The facts do not fit.
THE AMERICAN FLIGHT LEFT FROM GATE 26 IN TERMINAL B, AND THE UNITED FLIGHT LEFT FROM GATE 19 IN TERMINAL C. One airport employee said nothing unusual was apparent when the American flight left, and airline workers learned almost simultaneously that there had been explosions at the World Trade Center and that air traffic control had lost contact with the American flight.
John Ogonowski parked his pickup truck in the employee parking lot at Logan and made the familiar stroll through Terminal B, past the Anthony's Pier 4 Lobster booth, the newsstands and the souvenir shops. HE WALKED TOWARD GATE 26, WHERE THE PLANE THAT WOULD BE DESIGNATED FLIGHT 11 HAD BEEN WAITING FOR HIM SINCE THE NGHT BEFORE. It was a Boeing 767, the widebodied workhorse of the American fleet, heavy with more than enough fuel for the 2,611-mile flight.
It was a typical late-summer morning in the terminal, filled with business travelers and families, cleaning crews and airline personnel. Two workers were missing from the security checkpoint; one had called in sick, and the other's absence was unexplained. This slowed movement through the metal detectors and X-ray machines. But that wasn't particularly unusual.
One of the last people to board was Atta, whose flight from Maine was indeed delayed. He narrowly made it, but two of his bags didn't. When they were opened later in the day, investigators found instructional videotapes for flying large aircraft, a fuel consumption calculator, a knife, some kind of flight plan or log, and a copy of the Koran.
Atta settled into seat 8D, in Business Class, alongside a fellow plotter, Abdulrahman Alomari, and across the aisle from a Hollywood producer, David Angell and his wife, Lynn.
An airport security employee said that one person in charge of screening passengers entering the United flight saw ''an Arab guy looking suspicious'' but did not report it because a colleague told her she was mistaken.
BOSTON (AP) — Federal authorities are investigating whether a man who toured the tower at Logan International Airport three days before Tuesday's terrorists attacks was one of the hijackers, the FAA confirmed Sunday.
The man, who showed a pilot's license and said he had family in Afghanistan, entered the tower unescorted, several hours after four men who appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent asked a controller how to gain access to the tower, The Boston Globe reported.
Foreign nationals usually need permission from an FAA regional office before being allowed into the tower, the controller told The Associated Press. The controller said he had not seen anyone matching the description of the hijackers in the tower. other occasions, some of the hijackers were seen videotaping crews on their flights. Other times, they asked for cockpit tours.
Two also rode in the cockpit of the planes of one national airline, said a pilot who requested anonymity. The practice, known as "jumpseating," allows certified airline pilots to use a spare seat in the cockpit when none is available in the passenger cabin. Airlines reciprocate to help pilots get home or to the city of their originating flight.
FBI and Justice Department officials have told the Globe they do not believe any of the hijackers were jumpseating on Sept. 11, but in the aftermath of the attack, the Federal Aviation Administration banned the practice unless a pilot works for the airline in whose cockpit he wants to ride.
Were those other pilots "code-share pilots"
The Herald is reporting that among the suspects are two brothers, one of whom was a trained pilot, whose passports were traced to the United Arab Emirates. At least two other suspects are believed to have arrived at Logan from Portland, Maine. AUTHORITIES BELIEVE THE SUSPECTS CROSSED OVER FROM CANADA ON TUESDAY MORNING. airport security employee said that one person in charge of screening passengers entering the United flight saw ''an Arab guy looking suspicious'' but did not report it because a colleague told her she was mistaken.
Note: Due to the lack of a US Customs and Immigration facility in Halifax, customers arriving on direct flights from Halifax to Boston will be bused from Terminal C to Terminal E for customs clearance and baggage pick-up. felt sick to my stomach. It would be more than an hour before we received word that the flight had landed safely in Cleveland. But that was little comfort, because we knew by then that American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles had been hijacked and rammed into the first WTC tower. A flight attendant, Madeline Amy Sweeney, had called the airline's control center at Logan and described the horrifying scene unfolding at the front of the plane. For the first time, I heard about box cutters, the weapon that would start a war.
While we were trying to grasp the coldblooded murder of 92 passengers and crew on Flight 11, the changing story of United Airlines Flight 175, another LA-bound flight out of Boston, unfolded. At first we were told that it was the second plane involved in the New York attacks. Then we were told that an American Airlines plane out of Washington's Dulles International Airport had crashed into the trade center tower, and United 175 was safely on the ground. I winced at the effect this uncertainty must be having on passengers' families. Meanwhile, I passed the contradictory information on to the governor's office and the mayor's office.
The next night, (September 19,2001) we experienced another surreal moment: the bin Laden family airlift. My staff was told that a private jet was arriving at Logan from Saudi Arabia to pick up 14 members of Osama bin Laden's family living in the Boston area. "Does the FBI know?" staffers wondered. "Does the State Department know? Why are they letting these people go? Have they questioned them?" This was ridiculous. But our power to stop their arrival or departure was limited. Under federal law, an airport operator is not allowed to restrict the movement of an individual flight or a class of aircraft without going through a byzantine regulatory process that had, to date, never succeeded. So bravado would have to do in the place of true authority. Kinton said: "Tell the tower that plane is not coming in here until somebody in Washington tells us it's OK." He then repeatedly called the FBI and the State Department throughout the night. Each time the answer was the same: "Let them leave." On September 19, under the cover of darkness, they did.
As each day brought more news accounts of security checkpoint problems, the media frenzy built. We spent a lot of time trying to separate fact from rumor. It was widely reported that a Logan ramp pass had been found in one of the terrorists' cars. A Chicago newspaper said another hijacking out of Logan was thwarted, CITING A FLIGHT NUMBER THAT DIDN'T EXIST. Yet another story reported locally said that a pilot "described as Middle Eastern" had been given a tour of the Logan tower just days before the hijackings. The first two stories turned out to be baseless, the other misinterpreted, but the perception of an airport out of control was growing. (page 5)
RH has asked:
If gate 26 was the usual departure gate for the other destination, the route to LA, would it not then make sense for a switch to be made, to use gate 32 as the departure gate on this particular occassion?
That would mean that
Look at the map: (except int’l arrivals) is based in Terminal B,
except for
American Airlines International Arrivals
which are ALL in Terminal E
together with US Immigration.
Please also recall that airports,
unlike car parks,
work on a very tight schedule.
The planes must be checked and refueled and loaded with passengers and cargo, and then cleared for takeoff on an available runway according to the flight-plan filed with the FAA.
This means that if a plane is NOT where it is supposed to be, then EVERYONE has a headache.
It took quite some time after the ground stop of September 11, for the WORLDWIDE aircraft fleet to get back on track.
A commercial plane CANNOT simply just take-off or land any old time it wants to.
Furthermore, the gate that it pulls up to has to belong either to itself, or to one of it's code-share partners - who has agreed to make said gate available to said airline and said flight at said time.
A commerical plane - in the USA - CANNOT just switch gates any old time it wants to.
In addition to this, federal employees will not allow a plane
- and they ALL must file flight plans prior to take-off -
to leave unless and until they have determined that it can land without issue. And the US airport is NOT aboout to breach their agreements with the airlines just to accomodate some gate-hopping pilot.
Furthermore, ALL the code-share anti-trust agreements specify that code-share partners CANNOT switch planes with each other.
In other words, if Air Canada is the code-share partner supposed to fly you into Vancouver, then that is it. Qantas CANNOT just put one of their planes on that route for today. If Air Canada has a pilot strike, then that is just too darn bad. Enjoy your stop-over wherever it that you are stranded. The other code-share partners are FORBIDDEN to fly Air Canada's routes. That is the whole point of code-share -everyone has their own "turf."
RH, old boy,
within the United States,
it is VERY difficult to see a case in which a plane would be able to simply just wander up to the nearest gate and let passengers get on or off at will.
The "turf" at Logan Airport has a SPECIFIC OWNER and that specific owner did NOT use THAT GATE for THEIR OWN FLIGHT at that that particular time.
So who did?
And under what authority?
And what happened to the passengers, if any?
Note that if you don't show up at the gate 15 minutes before departure, the airline can involuntarily bump you and not owe you anything. the airplane should crash and you die, the airline won't have your real name (which can affect life insurance policies), and this is just plain unethical. Moreover, your legal rights are extended only to the person named on the ticket (or their estate), so in the event of a loss or claim against the carrier, you will have no legal recourse whatsoever. a per passenger fatality liability cost of US$3 million and hull values of up to US$150 million per wide-body, a single major event could cost several billion or many times the worldwide annual premium. until now the insurance industry had not considered a terrorist attack likely enough to require an exclusion clause in its policies as standard. Even where such a clause had been included, the policy price was not high enough to cover the cost of claims leaving insurers with little choice but to pay out from their reserves, raising fears they could run into financial difficulties.
As a result, the US industry wants the Bush government to protect it from any future claims and has modeled its proposal on the Pool Re system built in Britain 10 years ago after IRA attacks in the City.
The system puts all the liabilities on the government for insurance claims following acts of terrorism.
But it emerged yesterday that the Bush administration may be offering the industry another option which would only run until 2004. Under the plan, which is still being constructed, the government would share the cost on an upwardly rising scale depending on the size of the claims.
It is thought that the US is discussing financing 80% of any claims of less than $20bn and 90% of any higher claims. Under this, its responsibility would end entirely in 2004.,1300,575551,00.htmlThis notion has been especially raised with regard to United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11 which crashed into the World Trade Center towers. These carriers have been sued by most plaintiffs -- American, United and US Airways -- because they cleared two hijackers through security in Portland, Maine to board a Colgan Air flight to Boston, Logan. Colgan Air is a US Airways code-share partner. September 2003, US Airways has placed its code on more than 1,600 United flights operating to over 80 cities, and United is code sharing on nearly 1,300 US Airways flights to over 90 destinations. Other phases continue to be implemented, adding new destinations for customers of both carriers. has been widely reported that each of the hijacked flights had insurance coverage of at least 1½ billion dollars. Each flight had several policies. (See the lists.) Part of this insurance is specifically reserved for the passengers’ benefits.
In point of fact, United Airlines filed for bankruptcy in Chicago on December 9, 2002 without having paid one dime in actual claims to September 11 victims.
US Airways filed for bankruptcy in Alexandria, Virginia on August 11, 2002 without having paid one dime to September 11 victims.
American Airlines (after its smaller insurance policies on Flights 11 and 77 paid out $28,735.63 and $42,372.88, respectively) has also been considering bankruptcy.
These two airlines’ bankruptcies and American’s financial plight, have been brought about, not by any September 11 victim’s lawsuit, but by the arguably excessive salaries and "bonuses" paid to its management for poorly managing the airlines and for helping to bring about the large downturn in air travel by having failed to protect their passengers from hijacking and sabotage as the law required. And this in spite of both United and American having received their share of the 10 billion dollars of taxpayer money paid to airlines in the above "bailout bill." The U.S. Congress is currently considering additional bailout bills. is why code-share is so very important.
Thursday, June 14, 2001
McGee has said if the Bush administration succeeds in cutting the air service subsidies, Colgan Air would end flights to and from Augusta. The airline runs four round trips each weekday to Boston.
Altogether, about 80 rural airports take advantage of the air service subsidies, which started about 20 years ago when the airline industry was deregulated. At the time, members of Congress were concerned that airlines would abandon small airports without financial assistance because operating profits would be slim or nonexistent.
October 30, 2003
A 19-seat propeller plane operated by US Air Express had flown from Knox County Regional Airport to Boston's Logan International Airport and discharged its passengers Tuesday afternoon when a new flight crew began inspecting the cabin.
The crew found a retractable-blade utility knife in a seatback pocket and a single-edged razor blade under a seat a few rows away, according to the Transportation Security Administration. change. Things stay the same.
Colgan Air operates leased Saabs,
and we know for a fact that it was at Logan Airport on September 11, 2001. Colgan Air Logan Check In:
See US Airlines Express- Terminal B is a transcript of the radio communications of American Airlines Flight 11 (AAL11) and United Air Lines Flight 175, which took off from Logan International Airport in Boston and then were crashed into the World Trade Center. The transcripts were obtained by The New York Times.
7:45:48 -- Ground Control 1: American eleven heavy boston ground gate thirty two you're going to wait for a Saab to go by then push back.
7:45:58 -- AAL11: After the Saab cleared to push, and we're gonna need four right today, American eleven heavy.
7:46:09 -- Ground Control 1: American eleven heavy uh understand you need alpha roger. Push back after the Saab is approved.
Whose Saab was that?
Surely those two guys did NOT miss their flight.
The suspected ringleader of last week's terrorist assault came close to missing his American Airlines flight out of Boston and showed up at the gate perspiring, says an American Airlines employee at Logan International Airport.
The gate agent who checked in Mohamed Atta and gave him his boarding pass told the FBI that she remembers him showing up for Flight 11 late, his face covered with sweat, the source says.
"The girl that checked Atta said he was sweating bullets, that he was running late," the employee said. "His forehead was drenched."
Atta, 33, then rushed to the security checkpoint and down the concourse – about a five-minute jog – to the gate, where he showed up perspiring, the source says. HE SHOWED UP ALONE, THE FOUR OTHER TERRORISTS HAVING CHECKED IN EARLIER.
Flight 11 left the gate at 7:45 a.m. It hit the north tower of the World Trade Center at 8:48 a.m. did Abdulaziz Alomari get checked in BEFORE Atta?
Do tell.