I believe the 9/11 plan theory that the attack on the WTC was organized by a single individual, working alone, in charge of the drills of that day. This is how you stage an attack, by changing a little detail in a drill.
The purpose was to gain personal power, through the fear that the attack would engender, and to further a pro-American policy drive. But since it was one person, you don't need a coherent motive.
I dont think it can be a single person. if it was, he would have been exposed easily by the entire unit not involved. I would say it was pulled off by a single group, a group in which the common element was psychopathy!
Perhaps, but it is not clear that the unit non involved didn't buy into the official explanation.
They may not have. But to have an official explanation you need "officials" and when they all cover up that one man's deeds, its sure many are involved.
But to participate in covering it up, you don't have to know the details, or what happened, you simply have to accept uncritically things handed down to you from a higher level of security clearance.
Do you seriously think no level curiosity arose from the participants? Just blindly followed one man from the top? Na, not possible. You need a hold in air force, aviation industry, politics, investigation centers, media what not.
You don't know how little you need, a few documents saying "CLASSIFIED: Bin Laden plans plane attack in the US, source: don't even ask it's so CLASSIFIED", you make about 3 of these, and the underlings will do the rest, because all of intelligence is rumors and innuendo, and is predicated on honesty at the highest levels of classification.
To get the investigators to go along, you arm-twist, threaten loss of funding, simple things, and kick out independent minded people.
The intelligence people are susceptible to group-think like any other group, and anyone who dissents is fired immediately, so it is even worse. You don't need conspiracy for this stuff, it happens even in fields where there is no conspiracy at all, like in physics, where people rejected Regge theory just because it was hard to learn, and made group-consensus against it. It doesn't require anything to make herds go along with anything officially decreed, this is what people at the top who organize such things know.
Ok, after all the discussion I would tend to agree it need very less people. But to say one man did it is little far fetched. One question, who according to you is that nut? :)
I don't want to open myself to liability, but you can figure it out by looking at who was in charge of the drills that day.