT? Can they be used to determine whether a particle is point-like?
Why does adding solutes to pure water lower the the specific heat?
Why is time-order invariant in timelike interval?
How does the Higgs mechanism work?
Thermodynamics of cooking rice
Why is time special?
Hypothetical very massive particles
Are Quantum Physics and statistical theory always the same as semiclassical approximations?
Does the dimensionality of phase space go up as the universe expands?
Which Axis of rotation?
A proton is trapped in an infinitely deep well of L meters. The proton is in the first excited state. How does the excited state change the question.
Effect of surface treatment on fair dice
Is the gravity we feel in our everyday life mainly curvature of the time coordinate?
Work done by the Magnetic Force
In dimensional analysis, why the dimensionless constant is usually of order 1?
Planck mass is about the mass of one eyebrow hair
What is / are the primary criticism(s) against Einstein-Cartan-Evans field theory?
Why is it wrong when I try to use Newton's Law?
Dyson Schwinger equation
Are matrices and second rank tensors the same thing?
Does the wavelength always decrease in a medium?
How do you choose the locations of forces when calculating moments?
What is the relation between (physicists) functional derivatives and Fréchet derivatives
Renormalization Group: Different fixed points
Partition function of an interacting gas
Why 2s state is lower in energy that 2p state in atoms?
Three-Dimensional Gravity
Lorentz engine to run a car?
Optical Tunneling
Does there exist a nonrelativistic physical system in which the effective long-distance fields violate spin/statistics?
Bell's theorem and why nonlocality is problematic
Why doesn't water come out of tap/faucet at high pressure when I turn it on?
Mathematical justification of Hartle-Hawking "no boundary" proposal
Can the universe be described by a Markov chain?
How to interpret the continuity conditions in the PDEs (for example, Maxwell equations) originated in physics?
At the molecular level, how is the pressure at the bottom of a lake higher than at the top?
Landau Mechanics: why does adding Lagrangians remove the indefiniteness of multiplying each Lagrangian by a different constant?
Do the particles that were found to break the speed of light really break Einstein's theory of relativity?
Quantum perpetual motion
Why a black hole sucks nearly everything, but emits gravitons?
Why is $\Delta x \Delta k \approx 1$ in any pulse?
Does an oscillating electrical monopole radiate?
What's the displacement between two opposite corners of a cube?
Is there a point interaction model of the electron?
How does one get the value of acceleration of gravitation on earth accurately by experiment without electronic device?
Can light exist in $2+1$ or $1+1$ spacetime dimensions?
Why must the excitation of closed strings in String Theory be spin-2?
Magnetic field in a cavity
How does nature prevent transient toroidal event horizons?
Tracking down the locality assumption in a CHSH inequality derivation
Electron Positron annihilation Feynman Diagram
How is explained the lower ionization potential for atoms compared to closed shell nobel atoms?
Einstein's equation: Black hole solution
Is Einstein's 1916 General Relativity paper a recommended way to start learning about the subject?
Is the energy coming from sun to earth completely sent back?
Why can I tell a flute from a trumpet?
Solutions of damped oscillator differential equation
Big Bang Anybody?
Electricity & Magnetism - Is an electric field infinite?
degree of freedom of a rigid body 5 or 6?
How is $\frac{dQ}{T}$ measure of randomness of system?
What is the difference between electric potential, potential difference (PD), voltage and electromotive force (EMF)?
Are we inside a black hole?
Readable books on advanced topics
Does diffraction contribute to the Black Drop effect?
Introduction to string theory
Would the north poles of two magnets repel each other if a weaker south pole was inserted between them?
Fundamental particles with spin > 1
Decoherence when no one is looking?
How do eigenstates of harmonic oscillators with different frequencies compare?
Definition of CFT
Does the inability to postselect to a given branch argue against MWI?
Could this fountain, under the right conditions, technically be able to lift me up?
In the classic viscosity definition, why does doubling the plate gap cause the force to halve (intuitive)?
Computing gravitational deflection of light knowing $\phi$ and $-\nabla \phi$?
Is there a measure of internal energy flow?
Is 4-velocity normalized to -1 even for non-geodesic timelike curves?
How does electricity flow in conductor when potential difference is applied?
Bubble formation
Interactions Between the poles of the same magnet
Does a spin-2 particle really return to its previous state after 180° rotation?
Conservation of momentum equation, how do I factor out v0Final and v1Final?
QFTs which are pure constraint
Is there any alternative theory that gets rid of gravitational waves, yet fits all data?
On Parallel Transport
Is the principle of least action a boundary value or initial condition problem?
Image charges, laplace equation and uniqueness theorem
determine temperature at which pita bread will expand in a toaster
Entropy of an empty universe
Is it Possible to have Adiabatic Processes other than $PV^\gamma$ for the ideal Gas?
The fine structure non-constant
Derivative of a Position Eigenket
A problem on fluid flow
Anti-gravity in an infinite lattice of point masses
Quantum systems with real structure
Using the covariant derivative to find force between 't Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopoles
Rotating/Translating Disk
Rock chips showing magnetic property?
Getting from $E^2 - p^2c^2 = m^2c^4$ to $E = \gamma mc^2$
Proof that Energy Momentum Tensor of Scalar Field Theory satisfies Weak Energy Condition
Conservation of energy in a non-linear oscillator
Why isn't V. A. Fabricant given the credit for the discovery of the laser?
The Impossibility ( or Possibility) of Solving $N$-Body Problem
Sine wave, $\pi$ and frequency
What is "surface fluid adhesion energy"?
What happens to a single quark in lattice QCD simulations?
How "to take" this integral?
Why does the density of states in a solid scale as $\sqrt{E}$?
Y Intercept of photoelectric effect graph?
Conservation of Energy in Special Relativity
Physical significane and context in which Dirac introduced the Dirac Delta function
Calculating capacitance of arbitrary plate shape and arrangement.
under what conditions happen the anti-Zeno effect?
Very basic question about QFT at finite density
Surface terms for path integrals in field theory?
What is difference between the miltary radar in 1940's from commercial antenna that is for the use of TV
Layman explanation for superconductivity?
How can a particle with no size have angular momentum?
is the Z boson one entity or are there as many entities as decay pairs, but they are equivalent and lumped together
Electrophorus: Why can't we use a magnet in substituion of a charged body to induce the polarization?
Wind's Sources and Drains (see live map!!)
In what subfields and how far can the naive limit $c\rightarrow\infty$ of special relativity be carried?
Use of Operators in Quantum Mechanics
Could the acceleration of universe expansion be caused by gravity itself?
How does a piece of paper manage to pump out the water from a bowl
Conservation of quantum Noether current
Duality and Fourier Transforms
Does the wave nature of a particle refer to the wave function?
The quantum state can be interpreted statistically, again
Energy non-conservation for time-dependent potentials
Why does a ball bounce?
What does $\textbf{f} = -\boldsymbol{\nabla} u$ mean in practice and how is it computed?
variations of Einstein equations with conversion between gravitational and non-gravitational energy
Violation of conservation of energy and potential energy between objects
decomposing forces
Usefullness of an only qualitative understanding of momentum?
Where is the critical moment where the microcanonical ensemble enters the justification for the equilibium state?
What is predicted to happen for electron beams in the Stern-Gerlach experiment?
black body and cosmic microwave background radiation
What are some interesting calculus of variation problems?
Conservation of angular momentum for a rigid body rotating about a fixed point
supressing certain decay paths and enhancing others with interference
Does the lack of modular nuclearity in string theory mean anything?
What's the classical limit of the pressure of the ultrarelativistic Bose gas
Euler equation of fluid dynamics
Is the universe finite or infinite?
Can cos(x) or sin(x) be the function of stationary action?
Why minibands are formed in superlattices?
Excitations implied by symmetries
Does conservation of momentum really imply Newton's third law?
Can there be black light? I mean is it possible to devise a machine that outputs darkness?
In the Niagara Falls, which factors prevent rise of T H2O falling a certain height?
Electro-gravitation - is it real?
Stronger than Newton's laws?
Magnets arranged in a sphere
A quantitative explanation of EM coherence domains in liquid with DNA
Doubts with levers
Can the lightning be captured and used as power source?
What is lambda R in Richardson's Law?
Is there any interacting quantum field theory of massless spin-1 fields expressed locally entirely in terms of F, with no vector potential?
Why are coordinates and velocities sufficient to completely determine the state and determine the subsequent motion of a mechanical system?
understanding why inversion cannot be accomplished by a rigid change
A different type of Gaussian Grassmann Integral
Spinors in more dimensions and new degeneracies?
Did Aristarchus take the radius of the Earth into account in calculating the distance to the Moon?
How does the inner core relieve stress as the Earth's rotation slows?
Why are the antimatter compositions of neutrons and protons different? Why by about 1%? References?
Open problems in special relativity, and non-inertial motion in flat-spacetime, or things that have been discovered recently
Average Neighbouring Impurity Separation in a Random 1D chain
Does light escape when I open my blinds?
Lepton Number Conservation
uncertainty principle of spin in (super)string theory
Speed Distribution of The Particles
Why don't cancelling wavefunctions for two different particles give zero total wavefunction?
Derivation of Bloch's theorem
Is there any good gauge-fixing prescription for discrete gauge symmetries?
What IS reflection?
Aharonov-Bohm vs de Witt
Proper notation when working with three Euclidean spatial coordinates in a setting with a time parameter
Quantum Mechanics by Dirac
Xray compression of secondary in hydrogen bomb
What characterizes a metallic sound, and why do metals have a metallic sound?
Upper critical dimension in field theory
Which subjects in physics should I choose if I want to help tackling today's energy and environment related problems?
Reconciling refraction with particle theory and wave theory
Why is the string theory graviton spin-2?
Does a coronal mass ejection change solar neutrino emission rates?
What is the generalization, if any, of the weak and dominant energy conditions to SUGRA?
Why are bubbles formed in the empty space of soda when turned upside down?
Field theory:functional derivative involving Fourier Transform
What is the electric potential at a point?
When does a function of an operator act in the same way as the operator?
The necessity of the B field
closure phase measurement in astronomy for vlbi technique?
Why is $c$ considered as the speed of the photons?
What evidence is there for the electroweak higgs mechanism?
How is there a connection between energy and information?
What is the speed for an object that travel close to the speed of light?
What is pure energy?
The quantized energy level E depends on which power of n?
Spontaneous emission and induced radiation
can Superconductivity be used to repel water?
Is the potential energy in a compressed spring a Lorentz invariant?
$sss$ decay and violation of strangeness
How to get distance when acceleration is not constant?
Applications of recoil principle in classical physics
Is a semi-Euclidean space possible?
Neutron decay and electron anti neutrino $n\to p + e + \bar{\nu}_e$
Again about all-win lottery
Tensions And Pulleys With Masses
Is Connes model a composite Higgs in disguise?
Why do electron-positron pair annihilate upon contact?
The two faces of $F = m*a$
Classical approach to Schwarzschild radius
Say we're driving a bike and suddenly hold the brakes?
Angular momentum of a rotating black hole
What exactly is a quantum of light?
Zero entropy change
How can quantum (Internet) network be possible?
Singularity-free stationary electro-vacuum solution
How to calculate the quantum expectation of frequency of a particle?
Hydrostatic friction: why do water droplets stay at rest on an inclined glass surface?
How to find out the compress happen when some force act on water/oil/air?
What causes an electric shock - Current or Voltage?
Open quantum systems and measuring devices
How Can We Measure The Mass Of Particle?
What equation of state is needed for liquid states?
dimensional analysis of Grassmann integration/differentiation
How to measure g using a metre stick and a ball
Can entanglement be used to decrease entropy of two systems?
frames of reference
Galilean transformations and Frenet Frame
Normalization of a spin-like quantity in matrix mechanics
Moving "virtual" singularity?
In a very small static universe with only a particle, does it make sense to talk about time?
Modeling falling spheres
Why is the central maximum the brightest?
How does Higgs field relate to Aether theories?
Is quantum Hall current density local? (${\bf j}({\bf r}) = \sigma_H {\bf \hat n \times E}({\bf r}) $)
Dirac paper quoted at Wikipedia
Why do joined massless springs, act like a rope under tension?
Is Mach's Principle Wrong?
Why you need a graviton when you have the higgs boson?
How does Higgs Boson get the rest mass?
Is there any significance to 1.21 GW?
Do neutron stars reflect light?
Is there such a thing as "North" in outerspace?
Minimum criteria for quantum state dissolution
String matrix models with c>1
What happened to David John Candlin?
Can hair be used as an dielectric?
Logical positivism and black hole interiors
Why do ice cubes come out easier from top trays?
What exactly is a kilogram-meter?
Heat in the car during sunny day
How many photons can an electron absorb and why?
Why do electrons around nucleus radiate light according to classical physics
$P=ρgh$ - intuitive understanding of the equation?
Quantum Fluctuations as a model for the Big Bang?
Which main physics journals publish the main types of physics papers?
Do gravitational waves slow down as they pass through matter?
Can I couple a chiral fermion to electrodynamics?
How does the speed of an incoming pitch affect the speed of a baseball after it's hit?
Could the contents of a bottle affect the surface temperature of that bottle?
Mobile "muonic hydrogen"
Do eye-glasses decrease the Depth of focus?
What type of substances allows the use of the Ideal Gas Law?
Will a black hole increase the speed of sound above the speed of light in this medium
Second law of thermodynamics and the arrow of time: why isn't time considered fundamental?
Why is a critical quantum system described by a conformal theory in one higher dimension of space?
Microsoft Excel not graphing $x = y^{1/2}$
What are some interesting coupled harmonic oscillators problems?
Why the color motion picture film appears as black?
Einstein's Mass-Energy Equivalence versus Quantum Kinetic Energy
Red shift and time distortion
How do I express the Kepler general orbit $r(\phi)$ in rectangular coordinates?
Does this relation about direction of particles make sense?
What's the right way to calculate charge on a capacitor?
Magnetic field inside a charged stream
Proving that the weak hypercharge gauge field is not A
Do Lorentz Boosts in the same direction form a group?
How could $\textbf{S}^2$ not be a multiple of the identity?
Can two spaceships go fast enough to pass straight through each other?
Behavior of shock waves at relativistic speeds
Some questions on observables in QM
The entropic cost of tying knots in polymers
What is a correct and simple definition of quantum physics?
Why does air remain a mixture?
What is the equation of the gravitational potential in general relativity?
Is it true that an isolated fundamental particle does not decay?
Can anyone estimate what proportion of water remains after I flush a toilet?
About $\phi^4$ model
"Slightly off-shell"?
Field due to current in a wire
Can double entanglement preserve correlations?
The Light Ray Bends Round!
How does Newtonian gravitation conflict with special relativity?
Quantum tunneling in Field theory with Time dependent potential
Can Laplace's equation be solved using Fourier transform instead of Fourier series?
Supermassive Black Holes = expansion origin?
How does one measure velocity in space?
Light vs neutrino speed comparison in a real tunnel
What is the history behind the factors of 3 in the classification of electromagnetic radiation?
what is wrong with the following argument about stokes law in compact universes?
Given a radius and velocity calculate position of an aircraft banking to make a turn in three dimensional space
Streamlines & Pathlines Problem
bound charges in materials
If a star were to suddenly dissapear, would it still have gravity?
Does Standard Model confirm that mass assigned by Higgs Mechanism creates gravitational field?
In quantum mechanics, given certain energy spectrum can one generate the corresponding potential?
Schwarzschild metric
what general physical arguments discredit induced emission of nuclei?
Two paths having the same phase in the path integral approach
Can a mechanical systems on hold be switched off, in another way than just letting it do it's thing?
How to recognize broken candies from whole ones
Derivation of the Lagrangian method using discretized time axis
what is it called: box potential with one infinite wall
What's the reason for the seasons?
Why water is not superfluid?
Is the Sun-set and the Sun-rise Symmetrical for the Observer?
Do we have control on what an electron transition emits: light or heat?
Does the anthropic principle entail the existence of a huge multiverse?
What does the differential of $d_s\sin(\theta) = m\lambda$ help us see, with respect to waves through diffraction gratings?
Question Based On Galileo's Law Of Falling Bodies
Is the classical Doopler Effect, for light shift, $1-v/c$, exact? What is it an approximation of?
Would synchronized dancing be a good way to describe entangled atoms to a laymen?
What is the difference between "kinematics" and "dynamics"?
What is the difference between angular speed and tangential speed in a circular motion?
Dimensional Analysis: Buckingham Pi Theorem Using a Matrix
Whether $m$ in $E=mc^{2}$ and $F=ma$ are both relativistic mass?
the difference between the operators between $\delta$ and $d$
Ideal gas in a vessel: kinetic energy of particles hitting the vessel's wall
What's the meaning of negative accuracy for measurements of physical quantities?
What is the physical meaning of the affine parameter for null geodesic?
Why is Higgs Boson given the name "The God Particle"?
Suggested reading for renormalization (not only in QFT)
Equivalent definitions of primary fields in CFT
Is Thirring model a particular case of Gross model?
What is a nonlinear field?
How can we know whether we are made of matter or antimatter?
How can I explain why the weak nuclear interaction between individual nucleons is 'weak'?
Will the water added to an ice piece freeze?
Is the Chern-Simons integral of gauge fields over black hole singularities zero?
Circular Motion Equation Derivation
What was meant by the 'ponderomotive force' as understood by Minkowski?
Books that every physicist should read
Derivative of the product of operators and Derivative of exponential
can we apply WKB method for curved space times
Effect of Charged Particles trapped in Magnetic Field on that Field
Does power from a resistor perform work or heat transfer?
Relation for Dirac-spinors of different helicities
The discontinuity of Electric Field
Will a photon emitted from something moving quickly have a shorter wavelength?
Where can I find a good classification for phase transitions?
Trying to understand the weak gravitational field metric (1)
Reduction of a sum to the first Brillouin zone in a band structure calculation
What theory is the person in this song talking about?
Equations of fluid dynamics and differential geometry
From the perspective of an observer inside a black hole's horizon, where does the energy for Hawking radiation come from?
Are proton, antiproton, electron, positron the only observed subatomic particles that can freely exist and don't decay, i.e. are stable?
Current Physical Applications of Elastic Fractals
Is there any way to produce food without sun, synthetically?
If a superconductor has zero resistance, does it have infinite amperage?